The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

Is this ancient Rome now? Feed all the Christians to the Lions? The Left has created a pretty hostile and hateful environment for American Christians these days. It really is beginning to resemble ancient Rome's hate for Christians. This is not what America is about. It's pretty disturbing.

Tell ya what........the first Christian that gets fed to a lion, THEN you can bitch about this place being like Rome.

Until then?


Beginning to resemble ancient Rome. The Left is getting there. Give em time. Gotta get those bad ole Christians.

Yeah, gotta stop the Crusades and all that! Nip it in the bud.
Is this ancient Rome now? Feed all the Christians to the Lions? The Left has created a pretty hostile and hateful environment for American Christians these days. It really is beginning to resemble ancient Rome's hate for Christians. This is not what America is about. It's pretty disturbing.

They will get their comeuppance when the muslims whom they will assist every step of the way take over! :D


They've already cornered the dried snack meat and slurpee market!!!:mad:
Is this ancient Rome now? Feed all the Christians to the Lions? The Left has created a pretty hostile and hateful environment for American Christians these days. It really is beginning to resemble ancient Rome's hate for Christians. This is not what America is about. It's pretty disturbing.

They will get their comeuppance when the muslims whom they will assist every step of the way take over! :D


They've already cornered the dried snack meat and slurpee market!!!:mad:
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

* * * *
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.
actually, in these times of limited tax monies, and with our huge deficits, I don't think congress should be spending our tax dollars on Holiday specific cards.....we just can't afford it and us tax payers should NOT have to pay for their Christmas etc cards....they should use their own campaign funds to send their own cards out.....

people....citizens are really hurting right now while we ponder taking away the help we are able to give them and spend that money on Christmas cards?????????? sheesh...GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT people!

As long as they can keep their subscriptions to online pron, the nation should be safe.
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.
actually, in these times of limited tax monies, and with our huge deficits, I don't think congress should be spending our tax dollars on Holiday specific cards.....we just can't afford it and us tax payers should NOT have to pay for their Christmas etc cards....they should use their own campaign funds to send their own cards out.....

people....citizens are really hurting right now while we ponder taking away the help we are able to give them and spend that money on Christmas cards?????????? sheesh...GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT people!

For God's sake. How many times does it have to get repeated? We ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT sending Christmas cards.

We are talking about the usual run-of-the-fucking-mill Congress-critters letters to their constituents.

There are separate issues here. (1) Do we really like the fact that Congress-critters can send what amounts to campaign literature on our tax dime? It's a real question, but not the one in this thread. This thread accepts (for now) the Congressional franking privilege.

(2) GIVEN the Congressional franking privilege exists for sending "important" and "official" news from a Congress-critter to his/her constituents, and GIVEN that we all fucking agree that this should not be used for the sending of Christmas cards or individual birthday cards or the like, SHOULD there be a Franking Committee "rule" that somehow prevents a Congress-critter from sending a standard run-of-the-mill letter to his/her constituents IF that letter includes a sign-off wishing the constituents a Merry Christmas?

The Franking Committee has an actual legitimate set of rules for a rational coherent valid reason. We really don't want our Congress-critters using their franking privilege for personal reasons. Thus, they shouldn't send out Christmas cards and they shouldn't send out birthday cards or send a payment to the phone company on the public dime. THAT'S why the Franking Committee rules exist.

Where the fucking Franking Committee has crossed a line is when they decide that a SIGN-OFF in a Congressperson's letter to his/her constituents wishing a "Merrry Christsmas" is somehow verboten! Fuck them and fuck their notions of "proper" censorship. Such a wish is not their concern. It's between the Congress-critter and his/her constituents. If I am displeased with a letter from my Congressional Representative, I know how to address the matter. And I do vote.
You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.
actually, in these times of limited tax monies, and with our huge deficits, I don't think congress should be spending our tax dollars on Holiday specific cards.....we just can't afford it and us tax payers should NOT have to pay for their Christmas etc cards....they should use their own campaign funds to send their own cards out.....

people....citizens are really hurting right now while we ponder taking away the help we are able to give them and spend that money on Christmas cards?????????? sheesh...GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT people!

For God's sake. How many times does it have to get repeated? We ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT sending Christmas cards.

We are talking about the usual run-of-the-fucking-mill Congress-critters letters to their constituents.

There are separate issues here. (1) Do we really like the fact that Congress-critters can send what amounts to campaign literature on our tax dime? It's a real question, but not the one in this thread. This thread accepts (for now) the Congressional franking privilege.

(2) GIVEN the Congressional franking privilege exists for sending "important" and "official" news from a Congress-critter to his/her constituents, and GIVEN that we all fucking agree that this should not be used for the sending of Christmas cards or individual birthday cards or the like, SHOULD there be a Franking Committee "rule" that somehow prevents a Congress-critter from sending a standard run-of-the-mill letter to his/her constituents IF that letter includes a sign-off wishing the constituents a Merry Christmas?

