The Long, Gentle Slide To American Socialism

California governor doubles down on threat of state takeover of PG&E

And here is a State talking about TAKING OVER the UTILITIES..............

Yet it was the policies of California that helped cause this...........not the power lines..........especially the 4 foot Right of way they gave for decades..............then hurricane force winds smacking power lines causing sparks...........then Suing the utilities into Bankruptcy for it...........then ordering them to shut down power for fire prevention..........then suing them for shutting down the power..........THEN TAKE THE UTILITY.

This is what is going on now.........and in 2019 the Gov't finally allowed a 24 foot right of way to the power lines.........and now the Bankrupt utility is clearing 24 foot on 100,000 miles of transmission lines.......getting sued by other groups for cutting down the trees.......

This is Socialism light on display.
California governor doubles down on threat of state takeover of PG&E

And here is a State talking about TAKING OVER the UTILITIES..............

Yet it was the policies of California that helped cause this...........not the power lines..........especially the 4 foot Right of way they gave for decades..............then hurricane force winds smacking power lines causing sparks...........then Suing the utilities into Bankruptcy for it...........then ordering them to shut down power for fire prevention..........then suing them for shutting down the power..........THEN TAKE THE UTILITY.

This is what is going on now.........and in 2019 the Gov't finally allowed a 24 foot right of way to the power lines.........and now the Bankrupt utility is clearing 24 foot on 100,000 miles of transmission lines.......getting sued by other groups for cutting down the trees.......

This is Socialism light on display.
What California does hasn't much of an effect on the rest of the states. They can do what they want. Not my business.
So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?
That isnt socialism, numbnuts.

neither is anything else in this country, yet it is all people like you seem to be able to talk about.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?

Sanders said "We need to address corporate consolidation and control of our food and agriculture system — all the way up the food chain."

In other words, nationalize the food chain.

He said that he wants to "End the greed of the fossil fuel industry and hold them accountable."

Okay, so he nationalizes the energy industry.

Guaranteed tuition and debt-free public colleges, universities, HBCUs, and canceling all student loan debt for the some 45 million Americans?

Oops, there goes the educational industry.

Free housing?

There goes the building industry.

Allow every post office to offer basic and affordable banking services and end lending discrimination?

There went the the banking and postal industries.

Enact a federal jobs guarantee, to ensure that everyone is guaranteed a stable job that pays a living wage?

Ooops, there goes hundreds of thousands of small businesses.

Fundamentally shift the wealth of the economy back into the hands of the workers who create it?

Uh ohh...there go the large businesses.
Sometimes the past is the best predictor of the future. Those who extrapolate events to form conclusions about the future are easy to mock & ridicule but if they keep their focus narrow their voices are often prescient:

IT is difficult to understand the long-range implications of current events. This is to say, it is difficult to know whether a current event is part of a historical sidetrack, a cultural fad or a mainstream trend.

Smart people have called our attention to this reality. For example, the late Ayn Rand described the insidious process which takes a society, inch by unremarkable inch, to socialism: "The goal of the 'liberals' -- as it emerges from the record of the past decades -- was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus, statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot -- by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli. (The goal of the 'conservative' was only to retard that process.)"

When the federal government took over the task of inspecting luggage at airports and terminals, it added more than 30,000 new employees to its payroll. Most of them will become dues-paying members of government unions. They will become unremovable, overpaid wards of a government monopoly. They will become predictably dependent upon and grateful to the advocates of big government and higher taxes. They will become Democrats.

Surely there can no longer be any doubt that America is well on its way down the slippery slope to socialism. The government continues to grow in size, power and arrogance as it asserts increasing sovereignty over the lives and behavior of its subjects. The noose tightens, and the rabble wear it like a badge of honor.

Linda Bowles - Jan 8, 2002
You mean it will be Democratic Socialism for ALL just not the rich elitists and the bankers. Sounds good!
Sorry Comrade … American capitalism is not and never will be perfect but as a couple of rational, former 2020 Dem hopefuls noted (to raucous jeers from Dem sheeple), "socialism isn't the answer."
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What California does hasn't much of an effect on the rest of the states. They can do what they want. Not my business.
It's not just California.........It's Washington's Oregon........all pushing similar agendas.........California is using the fire crisis to implement a TAKE OVER of the utilities.
The thing that gives me hope is that up until the 1970s or so Sweden was a very prosperous country. Then their version of our Democratic Party gained control and that country shifted pretty far to the Left, with the result that the country deteriorated economically until the 1990s when the socialist democrats got replaced and the gov't went back to the free market principles and a more capitalist economic model. The country regained their prosperity, although they do have a large bureaucracy and a pretty big social safety net. Which BTW everybody pays for, not just the wealthy.

Anyway, if they can do it, so can we. Our country turned Left under Obama and turned back to the Right under Trump, and if we swing back to the Left under the next Democrat then we can swing back again. I hope we don't swing Left again, cuz socialism really doesn't work and IMHO socialist policies are unaffordable as well as ineffective. But sometimes people have to relearn some of life's hard lessons. It looks to me though like the US is trending towards a more socialist state. Not real socialism, but heading in that direction if not checked and reversed.
I don't live in those states....doesn't affect me.
And their goal is to push these agendas until it DOES AFFECT ME...........

They want complete Federal Power and then try to force their views NATIONALLY........At what point in that agenda do we make a stand against it.................I don't live in California either..........but I see it coming........ I see it coming in Seattle............and I see it in Oregon as they try to destroy the logging industry there......just as they did in Cali...................

