The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Trump wants Americans to treat him the way North Koreans treat Kim Jong Un

Trump said he wants his 'people' to 'sit up at attention' when he speaks, like North Koreans do with Kim

We have a true Nazi wannabe in the White House and Republicans are trying to accuse Democrats of acting like their leader. That makes no sense at all.

Sorry but that is the only thing that makes sense...

Look at Hitler... He regularly accused his opponents of crimes and transgressions he was actively doing himself....

Trump does the same thing..

He accuses Clinton pay for play when he was actively doing it himself.

Called Hillary while he was surrounded by them.

He accused Clinton of forgetting about Coal Country when he was the one really screwing them over.
Now, the way I see it, today's advocates for socialism in America share a lot in common with Stalin and also Hitler although they'd never admit it. Stalin's brutal suppression of free expression and persecution of owners of wealth is well documented and you can see some of that happening here today. But also, Hiter's scapegoating of the Jews as the root cause of all of Europe's problems is in full effect in America today except this time it's white males who get the blame. One does not have to look far to find lefty mainstream media and democrat politicians fear mongering and advocating the systematic oppression of evil whitey as retribution for all the harm he has done.
In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The german social democrat party were anti-capitalist marxists who advocated for "seizing the means of production". That's pure, unadulterated socialism. The Nazis didn't much care for capitalism either but they weren't socialists. They hated socialists. Those are just the facts, sorry.

They did not "hate socialists". They hated people who were competing with them for power. That they were socialists just happened to be a coincidence.

Nazis and their socialist rivals had some ideas in common, I've already said as much. "right wing" traditionalism and some "left wing" social policies. One of the biggest differences is that the Nazis did not believe in equality, obviously. Unlike the socialists, they weren't trying to reshape humanity into an grey, formless "classless" society where everyone is the same, no. They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.

If your hairsplitting, word-parsing attempts at justification make you feel better, then you go on with your bad self. Just so you understand that you're neither convincing nor impressing anyone else.
In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The german social democrat party were anti-capitalist marxists who advocated for "seizing the means of production". That's pure, unadulterated socialism. The Nazis didn't much care for capitalism either but they weren't socialists. They hated socialists. Those are just the facts, sorry.

They did not "hate socialists". They hated people who were competing with them for power. That they were socialists just happened to be a coincidence.

Nazis and their socialist rivals had some ideas in common, I've already said as much. "right wing" traditionalism and some "left wing" social policies. One of the biggest differences is that the Nazis did not believe in equality, obviously. Unlike the socialists, they weren't trying to reshape humanity into an grey, formless "classless" society where everyone is the same, no. They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.

If your hairsplitting, word-parsing attempts at justification make you feel better, then you go on with your bad self. Just so you understand that you're neither convincing nor impressing anyone else.

Saying that the Nazis were not socialists because they did not believe in the foundational principal of socialism is NOT splitting hairs. If you want to play this stupid game of pin the hitler on your political rivals then go ahead but I think it's idiotic.
As fascism conserves all power to the central authority, it is the antithesis of 'liberal'.
That isn’t what liberal means.

It’s also a lie

Of course it does.
'else how could they demand one make a cake or provide flowers as government orders.

Jot this down, you dunce:

1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

2. This is the Liberalism/Socialism that your fake liberalism is based on:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
This describes Liberalism, Fascism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism,. and Socialism.

....and you.
Now, the way I see it, today's advocates for socialism in America share a lot in common with Stalin and also Hitler although they'd never admit it. Stalin's brutal suppression of free expression and persecution of owners of wealth is well documented and you can see some of that happening here today. But also, Hiter's scapegoating of the Jews as the root cause of all of Europe's problems is in full effect in America today except this time it's white males who get the blame. One does not have to look far to find lefty mainstream media and democrat politicians fear mongering and advocating the systematic oppression of evil whitey as retribution for all the harm he has done.


