The level of conspiracy and paranoia about heat on this forum is hysterical

Do your part and sell your car and appliances. DO IT!
This heat wave couldn't be the result of a solar storm that is currently active could it? Hmmmm. I wonder if they've outlawed all the carbon producers on the sun.
Do you have some science that's NOT in quotation marks? Could we see it?
"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." Joe Biden, July 2021. Follow the "science." These are the sky-is-falling prevaricators that you use to promote your agenda. I use the science that has been mainstream throughout my lifetime--you know, there are only two genders. Men cannot get pregnant. Weather is cyclical and we've had these cooling and heating cycles numerous times in the history of this planet. But you keep following that "science" that you're betting the farm on--your perpetual fear will sustain you.
"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." Joe Biden, July 2021.
I've had the six vaccinations and boosters as has my wife. My children have had all the shots they're allowed, not being senior citizens. None of us have caught COVID. So Joe's fine with me. However, I asked for science. Joe isn't a scientist.
Follow the "science."
I have been. You have not.
These are the sky-is-falling prevaricators that you use to promote your agenda.
Who is? Joe Biden? Hardly.
I use the science that has been mainstream throughout my lifetime
You are not.
--you know, there are only two genders.
Human babies have been born with varying levels of indeterminant gender since the species first appeared. Homosexuality is a biological trait. Perhaps when you talk about mainstream science throughout your lifetime you're referring to the state of science when you were born because you seem to be ignoring a number of developments made in the last 50 years or so.
Men cannot get pregnant.
I have seen that statement before. What I haven't seen is anyone claiming they can.
Weather is cyclical
Weather is a combination of a great many processes, some of which are cyclical, some are aperiodic and some are chaotic. Global warming is a process affecting the entire Earth's climate. I will assume you understand the difference between weather and climate.
and we've had these cooling and heating cycles numerous times in the history of this planet.
We (humans) have NEVER experienced CO2 levels, the current rate of CO2 increase or the current rate of temperature increase as great as they are this very day. What happened to the dinosaurs or the cretaceous fauna hundreds of millions of years ago is not particularly relevant if your concern is what's going to happen to modern humans and their civilization as temperatures rise at rates far beyond our capacity to adapt.
But you keep following that "science" that you're betting the farm on--your perpetual fear will sustain you.
I do not need your encouragement to keep following the science. You do.
I've had the six vaccinations and boosters as has my wife. My children have had all the shots they're allowed, not being senior citizens. None of us have caught COVID. So Joe's fine with me. However, I asked for science. Joe isn't a scientist.
Good for you. My family has had two variants. We are all alive, healthy and well without an unknown substance in our bodies. BTW, the vax does not prevent infection or spread (that IS science.) Nope, Joe isn't a scientist--and as is very clear at this point, the guy he followed, Dr. Hahaha Fauci isn't either.
weather and climate.
Sure, weather affects climate and there is nothing humans can do to affect either. But you keep on spouting about your 140 years of records as they relate to the millions of years of the earth's history. Your own arrogance notwithstanding.
concern is what's going to happen to modern humans and their civilization as temperatures rise at rates far beyond our rates of adaptation..
Thanks for making my point. Why are you getting your panties in a twist about something that you have had nor do you have any hope or possibility of affecting. Your panic porn is akin to Chicken Little. Can you say, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" At the end of the day, when humans are gone, you won't be able to say, "I told you so." It is like telling people the sun is hot and water is wet.
I've had the six vaccinations and boosters as has my wife. My children have had all the shots they're allowed, not being senior citizens. None of us have caught COVID. So Joe's fine with me. However, I asked for science. Joe isn't a scientist.

I have been. You have not.

Who is? Joe Biden? Hardly.

You are not.

Human babies have been born with varying levels of indeterminant gender since the species first appeared. Homosexuality is a biological trait. Perhaps when you talk about mainstream science throughout your lifetime you're referring to the state of science when you were born because you seem to be ignoring a number of developments made in the last 50 years or so.

I have seen that statement before. What I haven't seen is anyone claiming they can.

Weather is a combination of a great many processes, some of which are cyclical, some are aperiodic and some are chaotic. Global warming is a process affecting the entire Earth's climate. I will assume you understand the difference between weather and climate.

We (humans) have NEVER experienced CO2 levels, the current rate of CO2 increase or the current rate of temperature increase as great as they are this very day. What happened to the dinosaurs or the cretaceous fauna hundreds of millions of years ago is not particularly relevant if your concern is what's going to happen to modern humans and their civilization as temperatures rise at rates far beyond our capacity to adapt.

