The liberal push in regards to illegal immigrants is going to push ME into the Trump camp.

Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.

Yep- and I agree this is wrong.

What makes you think Trump cares?

Texas has one of the cheapest housing markets in the United States- driven in large part by illegal labor- this in a Republilcan strong hold- why doesn't Texas crack down on the illegal hiring of illegal's?

Because Americans want that cheap labor. I think it is wrong.

But both Democrats and Republicans use the issue of illegal immigration to drive voters to the polls- they don't give a damn about solving the problem- and neither does Trump.
He is the ONLY one who seems to have the passion the issue needs..

Well he certainly hopes people like you believe that.

Trump is an entertainer- while I have a healthy distrust of all politicians- Trump is so blatantly opportunistic and flirting with the fringe right I don't believe a word he says.

Here is the thing- by all evidence Trump is a moderate who doesn't give a damn about illegal immigration- he suddenly discovered it as an issue when he decided this time to run for President.

I am not concerned about Trump getting elected and pushing a far right agenda- hell he is the least conservative of all of the Republican nominees.

I am not concerned about Trump getting elected at all- he is a gift to whoever the Democratic candidate is.
I can totally get voting for Trump,
and where you are coming from Gramps.

They do not know the language, My great grandfather had to learn english when he came over from Sweden in 1896.

Anyone can get a license and voter card now, even if your not a citizen

The people pouring into our country need to learn what the signs say on the road, these laws are basically setting up a major disasters killing many unnecessarily on the road because they do not know english

I don't see any other Country just open the gates, give out a license and voting rights. ,why should we. WTF
The United States is doing no such thing, nor is anyone advocating doing such a thing.

Trump is a liar, as are his supporters seeking to propagate his lies.

It is a new law today in California Clayton..

Critics predict new California motor-voter law will flood voter rolls with non-citizens - Washington Times

Driver's license does not equate to voting rights- no, no one is allowing illegal aliens to vote in the U.S.
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.

Paul Ryan is an open border pig. Join Trump and spit on ryan!!
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.

Paul Ryan is an open border pig. Join Trump and spit on ryan!!
Put the blunt down. I never mentioned Ryan
I can totally get voting for Trump,
and where you are coming from Gramps.

They do not know the language, My great grandfather had to learn english when he came over from Sweden in 1896.

Anyone can get a license and voter card now, even if your not a citizen

The people pouring into our country need to learn what the signs say on the road, these laws are basically setting up a major disasters killing many unnecessarily on the road because they do not know english

I don't see any other Country just open the gates, give out a license and voting rights. ,why should we. WTF
The United States is doing no such thing, nor is anyone advocating doing such a thing.

Trump is a liar, as are his supporters seeking to propagate his lies.
My decision has nothing to do with Trump's words and everything to do with a ridiculous democratic push to protect and coddle illegals
"The liberal push in regards to illegal immigrants is going to push ME into the Trump camp."

This fails as a straw man fallacy, in addition to being a ridiculous lie.

There is no 'liberal push' with regard to 'illegal' immigrants.

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; that liberals correctly understand and obey the Constitution and rule of law does not mean anyone is 'pushing' anything.

That you and other hateful rightists are ignorant of the law, and have an unwarranted contempt for immigrants and the rule of law, does not justify your seeking to disadvantage immigrants.

The ridiculous xenophobia and nativism common to most on the right is one of many reasons why Hispanic Americans are voting democratic, in addition to other Americans who celebrate our great Nation's history of inclusion and diversity.

Oh --- of COURSE it's a straw man fallacy and there is no "liberal push" with regards to ILLEGAL immigrants.


1) You cannot call them Illegals. No person is illegal according to leftist lexicons.
2) You cannot pursue them for immigration violations in sanctuary cities. ALL leftist and growing.
3) The current movement to allow "residents" to vote is CLEARLY a leftist push and also growing.
4) You have a leftist prez who encouraged Central American parents to put their kids on the "death train" and send them north and we ended adopting 100,000 parent-less kids last spring.

NOOOO .. There's no such thing as illegal entry in the leftist camp.. Just like the guy who has my TV and my wife's jewelry isn't guilty of breakin' and entering until the lawyers get paid.. Get real..
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.

You can't possibly believe that Donald Trump is going to do anything about immigration--do you? He's a democrat--and he should be running against Hillary Clinton.

