The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
It’s not a matter of what I think. It’s a matter of fact. Government gets smaller and less powerful the further you move to the right (which is why libertarianism is further right than conservatism and sovereign citizen is further right than libertarianism). Therefore, it is literally impossible to have right-wing totalitarianism. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here you go. This sums it up flawlessly.

OMG OMG here he goes again, the same turd Buttsoiler tried to float in this bowl before he changed his name to hide his past ---- the retardo concept that "the difference between political Left and Right is 'how big the government is'". :rofl:

Some Buttsoilers just never learn. But they don't let the fact that they have zero aptitude for political science get in the way of starting Doublethinkian bullshit threads like this one.

Stay assy, Buttsoiler. Fucking moron.
Who was buttsoiler out of interest?

"Rottweiler". (get it? "Rottweiler = Buttsoiler" hee hee)

I believe some of his ploppings can still be found under that name too. And there you'll find, that is if they carried over from the last site server transfer, Buttsoiler making the same inane political science charlatanism about "Left" and "Right" being about "how big the government is", despite the glaring case of say Nazi Germany.
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I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
It’s not a matter of what I think. It’s a matter of fact. Government gets smaller and less powerful the further you move to the right (which is why libertarianism is further right than conservatism and sovereign citizen is further right than libertarianism). Therefore, it is literally impossible to have right-wing totalitarianism. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here you go. This sums it up flawlessly.

View attachment 249062
"Facts" another PhD thesis.
Nothing like the conclusion of 8 years of in depth analysis
I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
It’s not a matter of what I think. It’s a matter of fact. Government gets smaller and less powerful the further you move to the right (which is why libertarianism is further right than conservatism and sovereign citizen is further right than libertarianism). Therefore, it is literally impossible to have right-wing totalitarianism. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here you go. This sums it up flawlessly.

View attachment 249062
Fact to you darlin and there's no shaking that.
Here's a few conspiracies of your Alex jones, beck disciple
The Top 9 Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theories | HuffPost
I'm sure these are incorrect "facts" to you too
I'm just quoting definitions. you’re not. Here is a screen shot of the definition (from

They're not marching towards fascism, they're marching towards Stalinist Communism.
It’s the exact same thing. Both are totalitarianism.
There's a difference.
No. Really. There isn’t. Both have a dictator. Both dictators controll all facets of society (including the economy and production). Both demand total deference to the state and the ideology.

*shrug* it's complicated and the left/right spectrum is probably too simplistic but to say the left is marching towards anything other than Communism is false. That's exactly what they want.
I'm just quoting definitions. you’re not. Here is a screen shot of the definition (from

View attachment 249183
Isn't this Don?
White nationalism?
So I guess we pick the Defs that support our made up mind.
I must compare the Oxford dic to dictionary.
Dic has been around way longer I'm sure

Now I see apparently even though (an on line thing)
I think supports the Oxford.
You have to believe fascism is a right wing thing.
It's now trying to be twisted into some left wing dictator thing by boys who never heard of Wall Street (all commies I guess)
Have you seen the Mussolini (the fascist creator) BBC doc??
1915, originally a socialist, quickly converted?
He was the ultimate right wing guy
Taught Hitler
What can be clearer?
Facism is a right wing thing.
Thought you would be proud
I'm just quoting definitions. you’re not. Here is a screen shot of the definition (from

View attachment 249183
Isn't this Don?
White nationalism?
So I guess we pick the Defs that support our made up mind.
I must compare the Oxford dic to dictionary.
Dic has been around way longer I'm sure

Now I see apparently even though (an on line thing)
I think supports the Oxford.
You have to believe fascism is a right wing thing.
It's now trying to be twisted into some left wing dictator thing by boys who never heard of Wall Street (all commies I guess)
Have you seen the Mussolini (the fascist creator) BBC doc??
1915, originally a socialist, quickly converted?
He was the ultimate right wing guy
Taught Hitler
What can be clearer?
Facism is a right wing thing.
Thought you would be proud

The reason Buttsoiler and his ilk have this neurotic need to revise known political histories into their own opposites, even deliberately editing the Oxford Dic, is that they enslave themselves to Association Fallacy, the retarded thinking that says "if one, then all". In their childish simplistic world they think "if fascism is on the right, and I'm on the right, that would make me a fascist (already a non sequitur), therefore the facts must be changed to protect the conclusion". And off they go trying to turn history inside out. And for no good reason, just to protect themselves from their own fallacy, which nobody forced them to adopt in the first place.

It's how he earns the name "Buttsoiler", that kind of retardo thinking.

Indeed he's done exactly that in his own oxymoronic title for this thread, trying to join to magnetic-pole opposites into one, to wit "Liberal" and "fascism". A hackblogger named Jonah Goldberg did the same thing in a book written for useful idiots, and Buttsoiler bought it. Goldberg even conflated both "Liberal" and "fascist" with "the left", which Buttsoiler also has a history of, and which are of course three different things.
They're not marching towards fascism, they're marching towards Stalinist Communism.
It’s the exact same thing. Both are totalitarianism.
There's a difference.
No. Really. There isn’t. Both have a dictator. Both dictators controll all facets of society (including the economy and production). Both demand total deference to the state and the ideology.
you forgot RIGHT WING
I think the four-quadrant political spectrum chart is the one most in line with reality.

Although it's probably too simplistic. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany had economic systems that most people would consider far left coupled with social policies that trended towards the extreme right.
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

What about Nazi social policies? Far right or far left?
What about Nazi social policies? Far right or far left?
Well that’s easy....just ask yourself: where does all of the anti-semitism come from? The left. Every college campus supports Palestine and bashes jews. Every elected left-wing representative opposes Israel. Hell, have you been paying attention to Congress this week? The Democrats turned on each other because their anti-semitism got so out of control.
What about Nazi social policies? Far right or far left?
Well that’s easy....just ask yourself: where does all of the anti-semitism come from? The left. Every college campus supports Palestine and bashes jews. Every elected left-wing representative opposes Israel. Hell, have you been paying attention to Congress this week? The Democrats turned on each other because their anti-semitism got so out of control.

There was a lot more to Nazi Germany's social policies than just anti-semitism. Also, criticism of Israel is not the same thing anyway.

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