The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and especially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

yo...there is a small minority of atheists that have an issue with people expressing their religion in public. It is not a antional epidemic.

Those ateists have the right to have theiur voices heard.

If you have an issue with the politicians that take action to appease them, then take it up with the politicians.

But no one is lookiing at tossing Christians to the lions.

Although...I will admit...I am convinced that Mercedes and BMW are making those cars so all of us Jews can be carted away to the camps.....they are programming the GPS's to automatically steer the car in that direction come 4/15/20012.:lol:
No, he doesn't at all. That's what the left sounds like when they shriek the exact same thing.

I love the way people work..."if you REPEAT what I say, you're the hysterical twit. Not me, who said it originally, and meant it..."

I'm a leftist Atheist(former devout Christian) and I never hear anybody say shit as stupid as that.

Neither do you.
Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and especially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

yo...there is a small minority of atheists that have an issue with people expressing their religion in public. It is not a antional epidemic.

Those ateists have the right to have theiur voices heard.

If you have an issue with the politicians that take action to appease them, then take it up with the politicians.

But no one is lookiing at tossing Christians to the lions.

Although...I will admit...I am convinced that Mercedes and BMW are making those cars so all of us Jews can be carted away to the camps.....they are programming the GPS's to automatically steer the car in that direction come 4/15/20012.:lol:

It's because he "believes the hype," meaning, each year there will be a handful of news stories about some assholes whose sensibilities are hurt by displays of anything pro christmas or religion, and he takes that (because he's hysterical) and thinks the "war on christmas" stuff is ACTUALLY being waged by some "majority" of the left or liberals or whatever "they" call "them" these days.
Bad ole Christians. All that praying and stuff. They should all be arrested. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way. After all,none of them were Christians. They were all far Left Atheists who just hated God and especially those Christians. So it's time to lock em all up. Let's get going.

yo...there is a small minority of atheists that have an issue with people expressing their religion in public. It is not a antional epidemic.

Those ateists have the right to have theiur voices heard.

If you have an issue with the politicians that take action to appease them, then take it up with the politicians.

But no one is lookiing at tossing Christians to the lions.

Although...I will admit...I am convinced that Mercedes and BMW are making those cars so all of us Jews can be carted away to the camps.....they are programming the GPS's to automatically steer the car in that direction come 4/15/20012.:lol:

It's because he "believes the hype," meaning, each year there will be a handful of news stories about some assholes whose sensibilities are hurt by displays of anything pro christmas or religion, and he takes that (because he's hysterical) and thinks the "war on christmas" stuff is ACTUALLY being waged by some "majority" of the left or liberals or whatever "they" call "them" these days.

Yeah...well.....the folks on Fox and Friends think that as do a few on this board.

The rest of us asshole conservatives?

We are not overly concerned about it. There are also people out there telling us that we shouldnt eat vegetables.
You know,the Nazis scapegoated the Jews once upon a time. It kind of looks like that's what the Left wingnuts are currently doing to Christians in our country. Just sayin.
yo...there is a small minority of atheists that have an issue with people expressing their religion in public. It is not a antional epidemic.

Those ateists have the right to have theiur voices heard.

If you have an issue with the politicians that take action to appease them, then take it up with the politicians.

But no one is lookiing at tossing Christians to the lions.

Although...I will admit...I am convinced that Mercedes and BMW are making those cars so all of us Jews can be carted away to the camps.....they are programming the GPS's to automatically steer the car in that direction come 4/15/20012.:lol:

It's because he "believes the hype," meaning, each year there will be a handful of news stories about some assholes whose sensibilities are hurt by displays of anything pro christmas or religion, and he takes that (because he's hysterical) and thinks the "war on christmas" stuff is ACTUALLY being waged by some "majority" of the left or liberals or whatever "they" call "them" these days.

Yeah...well.....the folks on Fox and Friends think that as do a few on this board.

The rest of us asshole conservatives?

We are not overly concerned about it. There are also people out there telling us that we shouldnt eat vegetables.

The funny thing is, if the always-feeling-persecuted crowd didn't hype such news stories about these things, then everyday commoners like myself would have never thought to say "Happy Holidays," which said feeling-persecuteds hate so much, because we'd have never heard all these small-time, made for local news only stories in the first place and never felt an epidemic of "ohhhh...don't OFFEND!" all of these easily offended and anti XMAS hooligans out there! lol my gosh.

