The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

So when have you had Christianity forced upon you? Were you tied up and forced to listen to it? Were you dressed as an elf against your will? I want to know exactly what you mean when you say you've had it "rammed down" your throat.

Because my experience is that every single person who has ever said that about Christianity in THIS country has no idea what the word "force" means. All they want is to control what other people SAY. They want to PREVENT others from saying things they don't agree with. They've never been forced to submit to religion at all, except perhaps as children by their parents, and that's no different than forcing children to submit to public education. When you're of age, you can stop.

So when were you prevented from walking away from a church service? When did a religious person force their way onto your property or into your house and refuse to leave? Have you ever been forced at gunpoint to swear loyalty to God?

If you haven't, you're a lying sack of shit like all the other lying sacks of shit who want to elminate freedom of religion and freedom of speech by pretending that they are being "forced" to adhere to a religion they do not believe in, just by hearing people speak of it. It's nothing but an attack on liberty, and it's vile. If you don't like listening to Christians, walk away, turn the channel, pass them by. But don't mistake hearing people discuss their faith as having faith forced upon you, and don't lie and say it is the same thing. It is not.

It's all just dishonesty & ignorant bigotry. No one forces anything on them. I attend Church because i choose to. Not because someone forces me to. The Left just has a weird 'hate Christians' fetish. They don't even know why they hate them anymore and that's why they make stuff up like someone or something forcing it on them. They are lying when they claim that. The Left routinely shows respect & tolerance for all Religions except Christianity. I know they will claim otherwise,but they know it's true. Anyway,nice reply. Thanks.
Like what? Oh you mean like Muslims? Many "leftists" like me also can't stand Islam either. It really pisses me off when so many people subjugate women in such demeaning and sometimes tragic ways.

Christianity and Islam are brothers in crime. Christianity is the older one who grew up first but still retains some of its immaturity, and Islam is the younger religion who hasn't quite matured on the same level.

Don't even fucking get me started on joke religions like Mormonism and Scientology. Though all things considered, the backstory behind them isn't that much more ridiculous than Christianity or Islam.

None of these would be much of an issue for us, except for the fact that so many practitioners try and push their religious ways on the rest of it. That goes for Christianity and Islam particularly in the world... not so much for any of the others right now.

Yet you on the Left only express vicious hate for Christians. I would believe you if i actually saw you guys expressing the same vicious hate for Islam,Judaism etc etc... I can only go by what i observe. And all your hate does seem to only be directed at Christians. You guys should probably try ditching hate and try respect & tolerance instead. I think that would change the country for the better. But hey,that's just my opinion anyway. Enjoy your Saturday and God bless.

Vicious hate? Are you a fucking RETARD? Most of my family are Christians. I don't hate Christians. I dislike Christians butting in and trying to force their dogma. I used to be one of those people who did so.

We also live in the United States, where we don't deal with problems from Islam internally nearly as much as we do Christianity. That's why we talk about Christianity more. It also doesn't help that Christians try and put themselves in the spotlight every step of the way with one non-existent war or another against them.

Now that was vague.
Yet you on the Left only express vicious hate for Christians. I would believe you if i actually saw you guys expressing the same vicious hate for Islam,Judaism etc etc... I can only go by what i observe. And all your hate does seem to only be directed at Christians. You guys should probably try ditching hate and try respect & tolerance instead. I think that would change the country for the better. But hey,that's just my opinion anyway. Enjoy your Saturday and God bless.

Vicious hate? Are you a fucking RETARD? Most of my family are Christians. I don't hate Christians. I dislike Christians butting in and trying to force their dogma. I used to be one of those people who did so.

We also live in the United States, where we don't deal with problems from Islam internally nearly as much as we do Christianity. That's why we talk about Christianity more. It also doesn't help that Christians try and put themselves in the spotlight every step of the way with one non-existent war or another against them.

Now that was vague.