The Franking Committee has an actual legitimate set of rules for a rational coherent valid reason. We really don't want our Congress-critters using their franking privilege for personal reasons. Thus, they shouldn't send out Christmas cards and they shouldn't send out birthday cards or send a payment to the phone company on the public dime. THAT'S why the Franking Committee rules exist.

Where the fucking Franking Committee has crossed a line is when they decide that a SIGN-OFF in a Congressperson's letter to his/her constituents wishing a "Merrry Christsmas" is somehow verboten! Fuck them and fuck their notions of "proper" censorship. Such a wish is not their concern. It's between the Congress-critter and his/her constituents. If I am displeased with a letter from my Congressional Representative, I know how to address the matter. And I do vote.
You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.

yesterday, you made a comment on the use of money...and that it is a waste to use it on corrspondence to say "Marry Christmas" especially at a time like this where people are really struggling...and every penny available should helpo the people out.

I agree.

Your thoughts on the untold amounts of money spent on decorating the White House for Christmas?

Did you see the HGTV special on it?

(this is nNOT an Obama thing. I do not hold him responsible......I am just referring to the hypocrisy of our government...)
For God's sake. How many times does it have to get repeated? We ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT sending Christmas cards.

We are talking about the usual run-of-the-fucking-mill Congress-critters letters to their constituents.

There are separate issues here. (1) Do we really like the fact that Congress-critters can send what amounts to campaign literature on our tax dime? It's a real question, but not the one in this thread. This thread accepts (for now) the Congressional franking privilege.

(2) GIVEN the Congressional franking privilege exists for sending "important" and "official" news from a Congress-critter to his/her constituents, and GIVEN that we all fucking agree that this should not be used for the sending of Christmas cards or individual birthday cards or the like, SHOULD there be a Franking Committee "rule" that somehow prevents a Congress-critter from sending a standard run-of-the-mill letter to his/her constituents IF that letter includes a sign-off wishing the constituents a Merry Christmas?

The Franking Committee has an actual legitimate set of rules for a rational coherent valid reason. We really don't want our Congress-critters using their franking privilege for personal reasons. Thus, they shouldn't send out Christmas cards and they shouldn't send out birthday cards or send a payment to the phone company on the public dime. THAT'S why the Franking Committee rules exist.

Where the fucking Franking Committee has crossed a line is when they decide that a SIGN-OFF in a Congressperson's letter to his/her constituents wishing a "Merrry Christsmas" is somehow verboten! Fuck them and fuck their notions of "proper" censorship. Such a wish is not their concern. It's between the Congress-critter and his/her constituents. If I am displeased with a letter from my Congressional Representative, I know how to address the matter. And I do vote.
You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.

yesterday, you made a comment on the use of money...and that it is a waste to use it on corrspondence to say "Marry Christmas" especially at a time like this where people are really struggling...and every penny available should helpo the people out.

I agree.

Your thoughts on the untold amounts of money spent on decorating the White House for Christmas?

Did you see the HGTV special on it?

(this is nNOT an Obama thing. I do not hold him responsible......I am just referring to the hypocrisy of our government...)
they should cull the whole thing down imo, we are hurting financially as a nation...but repubs will probably complain about it and say Obama is the anti christ for not celebrating christmas at the whitehouse.... :D

Merry Christmas Jarhead!

You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.

yesterday, you made a comment on the use of money...and that it is a waste to use it on corrspondence to say "Marry Christmas" especially at a time like this where people are really struggling...and every penny available should helpo the people out.

I agree.

Your thoughts on the untold amounts of money spent on decorating the White House for Christmas?

Did you see the HGTV special on it?

(this is nNOT an Obama thing. I do not hold him responsible......I am just referring to the hypocrisy of our government...)
they should cull the whole thing down imo, we are hurting financially as a nation...but repubs will probably complain about it and say Obama is the anti christ for not celebrating christmas at the whitehouse.... :D

Merry Christmas Jarhead!



and if the tables were turned, the demcorats would say that the President doesnt have decorations becuase he is poking fun at the call for religious equality.

Merry Christmas to you to Care.

FYI...I am Jewish....but I love to say Merry Christmas. It is a sign of respect for the person you are speaking with.

Besides....I like getting gifts...and Hannukah is just too dam boring...and impossible to spell correctly.

And you ever hear Hannukah songs? They can be sung at a funeral and no one would notice.
yesterday, you made a comment on the use of money...and that it is a waste to use it on corrspondence to say "Marry Christmas" especially at a time like this where people are really struggling...and every penny available should helpo the people out.

I agree.

Your thoughts on the untold amounts of money spent on decorating the White House for Christmas?

Did you see the HGTV special on it?