Trump sure didn't want to build a WALL in 2012--he blasted Romney for losing, citing the reason was he was too mean spirited toward illegals.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Furthermore--we have to have IMMIGRATION REFORM. Back in the 50's American families consisted on average of 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size have dropped to 2 or less.

Currently there are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 13 years--giving us an additional 84 TRILLION in unfunded Liabilities. We do not have the working and paying taxes population to support this.

So you can choose to GIVE UP your social security & medicare or do immigration reform. It's not rocket science, just simple math.

1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.

You can't possibly believe that Donald Trump is going to do anything about immigration--do you? He's a democrat--and he should be running against Hillary Clinton.

Trump sure didn't want to build a WALL in 2012--he blasted Romney for losing, citing the reason was he was too mean spirited toward illegals.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

Furthermore--we have to have IMMIGRATION REFORM. Back in the 50's American families consisted on average of 4 kids. Over the past several decades kid size have dropped to 2 or less.

Currently there are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 13 years--giving us an additional 84 TRILLION in unfunded Liabilities. We do not have the working and paying taxes population to support this.

So you can choose to GIVE UP your social security & medicare or do immigration reform. It's not rocket science, just simple math.

Trump IS running against the Hildebeast, you dumb ass!
Illegal immigrants don't vote, Gramps. Why did you include that in your hate fest? for Trump. Although....being that you are in Kansas....he won't be on your ballot.
Illegal immigrants don't vote, Gramps. Why did you include that in your hate fest? for Trump. Although....being that you are in Kansas....he won't be on your ballot.

Many reasons. It's sort of common knowledge among economists.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy
What does that have to do with Trump not being on the ballot?
To put a point on the link that has nothing to do with what you responded to - it is nice that it 'helps' the American economy by driving down costs. However, economy does not always equal people. It hurts people because it dilutes the American labor force driving income into the ground for unskilled labor.
Ignorant politicians
Well we have them here too. It must be some other weird reason.
You live on a big island? Lol

So? Why is it hard to defend the narrow border between Mexico and the US? Countries have protected much larger borders with far less man power and money for millenia.

Our coastline is vast! It's far harder to protect.
No, it is not. Not by a HUGE MARGIN. Coastlines create natural borders to illegal immigration which consist mostly of poor and unskilled persons. Further, simply stating other countries have protected their borders for a millennia is grossly misunderstanding the core problem and what is needed to take care of it.

The core issue is that the US has economic opportunity where Mexico is a cesspool. There is a massive difference in bother rights, crime and ability to prosper between Mexico and the US. That is the reason that the northern boarder that is FAR larger and has FAR less 'protective' measures has almost zero (compared to the southern border) illegal immigration flowing from it.
doesn't seem to help Europe.
That comment makes no sense as a response to mine.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.

Yep- and I agree this is wrong.

What makes you think Trump cares?

Texas has one of the cheapest housing markets in the United States- driven in large part by illegal labor- this in a Republilcan strong hold- why doesn't Texas crack down on the illegal hiring of illegal's?

Because Americans want that cheap labor. I think it is wrong.

But both Democrats and Republicans use the issue of illegal immigration to drive voters to the polls- they don't give a damn about solving the problem- and neither does Trump.
He is the ONLY one who seems to have the passion the issue needs..

Well he certainly hopes people like you believe that.

Trump is an entertainer- while I have a healthy distrust of all politicians- Trump is so blatantly opportunistic and flirting with the fringe right I don't believe a word he says.

Here is the thing- by all evidence Trump is a moderate who doesn't give a damn about illegal immigration- he suddenly discovered it as an issue when he decided this time to run for President.

I am not concerned about Trump getting elected and pushing a far right agenda- hell he is the least conservative of all of the Republican nominees.

I am not concerned about Trump getting elected at all- he is a gift to whoever the Democratic candidate is.
Likely true. I am amazed at how rabid the right opposes single payer and Obamacare and yet seem so damn interested in people to lead their party that espouse such things (Romney and not Trump).
Well we have them here too. It must be some other weird reason.
You live on a big island? Lol

So? Why is it hard to defend the narrow border between Mexico and the US? Countries have protected much larger borders with far less man power and money for millenia.

Our coastline is vast! It's far harder to protect.
No, it is not. Not by a HUGE MARGIN. Coastlines create natural borders to illegal immigration which consist mostly of poor and unskilled persons. Further, simply stating other countries have protected their borders for a millennia is grossly misunderstanding the core problem and what is needed to take care of it.

