The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

As fascism conserves all power to the central authority, it is the antithesis of 'liberal'.
And what do you think liberals are trying to do 24x7? Consolidate all power to a central authority - the federal government (and specifically one man in the executive branch). Idiot.
As fascism conserves all power to the central authority, it is the antithesis of 'liberal'.

Of a classic Liberal, correct, buts perfectly defines the Progressive

Maybe news is slow in your area or maybe it's your internet connection speed but --- "Progressives" have been gone for a century. The last one was Fighting Bob LaFollette, and he passed away in 1925.

"Classic Liberal" is redundant. The meaning has never changed except to those who wish to Doublethink their way into a new oxymoronic definition that they can't defend.

Like the OP, a classic hit-and-run-away example.

I see Buttsoiler's finally taken a new avatar, thinking he can hide behind it and no one will know. :lmao:
As fascism conserves all power to the central authority, it is the antithesis of 'liberal'.

Of a classic Liberal, correct, buts perfectly defines the Progressive

Maybe news is slow in your area or maybe it's your internet connection speed but --- "Progressives" have been gone for a century. The last one was Fighting Bob LaFollette, and he passed away in 1925.

"Classic Liberal" is redundant. The meaning has never changed except to those who wish to Doublethink their way into a new oxymoronic definition that they can't defend.

Like the OP, a classic hit-and-run-away example.

I see Buttsoiler's finally taken a new avatar, thinking he can hide behind it and no one will know. :lmao:

Do you favor a powerful central authority or not?
As fascism conserves all power to the central authority, it is the antithesis of 'liberal'.

Of a classic Liberal, correct, buts perfectly defines the Progressive

Maybe news is slow in your area or maybe it's your internet connection speed but --- "Progressives" have been gone for a century. The last one was Fighting Bob LaFollette, and he passed away in 1925.

"Classic Liberal" is redundant. The meaning has never changed except to those who wish to Doublethink their way into a new oxymoronic definition that they can't defend.

Like the OP, a classic hit-and-run-away example.

I see Buttsoiler's finally taken a new avatar, thinking he can hide behind it and no one will know. :lmao:

Do you favor a powerful central authority or not?

"Not". I'm a Liberal.
As I just posted about here, post 5.
As fascism conserves all power to the central authority, it is the antithesis of 'liberal'.

The Italian Fascists showed a desire to bring about a new social order based on the ancient feudal principle of delegation (though without serfdom) in their enthusiasm for the corporate state. Benito Mussolini said that "fascism is reaction" and that "fascism, which did not fear to call itself reactionary... has not today any impediment against declaring itself illiberal and anti-liberal."
I have been following Soldiers of Odin for the last year or so. It started in Norway as a response to the brutal beatings and rapes of Norwegian girls by arabs and Africans. The police refused to do anything. That's how vigilante movements start.

I am so glad to see them here. I hope that it becomes a huge, serious movement.
An African-American liberal Democrat just undresses the hypocrisy of the liberal ideology and what it has morphed into...

My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live. These same college students will espouse the joys of diversity, but will in the same breath assume you are only on campus because of affirmative action or that all black people grew up in poverty. My personal favorite is declaring with surprise how articulate a black classmate is despite the fact that we are attending the same institution of higher learning as they are.

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal
The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

They engage in massive speech control campaigns. If Donald Trump attempts to hold a political rally - they riot (costing a fortune in damage to public and private property). If someone attempts to merely attend a Donald Trump political rally, the left engages in violent assaults. Fascism.

They engage in massive thought control campaigns. If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts or homosexual celebrations (whether it be for religious reasons, comfort reasons, or just plain old hate), the left attempts to turn that into a crime and advocates for the government to place a gun to the head of those individuals and force them to take part in the homosexual activities. And of course - they've advocated for and manufactured the comical "hate crime" fallacy. Fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques
Why don't you watch Freedom to Fascism so you actually understand what Fascism is.
The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

They engage in massive speech control campaigns. If Donald Trump attempts to hold a political rally - they riot (costing a fortune in damage to public and private property). If someone attempts to merely attend a Donald Trump political rally, the left engages in violent assaults. Fascism.

They engage in massive thought control campaigns. If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts or homosexual celebrations (whether it be for religious reasons, comfort reasons, or just plain old hate), the left attempts to turn that into a crime and advocates for the government to place a gun to the head of those individuals and force them to take part in the homosexual activities. And of course - they've advocated for and manufactured the comical "hate crime" fallacy. Fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques
Why don't you watch Freedom to Fascism so you actually understand what Fascism is.

I know exactly what fascism is. You progressives illustrate it every single day in America. The desire to control others and force them to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction. To even think the same way. Thought is not tolerated by fascists. Thought is also no longer tolerated by American progressives.
Again Dumbass ----- Liberalism and Fascism are opposites. Going on and on with your self-delusional mythology isn't making a point --- it's exhibiting mental imbalance.

You've got "Liberals", "Fascists" and "Progressives" all flung right above into the same corner like so many monkey turds and you don't have the first inkling of an understanding of any one of them.

In other words your only point here seems to be to see your name on the internets.

Get a freaking life.
Patriot does not understand that Progressivism is a philosophy and a political impulse with right and left manifestations.

Ryan's progressivism will punish LGBT, tax payers, and workers with large Big Government actions, for instance.

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