The liberal snowflakes are after free speech now they are going after hannity

It's not about that it's about freedom of speech to me...The Murdoch kids are snowflakes.. They are trying to destroy his empire and have enough money to go on..

It's kind of simple..
Oh I completely agree with that.
Well of course it's liberal. They're firing the men who sexually harassed the female talent. How liberal is that?

When the CEO is encouraged and enabled to sexually harass women working for him by the station owners, then why wouldn't everyone else on staff, especially the "stars" think that the women were fair game?

Hannity's probably got a nice golden parachute too. Ailes and O'Reilly picked up $85 million in severance pay between them when they were fired. Hannity should make out like a bandit.

The Murdoch boys aren't changing the focus of FOX News, they're just changing the corporate culture and trying to create a safe working environment for the women working there so they're not paying out tens of millions of dollars in sexual harassment suits, and losing advertizing revenues in the process.

And Trump doesn't ring a bell, Tomi got fired too..And she was on your side

Tomi is an alt-right racist. The only liberal position she holds is that women should have the choice of when to have a baby. On that I agree with her, but on the rest of her alt-right beliefs, she's been sadly mistaken.

Trump is no different than Ailes, O'Reilly, and others. They are all sexual predators, who won't take "No" for an answer. If these ugly pigs weren't rich, the only way they could laid is to hire hookers.
This will only hurt the democrats. People can see what is going on here. Bill will have the last laugh and Fox news will be very sorry that they acted so quickly. Ratings are down big over there this week. Even at the 5 oclock spot with Tucker. It's a silent boycott.
I am curious....what for you if not FOX?

This is getting dangerous.. Back to the fariness doctrine of 1987..And back.

You have an outright conservative like Tomi saying woman have a right to abortion..

You have Megan.. Leaving fox for fighting with harassment and their biggest stars bill and hannity fighting you..
The snow flakes are the enemy with in...
I blame Dr. Spock. Not "Mr." Spock, but the feel good, gimme a hug children's doctor who successfully advocated a new idea about child-rearing: tell them they are special so they feel good about themselves.

Fine, as far as it goes, but, while helping a child learn they are unique in all the universe is good, not teaching them that others are equally unique is a misrepresentation of reality.

Snowflakes, as the name implies, feel they are unique and, thus very, very special. What they don't realize is that they are one snowflake in several square miles and several feet deep of "special, unique" snowflakes.

BTW, I don't watch Hannity or any other talking head douchebags. If others like him or any of the other talking head douchebags, that's their problem, not mine.

Interesting. Describes my soon to be ex-wife's family to a T, despite they being registered Republican. Good people, but to them encouraging words are everything & not supported by discipline. The results are useless from a motivation standpoint. For example, my wife has no hobbies outside church and fostering dogs, and she's not motivated at all. She won't so much as hang up a picture. She has no sense of pride in tasks outside work, meaning she lacks initiative. She's had the same entry-level position today that she had 11 years ago. Her sister lived with their parents until they passed, long after quitting a State Job that could have set her up, and she didn't work for 15-20 years. Could have retired at 50, but at 58 she's become an in-home caretaker. She nor her sister will fill out an application for advancement/opportunity, and neither has saved a dime. Their parents left them with no more than a burden and furniture...................................................................................................But always fencouraging word..
For example, my wife has no hobbies outside church and fostering dogs, and she's not motivated at all. She won't so much as hang up a picture. She has no sense of pride in tasks outside work,
So now FOX is "liberal"?


Murdoch's sons are uber libs. And they are in charge.
Well of course it's liberal. They're firing the men who sexually harassed the female talent. How liberal is that?

When the CEO is encouraged and enabled to sexually harass women working for him by the station owners, then why wouldn't everyone else on staff, especially the "stars" think that the women were fair game?

Hannity's probably got a nice golden parachute too. Ailes and O'Reilly picked up $85 million in severance pay between them when they were fired. Hannity should make out like a bandit.

The Murdoch boys aren't changing the focus of FOX News, they're just changing the corporate culture and trying to create a safe working environment for the women working there so they're not paying out tens of millions of dollars in sexual harassment suits, and losing advertizing revenues in the process.

