The liberal push in regards to illegal immigrants is going to push ME into the Trump camp.

You live on a big island? Lol

So? Why is it hard to defend the narrow border between Mexico and the US? Countries have protected much larger borders with far less man power and money for millenia.

Our coastline is vast! It's far harder to protect.
You're clearly one of the Muppets out to space. You live on an island. We live with thousands of miles of land adjoining mutual borders that are crossed daily. We also have a government overrun with morons who don't care.

Get one in that does care. Stop bringing up this island rubbish. I can swim from PNG to Australia. Just because you are afraid of water doesn't mean everyone is. Deserts are scary too ya know. Quit making excuses.

Australia defends it's borders because we have the will. No other reason.

You're an idiot plain & simple. Not to mention you're not an American so your observations are both irrelevant as well as terribly thought out.

I like to dispell the "powerless" lies.

"Oh but a land border is impossible to defend". - lies like that.

you are a jerkoff. And that's the first name call I've made on this forum.
I never said it was impossible to defend fucktard. I said our politicians don't care enough to be bothered.
Now go make your cross ocean swim WITHOUT a lifevest.
Illegal immigrants don't vote, Gramps. Why did you include that in your hate fest? for Trump. Although....being that you are in Kansas....he won't be on your ballot.
"The liberal push in regards to illegal immigrants is going to push ME into the Trump camp."

This fails as a straw man fallacy, in addition to being a ridiculous lie.

There is no 'liberal push' with regard to 'illegal' immigrants.

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; that liberals correctly understand and obey the Constitution and rule of law does not mean anyone is 'pushing' anything.

That you and other hateful rightists are ignorant of the law, and have an unwarranted contempt for immigrants and the rule of law, does not justify your seeking to disadvantage immigrants.

The ridiculous xenophobia and nativism common to most on the right is one of many reasons why Hispanic Americans are voting democratic, in addition to other Americans who celebrate our great Nation's history of inclusion and diversity.
Incorrect. An illegal immigrant is an illegal immigrant period. They are not GUILTY untill they have been charged and cannot be legally dealt with until such time but it is ignorant to demand that something is not what it is because the legal process has not dealt with it yet. A rock is still a rock weather or not I have dug it up and proven it.

It is also willful ignorance to ignore the effects of illegal immigrants on the labor force (particularly of unskilled labor). Recognizing these facts and calling a spade a spade DOES NOT in any shape or form mean that someone thinks they are not entitled due process. That is a talking point and THAT fails as a straw man fallacy. For someone that wants to point out everything as a straw man, you should avoid using straw men yourself.
We Aussies don't understand why other countries have porous borders. You are under no obligation?
Ignorant politicians
Well we have them here too. It must be some other weird reason.
You live on a big island? Lol

So? Why is it hard to defend the narrow border between Mexico and the US? Countries have protected much larger borders with far less man power and money for millenia.

Our coastline is vast! It's far harder to protect.
No, it is not. Not by a HUGE MARGIN. Coastlines create natural borders to illegal immigration which consist mostly of poor and unskilled persons. Further, simply stating other countries have protected their borders for a millennia is grossly misunderstanding the core problem and what is needed to take care of it.

The core issue is that the US has economic opportunity where Mexico is a cesspool. There is a massive difference in bother rights, crime and ability to prosper between Mexico and the US. That is the reason that the northern boarder that is FAR larger and has FAR less 'protective' measures has almost zero (compared to the southern border) illegal immigration flowing from it.
If it were possible to deport all illegal immigrants currently residing in the US....and we did would be very bad for our economy.

Think first, then vote.
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.

Based on your thread's title, I DID hear that there's an opening for another idiot in the Trump's camp...Hurry !!
We Aussies don't understand why other countries have porous borders. You are under no obligation?
Ignorant politicians
Well we have them here too. It must be some other weird reason.
You live on a big island? Lol

So? Why is it hard to defend the narrow border between Mexico and the US? Countries have protected much larger borders with far less man power and money for millenia.

