The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

There was a lot more to Nazi Germany's social policies than just anti-semitism. Also, criticism of Israel is not the same thing anyway.
You do realize that every time you ask a question and I answer it, you move the goalposts. Fascism is left-wing. It’s indisputable. It is totalitarianism which is the polar opposite of the right-wing ideology. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all: anarchy.
There was a lot more to Nazi Germany's social policies than just anti-semitism. Also, criticism of Israel is not the same thing anyway.
You do realize that every time you ask a question and I answer it, you move the goalposts. Fascism is left-wing. It’s indisputable. It is totalitarianism which is the polar opposite of the right-wing ideology. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all: anarchy.

Is pro-life stance a right or left position?
Is pro-life stance a right or left position?
Pro-life is a right-wing stance. Please tell me you don’t think that the people who were shoving human beings into ovens and gas showers were “pro-life”. :eusa_doh:
Were the people who dropped two nukes on Japanese civilians pro life?
Uh...Japan attacked us (completely unprovoked) at Pearl Harbor. Dropping two nuclear bombs on them is what is known as “self defense” or “defense”. :eusa_doh:

Did Jews in Poland, France, or Germany attack Adolf Hitler? Did they bomb him?
Is pro-life stance a right or left position?
Pro-life is a right-wing stance. Please tell me you don’t think that the people who were shoving human beings into ovens and gas showers were “pro-life”. :eusa_doh:
Were the people who dropped two nukes on Japanese civilians pro life?
Uh...Japan attacked us (completely unprovoked) at Pearl Harbor. Dropping two nuclear bombs on them is what is known as “self defense” or “defense”. :eusa_doh:

Did Jews in Poland, France, or Germany attack Adolf Hitler? Did they bomb him?

Did the civilians of Japan have any say in what the imperial government did? Or no?
Did the civilians of Japan have any say in what the imperial government did? Or no?
Absolutely. They could have done what George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson did with our “imperial government”. They chose to support their government instead.

With each post you stretch further and more desperately. You even went so far as attempt to claim that the Nazis were “pro-life” until I saved you from falling off of that cliff. And then you tried to compare the U.S. defending themselves to the holocaust. Geezus man, stop digging. You’re already in a while you can’t get out of and you’re making a complete and total fool out of yourself along the way.
Did the civilians of Japan have any say in what the imperial government did? Or no?
Absolutely. They could have done what George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson did with our “imperial government”. They chose to support their government instead.

With each post you stretch further and more desperately. You even went so far as attempt to claim that the Nazis were “pro-life” until I saved you from falling off of that cliff. And then you tried to compare the U.S. defending themselves to the holocaust. Geezus man, stop digging. You’re already in a while you can’t get out of and you’re making a complete and total fool out of yourself along the way.

I'm only trying to have a discussion, you're the one who's getting all upset. You're free to disagree with me but I think the Nazis and Fascist italy had socially conservative ideas and much of what they did was to preserve the traditional values of their respective nations.
There was a lot more to Nazi Germany's social policies than just anti-semitism. Also, criticism of Israel is not the same thing anyway.
You do realize that every time you ask a question and I answer it, you move the goalposts. Fascism is left-wing. It’s indisputable. It is totalitarianism which is the polar opposite of the right-wing ideology. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all: anarchy.

It's so "indisputable" that when y'all history revisionists look up a definition and find it says the opposite of your revisionism, you revise it and post it here without a link. Until it gets busted.

That's some "indisputable" shit, moron.

Buttsoiler, your ignorance of both political science and history is like a black hole in space comprised of negative numbers. You've now descended all the way to where you were before under your previous name, pushing this unmitigated and laughable crapola that "the difference between right and left is how big the government is". This is clueless enough to make Special Ed look almost rational, that's how deep you are. This is the same shit you tried to pull under your previous name and why you had to leave the board in shame and then try to come back with a new name. You're a complete fraud.
Last edited:
What about Nazi social policies? Far right or far left?
Well that’s easy....just ask yourself: where does all of the anti-semitism come from? The left. Every college campus supports Palestine and bashes jews. Every elected left-wing representative opposes Israel. Hell, have you been paying attention to Congress this week? The Democrats turned on each other because their anti-semitism got so out of control.

WRONG AGAIN Buttsoiler.

Racism and bigotry cannot develop without a core belief in striated classes, one (ruling) class being designated to rule over ('inferior') classes. That's where racism comes from, that's where religious persecution comes from, that's where any kind of social discrimination comes from. And that's a conservative principle. That's why as we always note, you don't have to be a bigot to be a conservative, not at all, but you DO have to be a conservative to be a bigot. There's no other way to get there.