Can you see how they try and deflect by saying others are like Hitler...

The fact is US has had and will continue to have a lot of socialist programs... The Military, Fire Dept, Police, Education, Roads.... are all socialist programs... To reject socialism is to also reject them and what they do...
Now, the way I see it, today's advocates for socialism in America share a lot in common with Stalin and also Hitler although they'd never admit it. Stalin's brutal suppression of free expression and persecution of owners of wealth is well documented and you can see some of that happening here today. But also, Hiter's scapegoating of the Jews as the root cause of all of Europe's problems is in full effect in America today except this time it's white males who get the blame. One does not have to look far to find lefty mainstream media and democrat politicians fear mongering and advocating the systematic oppression of evil whitey as retribution for all the harm he has done.


Can you see how they try and deflect by saying others are like Hitler...

The fact is US has had and will continue to have a lot of socialist programs... The Military, Fire Dept, Police, Education, Roads.... are all socialist programs... To reject socialism is to also reject them and what they do...

Scandinavia, for example, is made up of capitalist economies, with some socialist programs.
The capitalism pays for the welfare part, you dunce.

Myth#1 Socialism work spectacularly in Nordic countries. The problem here is the equating socialist redistribution programs, with socialist economies. The Scandinavian nations are not socialist economies; Denmark has a freer economy than does the USA. Higher tax rates to support the redistributionist part, but far less business regulation than America.

“Speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen told students that he had “absolutely no wish to interfere the presidential debate in the US” but nonetheless attempted to set the record straight about his country.

"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.

“The Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security for its citizens, but it is also a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish,” he added.

The PM’s comments come after US presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton used part of the first Democratic debate to discuss how the United States could emulate Scandinavia.”
Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

The same is true in the USofA
1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Constitution has been used by the people who hate America and all it stands for to gradually destroy the fabric of our society. Individualism is how they justify redefining the sacred act of marriage and a woman's "right to choose". Because some individuals love sodomy and don't want to face repercussions for their life choices. Your precious unrestrained free market economy enables giant multinational corporations to form that bear no allegiance to country or tribe and use "individuals" as mere worker bees to grow profit.

Corporations like Kraft foods who churn out processed junk that gradually kills us and corporations like google that controls and represses free expression.
1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Constitution has been used by the people who hate America and all it stands for to gradually destroy the fabric of our society. Individualism is how they justify redefining the sacred act of marriage and a woman's "right to choose". Because some individuals love sodomy and don't want to face repercussions for their life choices. Your precious unrestrained free market economy enables giant multinational corporations to form that bear no allegiance to country or tribe and use "individuals" as mere worker bees to grow profit.

Corporations like Kraft foods who churn out processed junk that gradually kills us and corporations like google that controls and represses free expression.

Need me to help you pack?
1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Constitution has been used by the people who hate America and all it stands for to gradually destroy the fabric of our society. Individualism is how they justify redefining the sacred act of marriage and a woman's "right to choose". Because some individuals love sodomy and don't want to face repercussions for their life choices. Your precious unrestrained free market economy enables giant multinational corporations to form that bear no allegiance to country or tribe and use "individuals" as mere worker bees to grow profit.

Corporations like Kraft foods who churn out processed junk that gradually kills us and corporations like google that controls and represses free expression.

Need me to help you pack?

There's nowhere left for a traditionalist white man to pack up and leave to.
1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Constitution has been used by the people who hate America and all it stands for to gradually destroy the fabric of our society. Individualism is how they justify redefining the sacred act of marriage and a woman's "right to choose". Because some individuals love sodomy and don't want to face repercussions for their life choices. Your precious unrestrained free market economy enables giant multinational corporations to form that bear no allegiance to country or tribe and use "individuals" as mere worker bees to grow profit.

Corporations like Kraft foods who churn out processed junk that gradually kills us and corporations like google that controls and represses free expression.

Need me to help you pack?

