The Life You Save May Be Your Own

Yesterday our 1st amendment rights were obliterated by democrats at the Trump rally in Rochester MN.

How can you vote for that?
When riots, burning, looting, and murder began...democrats ordered their police force to STAND DOWN.

CHAZ went on for 3 weeks!

People died.

How can you vote for that? How can you support that? It may have been YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN THAT DIED.
I am amazed that the liberal voters in these deep blue cities do not have enough common sense to vote these worthless mayors and city council ding-a-lings out of office
When riots, burning, looting, and murder began...democrats ordered their police force to STAND DOWN.

CHAZ went on for 3 weeks!

People died.

How can you vote for that? How can you support that? It may have been YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN THAT DIED.
I am amazed that the liberal voters in these deep blue cities do not have enough common sense to vote these worthless mayors and city council ding-a-lings out of office

Just wait until those liberals see their house values drop as a result of President Biden's Housing & Urban Development Secretary.

They won't be liberal for long!

How foolish can people be!
Yesterday our 1st amendment rights were obliterated by democrats at the Trump rally in Rochester MN.

How can you vote for that?
We vote for the people who WRITE THE LAWS.

Then democrats vilify those that enforce those laws.
When riots, burning, looting, and murder began...democrats ordered their police force to STAND DOWN.

CHAZ went on for 3 weeks!

People died.

How can you vote for that? How can you support that? It may have been YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN THAT DIED.

Democrats will gladly cut of their own noses, in order to spite their American faces
When riots, burning, looting, and murder began...democrats ordered their police force to STAND DOWN.

CHAZ went on for 3 weeks!

People died.

How can you vote for that? How can you support that? It may have been YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN THAT DIED.
I am amazed that the liberal voters in these deep blue cities do not have enough common sense to vote these worthless mayors and city council ding-a-lings out of office

Every election cycle, their democrat handlers promise them Obama Phones, an EBT card.....and dead whities. All the motivation they need.
They won't be liberal for long!

How foolish can people be!

They are so foolish they will move away from the mess they made...move to a red state where things are better...and vote democrat so they can make a new mess in a new state.

I recently read on Drudge that the state of [I shan't name it] is receiving significant numbers of Americans fleeing the madness of urban centers.

But (as you say) liberals will no doubt be moving there, too, for they just can't stand people being happy without forcing liberal measures down their throat.
Every election cycle the Duopoly Party pretends there are differences in policy- of course to the Public(ly) Educated and the Empty Suit brigades *rhetoric* for 30 second sound bites is policy :doubt::poke:

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