The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

You are just spiteful of me, and attacking Poles, because you didn't get your way like a 5 year old.

You want convert the U.S. economically from capitalism to socialism (you are never getting your way on this)
I want America to forever remain capitalist (I am currently getting my way on this)

Sooooo...which one of us here is (and I quote) "not getting your way"? :eusa_whistle:

Not at all.

Minorities, and Millennials are majority Socialists in the U.S.A.

You have no chance to retain such a system.

You're doomed to FAIL, because of your inherent stupidity, and weakness.

Democrats used the Courts, Academia, and Capitalist enterprise like Hollywood, or Media to brainwash a generation into Left-Wing Socialism, and against both Conservative Capitalists, or Far-Right Socialism Fascists most of all.

The fact is, people like you DID NOTHING, you sat around, your ideals were DO NOTHING, it's their Liberty, and therefor you allowed yourselves to get dominated by The Left.
Every single human on earth is unique, stupid. Yes, you can group people together by ideology (such as liberalism or islam) because that is a belief that drives behaviors. You cannot group people together by skin color or ethnicity because that has absolutely no impact on intelligence, beliefs, actions, etc.

Weak, and stupid (Individualism) at play.

Individualism says judge hostile groups as Individuals because everybody's different.

The truth is Balkanization leads to conflict, and in dire situations of strife the Ethnic, Racial, or Religious groups will stick with their own be it a Gang war, or a Massive Genocide.

Furthermore, while it's true every individual has a different life experience, and DNA code, many of these people cluster into very "SIMILAR Groups"

It's like saying Judge Dogs as Individuals, okay sure there's Dogs which are much nicer, or smarter than each other. but they're still Dogs.

The fact of the matter is, that there is a massive Curve in intelligence.

Most Blacks in the U.S.A score a 85 IQ, give, or take.

That's enough to cause problems.

Doesn't matter if Neil Tyson Degrasse, who's Whiter looking than Mulatto Obama is very smart, or not.

The fact is Blacks are a collective burden enough, that Africa can't get it's act together.

It's not Colonialism, either.

By this Liberal logic, Ireland which was colonized for 100's of years should be poorer than Ethiopia which wasn't colonized.

No, the problem is the Ethiopian collective don't seem to have the intelligence, or work ethic high enough for a "Much Better Life"

Same goes for Liberia, which was colonized by African Americans, another garbage place.
You're solution for just about everything is do nothing, or liberty.
That's because liberty has a flawless track record throughout history. It has never failed and it never will.
Serious issues need to be tackled.
Who the fuck are you to dictate what constitutes a "serious issue"? You're a dumb polack who has accomplished absolutely nothing in life, but your ego is so ginormous that you are going to decide for yourself that you should dictate for all of society what is and what isn't a "serious issue"? Wow.
You don't because you're Liberal.
I again I would invite my devout left-wing friends bodecea, jillian, and Seawytch to weigh in here regarding my liberal leanings... :lmao:

Seriously, don't're both pretty...and have horrible ideologies and world views.
Well according to SSE - I’m a devout liberal. So if I have “horrible” world views, what does that say about the left? :dunno:

Liberal by the original definition means for Liberty.

Liberalism by definition means for Liberty, tolerance, and equality.

That's you AGAIN.

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
You are just spiteful of me, and attacking Poles, because you didn't get your way like a 5 year old.
Let's think about this logically for just a moment (I know that is impossible for a dumb polack, but just humor me here).

You want convert the U.S. politically from a republic to a fascist totalitarian (you are never getting your way on this)
I want America to forever remain a republic (I am currently getting my way on this)

I'm not a mega-Fascist, but I am on the whole a Fascist.

One thing I disagree with on is voting rights.

I think Fascism is so superior, it doesn't need to outlaw voting rights.

Fascism has better economic growth than Capitalism, and better societal planning than Capitalism.

Fascism hasn't killed more than Capitalism, so it doesn't matter what you have to say.
Individualism says judge hostile groups as Individuals because everybody's different. BIG MISTAKE.
The only "mistake" is allowing you idiot polacks into the U.S. My god you are a special kind of stupid. The Black Panthers are a "hostile group" (just like the KKK is a "hostile group"). Black people in general are not a group and are not "hostile". There isn't some big black conspiracy going on you racist nitwit. They aren't out to get you. Take off your tinfoil hat and please go seek the mental health treatment you so desperately need.
Individualism says judge hostile groups as Individuals because everybody's different. BIG MISTAKE.
The only "mistake" is allowing you idiot polacks into the U.S. My god you are a special kind of stupid. The Black Panthers are a "hostile group" (just like the KKK is a "hostile group"). Black people in general are not a group and are not "hostile". There isn't some big black conspiracy going on you racist nitwit. They aren't out to get you. Take off your tinfoil hat and please go seek the mental health treatment you so desperately need.