And Trump doesn't ring a bell, Tomi got fired too..And she was on your side

Tomi is an alt-right racist. The only liberal position she holds is that women should have the choice of when to have a baby. On that I agree with her, but on the rest of her alt-right beliefs, she's been sadly mistaken.

Trump is no different than Ailes, O'Reilly, and others. They are all sexual predators, who won't take "No" for an answer. If these ugly pigs weren't rich, the only way they could laid is to hire hookers.

Why are you even saying that she is fighting Glenn Beck yourarch enemy conservative?
Well of course it's liberal. They're firing the men who sexually harassed the female talent. How liberal is that?

When the CEO is encouraged and enabled to sexually harass women working for him by the station owners, then why wouldn't everyone else on staff, especially the "stars" think that the women were fair game?

Hannity's probably got a nice golden parachute too. Ailes and O'Reilly picked up $85 million in severance pay between them when they were fired. Hannity should make out like a bandit.

The Murdoch boys aren't changing the focus of FOX News, they're just changing the corporate culture and trying to create a safe working environment for the women working there so they're not paying out tens of millions of dollars in sexual harassment suits, and losing advertizing revenues in the process.

And Trump doesn't ring a bell, Tomi got fired too..And she was on your side

Tomi is an alt-right racist. The only liberal position she holds is that women should have the choice of when to have a baby. On that I agree with her, but on the rest of her alt-right beliefs, she's been sadly mistaken.

Trump is no different than Ailes, O'Reilly, and others. They are all sexual predators, who won't take "No" for an answer. If these ugly pigs weren't rich, the only way they could laid is to hire hookers.

What does alt right even mean?

It's like you libs continue to make up words out of thin air!

BTW we never heard of alt right since this year
The snow flakes are the enemy with in...
I blame Dr. Spock. Not "Mr." Spock, but the feel good, gimme a hug children's doctor who successfully advocated a new idea about child-rearing: tell them they are special so they feel good about themselves.

Fine, as far as it goes, but, while helping a child learn they are unique in all the universe is good, not teaching them that others are equally unique is a misrepresentation of reality.

Snowflakes, as the name implies, feel they are unique and, thus very, very special. What they don't realize is that they are one snowflake in several square miles and several feet deep of "special, unique" snowflakes.

BTW, I don't watch Hannity or any other talking head douchebags. If others like him or any of the other talking head douchebags, that's their problem, not mine.

So your on anoumas talking board just talking smack and don't realize what I am saying..?

Looked how many times I got banned?

Look at the old fairness doctrine...
Looked how many times I got banned?

On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.
Snowflakes / Democrats have a history of parading out women to accuse Conservatives of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and all the crimes they have been proven to have engaged in. The tactic hss been proven to have worked in the past ... sometimes.

It did not work with Trump. He told them to go f* themselves, and the women crawled back into the shadows. The false accusations eventually disappeared, leaving only the pathitic clinging to a comment made on a late night TV show.

Meanwhile, the snowflakes defend their sexual deviant sexual harasser, assaulter, rapist, and Impeached Pedophile, Slick Willey.
Snowflakes / Democrats have a history of parading out women to accuse Conservatives of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and all the crimes they have been proven to have engaged in. The tactic hss been proven to have worked in the past ... sometimes.

It did not work with Trump. He told them to go f* themselves, and the women crawled back into the shadows. The false accusations eventually disappeared, leaving only the pathitic clinging to a comment made on a late night TV show.

Meanwhile, the snowflakes defend their sexual deviant sexual harasser, assaulter, rapist, and Impeached Pedophile, Slick Willey.

Oh God I really don't want to go back to the boring ass news of before the fariness ended I might as missed who shot Jr?

(I should still don't even know)
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On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...

Oh it's definitely going to get hot. And it won't be Hannity that gets burned. The Murdoch brothers are scumbuckets for trying to ruin Hannity.

Yup the kids are going to get burned

Two little brothes waiting to watch their dad die

On the bright side Hannity says he is going to fight this charge tooth and nails. He's hired a huge legal team to do so.

Like I said this is going to explode

Hannity is my age...

Oh it's definitely going to get hot. And it won't be Hannity that gets burned. The Murdoch brothers are scumbuckets for trying to ruin Hannity.

I heard today hannity's niece even asked her uncle if he was ok?

On FB...

He has millions of dollars, she is just a little girl..And

She wanted to know if he can survive it?

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