The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Ladies & Gentlemen...would you like to see a hyper-partisan, ultra-ignorant, pathological liar take the beat down of a lifetime?’re about to!
Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.
Did you catch that? First he claimed that “National Socialists” (ie NAZI) was the name of the party before Hitler joined them (keyword there - please remember that as we’ll need it for later). But just two sentences later, he claims the “National Socialists” were his rivals. Wait a second. Why would someone join their rivals? Remember, Pogo the Homo’s position is that Adolf Hitler “wasn’t” a socialist. So...uh...why would he join them?

But wait! We’re not done folks. Nooooo. Not even close. Next this genius states that upon defeating them, he declared the party illegal. Uh.....what?!? He joined a party that was his “rivals” and then he declared them “illegal” after he joined them? If he has joined the party, why the f*ck would he declare the party “illegal”?

So to recap: Hitler hates the NAZIS but joins the NAZIS but then declares the NAZIS illegal according to Pogo the Homo (even though we all know that the NAZIS ruled until Hitler’s death and were never “illegal” under him).

Bwahahaha!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

*NOWHERE* did I say the "National Socialists" (his own party) were his own rivals, lying fuck. I said the ACTUAL Socialists were. YOU YOURSELF just quoted exactly that. DUMBASS.

This is why you're a fucktard. You're either too illiterate to read a simple post or too dishonest to quote it accurately. And inasmuch as you just edited a different quote and got reported for it, it ain't the illiteracy.

Just man up and admit it --- your entire premise here has been taken to the cleaners along with its clock. You contrived yet another oxymoronic dipshit thread, and you got what the thread deserves. Deal with it, Wimp.
thanatos144 BluesLegend Cecilie1200 PoliticalChic Oddball buckeye45_73 I invite you all to look at the single biggest gaffe in USMB history in post #2741 above. Pogo tried to rewrite history and....let’s just didn’t go so well for him. :laugh:

I think I have Pogo on ignore. If so, this would probably be why.
I do too - but was responding to someone else which showed his INSANE attempt at re-writing history.

In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Taught Hitler What can be clearer? Facism is a right wing thing.
Oh sweetie...Nazi stood for National Socialist. Adolf Hitler was as left-wing as left-wing gets. He was a totalitarian who believed in the state controlling the means of production. Very few things were privately controlled in Nazi, Germany.

Fucking moron, you've been schooled on this before. The word "socialism", über-trendy at the time, was already in the name of the party before Hitler even joined it. He personally objected to it but went along for its marketing value. The ACTUAL socialists in Germany were his rivals that he had to DEFEAT to get into power. Hitler created the SA ("brownshirts") for exactly that purpose, to thug-beat them down and intimidate them. Then he declared their political party ILLEGAL, and then he made them the first "guests" at Dachau.

As I said, you're a black hole of negative-knowledge. The weird thing is that you keep coming back with the same shit expecting different results after you've been schooled.

And if you want to hang your hat on "b-but but it's in the name" essplain to the class how many grapes and how many nuts are in a box of Grape Nuts. Essplain how the Pennsylvania Dutch are from Holland. Essplain how the band "10.000 Maniacs" can fit on a stage. Essplain how the German Democratic Republic, the DPRK, or the Democratic Republic of Congo were ever "democratic". HEY, IT'S IN THE NAME.

Fucking MORON.

By trump u?
Hope this helps
Were the Nazis Socialists?
Gawd I'll be reading hitler would be a member of anti fa next

From the link:

>> According to historians, the complicated moniker reveals more about the image the party wanted to project and the constituency it aimed to build than it did about the Nazis’ true political goals, which were building a state based on racial superiority and brute-force governance.

Given that Nazism is traditionally held to be an extreme right-wing ideology, the party’s conspicuous use of the term “socialist” — which refers to a political system normally plotted on the far-left end of the ideological spectrum — has long been a source of confusion, not to mention heated debate among partisans seeking to distance themselves from the genocidal taint of Nazi Germany.

... And whatever premises the party may have started with, by 1930 Hitler’s party was “socialist” only to take advantage of the emotional value of the word, and a “workers’ party” in order to lure the most energetic social force. As with Hitler’s protestations of belief in tradition, in conservative values, or in Christianity, the socialist slogans were merely movable ideological props to serve as camouflage and confuse the enemy. <<​

--- exactly as I already laid out.
Never wrong are we?
Must be nice.
No advanced research again where people are always in doubt?

