The longer Trump and the GOP screw around the more evidence surfaces....

The longer Trump and the GOP screw around the more evidence surfaces.
You really don't learn quickly, do you? The constant assault on Trump has failed. Your media/DC gods have themselves inoculated Orange Man Bad from any kind of lasting political harm by making their attacks relentless but specious. Anyone who has been watching - and that's a lot more than just his supporters - understand that he WILL BE CONVICTED eventually, by some biased jury pool like NYC, DC, or maybe Atlanta. The effect is baked in by now and it may well boost his popularity.
They will play hell putting him in a cell and their goal is really to only stop him from running. But they aren't engaged in "election interference", goodness no!
To paraphrase you - the longer they keep trying, the more the truth is understood by Americans...
The longer Trump and the GOP screw around the more evidence surfaces. The GOP has been a Trump warrior from Day One = equally as guilty.

You mean more evidence surfaces about biden and his crackhead son and their business dealings.
Trump and his close associates love themselves they don't love america or the worshippers that vote for them...........
The longer Trump and the GOP screw around the more evidence surfaces. The GOP has been a Trump warrior from Day One = equally as guilty.

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