The Living, Breathing History of American Progressives


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I was taught that: FDR was a Great President who rescued America from the Great Depression, LBJ was a Civil Rights hero, Joe McCarthy and his House UnAmerican Activities Committee were on a Red Scare Witch Hunt and ruined the lives of many loyal, powerless Americans and found no Communists anywhere.

These were article of faith. They were the Nicene Creed of my public school and college education -- they were inviolate. To question any of them was to invite scrutiny from a teacher who had the power of the grade in his/her Progressive hand.

These lesson were reinforced everywhere in civil society, they were just so!

FDR: Hero who rescued us from the Hoovervilles

LBJ: Civil Rights Hero who liberate the black man from that awful Ike and Republicans!

Joe McCarthy: Whacko! There were no Communists Anywhere!

But much like Progressive adjustments to the Constitution to catch up with the times, the unquestioned history of America as told by Progressives must have some life breathed into it.

I checked the data, the New Deal prolonged the Great Depression right up until we switched over to a wartime economy. There was never any sign of any FDR economic greatness -- it's a myth, a lie. Moreover, FDR and the Dems used their New Deal Stimulus funds to conduct the heinous, barbaric Tuskegee Experiments -- it's a fact, you can look it up.

At the end of WWII, likely on the advise of genuine Communist spies, FDR allowed Stalin and the Communists to retain vital real estate and world capitals in Eastern Europe. Recent information from the former USSR vindicates and validates Joe McCarthy's central thesis: there really were Soviet Spies highly placed in the US Government

LBJ it turns out not only blocked Ike's Civil Rights Act but once he passed his own version remarked that he'll "have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years" That's a Civil Rights Hero? Also, prominent black leaders were assassinated under LBJ's watch, not that he ordered it mind you, the timing is just really, really curious.

The time has come to reevaluate American history as told by Progressives. Their tale should be every bit as living and breathing as they claim our Founding Document is.
Crusader couldn't distinguish one ideology from another if he fell over them several times. The piece below gives a excellent view of liberalism and talks of progressivism.

I read a bit more on McCarthy today and there is a reason McCarthyism is a word in our vocabulary.

"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency?" Joseph Nye Welch, the Army’s chief counsel

(There is a reason McCarthyism has become a synonym for false and ridiculous accusations.) Read about him sometime and ignore Frank's inane rantings.

'Liberalism Lost and Found'

'Claiming the future means embracing the full complications of the past.' by E.J. Dionne, Jr.

"It takes less courage than it once did to defend liberalism. Liberal restraint looks better than ever after the excesses of the Bush years. Liberal skepticism of the unfettered market seems wise after the economic meltdown. Liberal tolerance is increasingly valued in a society that grows ever more diverse, and it is a virtue particularly honored among the young. Liberal jurisprudence seems restrained in the face of a wave of conservative judicial activism. Even liberal empathy–good, old-fashioned, bleeding-heart liberalism–seems less contested now, after conservatives tried to steal the word "compassion" as their own.

And yet few politicians dare to call themselves liberal. They fear, as Alan Wolfe writes, that too many Americans still see liberals "as carriers of infectious political diseases." It’s certainly very hard to imagine any politician, notably including our current president, who would dare to say what John F. Kennedy said shortly before the 1960 election (and remember that Kennedy wasn’t all that liberal). "What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label ‘liberal’?" Kennedy asked. "If by ‘liberal’ they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of ‘liberal.’""
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Whaddya expect?
Liberal secular progressive professors and admin's have hijacked our colleges and universities for the past 40 years, since 1970, at the least.
At least 50% of baby-boomers AND their offspring have been brainwashed, and its' all coming to fruition now.
To liberals, nothing is wrong unless it's right.
I read an article a couple of years ago about McCarthy that totally exonerated him, but I wasn't sure whether to trust the source or not,

and THAT is one of the Main things that I'll NEVER forgive the libturds for ~

making us have to doubt ANY and ALL sources that don't reflect their revisionist propaganda of history.
Crusader couldn't distinguish one ideology from another if he fell over them several times. The piece below gives a excellent view of liberalism and talks of progressivism.

I read a bit more on McCarthy today and there is a reason McCarthyism is a word in our vocabulary.

