The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

"even though conservatives have peacefully handled having a man they don't like actually be president for 8 years" completely ignores the verbal violence, threats of civil war, and all the other far right and Alt Right stupidity for eight years.
This is how fascist progressives have become... these miserable fascist dirtbags can't even handle free speech anymore. They can't handle a man they don't like running for president (even though conservatives have peacefully handled having a man they don't like actually be president for 8 years). They continue to resort to criminal acts (assault, theft, vandalism, etc.)...

WATCH: Man Gets Electric Shock When Trying To Steal Booby-Trapped Trump Sign | The Sean Hannity Show
Bingo!!! They just cant live and let live....always have to.start shit to give them a reason to exist I guess.
This is how fascist progressives have become... these miserable fascist dirtbags can't even handle free speech anymore. They can't handle a man they don't like running for president (even though conservatives have peacefully handled having a man they don't like actually be president for 8 years). They continue to resort to criminal acts (assault, theft, vandalism, etc.)...

WATCH: Man Gets Electric Shock When Trying To Steal Booby-Trapped Trump Sign | The Sean Hannity Show
Bingo!!! They just cant live and let live....always have to.start shit to give them a reason to exist I guess.
Check out this nasty progressive witch buckeye45_73. In a public school zone she makes an obscene gesture and in the process - a combative/confrontational posture towards a complete stranger over a simple little sign. Then she has the audacity to cry to police over the ensuing incident, proclaim herself a fearless feminist who will not back down while also claiming she's a helpless woman being oppressed (typical libtard - contradicts herself). And oh yeah....she does ALL of this while being a crass, classless pig with her language. Her name is Tara Dublin and the only thing that exceeds her extrem ignorance is her arrogance.

And here was her subsequent follow up the next day buckeye45_73 - where she continues to play the helpless, oppressed female victim (while she normally proclaims to the world that she is a fearless, unbeatable feminist on "normal" days).

I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.
And we have left women witches similar to Tipsy and Sassy etc and you are startled?
I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.
Probably more because the fascists saw the liberals giving the State and its protections to minorities.
I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.
Probably more because the fascists saw the liberals giving the State and its protections to minorities.
It's all just Atwater tactics by the GOP. It's like there are random GOP cells, that create crap like that to minimize GOP liabilities.

In this's intended to mitigate how Liberals tend to manage and understand "gray areas" and complicated issues....and how conservatives tend to prefer black and white issues. Fascists are hard line black and white people. No gray areas, and no tolerance for opposition

Combine that with the liability of Nazis getting classified as "right wing" and Commies classified as "left wing"

That's the Atwater tactic...."accuse your opponent, in advance, of being guilty of your own worst liability" That way when they accuse you of it...that will seem like a pissing contest
Karl Rover employed that for Bush in 2000 and particularly 2004: go right at your opponent's strongest point but demonize it before as a weakness.

The libs' weakness is that they believe America as a whole wants the nation as a social justice state.
This is how fascist progressives have become... these miserable fascist dirtbags can't even handle free speech anymore. They can't handle a man they don't like running for president (even though conservatives have peacefully handled having a man they don't like actually be president for 8 years). They continue to resort to criminal acts (assault, theft, vandalism, etc.)...

WATCH: Man Gets Electric Shock When Trying To Steal Booby-Trapped Trump Sign | The Sean Hannity Show
Bingo!!! They just cant live and let live....always have to.start shit to give them a reason to exist I guess.
Check out this nasty progressive witch buckeye45_73. In a public school zone she makes an obscene gesture and in the process - a combative/confrontational posture towards a complete stranger over a simple little sign. Then she has the audacity to cry to police over the ensuing incident, proclaim herself a fearless feminist who will not back down while also claiming she's a helpless woman being oppressed (typical libtard - contradicts herself). And oh yeah....she does ALL of this while being a crass, classless pig with her language. Her name is Tara Dublin and the only thing that exceeds her extrem ignorance is her arrogance.

She lucky she's not black, she probably would have been shot.
I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.

The commie fascists of today are not "liberals" as "liberal" was defined 75 years ago. Liberal has always been a relative description, particular to the age in which it exists.

Our forefathers were liberals of the day...and the royalists and the tyrannical regime of George III were the fascists.

The liberals of the Civil War were "Republican Democrats" and the Dems were the "conservatives".

Today's liberals are progressive commie fascists, and there is no true "liberal" faction in the US any more, outside of nursing homes and funny farms, where a few antiques have missed the shift and think the liberals of 75 years ago represent the alleged "liberals" of today. Unless you consider those who are striving to pull the US back into some semblance of the constitutional republic it is supposed to be, as "liberals". In which case..I'm a liberal. And you're still a commie fascist.
I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.

The commie fascists of today are not "liberals" as "liberal" was defined 75 years ago. Liberal has always been a relative description, particular to the age in which it exists.

Our forefathers were liberals of the day...and the royalists and the tyrannical regime of George III were the fascists.