Our coastline is vast! It's far harder to protect.
You're clearly one of the Muppets out to space. You live on an island. We live with thousands of miles of land adjoining mutual borders that are crossed daily. We also have a government overrun with morons who don't care.

Technically Oceania is not an island.
Illegal immigrants don't vote, Gramps. Why did you include that in your hate fest? for Trump. Although....being that you are in Kansas....he won't be on your ballot.
Illegal immigrants don't vote, Gramps. Why did you include that in your hate fest? for Trump. Although....being that you are in Kansas....he won't be on your ballot.

Many reasons. It's sort of common knowledge among economists.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.

Don't do it. Nothing good can come from reducing yourself to the same level of stupidity as that of liberals.
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.

Hey you don't have to blame anyone else for your support for Trump.

Question- why do you have to prove your citizenship in order to get a driver's license?

Another question- why do you believe that illegal immigrants are voting?

Why do you think that Trump gives a damn any more than any other Republican or Democrat when it comes to illegal immigration? Because of what he says? Seriously?

Do you really believe anything Trump says?

But as a Democrat- I can say honestly- I appreciate your support for Trump and the Democratic presidential candidate.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.

Yep- and I agree this is wrong.

What makes you think Trump cares?

Texas has one of the cheapest housing markets in the United States- driven in large part by illegal labor- this in a Republilcan strong hold- why doesn't Texas crack down on the illegal hiring of illegal's?

Because Americans want that cheap labor. I think it is wrong.

But both Democrats and Republicans use the issue of illegal immigration to drive voters to the polls- they don't give a damn about solving the problem- and neither does Trump.
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.
The republicans don't FEAR the issue. They see how the illegal aliens are destroying this nation, and they know WHY the dems are letting them in and shipping them in by the THOUSANDS... BECAUSE THEY SEE VOTES. Why in the HELL do you think they fight so hard against voter ID?

Republicans don't give a damn about the issue.

After the 9/11 attacks, Bush had the green light to spend almost anything to protect our borders- and yet our southern border remained as porous as ever.

Republican business's still hire illegal's, Republicans use the issue to scare voters- and Democrats are pretty much as bad.

Both sides have tried to get everyone fired up enough so that moderation and resolution are not acceptable- just fighting between the side that argues that the only answer to a huge wall and deporting all illegal immigrants who are rapists, from Mexico- to the other side that says "the only answer is to give citizenship to all illegal immigrants.

Nobody wants a workable solution.

So we have the status quo- illegal immigration happening under Republicans and Democrats- fewer under Democrats- but you Republicans will never figure that out.
We Aussies don't understand why other countries have porous borders. You are under no obligation?
Ignorant politicians
Well we have them here too. It must be some other weird reason.
You live on a big island? Lol

So? Why is it hard to defend the narrow border between Mexico and the US? Countries have protected much larger borders with far less man power and money for millenia.

Our coastline is vast! It's far harder to protect.
No, it is not. Not by a HUGE MARGIN. Coastlines create natural borders to illegal immigration which consist mostly of poor and unskilled persons. Further, simply stating other countries have protected their borders for a millennia is grossly misunderstanding the core problem and what is needed to take care of it.

The core issue is that the US has economic opportunity where Mexico is a cesspool. There is a massive difference in bother rights, crime and ability to prosper between Mexico and the US. That is the reason that the northern boarder that is FAR larger and has FAR less 'protective' measures has almost zero (compared to the southern border) illegal immigration flowing from it.
doesn't seem to help Europe.
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.
The republicans don't FEAR the issue. They see how the illegal aliens are destroying this nation, and they know WHY the dems are letting them in and shipping them in by the THOUSANDS... BECAUSE THEY SEE VOTES. Why in the HELL do you think they fight so hard against voter ID?
If you change republicans to conservatives I would have an easier time swallowing what you've said.

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