The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
The Constitution and the Declaration of Indepemdence are both liberal documents based a great deal on The Age of Enlightenment.
Sorry sweetie...they are the ultimate small-government conservative documents written by the ultimate small-government conservatives. Indisputable proof:

View attachment 270581
both promoting and providing for the general welfare, are.
Nazis are rightwing.


Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?

Totally wrong.
Fascism is where the wealthy elite rule with a coalition of aristocracy, industry, and the military.
It is originally a concept created by the ancient Romans, to justify colonialism, imperialism, slavery, etc.

Leftist are the exact opposite, and instead believe in equality, that would favor the poor because they are the majority.

What is likely confusing you is that Stalin destroyed the leftist in Russia, and forced capitalism instead.
In order for something to be collective, it has to have popular planning and popular profit sharing.
Neither of these happened under Stalin.
Instead, under Stalin it was all dictated by an elite central committee, and the elite central committee got the majority of the profits.
That is the opposite of leftist collectivism, and is instead capitalist elitism.

Actual leftist ideas include collectives, but that is local.
That is when you have employee owned businesses.
When it is instead controlled centrally by a committee that does not include the local workers or users, that is capitalism.
Liberals don't understand what fascism is. Most liberals are babies. To me, they were born yesterday, and they have no clue. When you tell us what to say, how to frame an argument and what is acceptable, that crosses the line into fascism. Liberals don't want tolerance, no, that's the last thing they want. They want a dictatorship of their ideals, It makes them no better than NAZIS. Pretty much.

Well there lately are people who call themselves liberals who are not really liberals.
But clearly historically, like Thomas Jefferson, liberals were those who wanted to maximize personal liberties.
Liberals don't understand what fascism is. Most liberals are babies. To me, they were born yesterday, and they have no clue. When you tell us what to say, how to frame an argument and what is acceptable, that crosses the line into fascism. Liberals don't want tolerance, no, that's the last thing they want. They want a dictatorship of their ideals, It makes them no better than NAZIS. Pretty much.

"They want a dictatorship of their ideals, It makes them no better than NAZIS. Pretty much."

and conservatives want the same thing.
The Constitution and the Declaration of Indepemdence are both liberal documents based a great deal on The Age of Enlightenment.
Sorry sweetie...they are the ultimate small-government conservative documents written by the ultimate small-government conservatives. Indisputable proof:

View attachment 270581

small government?

does that mean you oppose laws against pot?
you support freedom and rights for gays?
freedom and rights for non-chrisitans? muslims? atheists?
Nazis were antisemitic
Exactly. Just like all Democrats. You're really struggling today, uh snowflake? The left supports Palestine and attacks Israel with all types of antisemitic rhetoric.

Wrong again.
The word "Semitic" means of an Arab language group, so includes all Arabs, but only include Jews who used to have Hebrew as a native language. That is because the ancient Hebrew were a branch of Arabs, and ancient Hebrew is an Arab language.
But most Israelis are Ashkenazi, so are not Semitic. Their native language is Yiddish, which is of Germanic origins.

Israel is just totally illegal.
Zionists are illegal immigrants who invaded Palestine and stole all of it by the use of force provided by the US.
They never bought much of the land, and illegally stole the homes of Palestinians by murder or extortion.
If you are unfamiliar with the facts, then look up who blew up the King David Hotel, who murdered the UN Moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, who massacred Arab villages like Dier Yassin, and how the Treaty of Sevres in 1920 had created the British Mandate for Palestine, to reward the Arab for their help against the Ottoman Empire, (Lawrence of Arabia), with a pledge to ensure their independence.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Right, built into the definition is that they are all right wing and definitely never left wing like Stalin or Mao. Then to think that they care more about the country they run than others that did not elect them which is why we need globalists running our governments.


I hate to break it to ya Left wingers but the term Nazi refers to National SOCIALISTS!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, #2912. That is why we looked to the pacifist Mennonites and Old Apostolic Lutherans for clues to the unmasking of Antifa.

'The intellectuals who were captured by fascism were not content to remain on the fringes of society or politics, and to be part of those 'restless intellectuals' who had made and were making the greatest contribution to European thought. The abhorred restlessness, and the fascist emphasis on rootedness of the creative individual in the national soul made a strong appeal to these men. National Socialism provided Benn with both excitement and a firm intellectual (point d'appui [italics]) which he had hitherto lacked....The very discipline of a firm, simple and organic ideology fulfilled a need not only for Gottfried Benn but also for a poet like Ezra Pound who had passed through expressionism. Yet there may well be validity in Ladislas Mittner's contention that the feeling of impotence in expressionism led to dreams of violence, to a tyrant born in the imagination.

In Science of Character, Ludwig Klages' 'untrammeled activity' is indeed one of the parameters that needs to be in place for the will to go nuts, a will that, because it cannot devour, becomes a will to destroy.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Right, built into the definition is that they are all right wing and definitely never left wing like Stalin or Mao. Then to think that they care more about the country they run than others that did not elect them which is why we need globalists running our governments.


I hate to break it to ya Left wingers but the term Nazi refers to National SOCIALISTS!!!!!!!!!!!

The Nazis STARTED as the SA actually.
The Brown Shirts veteran organization that wanted better conditions for the working class.
But in order to get Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor, Hitler had to disavow any socialism and kill off all his old cronies.
By 1934, there were no socialist left. The concentration camps were initially started for the socialists.
The teachers, priests, gays, and then Jews were added as inmates, later.
Nazis were eugenicist...
Exactly. Just as the left is. Margaret Sanger was a Democrat sweetie. Oops.

Trying to reduce birth rates for the poor by allowing voluntary birth control access is not eugenics.
It is nothing like what the fascists did with Zylon B.
Reducing the number if black children by killing them pretty much sums up racist eugenics.

That is a lie.
Birth control does not kill anyone or effect the total population rate.
It just allows people to decide when they want children, and they then have the option of waiting until later, when they have more financial stability.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.

Try some historic perspective.
The right wing has always been the wealthy elite.
Like Hamilton and the Federalists.
They have always been conservative, because they did not do badly under the previous British aristocracy system.
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for reform, individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.

The Republicans were liberal, leftist, progressives under Lincoln, and did not become right wing conservatives until the corruption of the 1890s or so.

That was pretty much the divide until the Clintons.
With the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, repealing Glass-Steagall, etc., the Clintons turned the democrats into right wing, anti-liberals.

So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.

Try some historic perspective.
The right wing has always been the wealthy elite.
Like Hamilton and the Federalists.
They have always been conservative, because they did not do badly under the previous British aristocracy system.
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for reform, individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.

The Republicans were liberal, leftist, progressives under Lincoln, and did not become right wing conservatives until the corruption of the 1890s or so.

That was pretty much the divide until the Clintons.
With the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, repealing Glass-Steagall, etc., the Clintons turned the democrats into right wing, anti-liberals.

So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.
Clinton understood economics, unlike the right wing.
The Constitution and the Declaration of Indepemdence are both liberal documents based a great deal on The Age of Enlightenment.
Sorry sweetie...they are the ultimate small-government conservative documents written by the ultimate small-government conservatives. Indisputable proof:

View attachment 270581

small government?

does that mean you oppose laws against pot?
you support freedom and rights for gays?
freedom and rights for non-chrisitans? muslims? atheists?

"If you want small government, you have to want MY interpretation of it!"

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