"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency?" Joseph Nye Welch, the Army’s chief counsel

(There is a reason McCarthyism has become a synonym for false and ridiculous accusations.) Read about him sometime and ignore Frank's inane rantings.

'Liberalism Lost and Found'

'Claiming the future means embracing the full complications of the past.' by E.J. Dionne, Jr.

"It takes less courage than it once did to defend liberalism. Liberal restraint looks better than ever after the excesses of the Bush years. Liberal skepticism of the unfettered market seems wise after the economic meltdown. Liberal tolerance is increasingly valued in a society that grows ever more diverse, and it is a virtue particularly honored among the young. Liberal jurisprudence seems restrained in the face of a wave of conservative judicial activism. Even liberal empathy–good, old-fashioned, bleeding-heart liberalism–seems less contested now, after conservatives tried to steal the word "compassion" as their own.

And yet few politicians dare to call themselves liberal. They fear, as Alan Wolfe writes, that too many Americans still see liberals "as carriers of infectious political diseases." It’s certainly very hard to imagine any politician, notably including our current president, who would dare to say what John F. Kennedy said shortly before the 1960 election (and remember that Kennedy wasn’t all that liberal). "What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label ‘liberal’?" Kennedy asked. "If by ‘liberal’ they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of ‘liberal.’""

E.J.Dionne, Jr.for Democracy: A Journal of Ideas

Have you no facts, Sir, at long last?
I think Midcan needs to stop violating the word Liberal.

Sure, he might think he is, but doesn't make him one.

ok, but stop violating the word "progressive' if you don't know what a progressive really is.

The Progressives were a real and powerful political force up until the reign of FDR. Their main focuses had been the expansion of suffrage, the advancement of labor rights and the advancement of democracy itself thru things like direct ballot initiatives and election reforms.

They brought us women's suffrage, the end of child labor, the weekend, vacation time, overtime pay, collective bargaining rights etc.

Progressives were opposed to Obama's Health care deform initiatives but reluctantly voted for it in the end.

There is an actual progressives caucus today and like blue dogs, progressives are NOT lockstep democrats.

just sayin
I read an article a couple of years ago about McCarthy that totally exonerated him, but I wasn't sure whether to trust the source or not,

and THAT is one of the Main things that I'll NEVER forgive the libturds for ~

making us have to doubt ANY and ALL sources that don't reflect their revisionist propaganda of history.

That is nice and all, but still equally true about conservatards.

Show me a true conservative holding public office under the banner of being a republican.

Show me a partisan of either stripe who isn't an ideologue.

Show me a partisan of either stripe who has a world view that isn't rife with internal contradictions.

Show me a partisan of either stripe who has a coherent world view.

Odds are great that you can't accomplish one of the 4 in 10 minutes, much less all 4.

Just sayin.
But wait Frankie...there is more

Evolution is just a theory
Cigarettes don't cause cancer
Global Warming does not exist
Ron Reagan siglehandedly won the Cold War
Viet Nam was winnable
Welfare recipients drive Escallades
Deficits don't wait...Obama is president......Deficits DO matter
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To liberals, nothing is wrong unless it's right.

Fair enough.

But to conservatards nothing is wrong unless it is left.

The two parties are for all practical purposes identical. Just two sides of the same coin or mirror images of one another.

Here is an actual photo of the democratic and republican parties. See if you can guess which is which*:


(*hint: your party is the "ugly" one)
I read an article a couple of years ago about McCarthy that totally exonerated him, but I wasn't sure whether to trust the source or not,

and THAT is one of the Main things that I'll NEVER forgive the libturds for ~

making us have to doubt ANY and ALL sources that don't reflect their revisionist propaganda of history.

That is nice and all, but still equally true about conservatards.

Show me a true conservative holding public office under the banner of being a republican.

ron paul
I was taught that: FDR was a Great President who rescued America from the Great Depression, LBJ was a Civil Rights hero, Joe McCarthy and his House UnAmerican Activities Committee were on a Red Scare Witch Hunt and ruined the lives of many loyal, powerless Americans and found no Communists anywhere.

These were article of faith. They were the Nicene Creed of my public school and college education -- they were inviolate. To question any of them was to invite scrutiny from a teacher who had the power of the grade in his/her Progressive hand.

