The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

It was a long held tradition in the US Coast Guard for the Radiomen of the unit to send a holiday greeting to all other RM equipped units. These greetings had to be paid for by the Radiomen of the unit, including the postage.

Why should our elected representatives not be held to the same standards required for the US military?

Why is it so hard to understand?

We aren't talking about Holiday Greeting cards or letters. No one here thinks that politicians should get to send their greetings on the taxpayer dime.

Let me see if I can make this simple enough and large enough for a liberal "mind" to understand:

They aren't allowed to sign off a letter with "Merry Christmas".

So what? They aren't allowed to say Happy Chanukah or Kwanza or Ramadan or whatever. What's wrong with a "Sincerely"?

It's stupid and nit-picky and excessive.
Lead by example. The bible has some pretty severe punishments for the "non believers" as well. Best to just keep all religions out of our government, eh?

In the after life. Before, getting put out of the church is pretty much it and that came from that woman hating faggot, Paul. And don't start any bullshit about the Old Testament. There were no Christians in the Old Testament.

There was something about a log in an eye...can't remember exactly, but it applies. Moderate Muslims don't believe the "kill the infidels" crap. You don't like your religion painted by extremists, don't do the same to theirs.

I don't want Sharia law or the Ten Commandments in my government. It's that simple.

There are over a billion muslims in the world. Here, someone has done the math for you. Clearly you need that. And they don't wish you a 'merry' anything.

The authors define Muslim radicals as those who say the 9/11 attack was "completely justified," which was seven percent of the sample. However, there were two other categories of respondents who said that the attack was at least partially justified, and they are labeled by the authors as "moderates." The first of those groups comprises 6.5 percent of the sample, the second comprises 23.1 percent. Further, the respondents in that last category, making up 23.1 percent, also said that they hate America, want to impose Sharia law, support suicide bombing, and oppose equal rights for women. Yet Esposito and Mogahed call them "moderates."

7 plus 6.5 plus 23.1 equals 36.6 percent of 1.2 billion Muslims, or 439 million radical Muslims in the world. Just a tiny unrepresentative minority

How many radical Muslims are there in the world?

439 million is half the population of the US scattered out there in the world hating us, and trying their best to do us harm. But go ahead and live in denial. Denial IS more than a river in Egypt. And I've seen them both.
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Pay attention:

1. The franking rules ban all holiday greetings, not just Christian ones.

2. This has nothing to do with liberals.

3. These irrefutable points have already been made in the thread, and ignored by the rightwing imbeciles here.

You might call it "Frank-in-Sense"... get it?

Ah the Myrrh-th and Merriment of Christmas! It's pure Gold!

I think everyone is forgetting that Christmas is a NATIONAL holiday. If you can't use the name of a national holiday, why is it a national holiday?
It was a long held tradition in the US Coast Guard for the Radiomen of the unit to send a holiday greeting to all other RM equipped units. These greetings had to be paid for by the Radiomen of the unit, including the postage.

Why should our elected representatives not be held to the same standards required for the US military?

Why is it so hard to understand?

We aren't talking about Holiday Greeting cards or letters. No one here thinks that politicians should get to send their greetings on the taxpayer dime.

Let me see if I can make this simple enough and large enough for a liberal "mind" to understand:

They aren't allowed to sign off a letter with "Merry Christmas".

So what? They aren't allowed to say Happy Chanukah or Kwanza or Ramadan or whatever. What's wrong with a "Sincerely"?

Did I miss something? When did Chanuka, or Kwanza, or Ramadan become a national holiday?
You might call it "Frank-in-Sense"... get it?

Ah the Myrrh-th and Merriment of Christmas! It's pure Gold!

I think everyone is forgetting that Christmas is a NATIONAL holiday. If you can't use the name of a national holiday, why is it a national holiday?

2012 Federal Holidays

I think people who don't like Christmas being a holiday should work that day without getting another day off to replace it, which is what goes in hospitals etc. now. It would show the courage of their convictions. But I do otherwise agree that religious sentiments should be left out of the franked envelopes.
In the after life. Before, getting put out of the church is pretty much it and that came from that woman hating faggot, Paul. And don't start any bullshit about the Old Testament. There were no Christians in the Old Testament.

