The liberal snowflakes are after free speech now they are going after hannity

Who do you think I'm talking smack about? The douchebag talking heads on the magic lightbox?

I didn't know people could see how many times you've been banned. It's not on your profile page that I can see. Where is the list?

What about it?

Again focus kid, it's not hard to do
Come off the ledge, son. It's not that serious. Get a grip. Life won't end if Sean Hannity has to start doing podcasts.

Figured you couldn't back up your previous statements.

So now you listen to podcasts?
Yes. Mostly history, but some entertainment. Great way to pass the time mowing my two acres.

So you really can't figure what's going on can you? It's a direct assault on the 1 st amendment..

You have Glenn Beck trying to pay off tomi to silence her and now you have rich kids trying to off their dads empire
Sean has a right to free speech, he doesn't have a right to a $29M job on television.
On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...
Explode how? What kind of fucking snowflake thinks Hannity, Lemon or any other talking head has a right to a multi-million dollar per year job in infotainment?

Hannity tops media ‘rich list’ with $29 million salary

Newz is a business, not a charity. Business owners have a right to make decisions for their business in order to legally maximize profit. If the Murdoch brothers want to realign their businesses, that's literally their business.

So now you like inheritance of children? When did that happen?
Talking smack and spreading lies from your anonymous account behind a keyboard? Sad. How desperate you must be at the prospect Sean Hannity might be replaced.

What lies?

I remember America when the fariness doctrine was in place do you?

When all you had was wolf man jack on the AM dial..
Oh it's definitely going to get hot. And it won't be Hannity that gets burned. The Murdoch brothers are scumbuckets for trying to ruin Hannity.

I heard today hannity's niece even asked her uncle if he was ok?

On FB...

He has millions of dollars, she is just a little girl..And

She wanted to know if he can survive it?

I'm certain once the family realizes who the woman is they'll stop worrying about Sean. Schussel is a known serial liar and has been harrassing Hannity for a number of years.

She's the witch that started the rumour that Hannity personally beneffited from the Freedom Concerts. I hope Hannity bitch slaps her into a new galaxy.

Oh and she is now claiming that she never said he sexually harassed her.

"The accuser has a history of making allegations against Hannity. Back in 2010 wrote a blog post claiming that the “Freedom Alliance,” a war veteran charity, which is supported by Hannity, was skimming donations off the Freedom Concerts and was all a “huge scam.”

According to a 2010 letter obtained by, Thomas Kilgannon, the charity’s founder and president, fired back in a note to donors: “the blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean.

Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization.” Hannity has reportedly donated more than a million dollars to the charity over the last several years."

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Blame the LWLs, not Schussel. She made a comment about Hannity but also says it wasn't sexual harassment even though LWLs wanted to claim it was.

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Schlussel denied that she was ever sexually harassed by Sean Hannity. While Schlussel stands by her description of the incident, Schlussel told us that she doesn’t believe what happened between the two amounted to sexual harassment by any legal definition.

“I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that,” Schlussel, an attorney herself, said. Schlussel said the interaction happened in the early 2000’s when Hannity was in Detroit taping a show.

Let's go back to your statement.. You're now for the snot nose children of inheritance, I thought you were against it?

Again when did that happen?

More lies. Are you really so butthurt over the chance that Sean might be joining Beck's network that you have to lie?

Why do you think a family business shouldn't be passed down to middle-aged sons? James, 44, and Lachlan, 45, Murdoch have been following in their father's footsteps for decades. For someone only 10 years older to call them "snot nose children of inheritance" is an exaggeration befitting a LW Snowflake.

Feel free to quote your source of why you leaped to false conclusions to back your anonymously posted lies.

Why are you defending these millionaire children? Again I thought they should be taxed at 90 percent?
I heard today hannity's niece even asked her uncle if he was ok?

On FB...

He has millions of dollars, she is just a little girl..And

She wanted to know if he can survive it?

I'm certain once the family realizes who the woman is they'll stop worrying about Sean. Schussel is a known serial liar and has been harrassing Hannity for a number of years.

She's the witch that started the rumour that Hannity personally beneffited from the Freedom Concerts. I hope Hannity bitch slaps her into a new galaxy.

Oh and she is now claiming that she never said he sexually harassed her.

"The accuser has a history of making allegations against Hannity. Back in 2010 wrote a blog post claiming that the “Freedom Alliance,” a war veteran charity, which is supported by Hannity, was skimming donations off the Freedom Concerts and was all a “huge scam.”

