The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I don't see conservatives "upholding the U.S. Constitution" for ALL Americans. Only for white conservative christians. Which isn't upholding it at all! It is perverting it.
Then you see only what you want to see and not what is real. Conservatives don’t say that only “whites” can carry a firearm. They insist that all citizens can carry a firearm. Conservatives don’t say that only “whites” have a right to free speech. They insist that all citizens have a right to free speech.
Yes, so?
I don't see conservatives "upholding the U.S. Constitution" for ALL Americans. Only for white conservative christians. Which isn't upholding it at all! It is perverting it.
Then you see only what you want to see and not what is real. Conservatives don’t say that only “whites” can carry a firearm. They insist that all citizens can carry a firearm. Conservatives don’t say that only “whites” have a right to free speech. They insist that all citizens have a right to free speech.
Yes, so?
So it proves you're WRONG as usual.
I don't see conservatives "upholding the U.S. Constitution" for ALL Americans. Only for white conservative christians. Which isn't upholding it at all! It is perverting it.
Then you see only what you want to see and not what is real. Conservatives don’t say that only “whites” can carry a firearm. They insist that all citizens can carry a firearm. Conservatives don’t say that only “whites” have a right to free speech. They insist that all citizens have a right to free speech.
Yes, so?
So it proves you're WRONG as usual.

I agree with conservatives and am wrong?

Merry Xmas to you too darlin
The left has become more radicalized with each passing year...
The left officially has become the largest hate group in U.S. history. … The ‘left’ comprises about 25 percent of the population, and all people who do not support their (often radical) views are harassed, intimidated, and excluded,” writes Anthony Alafero.
President Trump should properly label Antifa as the hate group / terrorist group that they are and bring the full resources of the federal government against them. They illegally shut down streets and highways. They vandalize property. They assault people.

We Hear You: How to 'Wield the Most Effective Weapon Against Tyranny'
The left refuses to accept that We the People have spoken...
Thanks to the left’s control of the House of Representatives and the news media, Americans will be kept in a fevered state throughout 2019—with innumerable hearings, exposes, criminal investigations, and possible indictments of those around the president and the president himself. Truth will not be the point. Defamation will. Anything that might muddy the president, no matter how spurious, no matter how thin the evidence, will be pursued with gusto. The media will drop “bombshell” after “bombshell.” If lives and careers are ruined, so much the better; no one should be associating with this president anyway, as far as the left is concerned.
Fascists cannot tolerate opposition or deviation from their ideology.

The Left Will Make 2019 a Dark Year
The left has become more radicalized with each passing year...
The left officially has become the largest hate group in U.S. history. … The ‘left’ comprises about 25 percent of the population, and all people who do not support their (often radical) views are harassed, intimidated, and excluded,” writes Anthony Alafero.
President Trump should properly label Antifa as the hate group / terrorist group that they are and bring the full resources of the federal government against them. They illegally shut down streets and highways. They vandalize property. They assault people.

We Hear You: How to 'Wield the Most Effective Weapon Against Tyranny'

Antifa does no more harm than police do when police shut down streets, vandalize property with illegal breaking and entering, and they not only assault people, but shoot them.

The reality is that it is the government that is committing most of the crimes these days, like waterboarding, renditions, invading Iraq, fraudulent taxation, the war on drugs, the largest % imprisoned in the world, preventing fair nominations and elections, etc.
So Antifa is more than warranted.
They are the true heros who attempt to fix the republic, without pay.
The left has become more radicalized with each passing year...
The left officially has become the largest hate group in U.S. history. … The ‘left’ comprises about 25 percent of the population, and all people who do not support their (often radical) views are harassed, intimidated, and excluded,” writes Anthony Alafero.
President Trump should properly label Antifa as the hate group / terrorist group that they are and bring the full resources of the federal government against them. They illegally shut down streets and highways. They vandalize property. They assault people.

We Hear You: How to 'Wield the Most Effective Weapon Against Tyranny'

So after Soros under RICO for financing them.
The left has become more radicalized with each passing year...
The left officially has become the largest hate group in U.S. history. … The ‘left’ comprises about 25 percent of the population, and all people who do not support their (often radical) views are harassed, intimidated, and excluded,” writes Anthony Alafero.
President Trump should properly label Antifa as the hate group / terrorist group that they are and bring the full resources of the federal government against them. They illegally shut down streets and highways. They vandalize property. They assault people.

