The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Here's some of P@triot's beloved Blacks he vigorously fights for.
I don’t fight for them...I fight for liberty. Freedom. The right to ignore ignorant polacks like you who desperately wish to be supreme dictator of the world.

You're the most ignorant user I've encountered on this forum, and also the user with the biggest mouth.

You see Negroes as your equals, because they are your equals.

You don't notice anything's wrong with them, because you are just like them, and ignorant, big mouth.
Here's some of P@triot's beloved Blacks he vigorously fights for.

They are anti-American asshats just like you. It’s funny how you can see how awful these people are but you can’t see their same actions, thoughts, and positions in yourself. I guess polacks really are as dumb as the stereotype.

I'm anti-American at times, because of racial scums like you liter this country, who refuse to fight for Whites, and would even combat Poles in response to me for fighting for Whites.

I've dealt with tons of American losers like you since I've been on the Internet.

Luckily this particular forum has a lot more Alt-Right peoples who both fight for Whites, and respect Poland's stand against Islam, and Communism.
You purposefully left that one out.
No...I purposely pointed out how you are a dumb polack, incapable of following the conversation. No wonder you are “losing ground” to “black people”.

No, you behaved like a stupid little child, as usual.

You deleted the Detroit surrender in the War of 1812, by America.

Purposefully distorting, and as usual kicking, and screaming, and mocking like the dirt-bag you are.
Here's some of P@triot's beloved Blacks he vigorously fights for.

They are anti-American asshats just like you. It’s funny how you can see how awful these people are but you can’t see their same actions, thoughts, and positions in yourself. I guess polacks really are as dumb as the stereotype.

I'm anti-American at times, because of racial scums like you liter this country, who refuse to fight for Whites, and would even combat Poles in response to me for fighting for Whites.

I've dealt with tons of American losers like you since I've been on the Internet.

Luckily this particular forum has a lot more Alt-Right peoples who both fight for Whites, and respect Poland's stand against Islam, and Communism.

One must avoid hating something simply for being. Hate is to be reserved for those who commit overt acts, whether knowingly, or through ignorance. As such it would be folly to hate negroes simply for “being”. Hating Cucks however is every nationalists duty...
You purposefully left that one out.
No...I purposely pointed out how you are a dumb polack, incapable of following the conversation. No wonder you are “losing ground” to “black people”.

There's hardly any conversation anymore.

It's been mostly page, after page of you mocking me, and blurting out dumb Polak.

You got dominated, over, and over again.

You could not prove Liberty was superior.

I did prove Fascism was superior.
Here's some of P@triot's beloved Blacks he vigorously fights for.

They are anti-American asshats just like you. It’s funny how you can see how awful these people are but you can’t see their same actions, thoughts, and positions in yourself. I guess polacks really are as dumb as the stereotype.

I'm anti-American at times, because of racial scums like you liter this country, who refuse to fight for Whites, and would even combat Poles in response to me for fighting for Whites.

I've dealt with tons of American losers like you since I've been on the Internet.

Luckily this particular forum has a lot more Alt-Right peoples who both fight for Whites, and respect Poland's stand against Islam, and Communism.

One must avoid hating something simply for being. Hate is to be reserved for those who commit overt acts, whether knowingly, or through ignorance. As such it would be folly to hate negroes simply for “being”. Hating Cucks however is every nationalists duty...

I don't hate all Blacks, I do support a separate Black state as well as a separate White state.

That would be more effective in solving all issues, including the so called "Racism problem"

Because in a racially homogeneous environment, there's obviously going to be no "Racism problem"

It's amazing how clueless many of the "Cucks are"

They're actually fighting for Racism, and too dumb to know better.
Explain the logic?
Anyone who pees down their own leg out of a paralyzing fear of not having a “planned society” isn’t capable of having logic explained to them.

You’re a typical left-wing fascist who fears liberty.

Collectivism is superior over Individualism.

Explain how it's not?

Collectivists understand they exist beyond themselves, and as a greater culture (Society)

Individualists just seem to understand "Me, mine, and now" they don't care about culture, very much, but only themselves.

Collectivists fight back against cultural replacement, and fight back against abuse, or senseless death, and other issues by use of a collective Government.

The Individualist doesn't, a true mega Individualist would even go so far to say judge an invading army as just individuals.

Armies which protect nations are actually collectivism, it's a Military collective, and it's the opposite of Liberty.
You don't follow the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790, which says ONLY free Whites, of good character can become U.S Citizens..
The U.S. Constitution trumps the "Naturalization Act of 1790" numbnuts... :lmao:

The Founding Fathers said nothing about Immigration in the Original Constitution, the Founding Fathers instead wrote about Immigration in the Naturalization Act of 1790.
Indisputable proof that the stereotypes about polacks are absolutely accurate... :lmao:
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."


Explain how it's smart for a Republican like you claim to be (Hard to believe) to support the 14th Amendment over the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790?

The 14th Amendment is leading to Republican's being replaced by Minority Democrat voters more, and more.

Because it gave Blacks (Mainly Democrats) and Illegal Immigrant babies born here (Mainly Democrats) the ability to grow in numbers in America, and slowly over-take America.
Another Proof that Minorities in this country are more racist than Whites.
You are such an ignorant, uneducated polack that you don’t even know that the word “white” is not a proper noun and thus should not be capitalized.

Whites as a race are important, and therefor should be capitalized in my eyes.
Bwahahaha! The rules for grammar (capitalization) are not dictated by the feelings of the writer. Nobody gives a shit if you think “whites” are “important”. It’s still not a proper noun, you nitwit.
I mean you either don't seem to understand, or simply you don't care that the majority of Millennials who are set to take over the country, are Democrats for Socialism.
Come talk to me when it actually happens, snowflake.

Planning, especially planning for the future is definitely a big part of intellect.

You're obviously lacking there.
You haven't met all Black people, so you don't know this.
The irony. The irony!!! You are literally the dumbest polack ever.

You have not met “all black people” either and yet you have declared that they are violent, ignorant, racist, and inferior.

Literally every time you post, you defeat yourself and contradict your own positions.
Another Proof that Minorities in this country are more racist than Whites.
You are such an ignorant, uneducated polack that you don’t even know that the word “white” is not a proper noun and thus should not be capitalized.

Whites as a race are important, and therefor should be capitalized in my eyes.
Bwahahaha! The rules for grammar (capitalization) are not dictated by the feelings of the writer. Nobody gives a shit if you think “whites” are “important”. It’s still not a proper noun, you nitwit.

If the surname White is capitalized, I fail to see why the White race can't be capitalized?

Doesn't matter, you seem to care more about capitalization, than about the demise of Whites, or Republicans.

Just kind of proves what I've always said about Western Europeans, they'll frantically do more to organize a stack of books, than to save their own heritage from destruction.

Like a kind of White Negro with severe OCD issues/
Planning, especially planning for the future is definitely a big part of intellect.
And yet you just told a story about how your dumb polack relatives didn’t plan to move out of their neighborhood in time. LMAO!!!

It wouldn't' matter, there were various muggers.

I wasn't told, if they did, or did not carry fire-arms.

The fact is even they even did, they'd be overpowered by there being several muggers.
I've dealt with tons of American losers like you since I've been on the Internet.
If we are “losers” you should get the fuck out of my country and go back to Poland. It’s the only nation that you would fit in with your astounding limited intellect.

You are a loser, the biggest loser on this forum, actually.

No, the only person here with limited intellect is yourself.

You've completely failed to debate, and just fling poo, thinking you're hot shit.

No, you're little more than a Chimp.

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