The lines between liberals and leftist are disappearing. There is now little difference between the two.

We have totalism, corporatism and emerging fascism already in the US but you want to claim that it is just the Democrats doing it you better open yer eyes when the gentrification via state capitalism again throws out truckloads of cash to so called capitalist who live on taxpayer dough.
You can see me bitching about corporatism throughout this forum since the day I came here.
And - corporatism is not a republican creation. BOTH sides of the aisle are equally corrupt and actively supporting both globalism and corporatism. What we have today in America is no longer a free market system. Rather a system that heavily supports corporatism, globalism and the ruination of small ownership.
That is unrelated however to the topic of this thread. In which I, once a person who believed there was a distinct line between the leftist and liberals - can no longer see that definitive line. It has blurred out of existence.
What.... I believe the last I knew 18 blacks have been killed by "protesters"?? And liberals all over the world are standing firm behind the process that is making that happen.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
BS. The liberals are shouted down by the extreme left. They are not the same as the extreme left. No matter how you look at it, both extreme left and extreme right will end in the place for this country. Living on the extreme is living on the edge. The edge of extinction.
View attachment 350167

Sorry, I get what you are saying, but you are wrong.
Take the Alt-Right. A thrice failed group that could never place a scratch on mainstream conservatives.
You think conservatives would stand by if a group of hard right radicals tried to take and possess a section of a major city?? You think we would support that?? Hell no. You think the liberals in power there would also allow it? - HELL NO.
Conservatives are not controlled by the radicals within it. Liberals are now totally controlled by the radicals withing their party, They are all becoming leftist.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
BS. The liberals are shouted down by the extreme left. They are not the same as the extreme left. No matter how you look at it, both extreme left and extreme right will end in the place for this country. Living on the extreme is living on the edge. The edge of extinction.
View attachment 350167

Sorry, I get what you are saying, but you are wrong.
Take the Alt-Right. A thrice failed group that could never place a scratch on mainstream conservatives.
You think conservatives would stand by if a group of hard right radicals tried to take and possess a section of a major city?? You think we would support that?? Hell no. You think the liberals in power there would also allow it? - HELL NO.
Conservatives are not controlled by the radicals within it. Liberals are now totally controlled by the radicals withing their party, They are all becoming leftist.
I read a lot of the rhetoric on here in favor of sending in federal troops. There is direction of the other extreme. Left wing protesters do not like the fact that blacks are killed by government law enforcement under more questionable circumstances. OK. It is True. But radical left and radical right spur riots, and lead riots, bordering on and crossing the line of terrorism. Riots bring out the worst of the right wing, and the only thing they know is crack down under force. Only target they proclaim is left, yet Federal Indictments name right wing extremists and very few of the ANTIFA extremist. Are they too smart to be caught or were the right wing extremists that much stupider to get caught this quick? No matter how you look at it. The left is not controlling their extremists and right is not controlling their extremist and the only answer heard from the right is send in the troops, the guy killed was a dirty so and so who deserved it before that day, support the police as they have been killed at time too, etc, etc. Several right wing on this very board not only predicting civil war, but saying bring it on. Yet most of the protests have calmed down to a great extent as it has run it's course and cooler response head prevailed. Somebody didn't get the memo, "police deadly force outside the rules of engagement is bad" and shot another guy in the back who was running away on foot, not armed with any kind of lethal weapon. Great, more riots to re-enforce the fear of the right wing. Anarchy by the left is violent and bad wrong, but only being a one trick pony response (if given their way) only spurs the violence and very well could lead to civil war, with troops, with armed civilians. Any way you slice it both extremes lead to anarchy and the possible destruction of the country. It is not an either or, hard left / hard right choice. It only seems that way.
That said, I'm damn glad Bill Lee isn't letting those idiots put up a free zone (or whatever you call it) in Nashville.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
Very true. Silence is violence.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
BS. The liberals are shouted down by the extreme left. They are not the same as the extreme left. No matter how you look at it, both extreme left and extreme right will end in the place for this country. Living on the extreme is living on the edge. The edge of extinction.
View attachment 350167

Sorry, I get what you are saying, but you are wrong.
Take the Alt-Right. A thrice failed group that could never place a scratch on mainstream conservatives.
You think conservatives would stand by if a group of hard right radicals tried to take and possess a section of a major city?? You think we would support that?? Hell no. You think the liberals in power there would also allow it? - HELL NO.
Conservatives are not controlled by the radicals within it. Liberals are now totally controlled by the radicals withing their party, They are all becoming leftist.
I read a lot of the rhetoric on here in favor of sending in federal troops. There is direction of the other extreme. Left wing protesters do not like the fact that blacks are killed by government law enforcement under more questionable circumstances. OK. It is True. But radical left and radical right spur riots, and lead riots, bordering on and crossing the line of terrorism. Riots bring out the worst of the right wing, and the only thing they know is crack down under force. Only target they proclaim is left, yet Federal Indictments name right wing extremists and very few of the ANTIFA extremist. Are they too smart to be caught or were the right wing extremists that much stupider to get caught this quick? No matter how you look at it. The left is not controlling their extremists and right is not controlling their extremist and the only answer heard from the right is send in the troops, the guy killed was a dirty so and so who deserved it before that day, support the police as they have been killed at time too, etc, etc. Several right wing on this very board not only predicting civil war, but saying bring it on. Yet most of the protests have calmed down to a great extent as it has run it's course and cooler response head prevailed. Somebody didn't get the memo, "police deadly force outside the rules of engagement is bad" and shot another guy in the back who was running away on foot, not armed with any kind of lethal weapon. Great, more riots to re-enforce the fear of the right wing. Anarchy by the left is violent and bad wrong, but only being a one trick pony response (if given their way) only spurs the violence and very well could lead to civil war, with troops, with armed civilians. Any way you slice it both extremes lead to anarchy and the possible destruction of the country. It is not an either or, hard left / hard right choice. It only seems that way.
That said, I'm damn glad Bill Lee isn't letting those idiots put up a free zone (or whatever you call it) in Nashville.
We are just going to agree to disagree.
To say the right can't handle their radicals just the same as the left - is just ignorant. And holy cow ignoring everything that has happened in the past 2 weeks.
Take a look at this....

Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
BS. The liberals are shouted down by the extreme left. They are not the same as the extreme left. No matter how you look at it, both extreme left and extreme right will end in the place for this country. Living on the extreme is living on the edge. The edge of extinction.
View attachment 350167

Sorry, I get what you are saying, but you are wrong.
Take the Alt-Right. A thrice failed group that could never place a scratch on mainstream conservatives.
You think conservatives would stand by if a group of hard right radicals tried to take and possess a section of a major city?? You think we would support that?? Hell no. You think the liberals in power there would also allow it? - HELL NO.
Conservatives are not controlled by the radicals within it. Liberals are now totally controlled by the radicals withing their party, They are all becoming leftist.
The alt-right are little more than a bunch of meme making shitlords hanging out with Christopher Cantwell, who totally lost his marbles somewhere in the 2015-16 time frame.....They might possibly be the smallest political splinter group on the planet.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
BS. The liberals are shouted down by the extreme left. They are not the same as the extreme left. No matter how you look at it, both extreme left and extreme right will end in the place for this country. Living on the extreme is living on the edge. The edge of extinction.
View attachment 350167

Sorry, I get what you are saying, but you are wrong.
Take the Alt-Right. A thrice failed group that could never place a scratch on mainstream conservatives.
You think conservatives would stand by if a group of hard right radicals tried to take and possess a section of a major city?? You think we would support that?? Hell no. You think the liberals in power there would also allow it? - HELL NO.
Conservatives are not controlled by the radicals within it. Liberals are now totally controlled by the radicals withing their party, They are all becoming leftist.
The alt-right are little more than a bunch of meme making shitlords hanging out with Christopher Cantwell, who totally lost his marbles somewhere in the 2015-16 time frame.....They might possibly be the smallest political splinter group on the planet.
Exactly. They failed not once, or twice.... but three times to maintain a presence and never got anywhere with mainstream conservatives. In fact, Fox News and Talk Radio actively spoke against them.
CNN etc. practically fall over themselves to find as many ways as possible to excuse/dismiss/hide and otherwise obfuscate the ugly side of the leftist groups.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
BS. The liberals are shouted down by the extreme left. They are not the same as the extreme left. No matter how you look at it, both extreme left and extreme right will end in the place for this country. Living on the extreme is living on the edge. The edge of extinction.
View attachment 350167

Sorry, I get what you are saying, but you are wrong.
Take the Alt-Right. A thrice failed group that could never place a scratch on mainstream conservatives.
You think conservatives would stand by if a group of hard right radicals tried to take and possess a section of a major city?? You think we would support that?? Hell no. You think the liberals in power there would also allow it? - HELL NO.
Conservatives are not controlled by the radicals within it. Liberals are now totally controlled by the radicals withing their party, They are all becoming leftist.
I read a lot of the rhetoric on here in favor of sending in federal troops. There is direction of the other extreme. Left wing protesters do not like the fact that blacks are killed by government law enforcement under more questionable circumstances. OK. It is True. But radical left and radical right spur riots, and lead riots, bordering on and crossing the line of terrorism. Riots bring out the worst of the right wing, and the only thing they know is crack down under force. Only target they proclaim is left, yet Federal Indictments name right wing extremists and very few of the ANTIFA extremist. Are they too smart to be caught or were the right wing extremists that much stupider to get caught this quick? No matter how you look at it. The left is not controlling their extremists and right is not controlling their extremist and the only answer heard from the right is send in the troops, the guy killed was a dirty so and so who deserved it before that day, support the police as they have been killed at time too, etc, etc. Several right wing on this very board not only predicting civil war, but saying bring it on. Yet most of the protests have calmed down to a great extent as it has run it's course and cooler response head prevailed. Somebody didn't get the memo, "police deadly force outside the rules of engagement is bad" and shot another guy in the back who was running away on foot, not armed with any kind of lethal weapon. Great, more riots to re-enforce the fear of the right wing. Anarchy by the left is violent and bad wrong, but only being a one trick pony response (if given their way) only spurs the violence and very well could lead to civil war, with troops, with armed civilians. Any way you slice it both extremes lead to anarchy and the possible destruction of the country. It is not an either or, hard left / hard right choice. It only seems that way.
That said, I'm damn glad Bill Lee isn't letting those idiots put up a free zone (or whatever you call it) in Nashville.
We are just going to agree to disagree.
To say the right can't handle their radicals just the same as the left - is just ignorant. And holy cow ignoring everything that has happened in the past 2 weeks.
Take a look at this....

Good video. Not ignoring anything of the last two weeks and not a BLM supporter, but I do not support a police state and their special privilege to lawlessly break their own rules and the laws of the country, not caring what they do or what it bring about, and do not support more troops knocking heads as the answer.

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