The liberal push in regards to illegal immigrants is going to push ME into the Trump camp.

Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.
I'll bet that cocksucker voted Democrat.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.

Yep- and I agree this is wrong.

What makes you think Trump cares?

Texas has one of the cheapest housing markets in the United States- driven in large part by illegal labor- this in a Republilcan strong hold- why doesn't Texas crack down on the illegal hiring of illegal's?

Because Americans want that cheap labor. I think it is wrong.

But both Democrats and Republicans use the issue of illegal immigration to drive voters to the polls- they don't give a damn about solving the problem- and neither does Trump.
He is the ONLY one who seems to have the passion the issue needs.
As you've stated BOTH parties continue to turn a blind eye in an effort to drive voters to the polls. Trump is NOT a member of either party. He says he'll address it. Until proven hollow what else do I have? Do I believe Trump is the best man for the job? No. Do I believe based on what I've heard that he could have the biggest impact on my life? Yes, if he follows through.
As to Texas it's not my problem. They had Bush, Richard's & Perry to "fix" the problems of immigration. I don't have a vote or voice in Texas politics.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.
I'll bet that cocksucker voted Democrat.
Could be. We never discussed politics. But at that point I was infuriated and told him to his face that people like him are part of the reason our country has so many of the problems it has. He then tried to back track a bit and said he shouldn't have said that. His wife just sat there looking dumbfounded that the conversation went where it went.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.
I'll bet that cocksucker voted Democrat.
Could be. We never discussed politics. But at that point I was infuriated and told him to his face that people like him are part of the reason our country has so many of the problems it has. He then tried to back track a bit and said he shouldn't have said that. His wife just sat there looking dumbfounded that the conversation went where it went.

Wow! Such a patriot!
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.
I'll bet that cocksucker voted Democrat.
Could be. We never discussed politics. But at that point I was infuriated and told him to his face that people like him are part of the reason our country has so many of the problems it has. He then tried to back track a bit and said he shouldn't have said that. His wife just sat there looking dumbfounded that the conversation went where it went.

Wow! Such a patriot!
Wow such a douchebag.
Illegal immigrants don't vote, Gramps. Why did you include that in your hate fest? for Trump. Although....being that you are in Kansas....he won't be on your ballot.
I don't live in Kansas twit.

Whatever. Missouri?

Who cares. You got the point convict.
I get the point, you're a judgey motherfucker

You saying that in THIS thread is awesome.

If you were honest, you'd admit now to having employed undocumented workers at some point in your business life. In your field, it's almost a given.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.
I'll bet that cocksucker voted Democrat.
Could be. We never discussed politics. But at that point I was infuriated and told him to his face that people like him are part of the reason our country has so many of the problems it has. He then tried to back track a bit and said he shouldn't have said that. His wife just sat there looking dumbfounded that the conversation went where it went.

Wow! Such a patriot!
Wow such a douchebag.

Yeah. I'm a douchebag.....but you confront a guy and tell him he's partly responsible for this countries problems. You are aces.
Also just to offer an anecdote as to the impact I face I'll offer this conversation from a customer I finished working for 2 weeks ago.

On the last day a conversation ensued about the price I charged for the demolition & removal of 300 Sq ft of 2" thick lightweight concrete. It took one week for one man to demo out the concrete and rebuild the substrate with the proper lumber and concrete require by building codes. He informed me that he could have gone down to the Home Depot and picked up 3 people (Mexicans) who would have done the job for 1/5th of what I charged.
He is not the first customer who has made such comments and I have even had wealthy customers ask for bids years after we had done previous jobs for them only to lose the bid because of the major undercutting that the illegals cause.
I'll bet that cocksucker voted Democrat.
Could be. We never discussed politics. But at that point I was infuriated and told him to his face that people like him are part of the reason our country has so many of the problems it has. He then tried to back track a bit and said he shouldn't have said that. His wife just sat there looking dumbfounded that the conversation went where it went.

Wow! Such a patriot!
Wow such a douchebag.

