The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The Nazis brownshirts are alive and well...and making a nice home for themselves in the United States under the name “Democrat”.

Leftist assaults an elderly man for his pro-life views
Can I just mention that they're also cowards, as all bullies seem to be? They always wanna get "tough" and obstreperous with people who can't fight back.
Bingo! Biggest bunch of pussies in the world unless it’s an elderly person or they have 10-to-1 numbers.
The Nazis brownshirts are alive and well...and making a nice home for themselves in the United States under the name “Democrat”.

Leftist assaults an elderly man for his pro-life views

Yet again Buttsoiler drops a term he doesn't understand, not understanding that it contradicts another position he doesn't understand either. Because thinking is hard and shit.

The "Brownshirts" (S.A.) were Hitler's organized thugs missioned to beat the crap out of the socialists, his rival for power in Germany. Once he got his power he declared them illegal and used them to populate Dachau.

Trying to make sense out of Buttsoiler's oxymoronic (emphasis on moronic) posts and threads reminds me of the old motto of the joke band Three Mustapha Three: "Forward in All Directions". The proverbial cat chasing its own tail. :cuckoo:
Butch cut. Check
Purple hair. Check
Vulgarity. Check
Combative. Check
Heart filled with hate. Check
Visceral reaction to support of the United States. Check.

Seriously…she's literally a caricature of the typical modern-day leftist.

Joe Biggs on Twitter
I think the current conservative battle against fascism is now pretty much old hat, But fascism did serve conservatism well, when it was first put to use, .but as you know, those fear words lose their pizazz over time with over-use. I understand conservatives are already working on a new fear-word that will scare liberals out of their boots. From what I heard the new conservative fear-word centers about a planet and it's economic system.
I think the current conservative battle against fascism is now pretty much old hat
I wish that were true. Sadly, the left has caused that “battle” to ramp up more than ever. The violence, the lies, the threats and intimidation you people continue to engage in have caused that battle to expand.
I think the current conservative battle against fascism is now pretty much old hat
I wish that were true. Sadly, the left has caused that “battle” to ramp up more than ever. The violence, the lies, the threats and intimidation you people continue to engage in have caused that battle to expand.
So what's the scariest fear word the Republicans might use to scare the American people: socialism, fascism or other?

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