The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

I think anyone who openly showes a belief in God or dares to pray,should be rounded up and put in concentration camps. Our Founding Fathers were all very far Left Anti-Christian Atheists who would have never stood for such brazen open worship of God. The word God should not be allowed to be spoken in public. Citizens who do utter that word should be severely punished. Let's start by locking that bad ole Tebow guy up. How dare he openly express his belief in and love for God. Something has to be done with him. He's a menace to society.

How Libertarian of you...
The Left loves to hate Christians. It's just a fun past-time for them. They really do enjoy ridiculing people of faith...But only if they're Christians.

What a fucking bunch of shit, you judgmental prick. Nothing like bearing false witness against people that you have NO IDEA what their beliefs are.... blanket judgments like that? You really OUGHT to be concerned about your own soul and fear your own eternal damnation.

I'll pray for you... because I AM a Christian.
Well Liberal, anyway.

Bullshit... you know not of what you speak. There are Atheist Conservatives, there are Atheist Liberals. It's utter bigotry that you think that there aren't any "leftie" Christians.... You're corresponding with one.
Ummm.. I wrote.. "How Libertarian of you" in my response to Paulitician in his tirade against People who believe in God. And you wrote... "well Liberal anyway". I took that to mean that you think what Paulitician wrote was how liberals feel... which is bullshit.
It's the way most of the liberals I've ever talked to feel.

Many of them profess to be Christians. Which of course is ridiculous. Christians are staunch defenders of life and liberty. But that's another discussion.
And you are willing to double the Social Security rolls to pay widow(er) and orphan benefits to Bruce's husband and their 3 surrogate conceived children? You want your employer provided insurance rate to tripple so that Edgar's husand can be on his policy?

Excuse me? Are you really saying that I shouldn't be able to legally marry my partner of 16 years because then my partner would be eligible for my SS and health care? Are you fucking kidding me?

I didn't say SS. I said SS widow(er) and orphan benefits for their surrogate conceived and born children. And employer provided health care would probably cost far more with more dependents added to the plan. This issue is not about morals. It is about money. Too bad no one can see that. There are plenty of people against 'gay rights' who don't have a dog in the hunt except dollars and cents. Look around. You will see it.'s a clue, your 'partner' is eligible for his/her own SS if he/she has actually worked and paid into the system.

How long will it be before you demand the taxpayers pay for a surrogate or sperm donor for you to have 'children' because everyone has the inalienable right to have children? There is no end in sight to the money involved in this stupidity and I don't hear any of you demanding to pay more to cover the costs. Only that the REST of us pay.

And why shouldn't my partner, who stays home to care for our children, be entitled to survivor benefits as my legal spouse? What compelling state interest is there in giving those benefits only to consenting adult heterosexual couples?

Here's a clue for you...we are only asking for the EXACT same things that heterosexual couples get with their legal marriages.
If only the Left could show as much 'respect' and 'tolerance' for Christianity as they do for all other religions? What a peaceful country we would have.

The left??? You are full of it, buster. Those evangelicals that Bush used to cozy up to were hardly on the left. And they disliked anyone that is not considered Christian. Like Catholics. I have always been told by conservatives that I am not really a Christian because I'm Catholic. Whom are you trying to kid???

I am so sick of you lying conservatives. Big jerk!!!
I have always been told by conservatives that I am not really a Christian because I'm Catholic.

Odd my BS detector went off.
From what I could find out, this rule was made by the Franking Commission and is part of the congressional manual. The government will not pay for mailings with Merry Christmas greetings. But I found nothing that blamed liberals. Why is it their fault??

It’s not, the fact you found no evidence to the contrary proves this is a rightist contrivance, an inane non-issue.

Conservatives will continue to invoke the mythical ‘PC police’ as long as they believe it will result on some sort of partisan advantage.

Thanks. It figures. I get so sick and tired of the lies. That's why they are going to go right down the old tubes. That gruesome bunch they came up with for the GOP nomination are a damn joke.
I bet all the Lefties on this thread just hate that horrible Tebow dude huh? Such irrational hate for something they don't understand. Christianity is not all about 'Fire & Brimstone Damnation.' There are a few Churches who preach that but the vast majority do not. I know my Church doesn't. The Left has unfortunately tried to stereotype Christians. It is ignorant bigotry. My Church preaches peace,love and forgiveness. I genuinely feel uplifted after our services. It's a real travesty the Left has painted all Christians with the same broad brush. Find God and you will have peace and love in your heart. I truly believe that.

