The LIES Biden told during the debate...


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2021

We beat Medicare​

What Biden said: ‘We finally beat Medicare.”

Fact: Huh? It’s unclear if even the octogenarian president knew what he meant here, but the obvious verbal blunder occurred after he froze discussing his record on the economy.

Trump, 78, sarcastically responded: “He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death.”

Endorsed by Border Patrol

What Biden said: The US Border Patrol union “endorsed me, endorsed my position.”

Truth: The National Border Patrol Council refuted Biden’s claim — mid-debate. “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden,” the union posted on X.

Which accord?​

What Biden said: “[Trump] pulled out of the Paris Peace Accords, uh, Climate Accord.”

Fact: The president confused the Paris Climate Accords, the YEAR international pact aimed at tackling climate change, with the Paris Peace Accords that marked the end of the Vietnam War in 1973.

Black unemployment​

What Biden said: “Black unemployment is the lowest level it’s been in a long, long time.”

Truth: In April 2023 under Biden, black unemployment hit a record low of 4.8%, beating a previous low of 5.3% reached under Trump in 2019.

However, the rate last month was 6.1%.

Social Security​

What Biden said: “[Trump] wants to get rid of Social Security. … He’s wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

Truth: The ex-president has repeatedly said he wants to protect Medicare and Social Security.

More lies when you click the link below..

Everything this admin has touched has turned out to be a lie. I can't believe their latest push by the surgeon general on firearms being a health hazard. LMAO. He says they are the #1 killer of children today while lumping 18 and 19 year olds in with children. Remove those ADULT gang bangers and what do those stats become. Screw the vegetable and anyone who has anything to do with the commie, globalist democrat party.

We beat Medicare​

What Biden said: ‘We finally beat Medicare.”

Fact: Huh? It’s unclear if even the octogenarian president knew what he meant here, but the obvious verbal blunder occurred after he froze discussing his record on the economy.

Trump, 78, sarcastically responded: “He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death.”

Endorsed by Border Patrol

What Biden said: The US Border Patrol union “endorsed me, endorsed my position.”

Truth: The National Border Patrol Council refuted Biden’s claim — mid-debate. “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden,” the union posted on X.

Which accord?​

What Biden said: “[Trump] pulled out of the Paris Peace Accords, uh, Climate Accord.”

Fact: The president confused the Paris Climate Accords, the YEAR international pact aimed at tackling climate change, with the Paris Peace Accords that marked the end of the Vietnam War in 1973.

Black unemployment​

What Biden said: “Black unemployment is the lowest level it’s been in a long, long time.”

Truth: In April 2023 under Biden, black unemployment hit a record low of 4.8%, beating a previous low of 5.3% reached under Trump in 2019.

However, the rate last month was 6.1%.

Social Security​

What Biden said: “[Trump] wants to get rid of Social Security. … He’s wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

Truth: The ex-president has repeatedly said he wants to protect Medicare and Social Security.

More lies when you click the link below..

The rate black unempoymemt rate trump left with was 6.1. Biden told 9 lies. Trump 30.

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