The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

You stupid f*cking Animal.

1.) When the Neighborhood gets taken over, many times people aren't aware. many polack jokes just waiting. How dumb does one have to be not to be aware that their neighborhood was (and I quote) “taken over”? Man you are really perpetuating the stereotypes about the dumb polack.
Ah...ok. So they were just too stupid to move in time. Well, that’s understandable considering they were dumb polacks.
The 14th Amendment was NOT made by the Founding Fathers.
I never said it was, snowflake. I said (and I quote word-for-word) “The U.S. Constitution trumps the ‘Naturalization Act of 1790’ numbnuts”.

You wouldn’t be struggling to follow this conversation if you weren’t a dumb polack.
You stupid f*cking Animal.

1.) When the Neighborhood gets taken over, many times people aren't aware. many polack jokes just waiting. How dumb does one have to be not to be aware that their neighborhood was (and I quote) “taken over”? Man you are really perpetuating the stereotypes aboutnthe dumb polack.
Ah...ok. So they were just too stupid to move in time. Well, that’s understandable considering they were dumb polacks.

So, you're saying that Whites like Poles should IMMEDIATELY move when it gets "Taken over by Blacks"?

Is that what you're saying?

Most Whites in the North didn't move out of their Enclaves right away, be it Poles, Irish, Italians, Germans, or Jews.

They were NOT familiar with Blacks who didn't live in the North much at all before the Great Migration which centered around the 1950's - 1970's.

But, a lot of them wanted to stay in their HOMES, and stay in their Ethnic COMMUNITIES.

But, the Blacks started taking over, and over time it became dangerous.

They DID MOVE OUT in White Flight overwhelmingly.
The 14th Amendment was NOT made by the Founding Fathers.
I never said it was, snowflake. I said (and I quote word-for-word) “The U.S. Constitution trumps the ‘Naturalization Act of 1790’ numbnuts”.

You wouldn’t be struggling to follow this conversation if you weren’t a dumb polack.

The Founding Fathers intended for this to be a White Nation, and the Naturalization Act of 1790 proves it.

If you don't follow that, then don't pretend the Founding Fathers come first.

You are supporting the desecration of the Founding Fathers, and White Americans.

If you hate Whites so much..... Get out of this Nation.
4.) I'm Anti-Nazi, you moron.... I'm a Polish Fascist, many Polish Fascists hate both Germans, and Nazis.
recognize how evil fascism was under Adolf Hitler, but you're so fuck'n stupid, you think it will be "different" this time under you or some other bat-shit crazy animal like you and Hitler.

Okay, and?

Hitler was evil.

So was Capitalist Britain of the Victorian Era.

So was Communist Soviets.

And, and?

What's your point?

My point is that Nazis had more good ideas than you Liberals did... Even if they had more bad ideas too.

We should focus on those good ideas, and fine tune them.
Even Black users here are above you here...
I have some really bad news for you, snowflake. I don’t have an ego like all of you insecure progressives. I consider everyone “above” me. I’m just a lowly servant of God’s Kingdom.

You have a much bigger mouth than me.

I was attempting to have a civilized debate with you in the beginning.

You simply started Chimpin'
We should focus on those good ideas, and fine tune them.
We did already. It’s called liberty. It is the only “good idea”.

It's not working properly anymore.... If it's Broke, you fix it... Not do nothing like you think.

Whites are losing ground to be replaced.

Democrats are winning because of more minorities, and the failure of Capitalism.

Jobs outsourced to China, are propping up a potentially hostile China.

Illegal Mexicans are being propped up by those who hire them (Capitalists) and it's Balkanizing the U.S.A.
You are 100% Brain-dead. If a few muggers take out guns, even if you have a gun, then you don't have much of a choice.
You always have a choice. It's just that polacks are too dumb to know it. Just like they are too dumb to get the drop on potential muggers. Had those dumb polacks carried a firearm, stayed out of the freaking Yonkers, and been aware as they were moving, they wouldn't have been mugged.
You must be either very young, or very old. You're definitely someone with mental deficiencies.
And yet I've never been mugged (nor will I ever be). So who is the dumb polack with the mental deficiencies between the two of us?

New York is a state which has for many decades seen it virtually impossible for civilians to have conceal carry.

So, you're barking up the wrong tree, and proving your own stupidity.
So, you're saying that Whites like Poles should IMMEDIATELY move when it gets "Taken over by Blacks"? Is that what you're saying? pussies surrendered to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Might as well surrender to “the blacks” too!

Poles did very well in Hill 262, the Battle of Mokra, and the Battle of Britain in WW2 against Nazis.'

Poland was outnumbered by both Nazis, and Soviets by a wide margin.

So, it's not surprising they lost.
So, you're saying that Whites like Poles should IMMEDIATELY move when it gets "Taken over by Blacks"? Is that what you're saying?
Might as well surrender to “the blacks” too!

I'm here to fight that, not surrender to Blacks.

But, you've kicked, and screamed crying hysterically for me standing up to Blacks.

Lyndon Johnson an Anglo Southerner Democrat, with his Civil Rights Act, made it harder for Poles, or other Whites to keep their neighborhoods, or rent to just their own.

Some Northern neighborhoods, including New York ones were against Blacks moving in prior to Civil Rights.

Even famous Levittown in New York's suburbs refused Blacks prior to Civil Rights.\

Lyndon Johnson made it so they had to be accepted.
Poles did very well in Hill 262, the Battle of Mokra, and the Battle of Britain in WW2 against Nazis.'

Poland was outnumbered by both Nazis, and Soviets by a wide margin. So, it's not surprising they lost.
But they didn’t lose. I have no problem with losing. They surrendered. Only pussies surrender. If someone is attempting to overthrow your country, you fight until you die.
Poles did very well in Hill 262, the Battle of Mokra, and the Battle of Britain in WW2 against Nazis.'

Poland was outnumbered by both Nazis, and Soviets by a wide margin. So, it's not surprising they lost.
But they didn’t lose. I have no problem with losing. They surrendered. Only pussies surrender. If someone is attempting to overthrow your country, you fight until you die.

Like here?

All American forces in the Philippines surrender unconditionally - May 06, 1942 -

Or here?

Detroit surrenders without a fight - Aug 16, 1812 -
Whites are losing ground to be replaced.
I haven’t “lost” any “ground” to anyone. If you’re “losing ground”, maybe it’s you. Maybe you’re just a dumb polack. You can’t create legislation to keep people dumber than you are.

Uh, there's definitely an Upswing in Whites fighting Multicultural Diversity.

Rightfully so.... You assume everyone's a retard like you are.

Well... White Nationalists in America are rallying this year in probably the biggest White Nationalist marches in 30 - 40 years..

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