The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The left wants to "punish" and destroy anyone who won't bow to their fucked-up ideology.

First Buttsoiler purports to start a thread about "liberals", then makes it clear he doesn't have a clue in the world how that doesn't mean "leftists" ............... and now he links us to a Dinesh d'Souza page, of all creatures, that purports to tell us "the left" does or says something en masse, as if it's a formal organization or some shit, with no evidence whatsoever.

Again the Stupidity Meter peaks.
First, they violently assaulted anyone wearing a red hat. Then they made a list of political "enemies" to track, harass, and destroy anyone who opposed them. And now they are banning books.

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. The left-wing ideology, and all who embrace it, are the enemy of liberty and by extension - the United States. Period.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
Apparently there is a reason you provided NO LINK.

Here are a few...........

Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Yep, describes today's Dimwinger party precisely.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form: including “re-education camps” and “reprogramming”.

Buttsoiler, hoplessly flummoxed by his Philistine pig-ignorance that doesn't know the differences between "Liberal , "left" and "fascism", pulls out all the stops and goes to the ultimate authority ---- Jim the Fuck Hoft.


Oh and this after already putting his name next to the "Epoch Times' :laugh2:
Buttsoiler, hoplessly flummoxed by his Philistine pig-ignorance that doesn't know the differences between "Liberal , "left" and "fascism"...
That’s like claiming someone doesn’t know the difference between cars, automobiles, and vehicles. :laugh:

I love how I have you in a constant tizzy because I pound you with facts. Oh wait, I shouldn’t use that word with Pogo the Homo. You might get too exited.
Oh and this after already putting his name next to the "Epoch Times'
Sources of supreme journalistic integrity do confound the ignorant and uneducated, like Pogo the Homo. It’s very confusing to the low IQ who only consume propaganda from Salon, Vox, and MSNBC. :dunno:
The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

They engage in massive speech control campaigns. If Donald Trump attempts to hold a political rally - they riot (costing a fortune in damage to public and private property). If someone attempts to merely attend a Donald Trump political rally, the left engages in violent assaults. Fascism.

They engage in massive thought control campaigns. If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts or homosexual celebrations (whether it be for religious reasons, comfort reasons, or just plain old hate), the left attempts to turn that into a crime and advocates for the government to place a gun to the head of those individuals and force them to take part in the homosexual activities. And of course - they've advocated for and manufactured the comical "hate crime" fallacy. Fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques
So ANTIFA is on your side then, right?
Oh and this after already putting his name next to the "Epoch Times'
Sources of supreme journalistic integrity do confound the ignorant and uneducated, like Pogo the Homo. It’s very confusing to the low IQ

This from the asscrack that just posted:

You might get too exited.

The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

They engage in massive speech control campaigns. If Donald Trump attempts to hold a political rally - they riot (costing a fortune in damage to public and private property). If someone attempts to merely attend a Donald Trump political rally, the left engages in violent assaults. Fascism.

They engage in massive thought control campaigns. If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts or homosexual celebrations (whether it be for religious reasons, comfort reasons, or just plain old hate), the left attempts to turn that into a crime and advocates for the government to place a gun to the head of those individuals and force them to take part in the homosexual activities. And of course - they've advocated for and manufactured the comical "hate crime" fallacy. Fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques

This is still right today, more than ever

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