The Long, Gentle Slide To American Socialism

It's been a bipartisan effort- so that makes it all better.

One thing that has been proven true over time is that both sides have their versions of socialism they will fight to keep

True socialism does not exist in any sector of american life today. social security and medicare are always mentioned as being socialistic, they aren't. We pay into them our entire working lives, the are a prepaid retirement benefit for those who live long enough. Welfare and food stamps are a form of charity managed by the government, not true socialism either.

socialism means that the government controls the means of production of everything we need or use. that has never worked anyplace. if you can give examples where its worked, bring them.
Those who would continue the slide into socialism often try to sell the old "but America is already a socialist state so let's just accept the inevitability!"

Sometimes the past is the best predictor of the future. Those who extrapolate events to form conclusions about the future are easy to mock & ridicule but if they keep their focus narrow their voices are often prescient:

IT is difficult to understand the long-range implications of current events. This is to say, it is difficult to know whether a current event is part of a historical sidetrack, a cultural fad or a mainstream trend.

Smart people have called our attention to this reality. For example, the late Ayn Rand described the insidious process which takes a society, inch by unremarkable inch, to socialism: "The goal of the 'liberals' -- as it emerges from the record of the past decades -- was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus, statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot -- by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli. (The goal of the 'conservative' was only to retard that process.)"

When the federal government took over the task of inspecting luggage at airports and terminals, it added more than 30,000 new employees to its payroll. Most of them will become dues-paying members of government unions. They will become unremovable, overpaid wards of a government monopoly. They will become predictably dependent upon and grateful to the advocates of big government and higher taxes. They will become Democrats.

Surely there can no longer be any doubt that America is well on its way down the slippery slope to socialism. The government continues to grow in size, power and arrogance as it asserts increasing sovereignty over the lives and behavior of its subjects. The noose tightens, and the rabble wear it like a badge of honor.

Linda Bowles
Yet, the right wing has nothing but repeal instead of better capital solutions at lower cost.
What better attracts unthinking (and unblinkered) leftards spewing nonsensical slogans than a Sunday morning socialism scrum?
Sometimes the past is the best predictor of the future. Those who extrapolate events to form conclusions about the future are easy to mock & ridicule but if they keep their focus narrow their voices are often prescient:

IT is difficult to understand the long-range implications of current events. This is to say, it is difficult to know whether a current event is part of a historical sidetrack, a cultural fad or a mainstream trend.

Smart people have called our attention to this reality. For example, the late Ayn Rand described the insidious process which takes a society, inch by unremarkable inch, to socialism: "The goal of the 'liberals' -- as it emerges from the record of the past decades -- was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus, statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot -- by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli. (The goal of the 'conservative' was only to retard that process.)"

When the federal government took over the task of inspecting luggage at airports and terminals, it added more than 30,000 new employees to its payroll. Most of them will become dues-paying members of government unions. They will become unremovable, overpaid wards of a government monopoly. They will become predictably dependent upon and grateful to the advocates of big government and higher taxes. They will become Democrats.

Surely there can no longer be any doubt that America is well on its way down the slippery slope to socialism. The government continues to grow in size, power and arrogance as it asserts increasing sovereignty over the lives and behavior of its subjects. The noose tightens, and the rabble wear it like a badge of honor.

Linda Bowles
The extreme wealthy already have socialism. Why do you find this acceptable, but socialism for the poor is unacceptable?

the extremely wealthy don't want or need socialism. but under true socialism those same wealthy would control the government and all of the money and all of the power, and the rest of us would be their slaves. Is that what you want? A country completely controlled by a tiny group of super elites where the rest of us have zero rights and zero input?
Socialism is just Communism lite. .... :cool:
According to the daddy of communism - Karl Marx - socialism is just "a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism."
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It's been a bipartisan effort- so that makes it all better.

One thing that has been proven true over time is that both sides have their versions of socialism they will fight to keep

True socialism does not exist in any sector of american life today. social security and medicare are always mentioned as being socialistic, they aren't. We pay into them our entire working lives, the are a prepaid retirement benefit for those who live long enough. Welfare and food stamps are a form of charity managed by the government, not true socialism either.

socialism means that the government controls the means of production of everything we need or use. that has never worked anyplace. if you can give examples where its worked, bring them.

True socialism does not exist in the world today, yet we hear about it all the time.