I do not need your encouragement to keep following the science. You do.

COVID wasn't shit. I'm 73 years old, smoke a pack of 100mm Marlboros a day, and am on two inhalers for COPD. I had it in 2020 and it was a like a mild two-day case of the flu. My wife also had it, and got over it in one week.

Neither one of us has been vaccinated, nor do we intend to be. Throughout the entire pandemic, we never wore masks, we went to hundreds of garage sales, estate sales, gun shows, auctions, stores, restaurants, and other places.

Yeah, "follow the science." :laughing0301:
Good for you. My family has had two variants. We are all alive, healthy and well without an unknown substance in our bodies.
You mean you've been infected by two variants. I'd be a lot more worried about that in my body than vaccines. Vaccines don't propagate and aren't transmissable. And I find it hard to believe that the cerebral inflammation and brain fog COVID causes doesn't involve some permanent neurological harm.
BTW, the vax does not prevent infection or spread (that IS science.)
Of course it does. It's just not perfect at it. The infection rates for vaccinated and non-vaccinated people are dramatically different.
Nope, Joe isn't a scientist--and as is very clear at this point, the guy he followed, Dr. Hahaha Fauci isn't either.
Fuck you on that. Millions of people owe their very lives to that man. Trump convincing his fans that Fauci was a villain is about the most despicably scurrilous bullshit I've ever seen.
Sure, weather affects climate and there is nothing humans can do to affect either.
Weather doesn't "affect" climate. Climate is simply long term weather trends. And humans can affect both, but not simply or easily. Unchecked consumption of fossil fuels for over a century have raised Earth's temperatures a degree and a half or so. To most laymen, that's nothing.
But you keep on spouting about your 140 years of records as they relate to the millions of years of the earth's history. Your own arrogance notwithstanding.
Human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the warming observed over the last 150 years. That point has achieved indisputably.
Thanks for making my point. Why are you getting your panties in a twist about something that you have had nor do you have any hope or possibility of affecting. Your panic porn is akin to Chicken Little. Can you say, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" At the end of the day, when humans are gone, you won't be able to say, "I told you so." It is like telling people the sun is hot and water is wet.
I have children and one grandchild so far. I'm concerned about them and you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
You mean you've been infected by two variants.G
Semantic police. KMA. And wonder of wonders, I am supposed to put any credence in someone who is basing their expertise on the subject on the word of Anthony Fauci, a proven liar in regard to the very subject you are pretending to know. BTW, I am glad that you and your family are not one of the many that were adversely affected by the vax.
Climate is simply long term weather trends.
Disagreeing and paraphrasing what I posted is not doing your point any service either.
Unchecked consumption of fossil fuels for over a century have raised Earth's temperatures a degree and a half or so.
This is based on 140 years of records and is such a small sample as to be insignificant.
That point has achieved indisputably.
???? ^^^^ Glass Houses, dude. You have tried to put yourself up as an expert and that has been a gross failure in both science and grammar.
you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
You are trolling and for that you get a run along. Have a nice life, lemming.
Semantic police. KMA.
I was simply wondering what you meant. Your phrasing was unclear.
And wonder of wonders, I am supposed to put any credence in someone who is basing their expertise on the subject on the word of Anthony Fauci, a proven liar in regard to the very subject you are pretending to know.
I never made any claims of knowledge about COVID. I simply trust doctors advice about medical issues FAR more than anonymous strangers on the internet telling me unbelievable stories.
BTW, I am glad that you and your family are not one of the many that were adversely affected by the vax.
The number of people adversely affected by COVID vaccines was minute. I'm glad that no one in your family died as a few of my friends have done who caught the disease before the vaccine was available.
Disagreeing and paraphrasing what I posted is not doing your point any service either.
If you think I have misrepresented your statements, you have my apologies. Where?
This is based on 140 years of records and is such a small sample as to be insignificant.
Small sample? Are you suggesting that 140 years is inadequate time to detect a global warming trend? Do you think the data sample is inadequate for statistical accuracy?
???? ^^^^ Glass Houses, dude. You have tried to put yourself up as an expert and that has been a gross failure in both science and grammar.
I have been quite clear all along about what my personal qualifications are. The information I post here is mainstream science from linked sources including the material that I pull from my head.
You are trolling and for that you get a run along. Have a nice life, lemming.
If you think I am trolling, report it to management. If you find it too offensive, you are free to put me on ignore.
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I was just noticing yesterday what incredibly lovely weather we were having ... must be shit in the rest of the United States ...

My predictrion is people bitching about the heat will be bitching about the cold in six months ... bitches all ...

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