The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Obama as not a bigot, racist, hate monger, fraud, business cheat, liar, adulterer, woman assaulter.
Only to racists who hate white people.
Show me where Obama showed hate toward white people?
When he hung out with genocidal lunatic, Farrakhan, claimed that white people in western Pennsylvania didn’t vote for him because they worship their Bible and guns(despite his base being radical black Christians),denied the motive of a black racist killer in Dallas despite everyone knowing the motive, and he hired another genocidal lunatic to paint his and Michelle’s presidential portrait.

Obama is a typical racist “black” Democrat.
Obama as not a bigot, racist, hate monger, fraud, business cheat, liar, adulterer, woman assaulter.

He is the most prodigious liar ever to inhabit the White House.

Obama as not a bigot, racist, hate monger, fraud, business cheat, liar, adulterer, woman assaulter.
Only to racists who hate white people.
Show me where Obama showed hate toward white people?

Here is Hussein Obama endorsing anti-white racism:
"That's my man right here," President Obama said at the G20 summit as Brazil's president Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva approached him. "Love this guy. He's the most popular politician on earth. It's because of his good looks."
Conor Foley: Gordon Brown was outclassed by Brazil's president Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva

That's the same Lula who blamed the economic meltdown on ‘blonde haired, blue eyed people,’ and then Obama says ‘I love this guy.”

I take part in protests,
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
make sure I vote,
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
talk to others about issues and try to encourage them to think independently.
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
Post links here to resources that might help others see things differently.
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
How did Obama destroy the Constitution? Can't wait to hear it.
DACA, for one thing. Weaponizing the IRS against his political opponents for another. Weaponizing the FBI and the DOJ against his political opponents.
I take part in protests,
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
make sure I vote,
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
talk to others about issues and try to encourage them to think independently.
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
Post links here to resources that might help others see things differently.
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
How did Obama destroy the Constitution? Can't wait to hear it.
DACA, for one thing. Weaponizing the IRS against his political opponents for another. Weaponizing the FBI and the DOJ against his political opponents.

You do know the IRS banned more left groups than right?
Knees news?
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
I take part in protests,
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
make sure I vote,
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
talk to others about issues and try to encourage them to think independently.
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
Post links here to resources that might help others see things differently.
Phew! Thank God. Otherwise MaObama would have been elected twice and spent 8 years in the White House shredding the U.S. Constitution and destroying this nation. But thanks to your heroics of taking part in protests, that didn’t happen. Oh, wait...
How did Obama destroy the Constitution? Can't wait to hear it.
DACA, for one thing. Weaponizing the IRS against his political opponents for another. Weaponizing the FBI and the DOJ against his political opponents.

You do know the IRS banned more left groups than right?
Knees news?

Please don't tell me you read this criminal?

In a "Fact Check" of the film, the Associated Press found that D'Souza provided little or no evidence for most of his claims, noted that several allegations were factually false, and described the film's central thesis as "almost entirely subjective and a logical stretch at best."[66]

Good enough for the Don the con cultists
Wonder why don pardoned him?
So what have you done? I don’t recall you putting a bullet in Barack Obama’s head.

Well, that was a rational, reasonable response :rolleyes:
Attacking people on the same side....good strategy there Pat.

And as far as Obama, I'm not going to either. Sorry to disappoint you.
Is that the ONLY thing you can think of ?
Have you thought about doing that? If so, you need to be evaluated.

I take part in protests, make sure I vote, talk to others about issues and try to encourage them to think independently. Post links here to resources that might help others see things differently.
I do more than come here to cry.

How about you?
Do you think your constant whining here changes anything? If so, think again.
All whine / no time (to actually do anything?)

Omg , you consider both sides?
No place in our all white separatist don the con cult forum

We all have our knees news def
"Fascism definition is - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a ..".
White separatists? Hardly antifa.
Notice you quote the knees news def of liberal.
Not the real def.
Latin, liber, free
"for the individual and small gov"
All my corporate multimillionaire buddies are

Please don't tell me you read this criminal?

In a "Fact Check" of the film, the Associated Press found that D'Souza provided little or no evidence for most of his claims, noted that several allegations were factually false, and described the film's central thesis as "almost entirely subjective and a logical stretch at best."[66]

Good enough for the Don the con cultists
Wonder why don pardoned him?

Fact check sites are fake news.

D'Souza is no more a criminal than Rosie O'Donnel. The only difference is that some leftwing DA prosecuted D'Souza and ignored Rosie's offenses.

We all have our knees news def
"Fascism definition is - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a ..".
White separatists? Hardly antifa.
Notice you quote the knees news def of liberal.
Not the real def.
Latin, liber, free
"for the individual and small gov"
All my corporate multimillionaire buddies are
That would exclude the Italians, who all scholars admit as being the originators of fascism.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

I’d be interested in what you think conservatism and mainstream right wing politics is.
Not don the con criminality.
Ah well his cult thinks he's a criminal and still love him
The def fits all white nationalists?

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