You are a liar through and through. Shame on you.
Vicious hate? Are you a fucking RETARD? Most of my family are Christians. I don't hate Christians. I dislike Christians butting in and trying to force their dogma. I used to be one of those people who did so.

We also live in the United States, where we don't deal with problems from Islam internally nearly as much as we do Christianity. That's why we talk about Christianity more. It also doesn't help that Christians try and put themselves in the spotlight every step of the way with one non-existent war or another against them.

You sound pretty hateful to me. Just sayin. But at least we did agree that you do not show as much respect & tolerance for Christianity as you do the other Religions. That's what i was saying. You on the Left do express an awful lot of vitriolic hate for Christians. It is what it is.

You lack the ability to read. Ask Santa for a tutor.

His comprehension skills could also use a little help.
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

What an ass you truly are. No holiday, birthday, wedding, etc. greetings can be franked.

You hysterical boob.

Once the Right decides it likes the fictional version of a story, it becomes rightwing gospel.
Right? Who would have guessed that they'd support using tax money to send out holiday greetings, lol. I guess the sole Muslim Congresscritter can use it to hold nightly Ramadan feasts. :rofl:
I have always been told by conservatives that I am not really a Christian because I'm Catholic.

Odd my BS detector went off.
I thought you considered yourself a conservative?

I have heard that from social conservatives, mainly evangelicals and baptists. A lot of them think Catholicism is a cult.
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

* * * *

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

This is beyond insane. It's not that the left is against religion because they defend Muslims' rights. They seem to pick on Christians a lot. It's like they're in a constant state of umbrage and are just waiting, maybe even hoping, to find something offensive at every turn.
I have always been told by conservatives that I am not really a Christian because I'm Catholic.

Odd my BS detector went off.
I thought you considered yourself a conservative?

I have heard that from social conservatives, mainly evangelicals and baptists. A lot of them think Catholicism is a cult.

I am not a religious man for my own reasons, but I did attend catholic school. I have never heard this argument before.
I have always been told by conservatives that I am not really a Christian because I'm Catholic.

Odd my BS detector went off.
I thought you considered yourself a conservative?

I have heard that from social conservatives, mainly evangelicals and baptists. A lot of them think Catholicism is a cult.

You are so full of it.

I don't know why the liberal extremists are incapable of understanding that conservatism isn't a religion, but a political point of view.

And Christianity INCLUDES Catholics. Yes, they are Christians. They believe Christ is the risen son of God. The rest is just tradition and doctrine, and they may or may not have it right; some churches think they have it really wrong, but mostly we all feel we are brothers and sisters in Christ, where the rubber hits the road.
I have always been told by conservatives that I am not really a Christian because I'm Catholic.

Odd my BS detector went off.
I thought you considered yourself a conservative?

I have heard that from social conservatives, mainly evangelicals and baptists. A lot of them think Catholicism is a cult.

You are so full of it.

I don't know why the liberal extremists are incapable of understanding that conservatism isn't a religion, but a political point of view.

And Christianity INCLUDES Catholics. Yes, they are Christians. They believe Christ is the risen son of God. The rest is just tradition and doctrine, and they may or may not have it right; some churches think they have it really wrong, but mostly we all feel we are brothers and sisters in Christ, where the rubber hits the road.
Are you an evangelical or a Catholic? No? Then stfu.
I was raised in the Evangelical Church, nitwit. And spent two years attending Catholic services with my boyfriend and Catholic friends in a predominantly Catholic community. So you stfu. In fact, I drive by the church where I attended Sunday school (and Wednesday school..they let us out from school and we walked the couple of blocks to the church, and back to catch the buses) every day, lol. I almost returned to that church when I moved back to my home town, but went ahead and tried the local S. Baptist church out first and found it a perfect fit for us, so I stayed in the Baptist church.

Apparently you have never heard the adage "never ask a question you don't already know the answer to". You didn't ask a question, but you made an assumption, which is even funnier.

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