These lesson were reinforced everywhere in civil society, they were just so!

FDR: Hero who rescued us from the Hoovervilles

LBJ: Civil Rights Hero who liberate the black man from that awful Ike and Republicans!

Joe McCarthy: Whacko! There were no Communists Anywhere!

But much like Progressive adjustments to the Constitution to catch up with the times, the unquestioned history of America as told by Progressives must have some life breathed into it.

I checked the data, the New Deal prolonged the Great Depression right up until we switched over to a wartime economy. There was never any sign of any FDR economic greatness -- it's a myth, a lie. Moreover, FDR and the Dems used their New Deal Stimulus funds to conduct the heinous, barbaric Tuskegee Experiments -- it's a fact, you can look it up.

At the end of WWII, likely on the advise of genuine Communist spies, FDR allowed Stalin and the Communists to retain vital real estate and world capitals in Eastern Europe. Recent information from the former USSR vindicates and validates Joe McCarthy's central thesis: there really were Soviet Spies highly placed in the US Government

LBJ it turns out not only blocked Ike's Civil Rights Act but once he passed his own version remarked that he'll "have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years" That's a Civil Rights Hero? Also, prominent black leaders were assassinated under LBJ's watch, not that he ordered it mind you, the timing is just really, really curious.

The time has come to reevaluate American history as told by Progressives. Their tale should be every bit as living and breathing as they claim our Founding Document is.

And it looks like the great state of Texas may just do that as the textbooks are-a-changin` and so will go much of the rest of the country. Truth! How differently it is manipulated.
I read an article a couple of years ago about McCarthy that totally exonerated him, but I wasn't sure whether to trust the source or not....

Is terrible behavior exonerated by revisionist historians? McCarthy ruined lives in the same way the young Maoists did. He even attacked the Army, if you had read a bit about him, you'd realize he was blow hard, liar, and publicity hound. Not even close to being a good honorable man.

This video gives a bit of the sense of the times, and thankfully while 911 and Bush created another atmosphere of fear and hatred that led to war and maybe a million deaths in Iraq, it did not lead to many McCarthy like acts in the US. We have matured a tiny bit, but fear and hatred still exist just below the surface as the Mosque hysteria demonstrates.

[ame=]YouTube - McCarthyism and the Red Scare[/ame]

This was thankfully the beginning of the end for McCarthy. Welch Assails M'Carthy's 'Cruelty' And 'Recklessness' In Attack On Aide; Senator, On Stand, Tells Of Red Hunt

Check out William Manchester's Glory and the Dream sometime for an accurate picture of McCarthy. Library may be best source as it is 13 hundred pages, but is an excellent narrative history that remains above the identity politics of today.

"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency?" Joseph Nye Welch, the Army’s chief counsel
(There is a reason McCarthyism has become a synonym for false and ridiculous accusations.)
I read an article a couple of years ago about McCarthy that totally exonerated him, but I wasn't sure whether to trust the source or not,

and THAT is one of the Main things that I'll NEVER forgive the libturds for ~

making us have to doubt ANY and ALL sources that don't reflect their revisionist propaganda of history.

That is nice and all, but still equally true about conservatards.

Show me a true conservative holding public office under the banner of being a republican.

ron paul

Conservative? I thought he was a libertarian! They're not the same animal. Libertarians are a lot like Marxists, in that there has to be a basic change in human nature for their systems to work. Marxists ignore the good aspects of selfishness and expect everyone to work for the greater good, forgetting that some will not. Libertarians expect most dealings to be between private parties unfettered by government regulation, forgetting that inevitably some of the strong will prey on the weak. In either case, what sounds like an attractive philosophy, falls on its face upon closer inspection.
Progressives are the Energizer bunnies of lies, they just keep lying and lying and lying as if they still had a media monopoly and absolutely nothings changed in 70 years.

Venona google it, look it up educate yourselves. You'll still lie, but at least know you're lying
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Big government welfare/warfare/mind yours and everyone else's moral business authoritarian progressives have taken over both parties so what's the solution, it can't be to vote for the "lesser of evil", that just gets us the same old crap we've had for the past 75 years.

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