Yea i like how he said "That's why we talk about Christianity more." What he really meant was "That's why we hate and attack Christianity more." "TALK about Christianity more?" Not that's bleepin hilarious. :lol:
Stop saying the "C" word! It's a violation of his right to never hear it mentioned!
What it comes down to is they want to prevent people from practicing religion and enjoying freedom of speech. That's it, bottom line, that's all it is. They want to dictate what others say and do.
You sound pretty hateful to me. Just sayin. But at least we did agree that you do not show as much respect & tolerance for Christianity as you do the other Religions. That's what i was saying. You on the Left do express an awful lot of vitriolic hate for Christians. It is what it is.

You lack the ability to read. Ask Santa for a tutor.

I read and completely understood your reply. You admitted you attack Christians a lot more because there are more of them here. That's not respect and tolerance. But even if you did claim you don't express more hate towards Christians,i wouldn't believe you. Because you are a Lefty and i know it's your nature.

I have the utmost respect and tolerance for Christians who demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Unfortunately, many Christians do not tend to demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Intolerance is their political motto.

In the past, it used to involve a lot of state sanctioned murdering at the hands of the Inquisition and witch burners. Thankfully it's been calmed down tremendously and it revolves around respect for other religions other than Christianity, other beliefs other than Christianity, and lifestyle choices that don't contour to what Christians believe god wills.
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You lack the ability to read. Ask Santa for a tutor.

I read and completely understood your reply. You admitted you attack Christians a lot more because there are more of them here. That's not respect and tolerance. But even if you did claim you don't express more hate towards Christians,i wouldn't believe you. Because you are a Lefty and i know it's your nature.

I have the utmost respect and tolerance for Christians who demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Unfortunately, many Christians do not tend to demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Intolerance is their political motto.

In the past, it used to involve a lot of state sanctioned murdering at the hands of the Inquisition and witch burners. Thankfully it's been calmed down tremendously and it revolves around respect for other religions other than Christianity, other beliefs other than Christianity, and lifestyle choices that don't contour to what Christians believe god wills.

Yes your analogy is so timely & relevant because 'The Spanish Inquisition' is exactly what's going on in our country right now. You really nailed it. Thanks. :cuckoo:
You lack the ability to read. Ask Santa for a tutor.

I read and completely understood your reply. You admitted you attack Christians a lot more because there are more of them here. That's not respect and tolerance. But even if you did claim you don't express more hate towards Christians,i wouldn't believe you. Because you are a Lefty and i know it's your nature.

I have the utmost respect and tolerance for Christians who demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Unfortunately, many Christians do not tend to demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Intolerance is their political motto.

In the past, it used to involve a lot of state sanctioned murdering at the hands of the Inquisition and witch burners. Thankfully it's been calmed down tremendously and it revolves around respect for other religions other than Christianity, other beliefs other than Christianity, and lifestyle choices that don't contour to what Christians believe god wills.

Come up with something Christians have done in the CURRENT century. You know, islam is doing its thing NOW. So what are Christians doing NOW?
Dat bad ole Tebow forcing the poor Lefties to go to Church and believe in God. Who he think he is? :)
I read and completely understood your reply. You admitted you attack Christians a lot more because there are more of them here. That's not respect and tolerance. But even if you did claim you don't express more hate towards Christians,i wouldn't believe you. Because you are a Lefty and i know it's your nature.

I have the utmost respect and tolerance for Christians who demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Unfortunately, many Christians do not tend to demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Intolerance is their political motto.

In the past, it used to involve a lot of state sanctioned murdering at the hands of the Inquisition and witch burners. Thankfully it's been calmed down tremendously and it revolves around respect for other religions other than Christianity, other beliefs other than Christianity, and lifestyle choices that don't contour to what Christians believe god wills.

