The Liar in Chief tried to install his loyalist at the top of the DOJ


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting AG Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting Attorney General

So the Liar in Chief tried to replicate Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre shortly before the EC vote was certified in Congress. The man must have been near desperation to attempt such a brazen move. Only to send his mob to the Capitol a few days later.

Democrats need to call Clark before them along with all those involved in another Coup Attempt.
Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting AG Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting Attorney General

So the Liar in Chief tried to replicate Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre shortly before the EC vote was certified in Congress. The man must have been near desperation to attempt such a brazen move. Only to send his mob to the Capitol a few days later.

Democrats need to call Clark before them along with all those involved in another Coup Attempt.

Yet more lies from the fake news. Give it up clown boi. no one with a brain believes your bullshit any longer.
Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting AG Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting Attorney General

So the Liar in Chief tried to replicate Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre shortly before the EC vote was certified in Congress. The man must have been near desperation to attempt such a brazen move. Only to send his mob to the Capitol a few days later.

Democrats need to call Clark before them along with all those involved in another Coup Attempt.
1. NYTimes - hahahahahahhahaahhaah
2. there's no proof of any wrong doing --just like the Russian Collusion crap
3. which makes YOU the liar
Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting AG Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting Attorney General

So the Liar in Chief tried to replicate Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre shortly before the EC vote was certified in Congress. The man must have been near desperation to attempt such a brazen move. Only to send his mob to the Capitol a few days later.

Democrats need to call Clark before them along with all those involved in another Coup Attempt.

Yet more lies from the fake news. Give it up clown boi. no one with a brain believes your bullshit any longer.

The Dems will investigate this and I hope all those part of the plan are held to account.
Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting AG Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting Attorney General

So the Liar in Chief tried to replicate Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre shortly before the EC vote was certified in Congress. The man must have been near desperation to attempt such a brazen move. Only to send his mob to the Capitol a few days later.

Democrats need to call Clark before them along with all those involved in another Coup Attempt.

Yet more lies from the fake news. Give it up clown boi. no one with a brain believes your bullshit any longer.
Oh please. This is widely known and easily verified.

tRump made multiple coup attempts. He's a criminal. Get used to it.
TDS much? He's gone, like your black baby jesus.
says the cult member that is praying that the Liar in Chief runs again in 2024....and still holds to the Big Lie that there was massive voter fraud.
No surprise, of course. A panicky sociopath will do pretty much anything to save their ass.
No surprise, of course. A panicky sociopath will do pretty much anything to save their ass.
More reason to make every effort to keep this Authoritarian Wannabe away from any position of power in the future. He and his cult present a clear and present danger to the country and the world.
No surprise, of course. A panicky sociopath will do pretty much anything to save their ass.
More reason to make sure he never is given a position of authority again. He is a cancer on Democracy and the World.

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