The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Collectivism is superior over Individualism. Explain how it's not?
Aside from the fact that you ended a statement with a question mark - allow me to address your supreme idiocy.

Collectivism is pure ignorance. It stifles free thought and creativity which stifles innovation. Which is why the U.S. created the first nuclear bomb (resulting in victory in WWII) while Hitler’s Germany couldn’t create a pencil.

Furthermore, collectivism builds contempt. No intelligent, rational person wants to surrender their will and their life to someone else (only dumb polacks want to be treated like a child for life) - and doing so results in contempt. Those under the thumb of the collectivist will revolt and undermine the efforts.

Further still, everywhere that the collectivist idiocy has been tried, it has ended in spectacular collapse. It didn’t work in Cuba under Castro. It didn’t work in the former U.S.S.R. It didn’t work in Ethiopia. It didn’t work in Cambodia. And it will never work in the U.S.

Extreme Collectivism (Communism) can stifle creativity, indeed.

But, then again Soviets had a lot of good tech, because they invested in it....

Science and technology in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

In the 1980's Soviets were #1 in patents.

You're solution for just about everything is do nothing, or liberty.
“Give me liberty or give me death” - Patrick Henry

For someone who claims to love the founders sooooo much, you sure do reject everything they said, did, and stood for. Everything the founders did, they did for liberty. And you openly reject liberty. Which proves that you don’t believe in the founders (how could you as a dumb polack?) - you just attempt to manipulate Americans with them.
Collectivism is superior over Individualism. Explain how it's not?
while Hitler’s Germany couldn’t create a pencil.


Nazi Germany had a lot of good tech, because they invested in it.

V2 Rockets the first Rocket into space.

Z3 the first modern Computer.

Volkwagen Beetle's.

A Stealth bomber prototype the Horten Ho 229.

The first jet powered bomber,

The first mass produced rifle, basically a proto AK47 the Sturmgewehr 44.

The Messerschmitt Me 262 the first jet powered fighter.

The Arado Ar 234 the first jet powered bomber.
You're solution for just about everything is do nothing, or liberty.
“Give me liberty or give me death” - Patrick Henry

For someone who claims to love the founders sooooo much, you sure do reject everything they said, did, and stood for. Everything the founders did, they did for liberty. And you openly reject liberty. Which proves that you don’t believe in the founders (how could you as a dumb polack?) - you just attempt to manipulate Americans with them.

If Liberals like you can support, and create the 14th Amendment to destroy the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790, destroying White America, and Republicans in the process.

I don't see why we (Fascists) shouldn't have the right to make an Amendment to protect White America, by jailing those who hire Illegals, by micromanaging Colleges, Hollywood, and media, to prevent them from brainwashing the masses with Liberalism.

Further still, everywhere that the collectivist idiocy has been tried, it has ended in spectacular collapse. It didn’t work in Cuba under Castro. It didn’t work in the former U.S.S.R. It didn’t work in Ethiopia. It didn’t work in Cambodia. And it will never work in the U.S.

You're talking about Communism Collectivism, I'm talking about Fascism Collectivism.

Both are about as Collectivist, just Fascists are more Collectivist in heritage, and race, as opposed to Communists who are more Collectivist in terms of equality, and control of society.

Franco's Spain = #1 economic growth in 20th Century Europe.

Spanish miracle - Wikipedia

Hitler's Germany = #1 economic turn-around of the Great Depression (Well Stalin was about tied).

You see Negroes as your equals, because they are your equals.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident - that all men are created equal”.

For someone who claims to love the founders sooooo much, you sure do reject everything they said, did, and stood for.

If that's true why didn't the Founder's Give Black Slaves citizen rights, rights to guns, rights to vote, rights to property etc. etc.?

That's not equality.
You see Negroes as your equals, because they are your equals.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident - that all men are created equal”.

For someone who claims to love the founders sooooo much, you sure do reject everything they said, did, and stood for.

I'm pretty sure they only meant Human males were equal, and they didn't think other races were Human. (Which was a common view at the time)
Collectivism is superior over Individualism. Explain how it's not?
Furthermore, collectivism builds contempt. .