Yes your analogy is so timely & relevant because 'The Spanish Inquisition' is exactly what's going on in our country right now. You really nailed it. Thanks. :cuckoo:

I read and completely understood your reply. You admitted you attack Christians a lot more because there are more of them here. That's not respect and tolerance. But even if you did claim you don't express more hate towards Christians,i wouldn't believe you. Because you are a Lefty and i know it's your nature.

I have the utmost respect and tolerance for Christians who demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Unfortunately, many Christians do not tend to demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Intolerance is their political motto.

In the past, it used to involve a lot of state sanctioned murdering at the hands of the Inquisition and witch burners. Thankfully it's been calmed down tremendously and it revolves around respect for other religions other than Christianity, other beliefs other than Christianity, and lifestyle choices that don't contour to what Christians believe god wills.

Come up with something Christians have done in the CURRENT century. You know, islam is doing its thing NOW. So what are Christians doing NOW?

HOLY SHIT. Are you two fucking kidding me? Again Paulitician, you need to learn to read you god damned illiterate.

I said in the PAST. In the fucking past that's what it used to be like for Christianity, and that today lacks the violence. I gave examples of what kind of stuff Christianity tries to force upon people in the modern day and age. Homosexuality in the military, prevention of state recognized gay marriage, attempted political oppression of minor religions in the name of mob rule, etc.

Islam, right now... as the youngest of the three sibling religions is still stuck in the past. Not as severely as it used to be, but many countries that have it as a state religion or dominantly practiced tend to be oppressed by it.
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I have the utmost respect and tolerance for Christians who demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Unfortunately, many Christians do not tend to demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Intolerance is their political motto.

In the past, it used to involve a lot of state sanctioned murdering at the hands of the Inquisition and witch burners. Thankfully it's been calmed down tremendously and it revolves around respect for other religions other than Christianity, other beliefs other than Christianity, and lifestyle choices that don't contour to what Christians believe god wills.

Yes your analogy is so timely & relevant because 'The Spanish Inquisition' is exactly what's going on in our country right now. You really nailed it. Thanks. :cuckoo:

I have the utmost respect and tolerance for Christians who demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Unfortunately, many Christians do not tend to demonstrate respect and tolerance for others. Intolerance is their political motto.

In the past, it used to involve a lot of state sanctioned murdering at the hands of the Inquisition and witch burners. Thankfully it's been calmed down tremendously and it revolves around respect for other religions other than Christianity, other beliefs other than Christianity, and lifestyle choices that don't contour to what Christians believe god wills.

Come up with something Christians have done in the CURRENT century. You know, islam is doing its thing NOW. So what are Christians doing NOW?

HOLY SHIT. Are you two fucking kidding me? Again Paulitician, you need to learn to read you god damned illiterate.

I said in the PAST. In the fucking past that's what it used to be like for Christianity, and that today lacks the violence. I gave examples of what kind of stuff Christianity tries to force upon people in the modern day and age. Homosexuality in the military, prevention of state recognized gay marriage, attempted political oppression of minor religions in the name of mob rule, etc.

Islam, right now... as the youngest of the three sibling religions is still stuck in the past.

And you are willing to double the Social Security rolls to pay widow(er) and orphan benefits to Bruce's husband and their 3 surrogate conceived children? You want your employer provided insurance rate to tripple so that Edgar's husand can be on his policy? What 'minor religion' has been 'politically oppressed in the name of mob rule?'
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Yes your analogy is so timely & relevant because 'The Spanish Inquisition' is exactly what's going on in our country right now. You really nailed it. Thanks. :cuckoo:

Come up with something Christians have done in the CURRENT century. You know, islam is doing its thing NOW. So what are Christians doing NOW?

HOLY SHIT. Are you two fucking kidding me? Again Paulitician, you need to learn to read you god damned illiterate.

I said in the PAST. In the fucking past that's what it used to be like for Christianity, and that today lacks the violence. I gave examples of what kind of stuff Christianity tries to force upon people in the modern day and age. Homosexuality in the military, prevention of state recognized gay marriage, attempted political oppression of minor religions in the name of mob rule, etc.