The liberals of the Civil War were "Republican Democrats" and the Dems were the "conservatives".

Today's liberals are progressive commie fascists, and there is no true "liberal" faction in the US any more, outside of nursing homes and funny farms, where a few antiques have missed the shift and think the liberals of 75 years ago represent the alleged "liberals" of today. Unless you consider those who are striving to pull the US back into some semblance of the constitutional republic it is supposed to be, as "liberals". In which case..I'm a liberal. And you're still a commie fascist.
OK, they are commie fascist nazis pinko faggots because you say they are. Come on, girl, it is too early for drinking.
I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.

The commie fascists of today are not "liberals" as "liberal" was defined 75 years ago. Liberal has always been a relative description, particular to the age in which it exists.

Our forefathers were liberals of the day...and the royalists and the tyrannical regime of George III were the fascists.

The liberals of the Civil War were "Republican Democrats" and the Dems were the "conservatives".

Today's liberals are progressive commie fascists, and there is no true "liberal" faction in the US any more, outside of nursing homes and funny farms, where a few antiques have missed the shift and think the liberals of 75 years ago represent the alleged "liberals" of today. Unless you consider those who are striving to pull the US back into some semblance of the constitutional republic it is supposed to be, as "liberals". In which case..I'm a liberal. And you're still a commie fascist.
I see you've read Goldberg

Drawing analogies between Democrats/Liberals/Progressives in the US today or Republicans/Conservatives/Tea Partiers in the US today...and...Nazis or Commies ala a waste of time.

This is very simple....because many non politics junkies equate Nazis/Fascists with the right wing, and Commies/Socialists with the left wing.....That crap you believe, and spew, worked on you like a charm.

You're a righty, and nobody can ever make you believe you're a Fascist,
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I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.

The commie fascists of today are not "liberals" as "liberal" was defined 75 years ago. Liberal has always been a relative description, particular to the age in which it exists.

Our forefathers were liberals of the day...and the royalists and the tyrannical regime of George III were the fascists.

The liberals of the Civil War were "Republican Democrats" and the Dems were the "conservatives".

Today's liberals are progressive commie fascists, and there is no true "liberal" faction in the US any more, outside of nursing homes and funny farms, where a few antiques have missed the shift and think the liberals of 75 years ago represent the alleged "liberals" of today. Unless you consider those who are striving to pull the US back into some semblance of the constitutional republic it is supposed to be, as "liberals". In which case..I'm a liberal. And you're still a commie fascist.
I see you've read Goldberg

Nope. My own words, my own thoughts. You should try it sometime.
Horseshit >liberals are progressive commie fascists, and there is no true "liberal" faction in the US any more
I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.

The commie fascists of today are not "liberals" as "liberal" was defined 75 years ago. Liberal has always been a relative description, particular to the age in which it exists.

Our forefathers were liberals of the day...and the royalists and the tyrannical regime of George III were the fascists.

The liberals of the Civil War were "Republican Democrats" and the Dems were the "conservatives".

Today's liberals are progressive commie fascists, and there is no true "liberal" faction in the US any more, outside of nursing homes and funny farms, where a few antiques have missed the shift and think the liberals of 75 years ago represent the alleged "liberals" of today. Unless you consider those who are striving to pull the US back into some semblance of the constitutional republic it is supposed to be, as "liberals". In which case..I'm a liberal. And you're still a commie fascist.
I see you've read Goldberg

Nope. My own words, my own thoughts. You should try it sometime.
They are right out of Goldberg's book
I could literally strangle Jonah Goldberg, and Glenn Beck, for starting this ultra nonsensical faulty analogy between Liberals and Fascists.

Glenn Beck's attempt to rewrite the political spectrum to support that crap was adorable, and probably well intended, as well as quite delusional.

But Goldberg...and his work of fiction...Liberal Fascism. That has lead to this crap being thrown out by every enthusiastic and sophomoric intellectual infantile "so called" conservative who reads it.

Fascists hated Liberals almost as much as they hated ethnic minorities.

The commie fascists of today are not "liberals" as "liberal" was defined 75 years ago. Liberal has always been a relative description, particular to the age in which it exists.

Our forefathers were liberals of the day...and the royalists and the tyrannical regime of George III were the fascists.

The liberals of the Civil War were "Republican Democrats" and the Dems were the "conservatives".

Today's liberals are progressive commie fascists, and there is no true "liberal" faction in the US any more, outside of nursing homes and funny farms, where a few antiques have missed the shift and think the liberals of 75 years ago represent the alleged "liberals" of today. Unless you consider those who are striving to pull the US back into some semblance of the constitutional republic it is supposed to be, as "liberals". In which case..I'm a liberal. And you're still a commie fascist.
I see you've read Goldberg

Nope. My own words, my own thoughts. You should try it sometime.
They are right out of Goldberg's book
He must read my material then.
Universal truths have a way of being..well...universal.

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