The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

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Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

agreed, these/any greetings restrictions sound pretty stupid.
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Actually I wish somebody on Capitol Hill would just simply eliminate franking privileges from the budget altogether. This whole political correctness thing is ridiculous beyond belief, and what they should be objecting to is allowing members to use the tax payers money as free campaign cash and 'look how great I am' promotion.

We did have one legislator who sent out mailings to the constituency in his district that contained all the primary issues and all the impending legislation with a brief description and asking our input. I rather appreciated that but in reality, it could have been done more cheaply with a telephone survey and, of course, most of us have e-mail too. I do get regular e-mails from our elected representatives here.

But if they're gonna send out a Christmas mailing, they sure ought to be able to put whatever form of well wishes or greeting they want to put in them.
Pay attention:

1. The franking rules ban all holiday greetings, not just Christian ones.

2. This has nothing to do with liberals.

3. These irrefutable points have already been made in the thread, and ignored by the rightwing imbeciles here.


And although these facts are ignored by the rightwing imbeciles posting in this thread, any objective observer can see this is a contrived non-issue.
Pay attention:

1. The franking rules ban all holiday greetings, not just Christian ones.

2. This has nothing to do with liberals.

3. These irrefutable points have already been made in the thread, and ignored by the rightwing imbeciles here.


And although these facts are ignored by the rightwing imbeciles posting in this thread, any objective observer can see this is a contrived non-issue.

Hey I know maybe you guys could bitch incessantly about a big cross on private land. The useful idiots will follow.
4. No one is offended by such greetings except idiots that make such unwarrented rules.

The rules are about not using tax dollars to send mail that isn't official business.

Rules are different for the Democrat-Controlled Senate.

Section 4(a) of the House Franking Manual says:

Birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth, retirement, or condolence messages and holiday greetings are prohibited.

So how are the Senate rules different, in some way relevant to the point of this thread?
The rules are about not using tax dollars to send mail that isn't official business.

Rules are different for the Democrat-Controlled Senate.

Section 4(a) of the House Franking Manual says:

Birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth, retirement, or condolence messages and holiday greetings are prohibited.

So how are the Senate rules different, in some way relevant to the point of this thread?

It was a long held tradition in the US Coast Guard for the Radiomen of the unit to send a holiday greeting to all other RM equipped units. These greetings had to be paid for by the Radiomen of the unit, including the postage.

Why should our elected representatives not be held to the same standards required for the US military?
Liberals are MORE than tolerant of islam. They see islam as the avenging angel toward Christians. Little do they know that they TOO are considered by islam to be the 'infidel.'
There is no evidence liberals are ‘intolerant’ of Christianity, it is indeed nonsense, again, given the fact a vast majority of liberals are Christian. There is also no evidence liberals are ‘more tolerant’ of Islam than anyone else or any other religion. Liberals follow the First Amendment: where all religions are treated equally, including the right to follow no religion at all.

Liberals are also well aware of the tenets of Islam, and that hostility exhibited by some Muslims toward the West is incidental to their religion, as like conservatives in the United States, such Muslims are acting out of fear and ignorance, having nothing to do with faith.
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

* * * *
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

agreed, these/any greetings restrictions sound pretty stupid.

I have to agree with the regs this time. I, personally, wouldn't want to get one that said, 'Happy Ramadan. Salam Alaikum.' If we are going to keep islam out our government affairs, then we have to fight hard to keep all others out so islam can't demand equal time. And it will be soon enough they will have elected their own who will be doing just that! Just my NSHO.
Liberals are MORE than tolerant of islam. They see islam as the avenging angel toward Christians. Little do they know that they TOO are considered by islam to be the 'infidel.'
There is no evidence liberals are ‘intolerant’ of Christianity, it is indeed nonsense, again, given the fact a vast majority of liberals are Christian. There is also no evidence liberals are ‘more tolerant’ of Islam than anyone else or any other religion. Liberals follow the First Amendment: where all religions are treated equally, including the right to follow no religion at all.

Liberals are also well aware of the tenets of Islam, and that hostility exhibited by some Muslims toward the West is incidental to their religion, as like conservatives in the United States, such Muslims are acting out of fear and ignorance, having nothing to do with faith.

Even those who claim no religion would still be considered 'the infidel.' How do you propose to educate them so they will not be 'acting out of fear and ignorance?'
Liberals are MORE than tolerant of islam. They see islam as the avenging angel toward Christians. Little do they know that they TOO are considered by islam to be the 'infidel.'
There is no evidence liberals are ‘intolerant’ of Christianity, it is indeed nonsense, again, given the fact a vast majority of liberals are Christian. There is also no evidence liberals are ‘more tolerant’ of Islam than anyone else or any other religion. Liberals follow the First Amendment: where all religions are treated equally, including the right to follow no religion at all.

Liberals are also well aware of the tenets of Islam, and that hostility exhibited by some Muslims toward the West is incidental to their religion, as like conservatives in the United States, such Muslims are acting out of fear and ignorance, having nothing to do with faith.

Even those who claim no religion would still be considered 'the infidel.' How do you propose to educate them so they will not be 'acting out of fear and ignorance?'

Lead by example. The bible has some pretty severe punishments for the "non believers" as well. Best to just keep all religions out of our government, eh?
Not to derail,but be careful of the very bad Virus that keeps popping up here. Make sure your Anti-Virus programs are up to date. It's a pretty destructive Virus. Hopefully USMB can address it soon. Just thought it would be right to give everyone the heads up. Take care.
Jeeeeeesus Fukkkkkking Chryst!