Islam, right now... as the youngest of the three sibling religions is still stuck in the past.

And you are willing to double the Social Security rolls to pay widow(er) and orphan benefits to Bruce's husband and their 3 surrogate conceived children? You want your employer provided insurance rate to tripple so that Edgar's husand can be on his policy? What 'minor religion' has been 'politically oppressed in the name of mob rule?'

If you're so concerned about "money" being the issue for gay marriage, why do you even allow people to get newly wed?

What a bimbo, coming up with a poor excuse such as that.
HOLY SHIT. Are you two fucking kidding me? Again Paulitician, you need to learn to read you god damned illiterate.

I said in the PAST. In the fucking past that's what it used to be like for Christianity, and that today lacks the violence. I gave examples of what kind of stuff Christianity tries to force upon people in the modern day and age. Homosexuality in the military, prevention of state recognized gay marriage, attempted political oppression of minor religions in the name of mob rule, etc.

Islam, right now... as the youngest of the three sibling religions is still stuck in the past.

And you are willing to double the Social Security rolls to pay widow(er) and orphan benefits to Bruce's husband and their 3 surrogate conceived children? You want your employer provided insurance rate to tripple so that Edgar's husand can be on his policy? What 'minor religion' has been 'politically oppressed in the name of mob rule?'

If you're so concerned about "money" being the issue for gay marriage, why do you even allow people to get newly wed?

What a bimbo, coming up with a poor excuse such as that.

So I take it you are willing to cut your own benefits in half or to reduce your own retirement by half so these things can happen. Most people who know what work is are not willing to do that. I think you are just TM in a cow suit.
And you are willing to double the Social Security rolls to pay widow(er) and orphan benefits to Bruce's husband and their 3 surrogate conceived children? You want your employer provided insurance rate to tripple so that Edgar's husand can be on his policy? What 'minor religion' has been 'politically oppressed in the name of mob rule?'

If you're so concerned about "money" being the issue for gay marriage, why do you even allow people to get newly wed?

What a bimbo, coming up with a poor excuse such as that.

So I take it you are willing to cut your own benefits in half or to reduce your own retirement by half so these things can happen. Most people who know what work is are not willing to do that. I think you are just TM in a cow suit.

So I take it you are willing to have a segment of the population treated unfairly due to religious convictions. How about we cut all married benefits if you're not willing to dole them out evenly, with the weak excuse that we need to discriminate against a segment of the population because treating them fairly would cost us money.
If you're so concerned about "money" being the issue for gay marriage, why do you even allow people to get newly wed?

What a bimbo, coming up with a poor excuse such as that.

So I take it you are willing to cut your own benefits in half or to reduce your own retirement by half so these things can happen. Most people who know what work is are not willing to do that. I think you are just TM in a cow suit.

So I take it you are willing to have a segment of the population treated unfairly due to religious convictions. How about we cut all married benefits if you're not willing to dole them out evenly, with the weak excuse that we need to discriminate against a segment of the population because treating them fairly would cost us money.

Of course in your sick little world, no person would have more than the next. Suppose the AMA decided that pneumonia is not an illness, but a natural state, and refused to treat it any longer?
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

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Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

What an ass you truly are. No holiday, birthday, wedding, etc. greetings can be franked.

You hysterical boob.
I want dat Tebow arrested immediately. He just prays way too much. Who does he think he is? Praying all the time and stuff? He should be ashamed of himself. Lock em up damn it!
I want dat Tebow arrested immediately. He just prays way too much. Who does he think he is? Praying all the time and stuff? He should be ashamed of himself. Lock em up damn it!

What in THE FUCK are you talking about? Now, granted... I didn't bother to study all these pages of dialogue... but what a ridiculous statement.

No one gives a shit HOW MUCH Tim Tebow Prays. I don't give a shit if he gives God credit for every completion he throws and blames the devil for every incompletion.

Personally... I like Tebow... politically, he's just another jock.

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