I'm pretty sure out of the 75 or so people in my life, about 10 or less even give 2 shits about politics, and zero give a shit about wars on religion or christmas. (that's the real world reality outside of the 24/7 political news viewers).

Life is good, MERRY CHRISTMAS!~
You know,the Nazis scapegoated the Jews once upon a time. It kind of looks like that's what the Left wingnuts are currently doing to Christians in our country. Just sayin.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

Do you know what scapegoat means?

What would they be scapegoating based upon, genius? I'd love to hear this.

Nazi references. Gotta love 'em.
actually, in these times of limited tax monies, and with our huge deficits, I don't think congress should be spending our tax dollars on Holiday specific cards.....we just can't afford it and us tax payers should NOT have to pay for their Christmas etc cards....they should use their own campaign funds to send their own cards out.....

people....citizens are really hurting right now while we ponder taking away the help we are able to give them and spend that money on Christmas cards?????????? sheesh...GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT people!

For God's sake. How many times does it have to get repeated? We ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT sending Christmas cards.

We are talking about the usual run-of-the-fucking-mill Congress-critters letters to their constituents.

There are separate issues here. (1) Do we really like the fact that Congress-critters can send what amounts to campaign literature on our tax dime? It's a real question, but not the one in this thread. This thread accepts (for now) the Congressional franking privilege.

(2) GIVEN the Congressional franking privilege exists for sending "important" and "official" news from a Congress-critter to his/her constituents, and GIVEN that we all fucking agree that this should not be used for the sending of Christmas cards or individual birthday cards or the like, SHOULD there be a Franking Committee "rule" that somehow prevents a Congress-critter from sending a standard run-of-the-mill letter to his/her constituents IF that letter includes a sign-off wishing the constituents a Merry Christmas?

The Franking Committee has an actual legitimate set of rules for a rational coherent valid reason. We really don't want our Congress-critters using their franking privilege for personal reasons. Thus, they shouldn't send out Christmas cards and they shouldn't send out birthday cards or send a payment to the phone company on the public dime. THAT'S why the Franking Committee rules exist.

Where the fucking Franking Committee has crossed a line is when they decide that a SIGN-OFF in a Congressperson's letter to his/her constituents wishing a "Merrry Christsmas" is somehow verboten! Fuck them and fuck their notions of "proper" censorship. Such a wish is not their concern. It's between the Congress-critter and his/her constituents. If I am displeased with a letter from my Congressional Representative, I know how to address the matter. And I do vote.
You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.

You do realize that these fucking rules were not originated by the current majority, don't you?

You do know that a bunch of fucking staffers do the grunt work and make the preliminary rulings and determinations, don't you? How much you wanna bet that nobody on that level wants to do or say anything that might be construed as politically incorrect?

And that Republicans are not a monolithic conservative group anyway. There have been plenty of RINOs in the GOP.

The liberal orthodoxy is that there must be this silly complete exclusion of anything even remotely "religious" from governmental discourse. It's stupidity.
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It's because he "believes the hype," meaning, each year there will be a handful of news stories about some assholes whose sensibilities are hurt by displays of anything pro christmas or religion, and he takes that (because he's hysterical) and thinks the "war on christmas" stuff is ACTUALLY being waged by some "majority" of the left or liberals or whatever "they" call "them" these days.

Yeah...well.....the folks on Fox and Friends think that as do a few on this board.

The rest of us asshole conservatives?

We are not overly concerned about it. There are also people out there telling us that we shouldnt eat vegetables.

The funny thing is, if the always-feeling-persecuted crowd didn't hype such news stories about these things, then everyday commoners like myself would have never thought to say "Happy Holidays," which said feeling-persecuteds hate so much, because we'd have never heard all these small-time, made for local news only stories in the first place and never felt an epidemic of "ohhhh...don't OFFEND!" all of these easily offended and anti XMAS hooligans out there! lol my gosh.

I'm pretty sure out of the 75 or so people in my life, about 10 or less even give 2 shits about politics, and zero give a shit about wars on religion or christmas. (that's the real world reality outside of the 24/7 political news viewers).

Life is good, MERRY CHRISTMAS!~

Dam GT...

I have been agreeing with you more and more lately.