There is no "doubt". First I laid out the relationship between the fake socialists and the actual Socialists (SPD), which we've all done for Little Buttsoiler many times in the past including this thread, and then YOUR link proceeded to back everything I said. Simple enough?

I know all this shit because these mendacious revisionists have been selling these historical revisions for years on this site, and they've been thoroughly schooled on it. The strange thing is that after that's happened they waddle right back in selling the same shit all over again expecting different results.
thanatos144 BluesLegend Cecilie1200 PoliticalChic Oddball buckeye45_73 I invite you all to look at the single biggest gaffe in USMB history in post #2741 above. Pogo tried to rewrite history and....let’s just didn’t go so well for him. :laugh:

I think I have Pogo on ignore. If so, this would probably be why.
I do too - but was responding to someone else which showed his INSANE attempt at re-writing history.

In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties

>> Adolf Hitler prohibited the party in 1933 under the Enabling Act and party officials were imprisoned, killed or went into exile. In exile, the party used the name Sopade. The Social Democrats had been the only party to vote against the Enabling Act while the Communist Party was blocked from voting. << --- Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) / Wiki

Give Buttsoiler a few weeks to bawl his eyes out and he'll be back to try to rewrite this too. Or bury it under a ton of rhetorical manure.
In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The german social democrat party were anti-capitalist marxists who advocated for "seizing the means of production". That's pure, unadulterated socialism. The Nazis didn't much care for capitalism either but they weren't socialists. They hated socialists. Those are just the facts, sorry.
The german social democrat party were anti-capitalist marxists who advocated for "seizing the means of production". That's pure, unadulterated socialism. The Nazis didn't much care for capitalism either but they weren't socialists. They hated socialists. Those are just the facts, sorry.
Yeah...the National Socialists (NAZIS) who took control of production for the state “hated” socialists. Keep telling yourself that. :laugh:
Yeah...the National Socialists (NAZIS) who took control of production for the state “hated” socialists. Keep telling yourself that.

Except the Nazis did no such thing. The Krupps and the other rich Germans made a shitload of money off of the Nazis and their war effort. They were living large... at least until Germany lost.

The thing was, the "Socialist" element of the NSDAP stopped being a thing after the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, when Hitler purged the party of Ernst Roehm and the more socialist elements. After that, the military industrial complex of Germany was just fine with Hitler...
In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The Nazi party, socialists, are what we call Democrats/Liberals today.

The Democrats actually put American citizens into concentration camps right here in this country.
What could be more dispositive???

And, stand for not only the same collectivist outcome for society as the Nazis did....but the very same policies:

80% of the budget was spent on social programs, not the hallmark of an "evil, right wing, capitalist economy." Were the Nazis really socialists? The proof - and numbers - are hard to find


Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Both Ilhan, I mean Hitler, and Stalin learned from Karl Marx.
In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The Nazi party, socialists, are what we call Democrats/Liberals today.

The Democrats actually put American citizens into concentration camps right here in this country.
What could be more dispositive???

And, stand for not only the same collectivist outcome for society as the Nazis did....but the very same policies:

80% of the budget was spent on social programs, not the hallmark of an "evil, right wing, capitalist economy." Were the Nazis really socialists? The proof - and numbers - are hard to find


Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Both Ilhan, I mean Hitler, and Stalin learned from Karl Marx.
Pretty funny coming from a North Korean operative.
In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The german social democrat party were anti-capitalist marxists who advocated for "seizing the means of production". That's pure, unadulterated socialism. The Nazis didn't much care for capitalism either but they weren't socialists. They hated socialists. Those are just the facts, sorry.

They did not "hate socialists". They hated people who were competing with them for power. That they were socialists just happened to be a coincidence.
In 1933, Hitler banned the "Social democrat party".
On This Day: Nazis Ban All Other Political Parties
Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The german social democrat party were anti-capitalist marxists who advocated for "seizing the means of production". That's pure, unadulterated socialism. The Nazis didn't much care for capitalism either but they weren't socialists. They hated socialists. Those are just the facts, sorry.

They did not "hate socialists". They hated people who were competing with them for power. That they were socialists just happened to be a coincidence.

Nazis and their socialist rivals had some ideas in common, I've already said as much. "right wing" traditionalism and some "left wing" social policies. One of the biggest differences is that the Nazis did not believe in equality, obviously. Unlike the socialists, they weren't trying to reshape humanity into an grey, formless "classless" society where everyone is the same, no. They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.

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