There's nowhere left for a traditionalist white man to pack up and leave to.

Are you sure, Gilligan????
1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Constitution has been used by the people who hate America and all it stands for to gradually destroy the fabric of our society. Individualism is how they justify redefining the sacred act of marriage and a woman's "right to choose". Because some individuals love sodomy and don't want to face repercussions for their life choices. Your precious unrestrained free market economy enables giant multinational corporations to form that bear no allegiance to country or tribe and use "individuals" as mere worker bees to grow profit.

Corporations like Kraft foods who churn out processed junk that gradually kills us and corporations like google that controls and represses free expression.

Need me to help you pack?

There's nowhere left for a traditionalist white man to pack up and leave to.

Are you sure, Gilligan????

Do you ever feel silly, going to bat on behalf of corporations? What does greed, materialism and exploitation have to do with conservatism?
1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Constitution has been used by the people who hate America and all it stands for to gradually destroy the fabric of our society. Individualism is how they justify redefining the sacred act of marriage and a woman's "right to choose". Because some individuals love sodomy and don't want to face repercussions for their life choices. Your precious unrestrained free market economy enables giant multinational corporations to form that bear no allegiance to country or tribe and use "individuals" as mere worker bees to grow profit.

Corporations like Kraft foods who churn out processed junk that gradually kills us and corporations like google that controls and represses free expression.

Need me to help you pack?

There's nowhere left for a traditionalist white man to pack up and leave to.

Are you sure, Gilligan????

Do you ever feel silly, going to bat on behalf of corporations? What does greed, materialism and exploitation have to do with conservatism?

Do you feel dopey pretending that I said stuff I didn't?

As a champion of individualism, I champion your right to be a dope.

I'll assume that it comes from years spent in front of a mirror trying to win arguments with yourself.
The Constitution has been used by the people who hate America and all it stands for to gradually destroy the fabric of our society. Individualism is how they justify redefining the sacred act of marriage and a woman's "right to choose". Because some individuals love sodomy and don't want to face repercussions for their life choices. Your precious unrestrained free market economy enables giant multinational corporations to form that bear no allegiance to country or tribe and use "individuals" as mere worker bees to grow profit.

Corporations like Kraft foods who churn out processed junk that gradually kills us and corporations like google that controls and represses free expression.

Need me to help you pack?

There's nowhere left for a traditionalist white man to pack up and leave to.

Are you sure, Gilligan????

Do you ever feel silly, going to bat on behalf of corporations? What does greed, materialism and exploitation have to do with conservatism?

Do you feel dopey pretending that I said stuff I didn't?

As a champion of individualism, I champion your right to be a dope.

I'll assume that it comes from years spent in front of a mirror trying to win arguments with yourself.

You've got a shit attitude. Grow up.
They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.
That's not even true. They believed the white/"nordic" race was superior. Not just Germans. But either way, the NAZIS created a socialist Germany. It's indisputable. Not only were they the National Socialists, but they took control of production in almost all cases.
They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.
That's not even true. They believed the white/"nordic" race was superior. Not just Germans. But either way, the NAZIS created a socialist Germany. It's indisputable. Not only were they the National Socialists, but they took control of production in almost all cases.

Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?
They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.
That's not even true. They believed the white/"nordic" race was superior. Not just Germans. But either way, the NAZIS created a socialist Germany. It's indisputable. Not only were they the National Socialists, but they took control of production in almost all cases.

Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?

They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.
That's not even true. They believed the white/"nordic" race was superior. Not just Germans. But either way, the NAZIS created a socialist Germany. It's indisputable. Not only were they the National Socialists, but they took control of production in almost all cases.

Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?


Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in
Yes. The government has no such power and acting like they do (or encouraging them to) is dangerous as fuck.
and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?
Well that depends what you mean. America should be the interests of its legal citizens (whether born here or not) ahead of the entire world.

Where are you going with either of these bizarre questions?

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