Yeah. I'm a douchebag.....but you confront a guy and tell him he's partly responsible for this countries problems. You are aces.
Unlike you I had the balls to speak my mind face to face. And I have NEVER hired an illegal. The closest I've come to hiring people like that is when I did prevailing wage HUD jobs for the government and I was FORCED to hire from within the community I was working in. Had to pay the laziest motherfuckers 12.65 an hour to push a damn broom.
I'll bet that cocksucker voted Democrat.
Could be. We never discussed politics. But at that point I was infuriated and told him to his face that people like him are part of the reason our country has so many of the problems it has. He then tried to back track a bit and said he shouldn't have said that. His wife just sat there looking dumbfounded that the conversation went where it went.

Wow! Such a patriot!
Wow such a douchebag.

Yeah. I'm a douchebag.....but you confront a guy and tell him he's partly responsible for this countries problems. You are aces.
Unlike you I had the balls to speak my mind face to face. And I have NEVER hired an illegal. The closest I've come to hiring people like that is when I did prevailing wage HUD jobs for the government and I was FORCED to hire from within the community I was working in. Had to pay the laziest motherfuckers 12.65 an hour to push a damn broom. are the exception. Excellent. Too bad TRUMP didn't follow your lead. He's hired more illegals than have ever found work outside of Home Depots. You knew that didn't ya?
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.
Imagine, if Jr. College and Technical Schools were free, you could learn a skill and you wouldn't have to compete for minimum wage jobs. But Republicans won't let that happen.

Or if a jobs bill was passed by the Republicans, then you might be qualified for one. But Republicans won't let that happen either.

And you think Trump will help your kind? Ha ha, good luck on that.
1. They compete for my jobs with substantially lower bids & wages.
2. They get a driver's license which I HAVE TO PROVE citizenship to obtain.
3. The possibility for them to actually nullify my vote with their own.
4. Their impact on our social services which drive our national debt.
5. Their impact on our schools.
6. The senseless deaths of Americans at their hands.
7. Republicans seem to fear this issue.

I have serious concerns about Trump but this subject has a direct impact on my life. As such, unless another candidate takes a hard line position on our southern border, sanctuary cities & illegal immigration in general Trump will earn my support & vote by default.
Imagine, if Jr. College and Technical Schools were free, you could learn a skill and you wouldn't have to compete for minimum wage jobs. But Republicans won't let that happen.

Or if a jobs bill was passed by the Republicans, then you might be qualified for one. But Republicans won't let that happen either.

And you think Trump will help your kind? Ha ha, good luck on that.
After all these years making fun of you & you still haven't figured out I run a 6 figure business. No wonder you're a Democrat. You're too stupid to be a self thinker.
Could be. We never discussed politics. But at that point I was infuriated and told him to his face that people like him are part of the reason our country has so many of the problems it has. He then tried to back track a bit and said he shouldn't have said that. His wife just sat there looking dumbfounded that the conversation went where it went.

Wow! Such a patriot!
Wow such a douchebag.

Yeah. I'm a douchebag.....but you confront a guy and tell him he's partly responsible for this countries problems. You are aces.
Unlike you I had the balls to speak my mind face to face. And I have NEVER hired an illegal. The closest I've come to hiring people like that is when I did prevailing wage HUD jobs for the government and I was FORCED to hire from within the community I was working in. Had to pay the laziest motherfuckers 12.65 an hour to push a damn broom. are the exception. Excellent. Too bad TRUMP didn't follow your lead. He's hired more illegals than have ever found work outside of Home Depots. You knew that didn't ya?
I know the man has your panties in a wad. That in & of itself is near worthy of my vote.

Go to hell loser
Wow! Such a patriot!
Wow such a douchebag.

Yeah. I'm a douchebag.....but you confront a guy and tell him he's partly responsible for this countries problems. You are aces.
Unlike you I had the balls to speak my mind face to face. And I have NEVER hired an illegal. The closest I've come to hiring people like that is when I did prevailing wage HUD jobs for the government and I was FORCED to hire from within the community I was working in. Had to pay the laziest motherfuckers 12.65 an hour to push a damn broom. are the exception. Excellent. Too bad TRUMP didn't follow your lead. He's hired more illegals than have ever found work outside of Home Depots. You knew that didn't ya?
I know the man has your panties in a wad. That in & of itself is near worthy of my vote.