See the Klan for a domestic example, who were the American fascists before fascism had a name. Again, like the Nazis, emphasis on tradition, hyperpatriotism, Christianism and past glories, even persecution of Jews. Same damn thing.
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.

As I said, you're a black hole of negative-knowledge. The weird thing is that you keep coming back with the same shit expecting different results after you've been schooled.

And if you want to hang your hat on "b-but but it's in the name" essplain to the class how many grapes and how many nuts are in a box of Grape Nuts. Essplain how the Pennsylvania Dutch are from Holland. Essplain how the band "10.000 Maniacs" can fit on a stage. Essplain how the German Democratic Republic, the DPRK, or the Democratic Republic of Congo were ever "democratic". HEY, IT'S IN THE NAME.

Fucking MORON.
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.

As I said, you're a black hole of negative-knowledge. The weird thing is that you keep coming back with the same shit expecting different results after you've been schooled.

And if you want to hang your hat on "b-but but it's in the name" essplain to the class how many grapes and how many nuts are in a box of Grape Nuts. Essplain how the Pennsylvania Dutch are from Holland. Essplain how the band "10.000 Maniacs" can fit on a stage. Essplain how the German Democratic Republic, the DPRK, or the Democratic Republic of Congo were ever "democratic". HEY, IT'S IN THE NAME.

Fucking MORON.
Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Do you speak like this all the time?
Got any kids to indoctrinate in foul mouth?
Ah well, socialist.
Adolf was as left wing as you can get?
And yet you say hitler hated socialism?
He didn't go along
Looks like we agree he hated them.
That's why he insisted on calling his party the NATIONAL socialist party.
He inserted national to make it right wing.
Isn't the Oxford dictionary def of facism enough for you?
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.

As I said, you're a black hole of negative-knowledge. The weird thing is that you keep coming back with the same shit expecting different results after you've been schooled.

And if you want to hang your hat on "b-but but it's in the name" essplain to the class how many grapes and how many nuts are in a box of Grape Nuts. Essplain how the Pennsylvania Dutch are from Holland. Essplain how the band "10.000 Maniacs" can fit on a stage. Essplain how the German Democratic Republic, the DPRK, or the Democratic Republic of Congo were ever "democratic". HEY, IT'S IN THE NAME.

Fucking MORON.

By trump u?
Hope this helps
Were the Nazis Socialists?
Gawd I'll be reading hitler would be a member of anti fa next
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.
I expect you saw where I said adolf hated the left wing.?
That's why he insisted his new workers party be call the NATIONAL socialist party
This may help
Were the Nazis Socialists?
What about Nazi social policies? Far right or far left?
Well that’s easy....just ask yourself: where does all of the anti-semitism come from? The left. Every college campus supports Palestine and bashes jews. Every elected left-wing representative opposes Israel. Hell, have you been paying attention to Congress this week? The Democrats turned on each other because their anti-semitism got so out of control.
In your opinion.
Amusing how my engineer kids never mention the profs.
Too busy studying.
Why do you have such black and white opinions? Must be nice
You might want to read up on how the Brits screwed the Palestinians after WWII.
Arabs were on our side in WWII, Brits promised them a homeland.
They had been there for 2000 years
Then the Rothschild uk bank funded the Suez Canal and got a homeland in return.
God bless the Jews, they have been screwed by everybody. Including us who turned their ship around. They were all lefties?
Absolutely it was their promised land.
Romans said the same thing about Britain when they were there 2000 years ago
Amazing how All the left and NONE of the right bashes them.
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.

As I said, you're a black hole of negative-knowledge. The weird thing is that you keep coming back with the same shit expecting different results after you've been schooled.

And if you want to hang your hat on "b-but but it's in the name" essplain to the class how many grapes and how many nuts are in a box of Grape Nuts. Essplain how the Pennsylvania Dutch are from Holland. Essplain how the band "10.000 Maniacs" can fit on a stage. Essplain how the German Democratic Republic, the DPRK, or the Democratic Republic of Congo were ever "democratic". HEY, IT'S IN THE NAME.

Fucking MORON.
Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Do you speak like this all the time?
Got any kids to indoctrinate in foul mouth?
Ah well, socialist.
Adolf was as left wing as you can get?
And yet you say hitler hated socialism?
He didn't go along
Looks like we agree he hated them.
That's why he insisted on calling his party the NATIONAL socialist party.
He inserted national to make it right wing.
Isn't the Oxford dictionary def of facism enough for you?