There was something about a log in an eye...can't remember exactly, but it applies. Moderate Muslims don't believe the "kill the infidels" crap. You don't like your religion painted by extremists, don't do the same to theirs.

I don't want Sharia law or the Ten Commandments in my government. It's that simple.

There are over a billion muslims in the world. Here, someone has done the math for you. Clearly you need that. And they don't wish you a 'merry' anything.

The authors define Muslim radicals as those who say the 9/11 attack was "completely justified," which was seven percent of the sample. However, there were two other categories of respondents who said that the attack was at least partially justified, and they are labeled by the authors as "moderates." The first of those groups comprises 6.5 percent of the sample, the second comprises 23.1 percent. Further, the respondents in that last category, making up 23.1 percent, also said that they hate America, want to impose Sharia law, support suicide bombing, and oppose equal rights for women. Yet Esposito and Mogahed call them "moderates."

7 plus 6.5 plus 23.1 equals 36.6 percent of 1.2 billion Muslims, or 439 million radical Muslims in the world. Just a tiny unrepresentative minority

How many radical Muslims are there in the world?

439 million is half the population of the US scattered out there in the world hating us, and trying their best to do us harm. But go ahead and live in denial. Denial IS more than a river in Egypt. And I've seen them both.

You really aren't trying to pass that off as any kind of valid source are you?

Relax, the US is over 70% Christian...but it should all STILL be kept out of our government.
There was something about a log in an eye...can't remember exactly, but it applies. Moderate Muslims don't believe the "kill the infidels" crap. You don't like your religion painted by extremists, don't do the same to theirs.

I don't want Sharia law or the Ten Commandments in my government. It's that simple.

There are over a billion muslims in the world. Here, someone has done the math for you. Clearly you need that. And they don't wish you a 'merry' anything.

The authors define Muslim radicals as those who say the 9/11 attack was "completely justified," which was seven percent of the sample. However, there were two other categories of respondents who said that the attack was at least partially justified, and they are labeled by the authors as "moderates." The first of those groups comprises 6.5 percent of the sample, the second comprises 23.1 percent. Further, the respondents in that last category, making up 23.1 percent, also said that they hate America, want to impose Sharia law, support suicide bombing, and oppose equal rights for women. Yet Esposito and Mogahed call them "moderates."

7 plus 6.5 plus 23.1 equals 36.6 percent of 1.2 billion Muslims, or 439 million radical Muslims in the world. Just a tiny unrepresentative minority

How many radical Muslims are there in the world?

439 million is half the population of the US scattered out there in the world hating us, and trying their best to do us harm. But go ahead and live in denial. Denial IS more than a river in Egypt. And I've seen them both.

You really aren't trying to pass that off as any kind of valid source are you?

Relax, the US is over 70% Christian...but it should all STILL be kept out of our government.

You don't like my numbers? Come up with your own. What say you? 10% are radicals .It is well documented that there are over a billion muslims. Do the math. That is still one hell of a lot of people trying to do us harm. 100 million. More than the population of some of our states.
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You might call it "Frank-in-Sense"... get it?

Ah the Myrrh-th and Merriment of Christmas! It's pure Gold!

I think everyone is forgetting that Christmas is a NATIONAL holiday. If you can't use the name of a national holiday, why is it a national holiday?

Perhaps in our increasingly diverse country, it shouldn't be. It IS the only religious holiday that we recognize on a Federal level. Maybe it just needs to be a "floating holiday" that can be taken whenever the individual sees fit.

I know a lot of people of other religions that have to take personal time off to celebrate THEIR religious holidays.
There are over a billion muslims in the world. Here, someone has done the math for you. Clearly you need that. And they don't wish you a 'merry' anything.

How many radical Muslims are there in the world?

439 million is half the population of the US scattered out there in the world hating us, and trying their best to do us harm. But go ahead and live in denial. Denial IS more than a river in Egypt. And I've seen them both.

You really aren't trying to pass that off as any kind of valid source are you?

Relax, the US is over 70% Christian...but it should all STILL be kept out of our government.

You don't like my numbers? Come up with your own. What say you? 10% are radicals. Do the math. That is still one hell of a lot of people trying to do us harm. 100,000. More than the population of some of our states.

So what? They don't live here and having nothing to do with whether or not religious messages should accompany official government correspondence.

