The liberal snowflakes are after free speech now they are going after hannity

Lol you people are such drama queens.
you should talk billy.....dont forget we have read your dramatic threads....
I talk about shit that actually matters.
yea sure you do billy....only if it pertains to the right....if its shit on the left you look past it....
I have criticized the left a lot on here.

LIBERALS DON'T WATCH FOX NEWS--LOL These complaints are coming from Conservatives.

This is no surprise--FOX News ratings are tanking and much of it is due to Sean Hannity, aka the Trump fairy godfather show.

In fact they started losing viewership, in mass, during the primaries when FOX News turned into the Trump news network. This really pissed off a lot of people who favored other candidates. FOX News gave Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in FREE News coverage while basically ignoring all other more qualified--competent GOP candidates.

"Fox News has decided to cater to a (very) vocal minority in exchange for a brief boost in ratings. Sean Hannity likes to boast of a 40% increase in his ratings, but look at Fox News overall: they are falling in a bad way. And, while the Trump supporters would love to tell you that it is because Fox News isn’t kowtowing to Trump enough, the reality of the situation is a lot simpler: They’ve alienated the legions of conservatives who turned into them to see news.
Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.
What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it." (Megyn Kelly didn't renew her contract and went over to bigger waters on CBS.)

But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity has a lot to do with promoting Trump over 16 other GOP candidates--and I believe FOX is now getting a grip as to what they have done and are looking to cut people who are turning out to be a problem for them--Hannity being one of them.

They're finally realising that millions have turned them OFF and turned on CNN. The Trump effect will also hit right wing radio talk show hosts in the nuts, like Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and any of the others that sold Trump over more qualified GOP candidates. Rush Limbaugh for his continual attacks on Establishment Republicans, Michael Savage--who was 110% in the tank for Trump--and Ann Coulter who was having wet dreams over Trump. Paybacks are hell, and it's going to hit them right where it hurts--right in those obscene profit breaks.

"Because if there is no price to pay for conservative-media elements having sold out to Donald Trump, then guess what? It's going to happen again and again and again. ... If that doesn't happen, then I think we're done. It's over."
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

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O'Reilly's show, like Hannity's, is news commentary, that is, they are essentially video editorials, or, if you prefer, talk-radio made for television. There's nothing wrong with that; it is what it is. MSNBC and CNN have programs that are largely that too, though the format is somewhat different on CNN from that found on Fox and MSNBC. I guess someone in the networks' marketing divisions have determined that in along the journalistic spectrum that puts hard, "adjective free" news at one end and purely speculative commentary at the other, cable news viewers want less "hard news" and more "punditry."

When I was a young adult, I used to enjoy -- i.e., I made a point of watching it -- watching Firing LIne. That show was pure analysis and commentary of current events and public policy. The show eventually went off the air, and though I miss the show, that it is no longer around isn't problematic, isn't indicative of an assault on free speech, etc. It's not around, and that's that. So it will need to be with O'Reilly's show, and Hannity's too if it also goes the way of the dodo.

These days, I read the editorial pages of newspapers, a smattering of professional journals and publications, and a handful of magazines. I encounter the news commentary that comes on CNN, but mostly I don't pay much of that stuff any mind, although there are some commentators on CNN who occasionally offer insights and lines of thought that I hadn't considered, or that, based on their commentary, I am called to consider whether I may have inaptly over or undervalued, for a given issue. That happens mostly for issues in which I have only a passing interest; on issues that I genuinely care about, I'll have "done my homework," and no TV editorialist is going to present an angle that escaped me, unless they perhaps have access to information that I, quite simply, do not. That's the value I see news commentary, editorials.

