The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Snowflake...Hitler didn't ban the NAZI party (which was the National Socialists). Don't try to cover for Pogo and his astounding fuck up.

The german social democrat party were anti-capitalist marxists who advocated for "seizing the means of production". That's pure, unadulterated socialism. The Nazis didn't much care for capitalism either but they weren't socialists. They hated socialists. Those are just the facts, sorry.

They did not "hate socialists". They hated people who were competing with them for power. That they were socialists just happened to be a coincidence.

Nazis and their socialist rivals had some ideas in common, I've already said as much. "right wing" traditionalism and some "left wing" social policies. One of the biggest differences is that the Nazis did not believe in equality, obviously. Unlike the socialists, they weren't trying to reshape humanity into an grey, formless "classless" society where everyone is the same, no. They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.

If your hairsplitting, word-parsing attempts at justification make you feel better, then you go on with your bad self. Just so you understand that you're neither convincing nor impressing anyone else.

Saying that the Nazis were not socialists because they did not believe in the foundational principal of socialism is NOT splitting hairs. If you want to play this stupid game of pin the hitler on your political rivals then go ahead but I think it's idiotic.

If YOU want to play this stupid game of "If I divert with enough excuses, I never have to actually answer for anything real", be my guest, but I think YOU are idiotic.
Need me to help you pack?

There's nowhere left for a traditionalist white man to pack up and leave to.

Are you sure, Gilligan????

Do you ever feel silly, going to bat on behalf of corporations? What does greed, materialism and exploitation have to do with conservatism?

Do you feel dopey pretending that I said stuff I didn't?

As a champion of individualism, I champion your right to be a dope.

I'll assume that it comes from years spent in front of a mirror trying to win arguments with yourself.

You've got a shit attitude. Grow up.

You use the language you learned in the boy's bathroom in the third grade....but I should grow up????

You lack self-realization....quite a detriment.

As for me.... I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
Now, the way I see it, today's advocates for socialism in America share a lot in common with Stalin and also Hitler although they'd never admit it. Stalin's brutal suppression of free expression and persecution of owners of wealth is well documented and you can see some of that happening here today. But also, Hiter's scapegoating of the Jews as the root cause of all of Europe's problems is in full effect in America today except this time it's white males who get the blame. One does not have to look far to find lefty mainstream media and democrat politicians fear mongering and advocating the systematic oppression of evil whitey as retribution for all the harm he has done.


Can you see how they try and deflect by saying others are like Hitler...

The fact is US has had and will continue to have a lot of socialist programs... The Military, Fire Dept, Police, Education, Roads.... are all socialist programs... To reject socialism is to also reject them and what they do...

The fact is, government is not automatically socialism. That's just a half-assed lie pinheads like you try to hide your power grabs behind.
Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in
Yes. The government has no such power and acting like they do (or encouraging them to) is dangerous as fuck.
and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?
Well that depends what you mean. America should be the interests of its legal citizens (whether born here or not) ahead of the entire world.

Where are you going with either of these bizarre questions?

Is it less dangerous to allow un-elected and unaccountable corporations to run amok? Just let them grow ever more powerful? What if they decide to hire their own private militia? Would it then be ok for the government to step in? What's the breaking point?

All it takes is a scrap of paper to qualify someone as a citizen regardless of whether or not they share any of the cultural values of the nation they immigrated to. Import enough of them and what even is America anymore?
They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.
That's not even true. They believed the white/"nordic" race was superior. Not just Germans. But either way, the NAZIS created a socialist Germany. It's indisputable. Not only were they the National Socialists, but they took control of production in almost all cases.

Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?

You get that the people who run Google ARE the government's "own citizens" just like you are, right? That they didn't lose their citzenship and rights just because they had the sheer gall and temerity to become richer and more successful than you?

So yeah, it would be just as awful for the government to "reign in" rich people to suit you as it would be for it to reign you in because I find you ignorant and annoying.
Is it less dangerous to allow un-elected and unaccountable corporations to run amok?
Can you describe "run amok"? A private corporation can't do shit to me. If I don't like them, I don't do business with them. Pretty simple.
What if they decide to hire their own private militia?
They already do. Many corporations have their own armed private security. And militias are 100% legal in the United States anyway.
Would it then be ok for the government to step in?
What's the breaking point?
When they break the law (up to and including the U.S. Constitution)
All it takes is a scrap of paper to qualify someone as a citizen
That's not true at all. There are requirements they must meet to achieve that "scrap of paper".
regardless of whether or not they share any of the cultural values of the nation they immigrated to. Import enough of them and what even is America anymore?
Uh...that's sort of the definition of America. Nobody shared "cultural values" during the HUGE immigration of the late 1800's and early 1900's. The Irish and Italians were at war with each other. It was ugly. Don't forget the hate they shared with each and the Germans for the African-Americans.

What happened? The "culture" we have today that you love so much. #Irony.
Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?
You get that the people who run Google ARE the government's "own citizens" just like you are, right? That they didn't lose their citzenship and rights just because they had the sheer gall and temerity to become richer and more successful than you?

So yeah, it would be just as awful for the government to "reign in" rich people to suit you as it would be for it to reign you in because I find you ignorant and annoying.
:clap: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.
That's not even true. They believed the white/"nordic" race was superior. Not just Germans. But either way, the NAZIS created a socialist Germany. It's indisputable. Not only were they the National Socialists, but they took control of production in almost all cases.

Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?

You get that the people who run Google ARE the government's "own citizens" just like you are, right? That they didn't lose their citzenship and rights just because they had the sheer gall and temerity to become richer and more successful than you?

So yeah, it would be just as awful for the government to "reign in" rich people to suit you as it would be for it to reign you in because I find you ignorant and annoying.

Everything you said here seems to run counter to the Samuel Adams quote in your signature.
I used to think that PoliticalChic delivered the most brilliant beat downs on USMB, but I think she may have been surpassed by Cecilie1200.

Of course you do. You have the IQ of a turnip.

I don't know if I'd call him and his pals stupid. They seem pretty intelligent.. but they're using their brains wrong.

I've known him longer. And I wasn't referring to his pals, not that he has any.

Cecile truly is intelligent, there's no question about that. She's just consumed with anger and hates everybody. In other words kinda like if Buttsoiler had a brain.
As fascism conserves all power to the central authority, it is the antithesis of 'liberal'.
That isn’t what liberal means.

It’s also a lie
First, this statement is not a "lie". "Fascism" is absolutely not liberal. Thus, we either doubt your comprehension of "fascism" or your ability to read.
Calling someone a liar is serious, even if it is on this ridiculous threads where everyone uses language in a sloppy manner.
At most, if you disagree with the assessment, you could call it incorrect, but even then, in this case, you would be wrong.
Do you think 'liberalism" and "fascism" go together?
Do you understand the term "antithesis"?
They were concerned about the well being of Germans because to them, Germans were better than everyone else.
That's not even true. They believed the white/"nordic" race was superior. Not just Germans. But either way, the NAZIS created a socialist Germany. It's indisputable. Not only were they the National Socialists, but they took control of production in almost all cases.

Would it really be so awful if corporations like google were reigned in and America's government put the interests of its own citizens ahead of people who weren't even born here?

You get that the people who run Google ARE the government's "own citizens" just like you are, right? That they didn't lose their citzenship and rights just because they had the sheer gall and temerity to become richer and more successful than you?

So yeah, it would be just as awful for the government to "reign in" rich people to suit you as it would be for it to reign you in because I find you ignorant and annoying.

Everything you said here seems to run counter to the Samuel Adams quote in your signature.

That just means you didn't understand the quote.

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