The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

That is because tens of thousands of people have to be given access to state department email servers.

So you AGREE that government employees should be able to do ANYTHING they like with our nation's secrets, including sending them out on Yahoo, or Gmail or or whatever, right? LOL. Yea, you're an idiot.

You do not understand how email works.
There is no government network.
Whether you put your account on Yahoo, Gmail, etc., the emails are still sent from machine to machine, over half a dozen private network servers.
Yahoo and Gmail are just portals that allow easy user access, but the rest of the network is identical, whether you start with a State Dept. server or a public one. The data content part can be encrypted, but any Virtual Personal Network does that, just as well as any State Department server, with the advantage of having a smaller and therefore more secure staff.
The reality is that the State Department has admitted it has been hacked many times, and Hillary's server apparently was never hacked.
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

So you would have NO PROBLEM if everyone in government did the people's business in private on their own servers and emails, correct?
Not now that everyone has found out about foreign hackers wrecking elections and there are rules against this now of course. At the time nobody cared about emails.

No hackers, foreign or domestic got into Hillary's server.
That had nothing to do with it.
The problem was that when Hillary turned her State Department emails over to the archives, some 30,000 had been deleted.
So the ONLY problem was that she was TOO private, and that is in violation of the Freedom of Information Act, which wants a public record of everything.

The rules did not change, and the State Department servers go back to the Nixon era.
You have no idea what you're talking about just so many conspiracies LOL. The clintons were never so stupid as to do anything criminal with you GOP after them on everything. It's just silly conspiracy talk all investigated nothing found but ridiculous propaganda. And no there is no deep state.

Was it a conspiracy that the IRS was targeting conservative groups?

The Tea Party organizations that were delayed while investigations were run had things like tax resistor in their name. The Tea Party already stands for "Taxed Enough Already", so it is reasonable to wonder if they actually qualify for 501c status.
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

If what she was doing was perfectly fine, why then did Obama lie when he was asked if he had known about Hillary using a private server to conduct official state business?

Where did you go francoHFW ?
Obama did not lie about it, these people are busy and they didn't give a s*** about emails until the Russians hacked the election d u h. Nobody did, brainwashed functional moron. They were busy being president of the country and Secretary of State in the middle of a GOP disaster financially and diplomatically.

There is no evidence the Russians hacked the election.
The only thing we know that happened was that the DNC email was hacked, revealing that Hillary was given the debate questions ahead of time.
No problem there was no rule against it and hers was the only one that wasn't hacked as far as I can tell. Phony scandal

If what she was doing was perfectly fine, why then did Obama lie when he was asked if he had known about Hillary using a private server to conduct official state business?

Where did you go francoHFW ?
Obama did not lie about it, these people are busy and they didn't give a s*** about emails until the Russians hacked the election d u h. Nobody did, brainwashed functional moron. They were busy being president of the country and Secretary of State in the middle of a GOP disaster financially and diplomatically.

Wrong again. Obama absolutely LIED. You're in la la land.

Obama’s silky lie and FBI bias in the Clinton investigation

What could have been a lie that Obama said?
He did not say much of anything about emails.
There is nothing improper with using an anonymous email account to exchange social emails between a president and Sec. of State.

The point is, Obama was asked by the press as to WHEN he knew about Hillary's private server and he said that he didn't learn about it until it came out in the news. That was a blatant and egregious LIE. After all, he was communicating to her through her email address on her private server. This is an INDISPUTABLE FACT established by the IG himself.
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.

Fascism, like communism and socialism, is the EXTREME of left-wing ideology. How so? Because the left advocates for more and bigger government, government control of the economy, healthcare, education and everything under the sun. It's NOT the American right that's demanding government takeover of our nation's healthcare system. It's NOT the American right calling for MORE government regulations. The only ones calling for leaving healthcare in private hands and REDUCING government regulations and control is the RIGHT. Additionally, Donald Trump is the biggest capitalist ever elected to the White House. The left, particularly the extreme left (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc.) all oppose free-market capitalism.

Feel free to make the argument that fascism is "right wing". Please don't provide a link to someone else's explanation. You make the argument, if you can. You can't.
What could have been a lie that Obama said?
He did not say much of anything about emails.

Your leftist media outlets don't cover malfeasance by Democrats. Here you go.

Obama’s silky lie and FBI bias in the Clinton investigation


Of all the silky lies being told in Washington over the findings of the FBI’s inspector general on the biased culture of those investigating Hillary Clinton’s email server, one lie seems to be ignored:

It’s the silky lie told by then-President Barack Obama.

Obama told his silky lie when his chosen successor was Hillary Clinton.

Clinton had endangered top secret information by using an unsecured, home-brew email server when she was U.S. secretary of state. Any other American who dared risk top government secrets on a basement server would have faced federal prosecution and prison.

Obama’s lie was told in 2015, when Obama was asked by CBS’ Bill Plante when he learned Mrs. Clinton had used an unsecured email server.

“The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports,” Obama said. He was so silky that you couldn’t even hear his tongue rustling along his teeth.
The Tea Party organizations that were delayed while investigations were run had things like tax resistor in their name. The Tea Party already stands for "Taxed Enough Already", so it is reasonable to wonder if they actually qualify for 501c status.

I don't know what you're trying to suggest. Numerous executives declined to testify to Congress and plead the fifth. Later, the IRS ADMITTED that it had unfairly targeted conservative groups and publicly APOLOGIZED for doing so. Don't believe me? Read this.

IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups
Liberalism and fascism are extreme opposites. Who doesn’t know that?
It would seem that every conservative that is able to read should knows that. The question I have is why are conservatives so intent on adopting liberalism as their philosophy but not their practice? They seem to try so hard to make the switch and why? Probably because people vote.
Everything you know is wrong. Liberalism and fascism are virtually indistinguishable. No conservative is trying to adopt fascism.
Fascism is right wing very conservative totalitarian government that loves corporations. You are martial law away from being a fascist already. You know nothing read something. Brain-washed functional moron... Communism is left-wing to tell at arianism not capitalist. Nazis were fascists Mussolini wake up and smell the coffee.
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Fascism is right wing very conservative totalitarian government that loves corporations. You are martial law away from being a fascist already. You know nothing read something. Brainwash functional moron...

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.
In the modern world, there is no left-wing propaganda campaign, it is called journalism and looking for the truth. the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement is aghast at your idiocy, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Only the GOP propaganda machine in the United States is propaganda, dumbass. And the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to your garbage. Of course Nazis are right-wing, they loved corporations, capitalism, and aristocrats as long as they weren't Jewish or against them.
ROFL! It's called statist goons promoting the police state. Everything the left spews is propaganda. Leftists are incapable of telling the truth.

Try some historic perspective.
The right wing has always been the wealthy elite.
Like Hamilton and the Federalists.
They have always been conservative, because they did not do badly under the previous British aristocracy system.
The progressive, leftist, liberals have always been the ones for reform, individual liberties, and the most freedom possible.

The Republicans were liberal, leftist, progressives under Lincoln, and did not become right wing conservatives until the corruption of the 1890s or so.

That was pretty much the divide until the Clintons.
With the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, repealing Glass-Steagall, etc., the Clintons turned the democrats into right wing, anti-liberals.

So who is liberal and who is a fascist, is very unclear these days.
Clinton understood economics, unlike the right wing.

Clinton did do well for the economy, and did pay down the national debt.
But he also caused the US to have the largest percent incarcerated, in the world.
He also helped repeal Glass-Steagal, setting the stage for the 2008 real estate collapse.
it is the right wing that launched our alleged war on terror.
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.
College professors in the humanities and social sciences are all Marxists. It's hardly surprising that they would disavow an ideology they fostered.
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.
College professors in the humanities and social sciences are all Marxists. It's hardly surprising that they would disavow an ideology they fostered.
The Nazis were right wing. Whats wrong with Marxism? Marxism turned China, and Russia into superpowers.
Liberalism and fascism are extreme opposites. Who doesn’t know that?
It would seem that every conservative that is able to read should knows that. The question I have is why are conservatives so intent on adopting liberalism as their philosophy but not their practice? They seem to try so hard to make the switch and why? Probably because people vote.
Everything you know is wrong. Liberalism and fascism are virtually indistinguishable. No conservative is trying to adopt fascism.
Fascism is right wing very conservative totalitarian government that loves corporations. You are martial law away from being a fascist already. You know nothing read something. Brain-washed functional moron... Communism is left-wing to tell at arianism not capitalist. Nazis were fascists Mussolini wake up and smell the coffee.
As always, you proved exactly nothing.
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.
College professors in the humanities and social sciences are all Marxists. It's hardly surprising that they would disavow an ideology they fostered.
The Nazis were right wing. Whats wrong with Marxism? Marxism turned China, and Russia into superpowers.
Ask the 40 million Russians Stalin killed what they think about Marxism.
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.
College professors in the humanities and social sciences are all Marxists. It's hardly surprising that they would disavow an ideology they fostered.
The Nazis were right wing. Whats wrong with Marxism? Marxism turned China, and Russia into superpowers.
Ask the 40 million Russians Stalin killed what they think about Marxism.
There were famines in Russia long before the Soviet regime took over. In Russia in 1913 the average life expectancy was 32. By 1950 it was 64. Health in Russia - Wikipedia
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.
College professors in the humanities and social sciences are all Marxists. It's hardly surprising that they would disavow an ideology they fostered.
The Nazis were right wing. Whats wrong with Marxism? Marxism turned China, and Russia into superpowers.
Ask the 40 million Russians Stalin killed what they think about Marxism.
There were famines in Russia long before the Soviet regime took over. In Russia in 1913 the average life expectancy was 32. By 1950 it was 64. Health in Russia - Wikipedia

The famine in Ukraine was deliberate, you fucking moron. Furthermore, there are all the people Stalin executed and all the people who died in the Gulags.

You are unbelievably naive.
Do the nation's colleges and universities teach fascism is left wing? Of course not, they teach, as most of the world teaches, fascism is right-wing. America cannot be this dumb.
College professors in the humanities and social sciences are all Marxists. It's hardly surprising that they would disavow an ideology they fostered.
The Nazis were right wing. Whats wrong with Marxism? Marxism turned China, and Russia into superpowers.
Ask the 40 million Russians Stalin killed what they think about Marxism.

Prior to the fall of the USSR and the archival revelations, some historians estimated that the numbers killed by Stalin's regime were 20 million or higher.[4][5][6] After the USSR fell, evidence from the Soviet archives also became available, containing official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[7] around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag[8][9] some 390,000[10] deaths during kulak forced resettlement and up to 400,000 deaths of persons deported to Forced settlements in the Soviet Union during the 1940s[11] – with a total of about 3.3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[12]
Excess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia

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