The lies republicans believe

Of course we knew Saddam has WMDs, because his pal Reagan helped him with them. The problem was Cheney and Rice doom talk about "mushroom clouds"- which they had no way of having ...

Pub lies are nonstop- now half of dupes believe Obama started the recession, ACORN stole the election, Obama may be a muslim Marxist Kenyan etc etc...

so he had them right Frankie? lets see you tell your girlfriend "Truth" that and her little groupie.....
Sarin and mustard gases produce mushroom clouds? Rumsfeld said mustard clouds not mustard gas as a reason to go to war. No American believes we went to war to stop mustard and sarin gas.
Those are partisan lies guys.

why does your party believe lies?

Partisan lies huh.

Guess it was partisan lies when every major intelligence agency in the world thought Saddam had WMD's. Yup. Thats partisan all right.

As for those that believe Barry was born somewhere else??

Last I heard its a free country and you can pretty much believe as you wish.

For the moment...

wantedcopy.jpg responses by party ID.pdf

check out question 63 and 64

Nearly 2/3rds of rs believe Iraq had WMDs
Iraq Absolutely Did Have WMD at one time. The Entire world knows that. They simply had gotten rid of them sometime before we invaded. Could have been years or days who knows. If you are implying they never had them, I think you should go back and check the Facts. They clearly Had Some WMD programs at one time.

over half of Rs believe Obama was not born in US
While I do not share their Belief, I can hardly blame them for 2 Reasons.

1. How long Obama took to release his LFBC. That Fanned the Flames, Which he of course wanted because he knew the issue made them look bad.

2. Because At one point in his Life Obama Had his own Publisher Claiming he was Born In Kenya. Now I believe he was Lying them, Embellishing his story some and he was Born In Hawaii, But I don't see how you can Blame People for thinking he might be lying Now, Considering those 2 Facts.
Sarin and mustard gases produce mushroom clouds? Rumsfeld said mustard clouds not mustard gas as a reason to go to war. No American believes we went to war to stop mustard and sarin gas.

Yeah I guess when Hussein Gassed the kurds it was ok, they weren't friendly to democrats.
Sarin and mustard gases produce mushroom clouds? Rumsfeld said mustard clouds not mustard gas as a reason to go to war. No American believes we went to war to stop mustard and sarin gas.

Yeah I guess when Hussein Gassed the kurds it was ok, they weren't friendly to democrats.

Sarcasm doesn't make it a point. We were told we were going to war to stop WMD that would produce mushroom clouds now, with a straight face, people are saying that mustard gas and sarin gas was the wmd? While they fit the "definition" that is not the WMDs people were worried about.
Sarin and mustard gases produce mushroom clouds? Rumsfeld said mustard clouds not mustard gas as a reason to go to war. No American believes we went to war to stop mustard and sarin gas.

Yeah I guess when Hussein Gassed the kurds it was ok, they weren't friendly to democrats.

Sarcasm doesn't make it a point. We were told we were going to war to stop WMD that would produce mushroom clouds now, with a straight face, people are saying that mustard gas and sarin gas was the wmd? While they fit the "definition" that is not the WMDs people were worried about.

Not only that, even today it's unclear where the gas came from. Some say the gas was being used against the Iranians and the wind blew it back on the Iraqis. Others say it actually came from the Iranians. It's something the US could have investigated after Republicans invaded Iraq. If they did, and didn't like the answer, I'm sure they would "keep it quiet". After all, they kept the cost of the wars from Americans until Obama came into office. They have no problem lying or hiding things or placing blame on those not guilty. To invade Iraq, Saddam must have done "something" really, really bad. Beside have oil.
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Yeah it's strange that now the repubs are trying to unremember the whole mushroom cloud thing and say that friggen mustard gas was the reason or justification for war. Bullshit.
Yeah it's strange that now the repubs are trying to unremember the whole mushroom cloud thing and say that friggen mustard gas was the reason or justification for war. Bullshit.

No no, CloseMinded. We recall clearly how YOU folks insisted on trying to pretend that the reference to mushroom clouds was ever an effort to claim nuclear weapons in the first place. It wasn't and you know it.

It was simply a metaphor. WE got it then, and most of you assholes did too. But you found it convenient to make the false CLAIM that she intended it to be a literal reference to nukes.

You leftwingnut dimwits can't make any arguments not founded on your steadfast reliance on fundamental dishonesty.
Are obscure polls the only thing the left has left these days? We saw a poll that found one bigot in five people who wouldn't vote for a Mormon and now a flawed obscure college poll that questioned 1,000 people about political issues. God knows there is enough real issues to talk about but that's never good news to lefties.

The problem is that FACTS destroy the Left on the "real" issues... Instead we get threads about dancing ponies in the Olympics.
Yeah it's strange that now the repubs are trying to unremember the whole mushroom cloud thing and say that friggen mustard gas was the reason or justification for war. Bullshit.
No no, CloseMinded. We recall clearly how YOU folks insisted on trying to pretend that the reference to mushroom clouds was ever an effort to claim nuclear weapons in the first place. It wasn't and you know it.
It was simply a metaphor. WE got it then, and most of you assholes did too. But you found it convenient to make the false CLAIM that she intended it to be a literal reference to nukes
You leftwingnut dimwits can't make any arguments not founded on your steadfast reliance on fundamental dishonesty.

Mushroom clouds was a metaphor for what? Mustard gas? Now you are just lying. The imagery was used to create fear, now you are trying to justify fear mongering by saying it wasnt really fearmongering just fearmongering imagery. Spinny Spinnerson.

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