The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The Democrats want the country flooded with Illegal Aliens, and Muslim Refugees. Why? To get enough votes for one party, Democrat rule they have to Fundamentally Transform America to be a different country, especially Demographically with people that have DIFFERENT VALUES than most Americans.

It worked in California, and that's exactly what they want to do to the rest of the country.
Our welfare clause is general. We don't have general warfare clause.
Yep. And those elected into power have deemed it in the "general welfare" of the American people to engage in "general warfare". Congratulations - you've managed to defeat your own argument yet again.
our Constitution is express not implied. thanks for clarifying the completely different strategies required.

The Constitution limits the government's power, it doesn't grant power.
Our Constitution delegates express powers to Government.

And limits them.
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause or a common offense clause or a wall building clause.
The Democrats want the country flooded with Illegal Aliens, and Muslim Refugees. Why? To get enough votes for one party, Democrat rule they have to Fundamentally Transform America to be a different country, especially Demographically with people that have DIFFERENT VALUES than most Americans.

It worked in California, and that's exactly what they want to do to the rest of the country.
abolish your socialist wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they have nothing to do with capitalism.
abolish your socialist wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they have nothing to do with capitalism.

They're not MY wars, I am AGAINST ALL OF THEM. I think ALL drugs should be legalized. However, we do need laws, and law enforcement for violent crime, and secure borders.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

Facism is the logical extension of right wing extremism, where intolerance is encouraged. For example, giving people the right to discriminate against gays on the grounds of religion, is facism. Gay rights apply to all businesses. If your religion requires you discriminate against other people, you need to get out of the business of serving the public.

One of the hallmarks of facism is that it allows and even encourages the scape goating of segments of the population as deviant, immoral, corrupt or dangerous. Discrimination against gays is one step away from doing them physical harm.
Fascism is the extension of the Totalitarian LEFT. National Socialism is a good example, and was Nazi Germany's system. Fascism is leftist. Look at hate speech, and gun grabbers who want to take away our First, and Second Amendments. ALL LEFTISTS (Democrats) taking away rights. Fascists.
Facism is the logical extension of right wing extremism, where intolerance is encouraged. can’t even spell fascism. No wonder you are ignorant of its meaning. Here is F.A. Hayek (who held three PhD’s - including one in political science) explaining in plain English how fascism is exclusively left-wing.
“fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace.”
The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all - anarchy. Only a dolt of unimaginable levels would declare that fascism is somehow further to the right of libertarianism when fascism is total government control (the totalitarianism mentioned in the quote by Friedrich Hayek above).
For example, giving people the right to discriminate against gays on the grounds of religion, is facism.
No sweetie, it’s not. It’s not even close to fascism. It’s not only not in the ballpark of fascism, it’s not even in the stratosphere of fascism.
Gay rights apply to all businesses. If your religion requires you discriminate against other people, you need to get out of the business of serving the public.
Bullshit. A private business on private property is not an extension of government - no matter how much you wish otherwise. The fact that a private business on private property has been forced to serve by government is a prime example of actual fascism.
One of the hallmarks of facism is that it allows and even encourages the scape goating of segments of the population as deviant, immoral, corrupt or dangerous.
No sweetie, it’s not. Your ignorance is astounding. God I pray you are not the typical Canadian. You are an embarrassment to your nation.
Discrimination against gays is one step away from doing them physical harm.
Exactly. It’s a step away. Until they take that step, shut the fuck up. Stop being a fascist and learn to tolerate the views of others. Nobody has to embrace homosexuals just because you do, Hitler.
abolish your socialist wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they have nothing to do with capitalism.
That’s good - since those “wars” are waged by government and government has nothing to do with capitalism, dimwit. Capitalism is an economic system. Governments are political systems.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause or a common offense clause or a wall building clause.
You have declared many dozens of times right here on USMB that the “General Welfare” clause grants the federal government unlimited power so long as they deem their actions to be “in the general welfare”. Well snowflake, our elected leaders have decided that it is most definitely in the general welfare to build a wall, engage in general warfare, and go on the common offense.

You can’t have it both ways, ignorant little fragile snowflake. You can’t insist that the general welfare clause grants broad, unlimited powers and then simultaneously declare that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t grant the actions you whine about.
Yep. And those elected into power have deemed it in the "general welfare" of the American people to engage in "general warfare". Congratulations - you've managed to defeat your own argument yet again.
our Constitution is express not implied. thanks for clarifying the completely different strategies required.

The Constitution limits the government's power, it doesn't grant power.
Our Constitution delegates express powers to Government.

And limits them.
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause or a common offense clause or a wall building clause.
You keep saying that, but it means no more now than it did the first 30 times.
Our Constitution delegates express powers to Government.
Good grief you can’t even use basic terms correctly. It’s not “express” powers you ignorant dolt, it’s explicit powers. :eusa_doh:

Seriously man, your IQ is somewhere between a garden slug and a rock.
All anyone needs do is point to the Patriot Act folks

The fascist right wingers wanted it

Not the left, liberals,or even many conservatives

right wing reps

jackbooted cheerleaders who love dictators, police statism, and big bro, for everyone except THEM

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?
Definition of FASCISM

No mention of right wing, you just insert that. More propaganda.
The right has worn jackboots in this country since McCarthy issued them


they belive in freedom for themselves , nobody else

The right has worn jackboots in this country since McCarthy issued them they belive in freedom for themselves , nobody else ~S~
Yawn. That’s the standard propaganda line from the left. The fact is, left believes in forcing everyone to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction (embrace extreme sexual deviance, accept the murder of babies, etc.).

The right believes in liberty. You want to cross-dress? Cross-dress. Just don’t try to invade the restrooms of the opposite sex. You want to embrace homosexuality? Embrace it. Just don’t force me to.
Just looks who wants to reduce First Amendment, and Second Amendment rights or remove them all together. DEMOCRATS. They want to call speech they don't like Hate Speech and ban it, then went to ban and confiscate legally owned guns. Just that alone should tell you they are fascists.
The right believes in liberty
BULLSH*T The right gave us the PA, HS, NSA, NIMS, etc etc ~S~
I’m sorry, did the NSA take away your liberty? :lmao:

Like all on the left, you’re an ignorant little minion who refuses to study history or accept reality. Forcing a person against their religious beliefs to participate in a homosexual wedding is fascism. The creation of the NSA for defense is not.

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