Go to hell loser

No he doesn't. I actually think he'd be less of a fucking freak than several of the GOP candidates. I just knew that he's got no idea how to do any of the things he's telling you he will do.

The person who has done the most to slow the influx of illegal immigrants is currently residing in the White House. Check the deportation numbers. Net migration from Mexico is NEGATIVE.

The idea that there is a "liberal push" for more illegal immigrants is just stupid. I wonder why you bought it?
I can totally get voting for Trump,
and where you are coming from Gramps.

They do not know the language, My great grandfather had to learn english when he came over from Sweden in 1896.

Anyone can get a license and voter card now, even if your not a citizen

The people pouring into our country need to learn what the signs say on the road, these laws are basically setting up a major disasters killing many unnecessarily on the road because they do not know english

I don't see any other Country just open the gates, give out a license and voting rights. ,why should we. WTF
Last edited:
Wow! Such a patriot!
Wow such a douchebag.

Yeah. I'm a douchebag.....but you confront a guy and tell him he's partly responsible for this countries problems. You are aces.
Unlike you I had the balls to speak my mind face to face. And I have NEVER hired an illegal. The closest I've come to hiring people like that is when I did prevailing wage HUD jobs for the government and I was FORCED to hire from within the community I was working in. Had to pay the laziest motherfuckers 12.65 an hour to push a damn broom. are the exception. Excellent. Too bad TRUMP didn't follow your lead. He's hired more illegals than have ever found work outside of Home Depots. You knew that didn't ya?
I know the man has your panties in a wad. That in & of itself is near worthy of my vote.

Go to hell loser
Given the fact your thread premise has failed as a ridiculous lie and fallacy, you're in no position to refer to anyone else as 'loser.'
I can totally get voting for Trump,
and where you are coming from Gramps.

They do not know the language, My great grandfather had to learn english when he came over from Sweden in 1896.

The people pouring into our country need to learn what the signs say on the road, these laws are basically setting up a major disasters killing many unnecessarily on the road because they do not know english.

I also feel there needs to be a wall and the people that come in the right way is that fair way to be.

I don't see any other Country just open the gates, give out a license and voting rights. ,why should we. WTF

That's ridiculous. Your "facts" are wrong. The least you could do is learn to express your xenophobia with better writing skills.
I can totally get voting for Trump,
and where you are coming from Gramps.

They do not know the language, My great grandfather had to learn english when he came over from Sweden in 1896.

Anyone can get a license and voter card now, even if your not a citizen

The people pouring into our country need to learn what the signs say on the road, these laws are basically setting up a major disasters killing many unnecessarily on the road because they do not know english

I don't see any other Country just open the gates, give out a license and voting rights. ,why should we. WTF
The United States is doing no such thing, nor is anyone advocating doing such a thing.

Trump is a liar, as are his supporters seeking to propagate his lies.
I can totally get voting for Trump,
and where you are coming from Gramps.

They do not know the language, My great grandfather had to learn english when he came over from Sweden in 1896.

Anyone can get a license and voter card now, even if your not a citizen

The people pouring into our country need to learn what the signs say on the road, these laws are basically setting up a major disasters killing many unnecessarily on the road because they do not know english

I don't see any other Country just open the gates, give out a license and voting rights. ,why should we. WTF
The United States is doing no such thing, nor is anyone advocating doing such a thing.

Trump is a liar, as are his supporters seeking to propagate his lies.

It is a new law today in California Clayton..

Critics predict new California motor-voter law will flood voter rolls with non-citizens - Washington Times
I can totally get voting for Trump,
and where you are coming from Gramps.

They do not know the language, My great grandfather had to learn english when he came over from Sweden in 1896.

The people pouring into our country need to learn what the signs say on the road, these laws are basically setting up a major disasters killing many unnecessarily on the road because they do not know english.

I also feel there needs to be a wall and the people that come in the right way is that fair way to be.

I don't see any other Country just open the gates, give out a license and voting rights. ,why should we. WTF

That's ridiculous. Your "facts" are wrong. The least you could do is learn to express your xenophobia with better writing skills.

Yeah I am tired so it doesn't come across the best way.

Gov. Jerry Brown signs 'motor voter' law, automating voter registration through the DMV


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