You look confused. I'm the guy who busted that fake-Oxford dic revised definition the other day and identified where it came from.


As for Buttsoilier he IS a fucking moron so fuck the fuck him, and I'll write whichever way works for the occasion, thank you very fucking much.
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.

As I said, you're a black hole of negative-knowledge. The weird thing is that you keep coming back with the same shit expecting different results after you've been schooled.

And if you want to hang your hat on "b-but but it's in the name" essplain to the class how many grapes and how many nuts are in a box of Grape Nuts. Essplain how the Pennsylvania Dutch are from Holland. Essplain how the band "10.000 Maniacs" can fit on a stage. Essplain how the German Democratic Republic, the DPRK, or the Democratic Republic of Congo were ever "democratic". HEY, IT'S IN THE NAME.

Fucking MORON.

By trump u?
Hope this helps
Were the Nazis Socialists?
Gawd I'll be reading hitler would be a member of anti fa next

From the link:

>> According to historians, the complicated moniker reveals more about the image the party wanted to project and the constituency it aimed to build than it did about the Nazis’ true political goals, which were building a state based on racial superiority and brute-force governance.

Given that Nazism is traditionally held to be an extreme right-wing ideology, the party’s conspicuous use of the term “socialist” — which refers to a political system normally plotted on the far-left end of the ideological spectrum — has long been a source of confusion, not to mention heated debate among partisans seeking to distance themselves from the genocidal taint of Nazi Germany.

... And whatever premises the party may have started with, by 1930 Hitler’s party was “socialist” only to take advantage of the emotional value of the word, and a “workers’ party” in order to lure the most energetic social force. As with Hitler’s protestations of belief in tradition, in conservative values, or in Christianity, the socialist slogans were merely movable ideological props to serve as camouflage and confuse the enemy. <<​

--- exactly as I already laid out.
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.

As I said, you're a black hole of negative-knowledge. The weird thing is that you keep coming back with the same shit expecting different results after you've been schooled.

And if you want to hang your hat on "b-but but it's in the name" essplain to the class how many grapes and how many nuts are in a box of Grape Nuts. Essplain how the Pennsylvania Dutch are from Holland. Essplain how the band "10.000 Maniacs" can fit on a stage. Essplain how the German Democratic Republic, the DPRK, or the Democratic Republic of Congo were ever "democratic". HEY, IT'S IN THE NAME.

Fucking MORON.

By trump u?
Hope this helps
Were the Nazis Socialists?
Gawd I'll be reading hitler would be a member of anti fa next

From the link:

>> According to historians, the complicated moniker reveals more about the image the party wanted to project and the constituency it aimed to build than it did about the Nazis’ true political goals, which were building a state based on racial superiority and brute-force governance.

Given that Nazism is traditionally held to be an extreme right-wing ideology, the party’s conspicuous use of the term “socialist” — which refers to a political system normally plotted on the far-left end of the ideological spectrum — has long been a source of confusion, not to mention heated debate among partisans seeking to distance themselves from the genocidal taint of Nazi Germany.

... And whatever premises the party may have started with, by 1930 Hitler’s party was “socialist” only to take advantage of the emotional value of the word, and a “workers’ party” in order to lure the most energetic social force. As with Hitler’s protestations of belief in tradition, in conservative values, or in Christianity, the socialist slogans were merely movable ideological props to serve as camouflage and confuse the enemy. <<​

--- exactly as I already laid out.
Never wrong are we?
Must be nice.
No advanced research again where people are always in doubt?
Ladies & Gentlemen...would you like to see a hyper-partisan, ultra-ignorant, pathological liar take the beat down of a lifetime?’re about to!
Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.
Did you catch that? First he claimed that “National Socialists” (ie NAZI) was the name of the party before Hitler joined them (keyword there - please remember that as we’ll need it for later). But just two sentences later, he claims the “National Socialists” were his rivals. Wait a second. Why would someone join their rivals? Remember, Pogo the Homo’s position is that Adolf Hitler “wasn’t” a socialist. So...uh...why would he join them?

But wait! We’re not done folks. Nooooo. Not even close. Next this genius states that upon defeating them, he declared the party illegal. Uh.....what?!? He joined a party that was his “rivals” and then he declared them “illegal” after he joined them? If he has joined the party, why the f*ck would he declare the party “illegal”?

So to recap: Hitler hates the NAZIS but joins the NAZIS but then declares the NAZIS illegal according to Pogo the Homo (even though we all know that the NAZIS ruled until Hitler’s death and were never “illegal” under him).

Bwahahaha!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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