Now editorials are wonderful, but if they are the foundation or important building block upon which one builds one's views on "whatever," whether one realizes it or not, one is acquiescing to being told what to think about the topic itself and the politics surrounding it. One needs to consume not opinions, but data and perform one's own analysis. Though editorials typically contain some data, they are still editorials; the data will be the data that supports the argument the editorialist aims to make. If one hasn't done one's own data collection and analysis, how could one possibly know whether there exist other data that is more germane, or that indicate the weighting the editorialist assigned to the data s/he included? One cannot, unless one can perform something akin to a Vulcan "mind meld" with the world's information repositories.

And that's the thing with editorials. Their raison d'etre is not to share information, but rather to inform readers of the conclusions the writer has arrived at based on the information they had and saw fit to value to greater and lesser extents. Well, I don't need to know what someone else thinks before I've collected relevant raw information and thought about it, the matter as a whole, confounding/contributing secondary factors, etc. myself. Using any other approach will jaundice my objectivity, at which point I'm disserving myself. Well, I'm the last person to whom I care to do that.

So O'Reilly is gone. Hannity may disappear too. Oh, well. Guess what, (former) watchers of those shows? You'll get by just fine without them, as I did when Firing Line went off the air, particularly if, for the issues you care most about, you build your own "portfolio" and don't rely upon theirs.
So now FOX is "liberal"?

James and Lachlan Murdoch are. Their wives certainly are and now they are in charge. So, it looks like Fox will be under going renovation.

Sadly, you are correct. :(

This may be a reason why O'Reilly was sacrificed to the Left:

"Sky takeover by Fox to be lodged for European approval
The £11.7bn deal still risks scrutiny by UK competition authorities and media watchdog.
High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our T&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights.
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Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox will ask Brussels to approve its £11.7bn bid to take full control of Sky as early as this week, marking the next step in the politically contentious battle for the UK-based pay-television broadcaster."
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The EU can't support a conservative network.....
So your on anoumas talking board just talking smack and don't realize what I am saying..?

Looked how many times I got banned?

Look at the old fairness doctrine...
Who do you think I'm talking smack about? The douchebag talking heads on the magic lightbox?

I didn't know people could see how many times you've been banned. It's not on your profile page that I can see. Where is the list?

What about it?
On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...
Explode how? What kind of fucking snowflake thinks Hannity, Lemon or any other talking head has a right to a multi-million dollar per year job in infotainment?

Hannity tops media ‘rich list’ with $29 million salary

Newz is a business, not a charity. Business owners have a right to make decisions for their business in order to legally maximize profit. If the Murdoch brothers want to realign their businesses, that's literally their business.
So your on anoumas talking board just talking smack and don't realize what I am saying..?

Looked how many times I got banned?

Look at the old fairness doctrine...
Who do you think I'm talking smack about? The douchebag talking heads on the magic lightbox?

I didn't know people could see how many times you've been banned. It's not on your profile page that I can see. Where is the list?

What about it?

Again focus kid, it's not hard to do
So your on anoumas talking board just talking smack and don't realize what I am saying..?

Looked how many times I got banned?

Look at the old fairness doctrine...
Who do you think I'm talking smack about? The douchebag talking heads on the magic lightbox?

I didn't know people could see how many times you've been banned. It's not on your profile page that I can see. Where is the list?

What about it?

Again focus kid, it's not hard to do
Come off the ledge, son. It's not that serious. Get a grip. Life won't end if Sean Hannity has to start doing podcasts.

Figured you couldn't back up your previous statements.
On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...
Explode how? What kind of fucking snowflake thinks Hannity, Lemon or any other talking head has a right to a multi-million dollar per year job in infotainment?

Hannity tops media ‘rich list’ with $29 million salary

Newz is a business, not a charity. Business owners have a right to make decisions for their business in order to legally maximize profit. If the Murdoch brothers want to realign their businesses, that's literally their business.

So now you like inheritance of children? When did that happen?
So your on anoumas talking board just talking smack and don't realize what I am saying..?

Looked how many times I got banned?

Look at the old fairness doctrine...
Who do you think I'm talking smack about? The douchebag talking heads on the magic lightbox?

I didn't know people could see how many times you've been banned. It's not on your profile page that I can see. Where is the list?

