The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

This is what fascism looks like...
"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected," said Green on MSNBC.
Fascists resort to all kinds of illegal tactics to defeat political opposition that they cannot defeat in democratic elections based on ideas and policies.

Democrat accidentally admits why they're really seeking to impeach President Trump — and it's on video
Fascism is wanting to impeach trump?
Bingo! Fascism is also trying to use impeachment to ensure the American people cannot vote for who they want to vote for. Fascists do not tolerate free and fair elections.
Spot on P@triot. Only Fascists think they are not fascists, when the evidence is abundantly clear that they are.

Isn't there some Marxist creed that says "Accuse your opposition of that which you are guilty"?
Most radical Lefties on this forum do that in spades.

My deepest regret is the ease with which the radical far fascist Left is able to become oppressive and the lack of any meaningful resistance to it.
The real question is can a poster change a definition from right to left, and the number of people that accept the new definition? I wonder it is really a form of illustrating of what might happen if America loses the little education it now has?
The real question is can a poster change a definition from right to left, and the number of people that accept the new definition? I wonder it is really a form of illustrating of what might happen if America loses the little education it now has?
Sweetie, I’ve already unequivocally proven than fascism has always been exclusively left-wing. I proved it with quotes directly from A Road to Serfdom, which was written in the 1940’s. I proved it when I challenged you to explain how the fuck a fascist could be further to the right of the libertarian and you responded “I don’t have to” (which is how people respond when they know their wrong).

Fascism is a form of totalitarianism. You cannot have small government totalitarianism. It’s so beyond absurd to even remotely attempt to claim otherwise. Nobody “changed” the definition. You’re need to lie about all of this illustrates your desperation.
This is what fascism looks like...
"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected," said Green on MSNBC.
Fascists resort to all kinds of illegal tactics to defeat political opposition that they cannot defeat in democratic elections based on ideas and policies.

Democrat accidentally admits why they're really seeking to impeach President Trump — and it's on video

Fascism is wanting to impeach trump?

For the crime of defeating crooked Hillary, AFTER you crooked fucks rigged the election?

Yeah, it sure is...

Rigged an election?

You mean the Russians?

democrats used KGB Agent John Brennan to provide Kremlin Contacts to Glenn Simpson. Simpson working for Hillary then bought dirt from the Russians that Potentate Obamugabe's DOJ leaked to the the democrat party press to directly influence voters (via scumbag John McCain). Obamugabe then used dirty cops Comey and McCabe to perjure themselves in getting a FISA warrant based on the dirt they bought from Russia for the purpose of spying on the opposition campaign.

Yeah, you Stalinists rigged the election. You STILL lost, but you as a matter of fact rigged the election in the manner of central African banana republics. You know all this, you just approve. By any means necessary, da Comrade?

Blow up a building in Oklahoma City?

The Olympics were in Oklahoma City?

You are so full of shit you can't keep on a consistent trajectory.

BTW Commie; we put Tim McVeigh down like the rabid dog he was (Al Qaeda Terry Nichols still wastes oxygen). It was important that McVeigh be executed. What he did was more than just murder, he intended to undermine and destroy the very foundations of this nation.

So when we look at Adrew McCabe and KGB John Brennan, both who have BRAGGED on obscure leftist cable TV stations that they used their positions in the federal government to rig and influence the 2016 elections - while Stalinist morons like you clapped your flippers like trained seals. Given that they committed treason and have admitted it, should not both of these piles of shit follow their fellow traitor McVeigh into a little room on a gurney to get a needle?
The real question is can a poster change a definition from right to left, and the number of people that accept the new definition? I wonder it is really a form of illustrating of what might happen if America loses the little education it now has?

We know Marxist Academia has changed the definition of left and right since the end of WWII - the most absurd way.

The real question is can a poster change a definition from right to left, and the number of people that accept the new definition? I wonder it is really a form of illustrating of what might happen if America loses the little education it now has?

It's yet another iteration of the Big Lie approach; keep parroting it over and over and over until it becomes an echo. It's supposed to "wear down" the history books until they "submit". "Hitler was left-wing".... "FDR caused the Depression".... "O'bama caused the Recession".... "O'bama invented the Teleprompter".... "Civil War was not about Slavery".... "Moon Landing was faked".... "Reagan freed the hostages"... "Iraq had WMD"... "Republicans made the CRA happen".... "Three million illegals voted".... "three million Amish mobilized to vote for Rump".... "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery", most importantly "Ignorance is Strength".

Just yesterday I read some wag try to describe Robert Byrd as a "leftist". It's like education is some kind of disease to these pigs.

Why this Doublethinkian gambit doesn't work is that so long as the Cult of Ignorance is controlled, history will NEVER "submit". And that's where we come in to defend it.
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The real question is can a poster change a definition from right to left, and the number of people that accept the new definition? I wonder it is really a form of illustrating of what might happen if America loses the little education it now has?
Sweetie, I’ve already unequivocally proven than fascism has always been exclusively left-wing. I proved it with quotes directly from A Road to Serfdom, which was written in the 1940’s. I proved it when I challenged you to explain how the fuck a fascist could be further to the right of the libertarian and you responded “I don’t have to” (which is how people respond when they know their wrong).