Poor worker rights also breeds contempt. (I.E lack of vacation time, or breaks)

A country where real hourly wages decline also breeds contempt.

We are working more hours to make up for the greed of Capitalists.

You're proof, you're even lower than a Negro. do you know that? You haven’t met every “negro”. And in post #1281 you set that as the standard yourself when you said (and I quote) “You haven't met all Black people, so you don't know this.”

You continue to contradict yourself and defeat your own position. I have now seen first-hand why the dumb polack stereotype came about. And I must say - it absolutely lives up to its folklore. :laugh:

It doesn't really matter.


A.) Countries like Liberia, or Ethiopia not colonized are poor, and backwards by Africa's poor, and backwards standards.
(So the collective is a detriment which struggles to make a forward society)

B.) It is best for Whites, and Blacks to separate
(This protects Blacks from racism, and protects Whites from Black violence)

Explain the benefits of having Blacks stay in this country, as opposed to splitting them into a new Black country?

I fail to see any benefit.

Especially not when they can be considered loosely as a threat to our heritage.
The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques

What portion of Islamic culture do you wish to import into America, most exactly?

Sharia Law, Beheading's, Stoning's, Suicide bombers, Clitoris choppers etc. etc.?

I truly think you're just a slow guy.
Explain the benefits of having Blacks stay in this country, as opposed to splitting them into a new Black country?
I could go on all day about the benefits - but here is all you need to know: you have absolutely no authority to strip them of their citizenship and kick them out of their own country. The U.S. Constitution and liberty trumps you and your idiotic ideology.
I fail to see any benefit.
That’s because you are a stereotypical dumb polack.
Especially not when they can be considered loosely as a threat to our heritage.
There is no “our” here - I am not a dumb polack. The only “threat” to me is anti-American, anti-liberty, left-wing jerks like yourself.
I don't see why we (Fascists) shouldn't have the right to make an Amendment to protect White America, by jailing those who hire Illegals
You do have the right to make that amendment. All you need is 2/3 of the House, 2/3 of the Senate, and 3/4 of the states. But like all left-wing ideologues, you can’t accept the fact that the American people reject your bat-shit crazy ideology. You’ll never get the votes. But you can certainly try.
by micromanaging Colleges, Hollywood, and media, to prevent them from brainwashing the masses with Liberalism.
Uh...because that would be a major violation of the 1st Amendment.
I don't see why we (Fascists) shouldn't have the right to micromanaging Colleges, Hollywood, and media, to prevent them from brainwashing the masses with Liberalism.
Why don’t we prevent idiot fascists from sharing their views and brainwashing the masses? I’ll make you a deal - you agree to permanently strip all fascists and all dumb polacks of their right to speak or share their views and then I will join you in your quest to shut up your other fellow left-wing ideologues (socialists, communists, marxist’s, etc.). Deal?
Explain the benefits of having Blacks stay in this country, as opposed to splitting them into a new Black country?

I fail to see any benefit.

Especially not when they can be considered loosely as a threat to our heritage.
Explain the benefits of having dumb polacks stay in this country, as opposed to sending their dumb asses back to Poland (where they belong)?

I fail to see any benefit.

Especially not when you consider how astoundingly stupid polacks are and how they are a major threat to liberty.
I don't see why we (Fascists) shouldn't have the right to make an Amendment to protect White America, by jailing those who hire Illegals
You do have the right to make that amendment. All you need is 2/3 of the House, 2/3 of the Senate, and 3/4 of the states. But like all left-wing ideologues, you can’t accept the fact that the American people reject your bat-shit crazy ideology. You’ll never get the votes. But you can certainly try.
by micromanaging Colleges, Hollywood, and media, to prevent them from brainwashing the masses with Liberalism.
Uh...because that would be a major violation of the 1st Amendment.
Yeah, since the first conservative party violated the First Amendment, and it was the end of that party; the current conservative party are probably a more careful with their violations. America even named the period the Federalist's fall: The Era of Good Feelings.
Yeah, since the first conservative party violated the First Amendment, and it was the end of that party; the current conservative party are probably a more careful...
Now if we could only get the left to actually respect the 1st Amendment and the U.S. Constitution.

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