California is Firestorm because it killed logging and didn't allow management of the forests........Droughts will will fires............when you overgrowth from hell..........and massive will have FIRESTORMS......

To blame these inferno's on the utility is BS.............They didn't allow proper right of way to protect the grid.
So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?
That isnt socialism, numbnuts.

neither is anything else in this country, yet it is all people like you seem to be able to talk about.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?
This is what crazy socialist Bernie wants.

Bernie Sanders’s most socialist idea yet, explained
So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?
That isnt socialism, numbnuts.

neither is anything else in this country, yet it is all people like you seem to be able to talk about.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?
This is what crazy socialist Bernie wants.

Bernie Sanders’s most socialist idea yet, explained
And from one side of any leftard's mouth comes denial of the socialism they promote - "it's not socialism, it's just Democratic Socialism" - and from the other side comes their defense of same.
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That isnt socialism, numbnuts.

neither is anything else in this country, yet it is all people like you seem to be able to talk about.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?
This is what crazy socialist Bernie wants.

Bernie Sanders’s most socialist idea yet, explained
And from one side of any leftard's mouth comes denial of the socialism they promote - "it's not socialism, it's just Democratic Socialism" and from the other side comes their defense of same.

When you folks settle on what socialism is, let me know and then we can discuss it. Right now it is like trying to nail jello to a tree.
So, what is your take on subsides to farmers and to the bailouts they have gotten over the last couple years from the conservatives in power right now?
That isnt socialism, numbnuts.

neither is anything else in this country, yet it is all people like you seem to be able to talk about.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?
This is what crazy socialist Bernie wants.

Bernie Sanders’s most socialist idea yet, explained
40% OWNERSHIP of companies by employees..................Gov't ordered.....

How the hell does this guy keep getting elected in Vermont????????????
I don't live in those states....doesn't affect me.
And their goal is to push these agendas until it DOES AFFECT ME...........

They want complete Federal Power and then try to force their views NATIONALLY........At what point in that agenda do we make a stand against it.................I don't live in California either..........but I see it coming........ I see it coming in Seattle............and I see it in Oregon as they try to destroy the logging industry there......just as they did in Cali...................

California is Firestorm because it killed logging and didn't allow management of the forests........Droughts will will fires............when you overgrowth from hell..........and massive will have FIRESTORMS......

To blame these inferno's on the utility is BS.............They didn't allow proper right of way to protect the grid.
I found the following article to be eye-opening. One 14 yr Seattle resident who, after helping to elect a "progressive," found her sanctimony to be more than he could bear and moved, leaving behind his fellow "progressive" comrades (and his rational neighbors) to live in the mess he created. I suspect like a locust he will just repeat his mistake elsewhere:

After 14 years, I’ve had it. I’m leaving Seattle
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?

Why does that make a difference? Here's Websters on socialism:
any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

It doesn't say "all". You added that as a dodge - a way of denying the obvious fact that Bernie is a socialist. Why?
neither is anything else in this country, yet it is all people like you seem to be able to talk about.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?
This is what crazy socialist Bernie wants.

Bernie Sanders’s most socialist idea yet, explained
And from one side of any leftard's mouth comes denial of the socialism they promote - "it's not socialism, it's just Democratic Socialism" and from the other side comes their defense of same.

When you folks settle on what socialism is, let me know and then we can discuss it. Right now it is like trying to nail jello to a tree.
Blah Blah Blah.............We are showing evidence of those wanting socialism in this country..........Whether it is enacted yet or not is SPLITTING HAIRS.......

Do you AGREE with CALIFORNIA taking over the utilities..................
Do you AGREE WITH GOV'T take over of health care.......
Do you Agree with a Gov't take over all our utilities......
And in the last article ......Employees getting 40% of the stock of a company.....

These are all examples of what some want......including one running for President.........
neither is anything else in this country, yet it is all people like you seem to be able to talk about.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?
This is what crazy socialist Bernie wants.

Bernie Sanders’s most socialist idea yet, explained
And from one side of any leftard's mouth comes denial of the socialism they promote - "it's not socialism, it's just Democratic Socialism" and from the other side comes their defense of same.

When you folks settle on what socialism is, let me know and then we can discuss it. Right now it is like trying to nail jello to a tree.
You stalk off not because others cannot define what you promote, Comrade G, but rather because they can.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

  2. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?

Why does that make a difference? Here's Websters on socialism:
any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

It doesn't say "all". You added that as a dodge - a way of denying the obvious fact that Bernie is a socialist. Why?
Because when in their little bubble (or in their heads) they can see clearly how Kumbaya is a great way to organize society but when they trot it out for public consumption they are rightly made to feel foolish and with good reason … they are foolish.
Bernie isnt a socialist? :cuckoo:

Does he advocate for the collective ownership of all means of production and distribution?

Why does that make a difference? Here's Websters on socialism:
any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

It doesn't say "all". You added that as a dodge - a way of denying the obvious fact that Bernie is a socialist. Why?
Because when in their little bubble (or in their heads) they can see clearly how Kumbaya is a great way to organize society but when they trot it out for public consumption they are rightly made to feel foolish and with good reason … they are foolish.

I think they're just playing politics. They want it both ways: they want their progressive supporters to think they're socialist, and at the same time they want to spin it as something different for everyone else. That's why they're playing all these games with the definition. Just old-fashioned equivocation.

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