Can you give any examples of where it has been tried? Even in Valenzuela the government does not control the means of production of everything
Relax and enjoy the slide everyone!! It's not really socialism but rather just "Democratic Socialism! WooHoo!!
The federal government needed to take over airport screenings with a massive and inefficient bureaucracy. Getting felt up by uniformed strangers keeps us safe from terrorists. Or something.
No one is feeling you up, wackjob. Just like you freaks. Not have to flush a dozen times

Something tells me that's the only time you get touched, shrew.
Meanwhile in not-yet-socialist deplorable country there are still tractors:

So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?

Article 1 Section 8 ...Imposts and duties are part of the Enumerated powers of the Federal Gov't..........Trade between countries is a PRESCRIBED ENUMERATED POWER..................And in these Trade Deals or WARS the Federal Gov't does have the power to do what is necessary for better trade deals and TO PROTECT OUR PEOPLE in them.

Temporary assistance to Farmers is a form of PROTECTIONISM from a TRADE WAR.....or negotiation.

You play word games on Socialism..............for what reason.......or would you rather they go under????? Being DEPENDENT on other NATIONS for goods and manufacturing is NOT IN OUR BEST INTEREST..........

Just now we learn that we get 80% of our meds from CHINA............and that manufacture of drugs is now MINIMAL.............How is that GOOD FOR AMERICA............It's not.
The federal government needed to take over airport screenings with a massive and inefficient bureaucracy. Getting felt up by uniformed strangers keeps us safe from terrorists. Or something.
That was just the example the author chose to use. There have been many far more subtle central gov't actions that have made WashDC the octopus it is today and the megalodon it would be if we allow it.

The slavish devotion to the duopoly is what allows it. I find that most people rather enjoy socialism so long as they believe the people they dislike are not benefiting from it.
Actually our constitutionally "guaranteed" freedoms allow for free thought - regardless of its insipidness - and for all to seek their best interests. With 47% of tax-filers paying no federal income tax guess what they consider their best interest?

It's representation without taxation … the right of those who pay NOTHING to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay.

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." - Alexander Tytler. Or Arnold Toynbee. Or Lord Thomas Macaulay. Or...
It's been a bipartisan effort- so that makes it all better.

One thing that has been proven true over time is that both sides have their versions of socialism they will fight to keep

True socialism does not exist in any sector of american life today. social security and medicare are always mentioned as being socialistic, they aren't. We pay into them our entire working lives, the are a prepaid retirement benefit for those who live long enough. Welfare and food stamps are a form of charity managed by the government, not true socialism either.

socialism means that the government controls the means of production of everything we need or use. that has never worked anyplace. if you can give examples where its worked, bring them.

True socialism does not exist in the world today, yet we hear about it all the time.

Can you give any examples of where it has been tried? Even in Valenzuela the government does not control the means of production of everything
Socialism is a stepping stone to communism or a dictatorship..............seizing assets of private ownership for the common good.............Such as controlling the utilities and means of production ...........

About SA | Socialist Alternative

Seattle ........movement for the Betn...........LOL
The federal government needed to take over airport screenings with a massive and inefficient bureaucracy. Getting felt up by uniformed strangers keeps us safe from terrorists. Or something.
No one is feeling you up, wackjob. Just like you freaks. Not have to flush a dozen times

Something tells me that's the only time you get touched, shrew.
Meanwhile in not-yet-socialist deplorable country there are still tractors:

Farmers are some of the biggest recipients of socialism in this nation. Funny how the cries about big gubmint socialism never seem to apply to hayseeds and other flyover folks. That's blithely accepted.
When the left says "It's not socialism, it's Democratic-socialism", that means one thing and one thing only:

They want to elect socialism into power by means of the Democratic process, as opposed to a violent revolution.

That gives socialism a kinder, gentler facade but either way, the results are inevitably the same: Poverty, hunger, war, and death. It's just amazing that those who support the vile ideology of Socialism don't see that.
So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?
Anomalies not codified and not permanent. Basically red meat for not-too-brights who point and say things like "So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?"

Do you think gov't purchases of military equip and weapons are sure signs that America is a socialist country?

We have been giving subsides to farmers for decades and decades, that is not an anomaly and it is permanent.
Crony Capitalism and Globalism....................Not pure Capitalism we have today..............and some subsidies are the politicians lining the pockets of their buddies..............