What about it?

Again focus kid, it's not hard to do
Come off the ledge, son. It's not that serious. Get a grip. Life won't end if Sean Hannity has to start doing podcasts.

Figured you couldn't back up your previous statements.

So now you listen to podcasts?
On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...

Oh it's definitely going to get hot. And it won't be Hannity that gets burned. The Murdoch brothers are scumbuckets for trying to ruin Hannity.

I heard today hannity's niece even asked her uncle if he was ok?

On FB...

He has millions of dollars, she is just a little girl..And

She wanted to know if he can survive it?

I'm certain once the family realizes who the woman is they'll stop worrying about Sean. Schussel is a known serial liar and has been harrassing Hannity for a number of years.

She's the witch that started the rumour that Hannity personally beneffited from the Freedom Concerts. I hope Hannity bitch slaps her into a new galaxy.

Oh and she is now claiming that she never said he sexually harassed her.

"The accuser has a history of making allegations against Hannity. Back in 2010 wrote a blog post claiming that the “Freedom Alliance,” a war veteran charity, which is supported by Hannity, was skimming donations off the Freedom Concerts and was all a “huge scam.”

According to a 2010 letter obtained by, Thomas Kilgannon, the charity’s founder and president, fired back in a note to donors: “the blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean.

Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization.” Hannity has reportedly donated more than a million dollars to the charity over the last several years."

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Blame the LWLs, not Schussel. She made a comment about Hannity but also says it wasn't sexual harassment even though LWLs wanted to claim it was.

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Schlussel denied that she was ever sexually harassed by Sean Hannity. While Schlussel stands by her description of the incident, Schlussel told us that she doesn’t believe what happened between the two amounted to sexual harassment by any legal definition.

“I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that,” Schlussel, an attorney herself, said. Schlussel said the interaction happened in the early 2000’s when Hannity was in Detroit taping a show.
So your on anoumas talking board just talking smack and don't realize what I am saying..?

Looked how many times I got banned?

Look at the old fairness doctrine...
Who do you think I'm talking smack about? The douchebag talking heads on the magic lightbox?

I didn't know people could see how many times you've been banned. It's not on your profile page that I can see. Where is the list?

What about it?

Again focus kid, it's not hard to do
Come off the ledge, son. It's not that serious. Get a grip. Life won't end if Sean Hannity has to start doing podcasts.

Figured you couldn't back up your previous statements.

So now you listen to podcasts?
Yes. Mostly history, but some entertainment. Great way to pass the time mowing my two acres.
On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...

Oh it's definitely going to get hot. And it won't be Hannity that gets burned. The Murdoch brothers are scumbuckets for trying to ruin Hannity.

I heard today hannity's niece even asked her uncle if he was ok?

On FB...

He has millions of dollars, she is just a little girl..And

She wanted to know if he can survive it?

I'm certain once the family realizes who the woman is they'll stop worrying about Sean. Schussel is a known serial liar and has been harrassing Hannity for a number of years.

She's the witch that started the rumour that Hannity personally beneffited from the Freedom Concerts. I hope Hannity bitch slaps her into a new galaxy.

Oh and she is now claiming that she never said he sexually harassed her.

"The accuser has a history of making allegations against Hannity. Back in 2010 wrote a blog post claiming that the “Freedom Alliance,” a war veteran charity, which is supported by Hannity, was skimming donations off the Freedom Concerts and was all a “huge scam.”

According to a 2010 letter obtained by, Thomas Kilgannon, the charity’s founder and president, fired back in a note to donors: “the blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean.

Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization.” Hannity has reportedly donated more than a million dollars to the charity over the last several years."

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Blame the LWLs, not Schussel. She made a comment about Hannity but also says it wasn't sexual harassment even though LWLs wanted to claim it was.

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Schlussel denied that she was ever sexually harassed by Sean Hannity. While Schlussel stands by her description of the incident, Schlussel told us that she doesn’t believe what happened between the two amounted to sexual harassment by any legal definition.

