The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

.....their once White neighborhood became a Black Ghetto, and they didn't immediately have enough money to move.
...because they were dumb polacks. You just proved yourself wrong. You claimed that studies show how much more successful the Polish-American community was, yet you openly admit that your own family was too pore to even MOVE!
Furthermore, You attack not Blacks, but rather Poles... Without any kind of logical outline for either position.

PAC National Conference October 2009

The picture of Polonia that emerges from Census data is highly positive. Polish Americans, who numbered 9,887,799 in 2008, are slightly older, better educated, wealthier, more likely to hold professional and management positions and own homes than the general American population.
You forgot to add: “are more likely to be fascist, racist, anti-American, anti-constitutional dumb-asses who spend an inordinate amount of time whining on message boards”.

You are TOO STUPID.... You KNOW NOTHING in general.... Not about Polish people, or Fascism, or Blacks, or ANYTHING.

Poland was the first to fight the Nazis.

Poland was the first European country to rival America's Constitution, in the Polish May 3rd Constitution in 1791.

Poland was long one of the best Democracies, and Parliaments in Europe, the Polish Sejm Parliament came earlier than the English Magna Carta, and the Polish Sejm offered more Voting Rights than the Magna Carta.
Meant walking on their street... You stupid f*cking Animal.....their once White neighborhood became a Black Ghetto, and they didn't immediately have enough money to move.
And even if they failed so miserably that they couldn't even move (which is unbelievable), they have no excuse for not carrying a firearm. Dumb polacks do dumb things. That's the bottom line.
.....their once White neighborhood became a Black Ghetto, and they didn't immediately have enough money to move.
...because they were dumb polacks. You just proved yourself wrong. You claimed that studies show how much more successful the Polish-American community was, yet you openly admit that your own family was too pore to even MOVE!

I can't believe you're fighting for Black muggers, over innocent White Poles who got mugged.

You are a MISTAKE, you are a COMPLETE Mistake.

You have absolutely no admirable traits, you are DUMB, Illogical, lack knowledge, are very primitive, obnoxious, and degenerate.

You are a White Negro... A Racial vermin.
Blacks, and Mexicans are both the most anti-American.
That's funny...I've never heard a black or a mexican call for any ethnic class to have their citizenship revoked by the United States. But you actually had the hutzpah to "call" for something that astoundingly stupid.

You don't follow the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790, which says ONLY free Whites, of good character can become U.S Citizens..

If you don't respect for America to be a White Nation, like the Founding Fathers wanted.

Don't dare say you stand with the Founding Fathers.

You're a dirty Multi-Culturalist, Cultural Marxist, anti-American, White hating clown.
I can't believe you're fighting for Black muggers, over innocent White Poles who got mugged.
That's ok...I can't believe anyone would be so astoundingly ignorant as to fight for fascism over liberty. I can't believe anyone would be such an idiot as to fight for Nazi, Germany over the U.S. Constitution.

But...that just affirm the stereotype about polacks. Kind of comical in a tragic sort of way.
Meant walking on their street... You stupid f*cking Animal.....their once White neighborhood became a Black Ghetto, and they didn't immediately have enough money to move.
And even if they failed so miserably that they couldn't even move (which is unbelievable), they have no excuse for not carrying a firearm. Dumb polacks do dumb things. That's the bottom line.

You are 100% Brain-dead.

If a few muggers take out guns, even if you have a gun, then you don't have much of a choice.

You must be either very young, or very old.

You're definitely someone with mental deficiencies.
I can't believe you're fighting for Black muggers, over innocent White Poles who got mugged.
That's ok...I can't believe anyone would be so astoundingly ignorant as to fight for fascism over liberty. I can't believe anyone would be such an idiot as to fight for Nazi, Germany over the U.S. Constitution.

But...that just affirm the stereotype about polacks. Kind of comical in a tragic sort of way.

1.) Most Polish Americans aren't Fascists.... You keep acting like they are... Proof of you being a MEGA-SIMPLETON.

2.) I already explained, Blacks on this forum are the most likely to support Dictators who rival Fascists, like Mugabe, or Gadafi.