Fascism is a form of totalitarianism. You cannot have small government totalitarianism. It’s so beyond absurd to even remotely attempt to claim otherwise. Nobody “changed” the definition. You’re need to lie about all of this illustrates your desperation.

Here's Buttsoiler oozing back to the point where he quit this board in stark embarrassment in the past (and had to change his name to come back) when he started bleating some bullshit about "the difference between the Right and the Left is how big the government is". :laugh2:

Kind of pathetic to watch. I suspect he's about to change his name yet again hoping nobody notices.
This is what fascism looks like...
"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected," said Green on MSNBC.
Fascists resort to all kinds of illegal tactics to defeat political opposition that they cannot defeat in democratic elections based on ideas and policies.

Democrat accidentally admits why they're really seeking to impeach President Trump — and it's on video
Fascism is wanting to impeach trump?
Bingo! Fascism is also trying to use impeachment to ensure the American people cannot vote for who they want to vote for..

Oh not to worry Buttsoiler. The Electrical College already does that.
So the Founders were in on the plan with their "impeachment" clause? I guess the only person we can trust is Patriot, after all would he be named Patriot if we had any fears abaout his patriotism?
By the way, I'm not really a "Regent" it' just a made-up name.

Joy Villa: The left is very much the fascists they keep calling us

Singer Joy Villa and #WalkAway Campaign founder Brandon Straka on the new campaign urging voters to 'walk away' from Democratic Party.

This is what fascism looks like...
"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected," said Green on MSNBC.
Fascists resort to all kinds of illegal tactics to defeat political opposition that they cannot defeat in democratic elections based on ideas and policies.

Democrat accidentally admits why they're really seeking to impeach President Trump — and it's on video
Fascism is wanting to impeach trump?
Bingo! Fascism is also trying to use impeachment to ensure the American people cannot vote for who they want to vote for. Fascists do not tolerate free and fair elections.

So the impeachment of President Bill Clinton was an act of Fascism by the republic party.
Joy Villa: The left is very much the fascists they keep calling us
Singer Joy Villa and #WalkAway Campaign founder Brandon Straka on the new campaign urging voters to 'walk away' from Democratic Party.

This "movement" only happens on fox news.
The real question is can a poster change a definition from right to left, and the number of people that accept the new definition? I wonder it is really a form of illustrating of what might happen if America loses the little education it now has?

It's yet another iteration of the Big Lie approach; keep parroting it over and over and over until it becomes an echo. It's supposed to "wear down" the history books until they "submit". "Hitler was left-wing".... "FDR caused the Depression".... "O'bama caused the Recession".... "O'bama invented the Teleprompter".... "Civil War was not about Slavery".... "Moon Landing was faked".... "Reagan freed the hostages"... "Iraq had WMD"... "Republicans made the CRA happen".... "Three million illegals voted".... "three million Amish mobilized to vote for Rump".... "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery", most importantly "Ignorance is Strength".

Just yesterday I read some wag try to describe Robert Byrd as a "leftist". It's like education is some kind of disease to these pigs.

Why this Doublethinkian gambit doesn't work is that so long as the Cult of Ignorance is controlled, history will NEVER "submit". And that's where we come in to defend it.


You're a fucking moron, Sluggo.

The big lie is a relic of the 1950's. Marxist academia lied to distance themselves from the recently defeated Nazis. But the claim that a central economy in a collectivist dictatorship where individuals are subverted to the collective is different than other forms of Socialism was always stupid as all fuck - kind of like you.
The real question is can a poster change a definition from right to left, and the number of people that accept the new definition? I wonder it is really a form of illustrating of what might happen if America loses the little education it now has?
Sweetie, I’ve already unequivocally proven than fascism has always been exclusively left-wing. I proved it with quotes directly from A Road to Serfdom, which was written in the 1940’s. I proved it when I challenged you to explain how the fuck a fascist could be further to the right of the libertarian and you responded “I don’t have to” (which is how people respond when they know their wrong).

Fascism is a form of totalitarianism. You cannot have small government totalitarianism. It’s so beyond absurd to even remotely attempt to claim otherwise. Nobody “changed” the definition. You’re need to lie about all of this illustrates your desperation.

Here's Buttsoiler oozing back to the point where he quit this board in stark embarrassment in the past (and had to change his name to come back) when he started bleating some bullshit about "the difference between the Right and the Left is how big the government is". :laugh2:

Kind of pathetic to watch. I suspect he's about to change his name yet again hoping nobody notices.

You're in NO position to talk about the embarrassment of others, stupid fuck.
Oh not to worry Buttsoiler. The Electrical College already does that.

Sluggo, you are a total dumbfuck. One of the most uneducated and frankly stupid people on this board. But the above is a level of stupid that is jaw dropping even for a drooling retard like you.

Are you NEVER embarrassed at displaying your abysmal ignorance?


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