The core issue is that the US has economic opportunity where Mexico is a cesspool. There is a massive difference in bother rights, crime and ability to prosper between Mexico and the US. That is the reason that the northern boarder that is FAR larger and has FAR less 'protective' measures has almost zero (compared to the southern border) illegal immigration flowing from it.
doesn't seem to help Europe.
That comment makes no sense as a response to mine.
Just stop lying about why you dont protect your southern border.
You live on a big island? Lol

So? Why is it hard to defend the narrow border between Mexico and the US? Countries have protected much larger borders with far less man power and money for millenia.

Our coastline is vast! It's far harder to protect.
No, it is not. Not by a HUGE MARGIN. Coastlines create natural borders to illegal immigration which consist mostly of poor and unskilled persons. Further, simply stating other countries have protected their borders for a millennia is grossly misunderstanding the core problem and what is needed to take care of it.

The core issue is that the US has economic opportunity where Mexico is a cesspool. There is a massive difference in bother rights, crime and ability to prosper between Mexico and the US. That is the reason that the northern boarder that is FAR larger and has FAR less 'protective' measures has almost zero (compared to the southern border) illegal immigration flowing from it.
doesn't seem to help Europe.
That comment makes no sense as a response to mine.
Just stop lying about why you dont protect your southern border.
Are you imagining things because you certainly seem to have no idea what I have typed here.
"The liberal push in regards to illegal immigrants is going to push ME into the Trump camp."

This fails as a straw man fallacy, in addition to being a ridiculous lie.

There is no 'liberal push' with regard to 'illegal' immigrants.

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; that liberals correctly understand and obey the Constitution and rule of law does not mean anyone is 'pushing' anything.

That you and other hateful rightists are ignorant of the law, and have an unwarranted contempt for immigrants and the rule of law, does not justify your seeking to disadvantage immigrants.

The ridiculous xenophobia and nativism common to most on the right is one of many reasons why Hispanic Americans are voting democratic, in addition to other Americans who celebrate our great Nation's history of inclusion and diversity.
FALSE! Illegal aliens are illegal,the second they cross the US-Mexican border into the US. Conviction in a court of law is merely a conformation of that. There really shouldn't even BE any court or trial. They should be SHOT on sight, as enemy combatants invading the country. NOT ENTITLED to due process. (actually I kind of like the idea of a moat with alligators)

PS - you like to arrest ISIS fighters, and read them their "rights"too ? :rolleyes-41:
Pushed into the Trump camp....enjoy your game of solitare.

Is that why Trump beats Hillary?...another left wing moron!

Shock Poll: Donald Trump Beats Hillary Clinton,...
Donald Trump has a clear path to the White House, according to a shocking new poll from SurveyUSA. Trump beats Hillary Clinton 45 percent to 40 percent, with 16 ..

Breitbart? Oh okay....:rofl:

The only "shocking" thing is that apparently their readers are not aware of the Electoral College and that nationwide polls for President are meaningless since popular votes are not used in determining who wins. Well, it's probably not shocking considering the cadre of morons here who rely in Breitbart for their daily marching orders.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.

Yep- and I agree this is wrong.

What makes you think Trump cares?

Texas has one of the cheapest housing markets in the United States- driven in large part by illegal labor- this in a Republilcan strong hold- why doesn't Texas crack down on the illegal hiring of illegal's?

Because Americans want that cheap labor. I think it is wrong.

But both Democrats and Republicans use the issue of illegal immigration to drive voters to the polls- they don't give a damn about solving the problem- and neither does Trump.
He is the ONLY one who seems to have the passion the issue needs..

Well he certainly hopes people like you believe that.

Trump is an entertainer- while I have a healthy distrust of all politicians- Trump is so blatantly opportunistic and flirting with the fringe right I don't believe a word he says.

Here is the thing- by all evidence Trump is a moderate who doesn't give a damn about illegal immigration- he suddenly discovered it as an issue when he decided this time to run for President.

I am not concerned about Trump getting elected and pushing a far right agenda- hell he is the least conservative of all of the Republican nominees.

I am not concerned about Trump getting elected at all- he is a gift to whoever the Democratic candidate is.

is hillary gonna accuse trump of treating women badly? yeah hill- go with that! (bill)

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