According to a 2010 letter obtained by, Thomas Kilgannon, the charity’s founder and president, fired back in a note to donors: “the blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean.

Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization.” Hannity has reportedly donated more than a million dollars to the charity over the last several years."

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Blame the LWLs, not Schussel. She made a comment about Hannity but also says it wasn't sexual harassment even though LWLs wanted to claim it was.

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Schlussel denied that she was ever sexually harassed by Sean Hannity. While Schlussel stands by her description of the incident, Schlussel told us that she doesn’t believe what happened between the two amounted to sexual harassment by any legal definition.

“I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that,” Schlussel, an attorney herself, said. Schlussel said the interaction happened in the early 2000’s when Hannity was in Detroit taping a show.

Let's go back to your statement.. You're now for the snot nose children of inheritance, I thought you were against it?

Again when did that happen?

More lies. Are you really so butthurt over the chance that Sean might be joining Beck's network that you have to lie?

Why do you think a family business shouldn't be passed down to middle-aged sons? James, 44, and Lachlan, 45, Murdoch have been following in their father's footsteps for decades. For someone only 10 years older to call them "snot nose children of inheritance" is an exaggeration befitting a LW Snowflake.

Feel free to quote your source of why you leaped to false conclusions to back your anonymously posted lies.

Why are you defending these millionaire children? Again I thought they should be taxed at 90 percent?
I defend all legitimate business owners. Are you a socialist? An anti-business Social Justice Warrior? What do you have against private business owners making legal business decisions to maximize profit?
What lies?....
If you're not man enough to back up your false accusations you've recently posted against me much less recall even making them, then I can't help you, son. You are on your own.

You already know.


It's obvious..And you are trying to play dumb

LOL You quoted yourself when you posted that. Wow, so butthurt you're now making mistakes? Interesting.
I'm certain once the family realizes who the woman is they'll stop worrying about Sean. Schussel is a known serial liar and has been harrassing Hannity for a number of years.

She's the witch that started the rumour that Hannity personally beneffited from the Freedom Concerts. I hope Hannity bitch slaps her into a new galaxy.

Oh and she is now claiming that she never said he sexually harassed her.

"The accuser has a history of making allegations against Hannity. Back in 2010 wrote a blog post claiming that the “Freedom Alliance,” a war veteran charity, which is supported by Hannity, was skimming donations off the Freedom Concerts and was all a “huge scam.”

According to a 2010 letter obtained by, Thomas Kilgannon, the charity’s founder and president, fired back in a note to donors: “the blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean.

Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization.” Hannity has reportedly donated more than a million dollars to the charity over the last several years."

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Blame the LWLs, not Schussel. She made a comment about Hannity but also says it wasn't sexual harassment even though LWLs wanted to claim it was.

Despite Reports, Fmr Fox Guest Claims She Was Never Sexually Harassed by Sean Hannity
Schlussel denied that she was ever sexually harassed by Sean Hannity. While Schlussel stands by her description of the incident, Schlussel told us that she doesn’t believe what happened between the two amounted to sexual harassment by any legal definition.

“I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that,” Schlussel, an attorney herself, said. Schlussel said the interaction happened in the early 2000’s when Hannity was in Detroit taping a show.

Let's go back to your statement.. You're now for the snot nose children of inheritance, I thought you were against it?

Again when did that happen?

More lies. Are you really so butthurt over the chance that Sean might be joining Beck's network that you have to lie?

Why do you think a family business shouldn't be passed down to middle-aged sons? James, 44, and Lachlan, 45, Murdoch have been following in their father's footsteps for decades. For someone only 10 years older to call them "snot nose children of inheritance" is an exaggeration befitting a LW Snowflake.

Feel free to quote your source of why you leaped to false conclusions to back your anonymously posted lies.

Why are you defending these millionaire children? Again I thought they should be taxed at 90 percent?
I defend all legitimate business owners. Are you a socialist? An anti-business Social Justice Warrior? What do you have against private business owners making legal business decisions to maximize profit?

What profit kid? Again they are closing up shop..
What lies?....
If you're not man enough to back up your false accusations you've recently posted against me much less recall even making them, then I can't help you, son. You are on your own.

You already know.


It's obvious..And you are trying to play dumb

LOL You quoted yourself when you posted that. Wow, so butthurt you're now making mistakes? Interesting.

No mistakes..Your trying to to play dumb and not admit you want to go back to the fariness doctrine..


It's obvious but you don't want to say it

What lies?....
If you're not man enough to back up your false accusations you've recently posted against me much less recall even making them, then I can't help you, son. You are on your own.