You must strike yourself as an ironic, idiot?

You claim to be anti-Prejudices, but see nothing wrong with Prejudices against Poles.

Furthermore, You attack not Blacks, but rather Poles... Without any kind of logical outline for either position.

Explain the logic?

PAC National Conference October 2009

The picture of Polonia that emerges from Census data is highly positive. Polish Americans, who numbered 9,887,799 in 2008, are slightly older, better educated, wealthier, more likely to hold professional and management positions and own homes than the general American population. Median age of Polish Americans is 38.7 years as compared to 36.9 years of the general American population. Bachelor and higher degrees are held by 36.1% of PolAms as compared to 27.7% of the general population. 41.3% of PolAms hold professional and managerial positions as compared to 34.9%. Median family income of PolAms is $79,494 versus $63,360. Only 7.1% of PolAms fall under the poverty line, compared to13.2% of Americans. 74.4% of Polish Americans own their own homes versus 66.4% of the general population.
Individualism says judge hostile groups as Individuals because everybody's different. BIG MISTAKE.
Black people in general are not a group and are not "hostile".

Black people are the biggest Democrat voting group in America.

Blacks in states like Mississippi vote much more Democratic, than say a White person from Mississippi.

They are a Different demographic... They do have a different historical outlook due to history, and are probably different biologically.

You sound like someone who's done extremely poor research in general.
Individualism says judge hostile groups as Individuals because everybody's different. BIG MISTAKE.
Black people in general are not a group and are not "hostile". There isn't some big black conspiracy going on you racist nitwit. They aren't out to get you. Take off your tinfoil hat and please go seek the mental health treatment you so desperately need.

Almost all Black users on this forum, are hostile to Whites.

You must be sleeping.

You're the Rip Van Winkle of this forum... A idiot who sleeps instead of thinks.

Yes, a lot of Blacks are hostile.

My paternal Uncle got mugged in Portchester, NY by Blacks, my maternal Great Uncle got mugged in Yonkers, NY by Blacks,.

My co-Worker got chased in Mohegan Lake, NY by a group of Blacks who said "Hey White boy, what cha doing here" and he's an Anti-Racist idiot like you, and my other co-Worker in Mohegan Lake corroborated the story.

I've had some run ins with Blacks myself, hostile Blacks in places like Manhattan, or White Plains, and Peekskill, or Springvalley randomly yelling at me, or trying to start fights, or even occassionally yelling White boy.

You sound like someone who's inexperienced with reality.
You don't seem to even grasp that I have many reasons to attack Blacks based on experiences, and also factual data
You don't seem to grasp the extraordinary ignorance of your comments (or the irony of them coming from a polack). I've seen and met black people who are the textbook definition of the word "n*gger". I've also seen and met black people that are very bright, very talented, very articulate, and who have contributed to society far more than you ever will.

Every single human on earth is unique, stupid. Yes, you can group people together by ideology (such as liberalism or islam) because that is a belief that drives behaviors. You cannot group people together by skin color or ethnicity because that has absolutely no impact on intelligence, beliefs, actions, etc.
You don't seem to even grasp that I You cannot group people together by skin color or ethnicity because that has absolutely no impact on intelligence, beliefs, actions, etc.

Wrong, the theory is that darker people generally are tropical peoples, who had less Natural Selection pressures due to being able to have an easier time surviving the Tropics, as opposed to Cold climate adapted people who had to sew better clothing, adopt new hunting methods, be more perceptive to survive, and in which the Cold killed off more stupid people, for being stupid.

This IQ map by Rindermann supports just that.

Yes, you can group people together by ideology (such as liberalism or islam) because that is a belief that drives behaviors. .

Muslims aren't all the same.

A Tatar Muslim is much different than a Islamic Arab.

Actually Tatar Muslims are virtually devoid of Terrorism, or Beheading's.

Jews, Irish Catholics, Basque are some people which did far more Terrorism than Tatar Muslims.

While Mexican Catholics have done much more Beheading's than Tatar Muslims.

But, then again Tatar Muslims look like White people with a little Asian.
You don't seem to even grasp that I have many reasons to attack Blacks based on experiences, and also factual data
I've also seen and met black people that are very bright, very talented, very articulate, and who have contributed to society far more than you ever will.