Gov't picking an choosing the winners..............Because our enumerated powers were IGNORED.........We are going bankrupt and have destroyed our currency because of this.................We allowed the politicians to use taxpayer money for anything they DEEMED NECESSARY.......And with this is GUARANTEES ONE THING.............

That they would grow corrupt...........and use it for their own gain..........and destroy our country from within.

Medicare, and Social Security, along with Pensions and promises from politicians guarantee we can't pay the bills.............and these programs screwed us from the time of Woodrow Wilson...........just takes time for it to finish us off.
It's been a bipartisan effort- so that makes it all better.

One thing that has been proven true over time is that both sides have their versions of socialism they will fight to keep

True socialism does not exist in any sector of american life today. social security and medicare are always mentioned as being socialistic, they aren't. We pay into them our entire working lives, the are a prepaid retirement benefit for those who live long enough. Welfare and food stamps are a form of charity managed by the government, not true socialism either.

socialism means that the government controls the means of production of everything we need or use. that has never worked anyplace. if you can give examples where its worked, bring them.

True socialism does not exist in the world today, yet we hear about it all the time.

Can you give any examples of where it has been tried? Even in Valenzuela the government does not control the means of production of everything

True socialism doesn't exist in this world because we've never really had a true socialist government here in the US, right? But we're a better country than the others, so we should try having a true socialist government here. Right?

Isn't that what they say?
Sometimes the past is the best predictor of the future. Those who extrapolate events to form conclusions about the future are easy to mock & ridicule but if they keep their focus narrow their voices are often prescient:

IT is difficult to understand the long-range implications of current events. This is to say, it is difficult to know whether a current event is part of a historical sidetrack, a cultural fad or a mainstream trend.

Smart people have called our attention to this reality. For example, the late Ayn Rand described the insidious process which takes a society, inch by unremarkable inch, to socialism: "The goal of the 'liberals' -- as it emerges from the record of the past decades -- was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus, statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot -- by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli. (The goal of the 'conservative' was only to retard that process.)"

When the federal government took over the task of inspecting luggage at airports and terminals, it added more than 30,000 new employees to its payroll. Most of them will become dues-paying members of government unions. They will become unremovable, overpaid wards of a government monopoly. They will become predictably dependent upon and grateful to the advocates of big government and higher taxes. They will become Democrats.

Surely there can no longer be any doubt that America is well on its way down the slippery slope to socialism. The government continues to grow in size, power and arrogance as it asserts increasing sovereignty over the lives and behavior of its subjects. The noose tightens, and the rabble wear it like a badge of honor.

Linda Bowles
The extreme wealthy already have socialism. Why do you find this acceptable, but socialism for the poor is unacceptable?
Just stop. Your class war silliness is old and just childish petulance.

You claim to dislike socialism, yet you fully support it for the 1%. Why?
So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?
Anomalies not codified and not permanent. Basically red meat for not-too-brights who point and say things like "So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?"

Do you think gov't purchases of military equip and weapons are sure signs that America is a socialist country?

We have been giving subsides to farmers for decades and decades, that is not an anomaly and it is permanent.
Crony Capitalism and Globalism....................Not pure Capitalism we have today..............and some subsidies are the politicians lining the pockets of their buddies..............

Gov't picking an choosing the winners..............Because our enumerated powers were IGNORED.........We are going bankrupt and have destroyed our currency because of this.................We allowed the politicians to use taxpayer money for anything they DEEMED NECESSARY.......And with this is GUARANTEES ONE THING.............

That they would grow corrupt...........and use it for their own gain..........and destroy our country from within.

Medicare, and Social Security, along with Pensions and promises from politicians guarantee we can't pay the bills.............and these programs screwed us from the time of Woodrow Wilson...........just takes time for it to finish us off.

Even Medicare, Social Security, pensions, and promises from politicians are paid for by way of capitalism. The government owns nothing that working people involved in capitalism haven't given them.
It's been a bipartisan effort- so that makes it all better.

One thing that has been proven true over time is that both sides have their versions of socialism they will fight to keep

True socialism does not exist in any sector of american life today. social security and medicare are always mentioned as being socialistic, they aren't. We pay into them our entire working lives, the are a prepaid retirement benefit for those who live long enough. Welfare and food stamps are a form of charity managed by the government, not true socialism either.

socialism means that the government controls the means of production of everything we need or use. that has never worked anyplace. if you can give examples where its worked, bring them.

True socialism does not exist in the world today, yet we hear about it all the time.

