The logic behind right wing capitalism.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold.

Nice strawman you have there.

Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table.

You should argue against that, if that's how you feel.

Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this .

How many people earn minimum wage today?
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

Here's a big clue stupid capitalism has always work and socialism never has. Like a climax forest in nature, capitalism is what all modern societies strive to achieve.
If you are over 15 years old & still earning minimum wage YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID ATTENTION IN SCHOOL!
Here's a big clue stupid capitalism has always work and socialism never has.

The logic behind right wing capitalism...Do what works & STOP doing what doesn't work!

If we could get the filth on board with that concept we would all be doing alot better!
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold.

Nice strawman you have there.

Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table.

You should argue against that, if that's how you feel.

Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this .

How many people earn minimum wage today?
So no answer, why respond
If you are over 15 years old & still earning minimum wage YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID ATTENTION IN SCHOOL!
One more no answer bullshit and you are gone.
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.

thats cronyism not capitalism,,,and as I said both sides practice it,,,
The right supports anything that transfers every new dollar in wealth to the golden few at the top, that is right wing capitalism, something they have achieved for over 40 years now during the most profitable time in our history , every new dollar in profit went to the top. That is the only reason that the right exist in reality, the voters are always working against their best interest. in 2020 they are held together with hatred and very little more.
The right supports anything that transfers every new dollar in wealth to the golden few at the top, that is right wing capitalism, something they have achieved for over 40 years now during the most profitable time in our history , every new dollar in profit went to the top. That is the only reason that the right exist in reality, the voters are always working against their best interest. in 2020 they are held together with hatred and very little more.
if this is just a right wing thing then please explain why dems have NEVER stopped it but choose to participate in it???
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.

thats cronyism not capitalism,,,and as I said both sides practice it,,,
Oh get a life, me having to use my tax dollars to gold plate the bottom line of some corporation. Because they are paying unlivable wages . Is not Cronyism nor is it capitalism. It is corporate welfare.
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

You are so kind and caring, why don't YOU and all your bleeding heart Liberal friends open businesses paying the "living wage" you scream is so essential, and see how that goes. Why don't YOU and all your bleeding heart Liberal friends pay more taxes to make America in the image of Karl Marx. Give everything away and it will make a wonderful world.

Make volunteering illegal because if working for a minimum wage is so awful, then working for free must be killing tens of thousands every year. This is your *logic*. You can do Marxism right.

Democrat Insanity - Trump Derangement Syndrome
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.

thats cronyism not capitalism,,,and as I said both sides practice it,,,
This comment doesn't rise above comedy.
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.

thats cronyism not capitalism,,,and as I said both sides practice it,,,
Oh get a life, me having to use my tax dollars to gold plate the bottom line of some corporation. Because they are paying unlivable wages . Is not Cronyism nor is it capitalism. It is corporate welfare.

and all welfare should stop immediately,,,
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.

thats cronyism not capitalism,,,and as I said both sides practice it,,,
This comment doesn't rise above comedy.
The right supports anything that transfers every new dollar in wealth to the golden few at the top, that is right wing capitalism, something they have achieved for over 40 years now during the most profitable time in our history , every new dollar in profit went to the top. That is the only reason that the right exist in reality, the voters are always working against their best interest. in 2020 they are held together with hatred and very little more.
I see. So you are just a liar and not really looking for answers. Todd was right to not even bother.

I suggest you first learn what capitalism is as you don't seem to actually understand the concept.
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.

Move to Cuba where everyone is miserable, but they're all *equal* and none of that hideous "right wing capitalism" you despise so much - the kind that gives you computers at ever lower prices.
I paid $799 for my 31 inch flat screen television years ago. Now they're for sale for $150 at WalMart.
How *unfair* of those greedy capitalists, eh? Go to and watch the video where Professor Milton Friedman schools a Hollywood talk show host who squeals like you. Talk about greedy rich, you're talking Hollywood Liberals who fly in private jets and tell you to tighten your belt and use no gas.
Show me the logic that says higher wages for the worker will get rid of the product or service being sold. If the Minimum wage was 50 cents an hour people like you would be still arguing with the same nonsense post. Tell me why in the hell should I have to pay for what is needed for a family to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. Tell me why the tax payer has to pay for everything over a minimum wage that with two working still isn't enough to achieve this . These pigs sucking off the government so they can increase their bottom line should be outlawed. Screw your type of corporate welfare capitalism

your comment lacks logic,,

its not right wing capitalism, its just capitalism,,

and corporate welfare capitalism is not capitalism its crony capitalism which happens on both sides of the aisle,,,
A system that needs tax dollars to operate is not my type of capitalism, that is corporate welfare, The dollar amount that is higher then welfare for the people in need. Your right wing capitalism doesn't work , simple as that.

No corporation or capitalist entity "gets" money from the government, that's an idiotic fallacy the left has been pushing ever since Marx and Engels.

They receive tax breaks. Do you even know what tax breaks are?

I'll explain it to you: The government allows those companies to pay less in taxes. They actually get to keep more of the wealth they themselves created. That allows those companies to purchase more capital equipment, make improvements, to hire more employees, and keep the price of their products down.

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