(this is nNOT an Obama thing. I do not hold him responsible......I am just referring to the hypocrisy of our government...)
they should cull the whole thing down imo, we are hurting financially as a nation...but repubs will probably complain about it and say Obama is the anti christ for not celebrating christmas at the whitehouse.... :D

Merry Christmas Jarhead!



and if the tables were turned, the demcorats would say that the President doesnt have decorations becuase he is poking fun at the call for religious equality.

Merry Christmas to you to Care.

FYI...I am Jewish....but I love to say Merry Christmas. It is a sign of respect for the person you are speaking with.

Besides....I like getting gifts...and Hannukah is just too dam boring...and impossible to spell correctly.

And you ever hear Hannukah songs? They can be sung at a funeral and no one would notice.

Saying "Happy Holidays" is also a sign of respect, and the great thing is, it can be applicable to anybody.
Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and especially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.
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Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and expecially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

You will burn in hell for all of your sensationalist hysteria. Woe is you.
Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and expecially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

God man, you sound stupider with every post you make.
they should cull the whole thing down imo, we are hurting financially as a nation...but repubs will probably complain about it and say Obama is the anti christ for not celebrating christmas at the whitehouse.... :D

Merry Christmas Jarhead!



and if the tables were turned, the demcorats would say that the President doesnt have decorations becuase he is poking fun at the call for religious equality.

Merry Christmas to you to Care.

FYI...I am Jewish....but I love to say Merry Christmas. It is a sign of respect for the person you are speaking with.

Besides....I like getting gifts...and Hannukah is just too dam boring...and impossible to spell correctly.

And you ever hear Hannukah songs? They can be sung at a funeral and no one would notice.

Saying "Happy Holidays" is also a sign of respect, and the great thing is, it can be applicable to anybody.

Well...not to those that dont celebrate Hannukah and Christmas.....

But I dont necessarily disagree with you....but there can be an issue created with anything we say.

So where do you draw the line?

and if the tables were turned, the demcorats would say that the President doesnt have decorations becuase he is poking fun at the call for religious equality.

Merry Christmas to you to Care.

FYI...I am Jewish....but I love to say Merry Christmas. It is a sign of respect for the person you are speaking with.

Besides....I like getting gifts...and Hannukah is just too dam boring...and impossible to spell correctly.

And you ever hear Hannukah songs? They can be sung at a funeral and no one would notice.

Saying "Happy Holidays" is also a sign of respect, and the great thing is, it can be applicable to anybody.

Well...not to those that dont celebrate Hannukah and Christmas.....

But I dont necessarily disagree with you....but there can be an issue created with anything we say.

So where do you draw the line?

If somebody is wishing me well... I don't have a problem with it.
Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and expecially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

God man, you sound stupider with every post you make.

What's so stupid about it? Any public display of worship of God and prayer should be banned. Citizens who engage in this subversive behavior should immediately be rounded up and detained. They are clearly a menace to society. They will destroy our way of life if we don't stop them. Romans really did have it right back when they fed Christians to lions. It's time to crack down on those bad ole Christians. Our Nation's survival depends on it.
Saying "Happy Holidays" is also a sign of respect, and the great thing is, it can be applicable to anybody.

Well...not to those that dont celebrate Hannukah and Christmas.....

But I dont necessarily disagree with you....but there can be an issue created with anything we say.

So where do you draw the line?

If somebody is wishing me well... I don't have a problem with it.

And if somebody inadvertantly wishes me a Merry Christmas, I dont have an issue with that either. They meant well and were offering me a positive comment.

But then again, I have never sued anyone in my life. I dont look for fault in what others do. I look at intentions.
Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and expecially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

God man, you sound stupider with every post you make.

What's so stupid about it? Any public display of worship of God and prayer should be banned. Citizens who engage in this subversive behavior should immediately be rounded up and detained. They are clearly a menace to society. They will destroy our way of life if we don't stop them. Romans really did have it right back when they fed Christians to lions. It's time to crack down on those bad ole Christians. Our Nation's survival depends on it.

Again, with your stupid posts.

Shut up dude. Jesus Christ.
Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and expecially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

God man, you sound stupider with every post you make.

What's so stupid about it? Any public display of worship of God and prayer should be banned. Citizens who engage in this subversive behavior should immediately be rounded up and detained. They are clearly a menace to society. They will destroy our way of life if we don't stop them. Romans really did have it right back when they fed Christians to lions. It's time to crack down on those bad ole Christians. Our Nation's survival depends on it.

Whjat's stupid is you sound like a hysterical twit about it, that's what's stupid.
No, he doesn't at all. That's what the left sounds like when they shriek the exact same thing.

I love the way people work..."if you REPEAT what I say, you're the hysterical twit. Not me, who said it originally, and meant it..."
No, he doesn't at all. That's what the left sounds like when they shriek the exact same thing.

I love the way people work..."if you REPEAT what I say, you're the hysterical twit. Not me, who said it originally, and meant it..."

Except, you know, the whole thing about what you've "quoted" me as saying I've never said. But don't let that whole truth thing get into your way. :cuckoo:

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