You already know.


It's obvious..And you are trying to play dumb

LOL You quoted yourself when you posted that. Wow, so butthurt you're now making mistakes? Interesting.

No mistakes..Your trying to to play dumb and not admit you want to go back to the fariness doctrine..


It's obvious but you don't want to say it

Now you are either lying, again, or you are claiming to be a mind reader? Which is it? Can you produce a single quote where I've ever posted anything about the fairness doctrine?

Further, what does the fairness doctrine have to do with Sean Hannity, the Murdoch brothers or the ability of a business to make legal business decisions to maximize profit?

Bear, you can lie all you want, kid, but let me first remind you of the First Rule of Holes: When you are in one, stop digging.
What profit kid? Again they are closing up shop..
Another lie. Fox isn't going out of business. At least not anytime soon. The Murdochs still have billions to milk from the entertainment business for decades to come.
Well of course it's liberal. They're firing the men who sexually harassed the female talent. How liberal is that?

When the CEO is encouraged and enabled to sexually harass women working for him by the station owners, then why wouldn't everyone else on staff, especially the "stars" think that the women were fair game?

Hannity's probably got a nice golden parachute too. Ailes and O'Reilly picked up $85 million in severance pay between them when they were fired. Hannity should make out like a bandit.

The Murdoch boys aren't changing the focus of FOX News, they're just changing the corporate culture and trying to create a safe working environment for the women working there so they're not paying out tens of millions of dollars in sexual harassment suits, and losing advertizing revenues in the process.

And Trump doesn't ring a bell, Tomi got fired too..And she was on your side

Tomi is an alt-right racist. The only liberal position she holds is that women should have the choice of when to have a baby. On that I agree with her, but on the rest of her alt-right beliefs, she's been sadly mistaken.

Trump is no different than Ailes, O'Reilly, and others. They are all sexual predators, who won't take "No" for an answer. If these ugly pigs weren't rich, the only way they could laid is to hire hookers.

You're thinking about slick willie. That was the real sexual predator. He actually settled with one so she wouldn't pursue rape charges.
What profit kid? Again they are closing up shop..
Another lie. Fox isn't going out of business. At least not anytime soon. The Murdochs still have billions to milk from the entertainment business for decades to come.

The kids are trying to get out of right wing in your face politics..And your to stupid to see it..

But your not

What profit kid? Again they are closing up shop..
Another lie. Fox isn't going out of business. At least not anytime soon. The Murdochs still have billions to milk from the entertainment business for decades to come.

The kids are trying to get out of right wing in your face politics..And your to stupid to see it..

But your not

We'll see. Since you've implied you're a mind reader, maybe you are correct. I'm content to wait and see but my experience says they'll go for profit over politics.
Lol you people are such drama queens.
you should talk billy.....dont forget we have read your dramatic threads....
I talk about shit that actually matters.
yea sure you do billy....only if it pertains to the right....if its shit on the left you look past it....
I have criticized the left a lot on here.
if you have 20 threads here 19 of them pertain to republicans.....
Lol you people are such drama queens.
you should talk billy.....dont forget we have read your dramatic threads....
I talk about shit that actually matters.
yea sure you do billy....only if it pertains to the right....if its shit on the left you look past it....
I have criticized the left a lot on here.
if you have 20 threads here 19 of them pertain to republicans.....
Haters gonna hate. :)
It does seem that the liberal/left side is actually doing the VAST majority of the hating these days.
They are trying to destroy it..
A war is brewing

Hannity is bad for America and bad for your health.

Why do you say that? I don't agree at all!

On the contrary, he is great for America! :thup:

I'm sorry if you don't agree--------- but I do watch Hannity once in while ----------- how manipulated people brain. Even Ted Coppel told him right in his face. He is bad for America.

Ted Koppel calmly tells Sean Hannity he's 'bad for America'

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Veteran newsman Ted Koppel told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he is "bad for America" in an interview that aired on CBS' Sunday Morning that quickly became a trending topic on social media Sunday.
They are trying to destroy it..
A war is brewing

Hannity is bad for America and bad for your health.

Why do you say that? I don't agree at all!

On the contrary, he is great for America! :thup:
95% of Normal People are all saying,,,Hannity? Really? Groping Women? :laugh2:,,,,,well Maybe Bill Cosby :iagree:

Actually Hannity broadcasted lots of fake news that his followers don't even realize it's fake. Hannity is no more than an entertainment for dumb Americans.

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