The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
It’s not a matter of what I think. It’s a matter of fact. Government gets smaller and less powerful the further you move to the right (which is why libertarianism is further right than conservatism and sovereign citizen is further right than libertarianism). Therefore, it is literally impossible to have right-wing totalitarianism. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here you go. This sums it up flawlessly.

  1. an authoritarian and progressive left-wing system of government and social organization.

Where'd you get that retarded ass definition, from Glenn Beck?

He went to the Oxford Dictionary, and then edited what it says because he's a dishonest hack.

The original:


mass noun
1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. <<

Dishonest hacks. SO predictable.
I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
It’s not a matter of what I think. It’s a matter of fact. Government gets smaller and less powerful the further you move to the right (which is why libertarianism is further right than conservatism and sovereign citizen is further right than libertarianism). Therefore, it is literally impossible to have right-wing totalitarianism. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here you go. This sums it up flawlessly.

OMG OMG here he goes again, the same turd Buttsoiler tried to float in this bowl before he changed his name to hide his past ---- the retardo concept that "the difference between political Left and Right is 'how big the government is'". :rofl:

Some Buttsoilers just never learn. But they don't let the fact that they have zero aptitude for political science get in the way of starting Doublethinkian bullshit threads like this one.

Stay assy, Buttsoiler. Fucking moron.
  1. an authoritarian and progressive left-wing system of government and social organization.

Where'd you get that retarded ass definition, from Glenn Beck?

He went to the Oxford Dictionary, and then edited what it says because he's a dishonest hack.

The original:


mass noun
1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. <<

Dishonest hacks. SO predictable.
Dishonest and uneducated.
I thought I'd gone nuts for a minute.
Hey, what does the Oxford dic know?
White separatists? Hardly antifa.
Fascism doesn’t tolerate independent thought or any action which deviates from the approved ideology - and any dissent is met with violence. That is the quintessential essence of Antifa.

I wish you would preface your posts with "in my opinion"
Amusing how we are ignoring dictionary Defs today
Anti fa
  1. a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.
    "Saturday's rally had the support of Antifa, whose sworn enemy is the far right"

    Opposition to fascism?
    Not quite as good as our MAGA PhD who substituted left for right in the Oxford dic def.
    Hilarious stuff!!
I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
It’s not a matter of what I think. It’s a matter of fact. Government gets smaller and less powerful the further you move to the right (which is why libertarianism is further right than conservatism and sovereign citizen is further right than libertarianism). Therefore, it is literally impossible to have right-wing totalitarianism. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here you go. This sums it up flawlessly.

OMG OMG here he goes again, the same turd Buttsoiler tried to float in this bowl before he changed his name to hide his past ---- the retardo concept that "the difference between political Left and Right is 'how big the government is'". :rofl:

Some Buttsoilers just never learn. But they don't let the fact that they have zero aptitude for political science get in the way of starting Doublethinkian bullshit threads like this one.

Stay assy, Buttsoiler. Fucking moron.
Who was buttsoiler out of interest?
  1. an authoritarian and progressive left-wing system of government and social organization.

Where'd you get that retarded ass definition, from Glenn Beck?

From reality.
This zero college white boy doesn't even know the def of MAGA! Our WWII Nazi group name.
Or maybe he does??

Judging someone based on race is what tolerant people do.

Your attempt at sarcasm is weak.

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