We Hear You: How to 'Wield the Most Effective Weapon Against Tyranny'
Surprise surprise, nut case far right daily signal.
Info wars and breitbart next
The left has become more radicalized with each passing year...
The left officially has become the largest hate group in U.S. history. … The ‘left’ comprises about 25 percent of the population, and all people who do not support their (often radical) views are harassed, intimidated, and excluded,” writes Anthony Alafero.
President Trump should properly label Antifa as the hate group / terrorist group that they are and bring the full resources of the federal government against them. They illegally shut down streets and highways. They vandalize property. They assault people.

We Hear You: How to 'Wield the Most Effective Weapon Against Tyranny'
Surprise surprise, nut case far right daily signal.
Standard wing-nut response. When you can't dispute the message, attack the messenger!

The best part? You literally have NO idea what the Daily Signal is. None. You'll Google it now and try to pretend like you did. But your response here makes it clear that you don't.
Surprise surprise, nut case far right daily signal. Info wars and breitbart next
Here's a challenge for you ph3iron : provide us with a sound example where Breitbart was unreliable. Not InfoWars. Breitbart. And not some Op-Ed from some idiot at

If Breitbart got a story wrong, you will have zero problems proving that. Don't worry snowflake, I don't blame you for refusing the challenge. We all know it can't be done. Breitbart's journalistic integrity is unmatched by anyone other than The Blaze.
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
Snowflake...why are you going back to this “argument” when it already defeated your own position? You claim that the General Welfare clause grants the federal government the unlimited power to act - so long as they deem it is in the “general welfare” of the American people. Well, they have deemed that protecting the American people through warfare is in the “general welfare” of the American people.

You can’t claim “x” is true while simultaneously claiming that “x” is not true. You’re not terribly bright and that has been exposed by the fact that you contradict your own positions.
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
Snowflake...why are you going back to this “argument” when it already defeated your own position? You claim that the General Welfare clause grants the federal government the unlimited power to act - so long as they deem it is in the “general welfare” of the American people. Well, they have deemed that protecting the American people through warfare is in the “general welfare” of the American people.

You can’t claim “x” is true while simultaneously claiming that “x” is not true. You’re not terribly bright and that has been exposed by the fact that you contradict your own positions.
The right never gets it; hearsay and soothsay is all they know.

Our welfare clause is general. We don't have general warfare clause.
Hundreds of millions around the world have woken up to the reality that is the left-wing ideology...
Because let’s face it, for all their talk against colonialism, today’s left has never been great at the live-and-let-live attitude. Instead, they’ve regularly pushed their agenda in schools, in red states, and through the courts and a host of other aggressive stratagems.
The left will cannot stomach liberty and will not tolerate any deviance from their bat-shit crazy ideology.

John Allen Chau's Crime Was Wanting to Promote 'Wrong' Beliefs
Our welfare clause is general. We don't have general warfare clause.
Yep. And those elected into power have deemed it in the "general welfare" of the American people to engage in "general warfare". Congratulations - you've managed to defeat your own argument yet again.
our Constitution is express not implied. thanks for clarifying the completely different strategies required.
Our welfare clause is general. We don't have general warfare clause.
Yep. And those elected into power have deemed it in the "general welfare" of the American people to engage in "general warfare". Congratulations - you've managed to defeat your own argument yet again.
our Constitution is express not implied. thanks for clarifying the completely different strategies required.

The Constitution limits the government's power, it doesn't grant power.
Our welfare clause is general. We don't have general warfare clause.
Yep. And those elected into power have deemed it in the "general welfare" of the American people to engage in "general warfare". Congratulations - you've managed to defeat your own argument yet again.
our Constitution is express not implied. thanks for clarifying the completely different strategies required.

The Constitution limits the government's power, it doesn't grant power.
Our Constitution delegates express powers to Government.
Our welfare clause is general. We don't have general warfare clause.
Yep. And those elected into power have deemed it in the "general welfare" of the American people to engage in "general warfare". Congratulations - you've managed to defeat your own argument yet again.
our Constitution is express not implied. thanks for clarifying the completely different strategies required.

The Constitution limits the government's power, it doesn't grant power.
Our Constitution delegates express powers to Government.

And limits them.

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