What state has a population of less than 100,000 people?
Ah the Myrrh-th and Merriment of Christmas! It's pure Gold!

I think everyone is forgetting that Christmas is a NATIONAL holiday. If you can't use the name of a national holiday, why is it a national holiday?

Perhaps in our increasingly diverse country, it shouldn't be. It IS the only religious holiday that we recognize on a Federal level. Maybe it just needs to be a "floating holiday" that can be taken whenever the individual sees fit.

I know a lot of people of other religions that have to take personal time off to celebrate THEIR religious holidays.

So you would force all employers to include private businesses and the federal government to open on Christmas day.
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You really aren't trying to pass that off as any kind of valid source are you?

Relax, the US is over 70% Christian...but it should all STILL be kept out of our government.

You don't like my numbers? Come up with your own. What say you? 10% are radicals. Do the math. That is still one hell of a lot of people trying to do us harm. 100,000. More than the population of some of our states.

So what? They don't live here and having nothing to do with whether or not religious messages should accompany official government correspondence.

What state has a population of less than 100,000 people?

The correct figure is 100 MILLION. I corrected my typo, but obvously not in time to keep you from defending hate filled murderers. And to answer your question:

List of U.S. states and territories by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Left doesn't have hostitility for all Religions. They just have a weird & twisted obsession with hating Christians. Their approach to other Religions such as Islam is completely different. When it comes to the others,it's all about the 'respect & tolerance.' This stuff really isn't anything new. The Left has been doing this for many years. That's why a very wise man once said..."Liberalism is a Mental Disorder."
Yeah, it's a federal holiday. Along with Labor Day, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Memorial Day....and a couple others.

The only meaning is that federal workers get to take those days off, and if they have to work them, they get holiday pay. It technically doesnt' have any other meaning. It's just holidays that the federal government, as an employer, gives workers.

Good grief, sorry about the grammar and punctuation. I don't feel very well, makes me stupid, and too lazy to fix it.
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Yeah, it's a federal holiday. Along with Labor Day, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Memorial Day....and a couple others.

The only meaning is that federal workers get to take those days off, and if they have to work them, they get holiday pay. It technically doesnt' have any other meaning. It's just holidays that the federal government, as an employer, gives workers.

Good grief, sorry about the grammar and punctuation. I don't feel very well, makes me stupid, and too lazy to fix it.

Yes, it is a federal holiday. I don't know of any law that says any private business has to pay employees for any holidays. Most do, and how many is strictly up to the employer.

Other federal holidays are Columbus Day and Veterans Day. I don't know of any private employers who give those days off. My last employer only gave 6 paid holidays a year, New Years, July 4, Memorial Day, Labor day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

The state of TN gives Good Friday.

This is from the Office of Personnel Management. And you will notice the feds DO call them holidays:
2012 Federal Holidays

Monday, January 2* New Year's Day
Monday, January 16 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 20** Washington's Birthday
Monday, May 28 Memorial Day
Wednesday, July 4 Independence Day
Monday, September 3 Labor Day
Monday, October 8 Columbus Day
Monday, November 12*** Veterans Day
Thursday, November 22 Thanksgiving Day
Tuesday, December 25 Christmas Day
And Ash Wednesday in certain communities is a big deal; people take it off, school starts late, lets out early, kids miss because they go to Mass and wear ash on their foreheads all day (that was a shocker to me when I moved as a girl, I'd never been in a predominantly Catholic community before).
The Left isn't hostile to all Religion. They're only hostile to Christianity. Their preaching about 'respect' and 'tolerance' applies to all Religions except Christianity. Hating Christians is like a weird fetish for them. They just can't live without it. I know it's not rational but that is what the Left is about on Religion.
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I think everyone is forgetting that Christmas is a NATIONAL holiday. If you can't use the name of a national holiday, why is it a national holiday?

Uh, it's not. There are no national holidays in the U.S.

Federal then, same difference.

Well, no, not really. A national holiday is a holiday that everybody is required to observe.

Everybody isn't required to OBSERVE federal holidays. They're just days off that federal govt employees are either granted, or paid extra for if they work them. Nobody gives a shit if they OBSERVE them or not.
So the Federal Government cannot say the name of a Federal Holiday in Federal does that make sense?

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