Can you give any examples of where it has been tried? Even in Valenzuela the government does not control the means of production of everything

True socialism doesn't exist in this world because we've never really had a true socialist government here in the US, right? But we're a better country than the others, so we should try having a true socialist government here. Right?

Isn't that what they say?

Not sure who "they" are, but lots of people say lots of dumb shit.

I contend the closest thing we have to socialism today in this country is the subsides paid to farmers. It is done to control what and how much is grown/raised and to control the prices we all pay at the grocery store.

Take a look at a Socialist........governor.........actually proposing to do what the Socialist in Seattle have on their agenda.

The FAKE OUTRAGE over PG & E when you look at the FACTS of how this went down.............they create a boogeyman.................they screw the utility into a NO WIN SITUATION............Sue them into Bankruptcy................and THEN SEIZE THEIR ASSETS.......

This is happening RIGHT NOW........IN CALIFORNIA.........I've shown the laws and how they did this on another thread............and it is a SET UP FROM DAY ONE.
So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?
Anomalies not codified and not permanent. Basically red meat for not-too-brights who point and say things like "So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?"

Do you think gov't purchases of military equip and weapons are sure signs that America is a socialist country?

We have been giving subsides to farmers for decades and decades, that is not an anomaly and it is permanent.
Crony Capitalism and Globalism....................Not pure Capitalism we have today..............and some subsidies are the politicians lining the pockets of their buddies..............

Gov't picking an choosing the winners..............Because our enumerated powers were IGNORED.........We are going bankrupt and have destroyed our currency because of this.................We allowed the politicians to use taxpayer money for anything they DEEMED NECESSARY.......And with this is GUARANTEES ONE THING.............

That they would grow corrupt...........and use it for their own gain..........and destroy our country from within.

Medicare, and Social Security, along with Pensions and promises from politicians guarantee we can't pay the bills.............and these programs screwed us from the time of Woodrow Wilson...........just takes time for it to finish us off.

Even Medicare, Social Security, pensions, and promises from politicians are paid for by way of capitalism. The government owns nothing that working people involved in capitalism haven't given them.
I agree that is how it is paid............but these programs are quite Frankly UNCONSTITUTIONAL. until they abused the Enumerated powers and SAID FOR THE COMMON GOOD means ANYTHING they want to spend on.

They should have NEVER BEEN FOUND CONSTITUTIONAL.......and we would not be in this boat today if that had not happened.
Sometimes the past is the best predictor of the future. Those who extrapolate events to form conclusions about the future are easy to mock & ridicule but if they keep their focus narrow their voices are often prescient:

IT is difficult to understand the long-range implications of current events. This is to say, it is difficult to know whether a current event is part of a historical sidetrack, a cultural fad or a mainstream trend.

Smart people have called our attention to this reality. For example, the late Ayn Rand described the insidious process which takes a society, inch by unremarkable inch, to socialism: "The goal of the 'liberals' -- as it emerges from the record of the past decades -- was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus, statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot -- by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli. (The goal of the 'conservative' was only to retard that process.)"

When the federal government took over the task of inspecting luggage at airports and terminals, it added more than 30,000 new employees to its payroll. Most of them will become dues-paying members of government unions. They will become unremovable, overpaid wards of a government monopoly. They will become predictably dependent upon and grateful to the advocates of big government and higher taxes. They will become Democrats.

Surely there can no longer be any doubt that America is well on its way down the slippery slope to socialism. The government continues to grow in size, power and arrogance as it asserts increasing sovereignty over the lives and behavior of its subjects. The noose tightens, and the rabble wear it like a badge of honor.

Linda Bowles
The extreme wealthy already have socialism. Why do you find this acceptable, but socialism for the poor is unacceptable?

Capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty than socialism

It's not even close.

And no, I'm sorry, the "poor" in the US are rich compared to the poor around the world.
When the left says "It's not socialism, it's Democratic-socialism", that means one thing and one thing only:

They want to elect socialism into power by means of the Democratic process, as opposed to a violent revolution.

That gives socialism a kinder, gentler facade but either way, the results are inevitably the same: Poverty, hunger, war, and death. It's just amazing that those who support the vile ideology of Socialism don't see that.
Socialism means enslavement of the masses. You work and the gov't takes, or as the old Soviet joke said: "we pretend to work and the gov't pretends to pay us."

I no longer bother to discern why those who promote socialism do so as it always boils down to "hey, you have more than me … gimme some."

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