3.) Blacks don't care about Liberty at all, rather than Fascism, they're more likely to pick Communism with a Black Nationalist Flare.

4.) I'm Anti-Nazi, you moron.... I'm a Polish Fascist, many Polish Fascists hate both Germans, and Nazis.

As usual you are Rip Van Winkle who sleeps for years....
You are 100% Brain-dead. If a few muggers take out guns, even if you have a gun, then you don't have much of a choice.
You always have a choice. It's just that polacks are too dumb to know it. Just like they are too dumb to get the drop on potential muggers. Had those dumb polacks carried a firearm, stayed out of the freaking Yonkers, and been aware as they were moving, they wouldn't have been mugged.
You must be either very young, or very old. You're definitely someone with mental deficiencies.
And yet I've never been mugged (nor will I ever be). So who is the dumb polack with the mental deficiencies between the two of us?
You don't follow the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790, which says ONLY free Whites, of good character can become U.S Citizens..
The U.S. Constitution trumps the "Naturalization Act of 1790" numbnuts... :lmao:

The Founding Fathers said nothing about Immigration in the Original Constitution, the Founding Fathers instead wrote about Immigration in the Naturalization Act of 1790.
4.) I'm Anti-Nazi, you moron.... I'm a Polish Fascist, many Polish Fascists hate both Germans, and Nazis.
Yeah, yeah, yeah....blah, blah, blah. You're like the idiots here who claims to be communists but then also claim to hate Joseph Stalin.

Basically what you're saying is that you recognize how evil fascism was under Adolf Hitler, but you're so fuck'n stupid, you think it will be "different" this time under you or some other bat-shit crazy animal like you and Hitler.
You are 100% Brain-dead. If a few muggers take out guns, even if you have a gun, then you don't have much of a choice.
You always have a choice. It's just that polacks are too dumb to know it. Just like they are too dumb to get the drop on potential muggers. Had those dumb polacks carried a firearm, stayed out of the freaking Yonkers, and been aware as they were moving, they wouldn't have been mugged.
You must be either very young, or very old. You're definitely someone with mental deficiencies.
And yet I've never been mugged (nor will I ever be). So who is the dumb polack with the mental deficiencies between the two of us?

Yonkers was a White, Middle-Class city until the 1950's

In fact, the apartments they lived in were Upper-Middle-Class, and almost all White.

They built Housing Projects on that block in the 1950's, and by the 1960's, Blacks were mugging my Great Uncle, and stealing his Wife's car.

Not their fault.

You don't GET IT.


You are definitely now officially #1 in stupidity, and also #1 in degeneracy on this forum.

Even Black users here are above you here...
.....their once White neighborhood became a Black Ghetto, and they didn't immediately have enough money to move.
...because they were dumb polacks. You just proved yourself wrong. You claimed that studies show how much more successful the Polish-American community was, yet you openly admit that your own family was too pore to even MOVE!

You stupid f*cking Animal.

1.) When the Neighborhood gets taken over, many times people aren't aware.

2.) Moving can take a lot of cash, and time.


4.) The Polish American stats are stats, there are some Polish Americans who are poorer, or richer than the average.

You seem to understand that with your Black buddies, but then play Chimp games, otherwise.
You don't follow the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790, which says ONLY free Whites, of good character can become U.S Citizens..
The U.S. Constitution trumps the "Naturalization Act of 1790" numbnuts... :lmao:

The Founding Fathers said nothing about Immigration in the Original Constitution, the Founding Fathers instead wrote about Immigration in the Naturalization Act of 1790.
Indisputable proof that the stereotypes about polacks are absolutely accurate... :lmao:
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

You don't follow the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790, which says ONLY free Whites, of good character can become U.S Citizens..
The U.S. Constitution trumps the "Naturalization Act of 1790" numbnuts... :lmao:

The Founding Fathers said nothing about Immigration in the Original Constitution, the Founding Fathers instead wrote about Immigration in the Naturalization Act of 1790.
Indisputable proof that the stereotypes about polacks are absolutely accurate... :lmao:
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."


The 14th Amendment was NOT made by the Founding Fathers.

If you think so, you are a lot more Stupid, than I previously had thought.

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