1.) You don't know me.... So you're making vivid assumptions here... Vivid assumptions which have nothing to do with the debate on hand.

2.) While success generally correlates with intelligence, not always, there's a quite a few people with high IQ's who weren't successful, this includes Ronald Poppo scored ta 129 IQ, and he was the Homeless drunk guy maimed by the Black Haitian Cannibal Rudy Eugene, or Ted Kaczynski scored a 167 IQ, and was a math genius, who lived in a shack.

When Einstein was filing patents, or Nikola Tesla digging ditches, or Van Gogh was being supported by his Brother broke.... Probably a lot of people didn't consider them very successful.

3.) I actually come from a Household worth $1.4 million dollars.

4.) I currently work a job which pays $100 dollars an hour

5.) I'm actually a quite talented Artist.

These paintings below I mostly painted at around the age of 18.

Furthermore, You attack not Blacks, but rather Poles... Without any kind of logical outline for either position.

PAC National Conference October 2009

The picture of Polonia that emerges from Census data is highly positive. Polish Americans, who numbered 9,887,799 in 2008, are slightly older, better educated, wealthier, more likely to hold professional and management positions and own homes than the general American population.
You forgot to add: “are more likely to be fascist, racist, anti-American, anti-constitutional dumb-asses who spend an inordinate amount of time whining on message boards”.
You sound like someone who's done extremely poor research in general.
You sound like the stereotypical dumb polack who hides in his mom’s basement wearing a tin foil hat.

Black people are not out to get you, my fragile little snowflake. Your paralyzing fear of anyone not Polish is creepy. Please seek the mental healthcare you so desperately need.
My paternal Uncle got mugged in Portchester, NY by Blacks
Well duh...he’s a dumb polack. So he was too stupid to know that he was in the wrong place and too stupid to carry a firearm.
my maternal Great Uncle got mugged in Yonkers, NY by Blacks,.
Well duh...he’s a dumb polack. So he was too stupid to know that he was in the wrong place and too stupid to carry a firearm.
You sound like someone who's inexperienced with reality.
And you are an immatire ideologue who ignores history and reality to believe that fascism ends well (even though it has a 100% failure rate worldwide).
My paternal Uncle got mugged in Portchester, NY by Blacks
Well duh...he’s a dumb polack. So he was too stupid to know that he was in the wrong place and too stupid to carry a firearm.
my maternal Great Uncle got mugged in Yonkers, NY by Blacks,.
Well duh...he’s a dumb polack. So he was too stupid to know that he was in the wrong place and too stupid to carry a firearm.
You sound like someone who's inexperienced with reality.
And you are an immatire ideologue who ignores history and reality to believe that fascism ends well (even though it has a 100% failure rate worldwide).

You are a disrespectful, obnoxious, idiot.

Yeah, being in the wrong place in the wrong time.... Meant walking on their street... You stupid f*cking Animal.....their once White neighborhood became a Black Ghetto, and they didn't immediately have enough money to move.

You're disgusting, saying that White people like Poles have it coming to them if they get mugged by a Black person.

You're just another Unkotare, a ANITIFA anti-Racist obnoxious, idiot, who supports Freemarkets, and less Taxes.
that fascism ends well (even though it has a 100% failure rate worldwide).

No, I believe the Elites went against Fascism, and kicked, and screamed to steer everyone in the Wrong direction, so they could do what they do now, which is Globalization (Destruction of Whites, and America etc.) in favor of profit, and the egalitarian
Furthermore, You attack not Blacks, but rather Poles... Without any kind of logical outline for either position.

PAC National Conference October 2009

The picture of Polonia that emerges from Census data is highly positive. Polish Americans, who numbered 9,887,799 in 2008, are slightly older, better educated, wealthier, more likely to hold professional and management positions and own homes than the general American population.
You forgot to add: “are more likely to be fascist, racist, anti-American, anti-constitutional dumb-asses who spend an inordinate amount of time whining on message boards”.

Wrong, that's the most true for your Black buddies, you stupid, very stupid man.

A lot of Blacks online including on USMB support Black dictators (Fascist leaning people) like Mugabe, or sometimes even Gadafi.

A lot of Blacks are very, very racist, the 1 million march in 1995 by the Black Racists Nation of Islam of Louis Farrakhan proves it, as does the fact that 13% of the U.S.A is Black, but they commit 24% of the hate crimes.
(Which is an under-statment, when a lot of anti-White hate crimes get thrown out)

Blacks, and Mexicans are both the most anti-American.

Blacks are the biggest Democrat supporters, they DO NOT CARE about your Constitution.

You are so stupid it's UN-REAL.
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