The franking privilege may only be used for matters of public concern or public
service.7 It may not be used to solicit votes or contributions, to send mail regarding
political campaigns or political parties, or to mail autobiographical or holiday greeting

Merry Christmas, MFs.

I have NEVER (i.e., not once) EVER gotten a fucking franked piece of mail from a Congress-critter that WASN'T essentially mere re-election campaign material.

I'd venture the guess that nobody else has, either.

And who gives a shit if they say "Merry Christmas" or not?

Have you ever gotten a Christmas Card as a piece of franked mail?

It doesn't bother me at all. Hell all the connies could whistle Merry Christmas out of their collective assholes for all I care........the Sun will begin it's long awaited return and bring the promise of spring.

No. I have never gotten a Christmas card from a Congress-critter, but I will say this.

I have no idea what the fuck that "question" has to do with anything.

Who gives a crap?

Nobody gives a shit what tunes you and your other loopy liberoidal pals whistle out of your anal pores, either.

True story.
Rules are different for the Democrat-Controlled Senate.

Section 4(a) of the House Franking Manual says:

Birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth, retirement, or condolence messages and holiday greetings are prohibited.

So how are the Senate rules different, in some way relevant to the point of this thread?

It was a long held tradition in the US Coast Guard for the Radiomen of the unit to send a holiday greeting to all other RM equipped units. These greetings had to be paid for by the Radiomen of the unit, including the postage.

Why should our elected representatives not be held to the same standards required for the US military?

Why is it so hard to understand?

We aren't talking about Holiday Greeting cards or letters. No one here thinks that politicians should get to send their greetings on the taxpayer dime.

Let me see if I can make this simple enough and large enough for a liberal "mind" to understand:

They aren't allowed to sign off a letter with "Merry Christmas".
Pay attention:

1. The franking rules ban all holiday greetings, not just Christian ones.

2. This has nothing to do with liberals.

3. These irrefutable points have already been made in the thread, and ignored by the rightwing imbeciles here.


And although these facts are ignored by the rightwing imbeciles posting in this thread, any objective observer can see this is a contrived non-issue.

Hey I know maybe you guys could bitch incessantly about a big cross on private land. The useful idiots will follow.

Noticing aforehand that this is a deflection attempt on your part...but tell us all about that "big cross on private land".
Section 4(a) of the House Franking Manual says:

Birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth, retirement, or condolence messages and holiday greetings are prohibited.

So how are the Senate rules different, in some way relevant to the point of this thread?

It was a long held tradition in the US Coast Guard for the Radiomen of the unit to send a holiday greeting to all other RM equipped units. These greetings had to be paid for by the Radiomen of the unit, including the postage.

Why should our elected representatives not be held to the same standards required for the US military?

Why is it so hard to understand?

We aren't talking about Holiday Greeting cards or letters. No one here thinks that politicians should get to send their greetings on the taxpayer dime.

Let me see if I can make this simple enough and large enough for a liberal "mind" to understand:

They aren't allowed to sign off a letter with "Merry Christmas".

Or Happy Labor Day...

Or Happy New Year's Day.

What religion is New Year's Day????
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There is no evidence liberals are ‘intolerant’ of Christianity, it is indeed nonsense, again, given the fact a vast majority of liberals are Christian. There is also no evidence liberals are ‘more tolerant’ of Islam than anyone else or any other religion. Liberals follow the First Amendment: where all religions are treated equally, including the right to follow no religion at all.

Liberals are also well aware of the tenets of Islam, and that hostility exhibited by some Muslims toward the West is incidental to their religion, as like conservatives in the United States, such Muslims are acting out of fear and ignorance, having nothing to do with faith.

Even those who claim no religion would still be considered 'the infidel.' How do you propose to educate them so they will not be 'acting out of fear and ignorance?'

Lead by example. The bible has some pretty severe punishments for the "non believers" as well. Best to just keep all religions out of our government, eh?

In the after life. Before, getting put out of the church is pretty much it and that came from that woman hating faggot, Paul. And don't start any bullshit about the Old Testament. There were no Christians in the Old Testament.
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Section 4(a) of the House Franking Manual says:

Birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth, retirement, or condolence messages and holiday greetings are prohibited.

So how are the Senate rules different, in some way relevant to the point of this thread?

It was a long held tradition in the US Coast Guard for the Radiomen of the unit to send a holiday greeting to all other RM equipped units. These greetings had to be paid for by the Radiomen of the unit, including the postage.

Why should our elected representatives not be held to the same standards required for the US military?

Why is it so hard to understand?

We aren't talking about Holiday Greeting cards or letters. No one here thinks that politicians should get to send their greetings on the taxpayer dime.

Let me see if I can make this simple enough and large enough for a liberal "mind" to understand:

They aren't allowed to sign off a letter with "Merry Christmas".

So what? They aren't allowed to say Happy Chanukah or Kwanza or Ramadan or whatever. What's wrong with a "Sincerely"?
Even those who claim no religion would still be considered 'the infidel.' How do you propose to educate them so they will not be 'acting out of fear and ignorance?'

Lead by example. The bible has some pretty severe punishments for the "non believers" as well. Best to just keep all religions out of our government, eh?

In the after life. Before, getting put out of the church is pretty much it and that came from that woman hating faggot, Paul. And don't start any bullshit about the Old Testament. There were no Christians in the Old Testament.

There was something about a log in an eye...can't remember exactly, but it applies. Moderate Muslims don't believe the "kill the infidels" crap. You don't like your religion painted by extremists, don't do the same to theirs.

I don't want Sharia law or the Ten Commandments in my government. It's that simple.

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