“I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that,” Schlussel, an attorney herself, said. Schlussel said the interaction happened in the early 2000’s when Hannity was in Detroit taping a show.

Let's go back to your statement.. You're now for the snot nose children of inheritance, I thought you were against it?

Again when did that happen?

On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...
Explode how? What kind of fucking snowflake thinks Hannity, Lemon or any other talking head has a right to a multi-million dollar per year job in infotainment?

Hannity tops media ‘rich list’ with $29 million salary

Newz is a business, not a charity. Business owners have a right to make decisions for their business in order to legally maximize profit. If the Murdoch brothers want to realign their businesses, that's literally their business.

So now you like inheritance of children? When did that happen?
Talking smack and spreading lies from your anonymous account behind a keyboard? Sad. How desperate you must be at the prospect Sean Hannity might be replaced.
So your on anoumas talking board just talking smack and don't realize what I am saying..?

Looked how many times I got banned?

Look at the old fairness doctrine...
Who do you think I'm talking smack about? The douchebag talking heads on the magic lightbox?

I didn't know people could see how many times you've been banned. It's not on your profile page that I can see. Where is the list?

What about it?

Again focus kid, it's not hard to do
Come off the ledge, son. It's not that serious. Get a grip. Life won't end if Sean Hannity has to start doing podcasts.

Figured you couldn't back up your previous statements.

So now you listen to podcasts?
Yes. Mostly history, but some entertainment. Great way to pass the time mowing my two acres.

So you really can't figure what's going on can you? It's a direct assault on the 1 st amendment..

You have Glenn Beck trying to pay off tomi to silence her and now you have rich kids trying to off their dads empire
Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...

Oh it's definitely going to get hot. And it won't be Hannity that gets burned. The Murdoch brothers are scumbuckets for trying to ruin Hannity.

I heard today hannity's niece even asked her uncle if he was ok?

On FB...

He has millions of dollars, she is just a little girl..And

She wanted to know if he can survive it?

I'm certain once the family realizes who the woman is they'll stop worrying about Sean. Schussel is a known serial liar and has been harrassing Hannity for a number of years.

She's the witch that started the rumour that Hannity personally beneffited from the Freedom Concerts. I hope Hannity bitch slaps her into a new galaxy.

Oh and she is now claiming that she never said he sexually harassed her.

"The accuser has a history of making allegations against Hannity. Back in 2010 wrote a blog post claiming that the “Freedom Alliance,” a war veteran charity, which is supported by Hannity, was skimming donations off the Freedom Concerts and was all a “huge scam.”

According to a 2010 letter obtained by, Thomas Kilgannon, the charity’s founder and president, fired back in a note to donors: “the blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean.

Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization.” Hannity has reportedly donated more than a million dollars to the charity over the last several years."

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Blame the LWLs, not Schussel. She made a comment about Hannity but also says it wasn't sexual harassment even though LWLs wanted to claim it was.

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Schlussel denied that she was ever sexually harassed by Sean Hannity. While Schlussel stands by her description of the incident, Schlussel told us that she doesn’t believe what happened between the two amounted to sexual harassment by any legal definition.

“I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that,” Schlussel, an attorney herself, said. Schlussel said the interaction happened in the early 2000’s when Hannity was in Detroit taping a show.

Let's go back to your statement.. You're now for the snot nose children of inheritance, I thought you were against it?

Again when did that happen?

More lies. Are you really so butthurt over the chance that Sean might be joining Beck's network that you have to lie?

Why do you think a family business shouldn't be passed down to middle-aged sons? James, 44, and Lachlan, 45, Murdoch have been following in their father's footsteps for decades. For someone only 10 years older to call them "snot nose children of inheritance" is an exaggeration befitting a LW Snowflake.

Feel free to quote your source of why you leaped to false conclusions to back your anonymously posted lies.

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