The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.

Try some historic perspective.
The right wing has always been the wealthy elite.
Like Hamilton and the Federalists.
They have always been conservative, because they did not do badly under the previous British aristocracy system.
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for reform, individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.

The Republicans were liberal, leftist, progressives under Lincoln, and did not become right wing conservatives until the corruption of the 1890s or so.

That was pretty much the divide until the Clintons.
With the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, repealing Glass-Steagall, etc., the Clintons turned the democrats into right wing, anti-liberals.

So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.
Clinton understood economics, unlike the right wing.
The clintons went along with the GOP way too much, but cannot be blamed for the George W bush disasters.... The ongoing giveaway to the rich Reagan experiment which has given us the modern world's worst inequality and upward Mobility the last 35 years... Clinton and Obama thought they would get some compromise out of the GOP oh, but that never happened. The GOP is totally bought off and corrupt, look at the lobbyist situation and campaign finance lack of law....
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Right, built into the definition is that they are all right wing and definitely never left wing like Stalin or Mao. Then to think that they care more about the country they run than others that did not elect them which is why we need globalists running our governments.


I hate to break it to ya Left wingers but the term Nazi refers to National SOCIALISTS!!!!!!!!!!!
Begging the question: Your definition assumes that which has yet to be proven. First, define "right wing."
So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.

Try some historic perspective.
The right wing has always been the wealthy elite.
Like Hamilton and the Federalists.
They have always been conservative, because they did not do badly under the previous British aristocracy system.
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for reform, individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.

The Republicans were liberal, leftist, progressives under Lincoln, and did not become right wing conservatives until the corruption of the 1890s or so.

That was pretty much the divide until the Clintons.
With the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, repealing Glass-Steagall, etc., the Clintons turned the democrats into right wing, anti-liberals.

So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.
Clinton understood economics, unlike the right wing.
Really? What's the evidence for that?
Liberalism and fascism are extreme opposites. Who doesn’t know that?
It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.

Try some historic perspective.
The right wing has always been the wealthy elite.
Like Hamilton and the Federalists.
They have always been conservative, because they did not do badly under the previous British aristocracy system.
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for reform, individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.

The Republicans were liberal, leftist, progressives under Lincoln, and did not become right wing conservatives until the corruption of the 1890s or so.

That was pretty much the divide until the Clintons.
With the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, repealing Glass-Steagall, etc., the Clintons turned the democrats into right wing, anti-liberals.

So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.
Clinton understood economics, unlike the right wing.
Really? What's the evidence for that?
actually running budget surpluses instead of budget deficits.
The GOP is totally bought off and corrupt...

That may be, or not, but how did you feel about Hillary setting up a private server to conduct state and personal business when she was SOS?

And how do you feel about the fact that Obama knew what she was doing and didn't put a stop to it?
So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.

Who generally wants more and bigger government and government regulations? Would it be the American right or would it be the American left?
The GOP is totally bought off and corrupt...

That may be, or not, but how did you feel about Hillary setting up a private server to conduct state and personal business when she was SOS?

And how do you feel about the fact that Obama knew what she was doing and didn't put a stop to it?
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

What do you mean there is "no rule against it"? She set up a private server to escape oversight by the American people.

Just be honest, if you can. You don't have a problem with corruption; you have a problem with REPUBLICAN corruption.
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

So you would have NO PROBLEM if everyone in government did the people's business in private on their own servers and emails, correct?
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

What do you mean there is "no rule against it"? She set up a private server to escape oversight by the American people.

Just be honest, if you can. You don't have a problem with corruption; you have a problem with REPUBLICAN corruption.
Bologna. There was nothing to cover up you people are crazy. All investigated and nothing there except GOP garbage propaganda.
Bologna. There was nothing to cover up you people are crazy. All investigated and nothing there except GOP garbage propaganda.

LOL. So, like I asked, you SUPPORT government employees doing whatever the fuck they like, unless they're Republican, correct? If Hillary wasn't corrupt then nobody in the history of government has ever been corrupt.

Speaking of corruption, was it "corrupt" when Hitler, er, Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election?
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

So you would have NO PROBLEM if everyone in government did the people's business in private on their own servers and emails, correct?
Not now that everyone has found out about foreign hackers wrecking elections and there are rules against this now of course. At the time nobody cared about emails.
Bologna. There was nothing to cover up you people are crazy. All investigated and nothing there except GOP garbage propaganda.

LOL. So, like I asked, you SUPPORT government employees doing whatever the fuck they like, unless they're Republican, correct? If Hillary wasn't corrupt then nobody in the history of government has ever been corrupt.

Speaking of corruption, was it "corrupt" when Hitler, er, Obama used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election?
You have no idea what you're talking about just so many conspiracies LOL. The clintons were never so stupid as to do anything criminal with you GOP after them on everything. It's just silly conspiracy talk all investigated nothing found but ridiculous propaganda. And no there is no deep state.
You have no idea what you're talking about just so many conspiracies LOL. The clintons were never so stupid as to do anything criminal with you GOP after them on everything. It's just silly conspiracy talk all investigated nothing found but ridiculous propaganda. And no there is no deep state.

Was it a conspiracy that the IRS was targeting conservative groups?
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

If what she was doing was perfectly fine, why then did Obama lie when he was asked if he had known about Hillary using a private server to conduct official state business?
You have no idea what you're talking about just so many conspiracies LOL. The clintons were never so stupid as to do anything criminal with you GOP after them on everything. It's just silly conspiracy talk all investigated nothing found but ridiculous propaganda. And no there is no deep state.

Was it a conspiracy that the IRS was targeting conservative groups?
The reason there was a delay in being approved was it there were so many tea party organizations all of a sudden they didn't have enough money since the GOP cut IRS funding. There is no Scandal there at all no GOP organizations were turned down. Just garbage propaganda dumbass. you have tons of it coming out of your ears nobody gives a damn except you brainwashed fools.... In the entire world!
You have no idea what you're talking about just so many conspiracies LOL. The clintons were never so stupid as to do anything criminal with you GOP after them on everything. It's just silly conspiracy talk all investigated nothing found but ridiculous propaganda. And no there is no deep state.

Was it a conspiracy that the IRS was targeting conservative groups?
The reason there was a delay in being approved was it there were so many tea party organizations all of a sudden they didn't have enough money since the GOP cut IRS funding. There is no Scandal there at all no GOP organizations were turned down. Just garbage propaganda dumbass. you have tons of it coming out of your ears nobody gives a damn except you brainwashed fools.... In the entire world!

Was it a "conspiracy" when all those IRS executives pled the fifth? Did the IRS officially and publicly admit to and apologize for picking out conservative groups for special treatment?

The reality is that you're delusional. Additionally, stop crying about corruption since you're unwilling to condemn ALL corruption.

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