Its like having an STD.....Im concerned.

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful wife....(not sure how you got her....but well done!)
You know,the Nazis scapegoated the Jews once upon a time. It kind of looks like that's what the Left wingnuts are currently doing to Christians in our country. Just sayin.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

Do you know what scapegoat means?

What would they be scapegoating based upon, genius? I'd love to hear this.

Nazi references. Gotta love 'em.

Hitler blamed the Jews for all the misfortunes that had befallen Germany.
So yes the Nazis scapegoated the Jews G.T.
You know,the Nazis scapegoated the Jews once upon a time. It kind of looks like that's what the Left wingnuts are currently doing to Christians in our country. Just sayin.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

Do you know what scapegoat means?

What would they be scapegoating based upon, genius? I'd love to hear this.

Nazi references. Gotta love 'em.

Scapegoat is actually the correct term.

Jews were blamed for the "inefficiencies" in the Nazi world.

They were the scapegoats.
The Left now seems to also hate the Jews these days. They're certainly no friend to Israel at this point. So what's going on with the Left? Why so much hate & bigotry?
The left has always hated the Jews.

Which is weird, since so many of the left actually are Jewish.
Yeah...well.....the folks on Fox and Friends think that as do a few on this board.

The rest of us asshole conservatives?

We are not overly concerned about it. There are also people out there telling us that we shouldnt eat vegetables.

The funny thing is, if the always-feeling-persecuted crowd didn't hype such news stories about these things, then everyday commoners like myself would have never thought to say "Happy Holidays," which said feeling-persecuteds hate so much, because we'd have never heard all these small-time, made for local news only stories in the first place and never felt an epidemic of "ohhhh...don't OFFEND!" all of these easily offended and anti XMAS hooligans out there! lol my gosh.

I'm pretty sure out of the 75 or so people in my life, about 10 or less even give 2 shits about politics, and zero give a shit about wars on religion or christmas. (that's the real world reality outside of the 24/7 political news viewers).

Life is good, MERRY CHRISTMAS!~

Dam GT...

I have been agreeing with you more and more lately.

Its like having an STD.....Im concerned.

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful wife....(not sure how you got her....but well done!)

B/c I'm sexy - I always scored the dimers :D

You too man, have a good one.
The Left now seems to also hate the Jews these days. They're certainly no friend to Israel at this point. So what's going on with the Left? Why so much hate & bigotry?

That has nothing to do with Israel being a Jewish State.
It has to do with our current financial situation and our needs at home.
It is not religiuously motivated. The more the right spins the more the left will spin.
Dam...I really hate spin.
You know,the Nazis scapegoated the Jews once upon a time. It kind of looks like that's what the Left wingnuts are currently doing to Christians in our country. Just sayin.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

Do you know what scapegoat means?

What would they be scapegoating based upon, genius? I'd love to hear this.

Nazi references. Gotta love 'em.

Scapegoat is actually the correct term.

Jews were blamed for the "inefficiencies" in the Nazi world.

They were the scapegoats.

Yes, I got the Nazi 1/2, I was referring to the other half. Not seeing any trend of Christians being used as a scapegoat, as he's hysterically trying to say. He makes no sense. His vagina is always getting wet around here, it's a disgusting display of a man.
No, he doesn't at all. That's what the left sounds like when they shriek the exact same thing.

I love the way people work..."if you REPEAT what I say, you're the hysterical twit. Not me, who said it originally, and meant it..."

Except, you know, the whole thing about what you've "quoted" me as saying I've never said. But don't let that whole truth thing get into your way. :cuckoo:

Where did I quote you?

Oh, you mean where I didn't "quote" you, hence the quotes around the term "quote". You're identifying the lie in your own post.

No, he doesn't at all. That's what the left sounds like when they shriek the exact same thing.

I love the way people work..."if you REPEAT what I say, you're the hysterical twit. Not me, who said it originally, and meant it..."

Except, you know, the whole thing about what you've "quoted" me as saying I've never said. But don't let that whole truth thing get into your way. :cuckoo:

Where did I quote you?

Oh, you mean where I didn't "quote" you, hence the quotes around the term "quote". You're identifying the lie in your own post.


Oh, so you weren't referring to me, as "people" - even though I'm the one who said "twit."

Nice backpedal.

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