"The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away..."


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

Every notice when these kooks are in a disaster and 99 people are killed and they were the only one to live they say they thank their god for saving them, as if the 99 others weren't in their sky fairies plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Don't even try to understand those kooks, their thinking process has been short circuited by years of idiotic brain washing since childhood.:eusa_whistle:

And yes, in some parts of the country people really believe their sky fairy is sitting at a control board making stuff happen, kind of like the wizard of OZ (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain):laugh2:
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How about it?

Can it be true? Is God responsible when children die and a devil-possessed Monkey with a gun can't be blamed?
I saw one woman saying that her prayers were answered.

WTF did she pray for?

The deaths of all her neighbors? If so, I agree with her.

They really are wacko.

These storms are getting bigger and doing more damage because of human activity. It is NOT god moving in mysterious ways.
Everything in our lives, including our very lives, is gift from God. He gives us gifts according to His pleasure and to serve a purpose. Since they are His, He can take them back as freely as He gave them. And He can and will do that when He has a purpose of doing so.

God has a plan for all of us. Part of that plan is teaching us how to deal with adversity. Will we do what is right even when it's tough? Or will we sit and complain that life happens and we can't always have what we want?
Irish Ram wrote: There had been an accident and the disciples asked Jesus what horrible sin the ones that died were guilty of. Christ's response was they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Think you are referring to Luke 13.1-5...

... Jesus' point was not that they were 'in the wrong place at the wrong time'...

... the point was repentance...

... go back and read it in that light.
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

What do you care? Since you and the other two monkeymen posting here don't believe in God.......what do you care? It's not like you are actually seeking knowledge of Christians or Christianity or God............why on earth would you.......you don't believe in God......so, why do you care? What happened, didya run outta bananas?

And, given that monkeyman pokeshimselfalot believes that your ilk are far more knowledgeable about the Bible than we Christians, why would you have to ask? Don't you already know the answer?

So, three monkeymen decided to take time out of their very important lives, where they accomplish so very much for the betterment of mankind, and discuss how Christians view the phrase...........the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.......

Talk about "certified kooks!"
When discussing disasters that befall people?

Replace the word GOD with the word FATE.

Now what do you have?

You have the exact same non-explanation for the disaster only using different "*mystery" words.

If you want to believe that GOD's hand is at every turn of the wheel, you are really not all that removed from the atheists response that FATE AND CIRCUMSTANCE causes events.
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

That thinking is rooted in Judaism, was before Christians adopted the concept.

The belief is that all lives are given by God, and therefor God can take away what he has given.

To believers of God, everything is given from up there, so the answer is yes.
Everything in our lives, including our very lives, is gift from God. He gives us gifts according to His pleasure and to serve a purpose. Since they are His, He can take them back as freely as He gave them. And He can and will do that when He has a purpose of doing so.

God has a plan for all of us. Part of that plan is teaching us how to deal with adversity. Will we do what is right even when it's tough? Or will we sit and complain that life happens and we can't always have what we want?

I truly believe that if that were true, Christopher Columbus and crew would have met a big sister of Katrina and Sandy in the Caribbean.

The only conclusion that includes the God of the ancient stories is that God only cares about Europeans. I prefer no god that God :eusa_hand:
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

What do you care? Since you and the other two monkeymen posting here don't believe in God.......what do you care? It's not like you are actually seeking knowledge of Christians or Christianity or God............why on earth would you.......you don't believe in God......so, why do you care? What happened, didya run outta bananas?

And, given that monkeyman pokeshimselfalot believes that your ilk are far more knowledgeable about the Bible than we Christians, why would you have to ask? Don't you already know the answer?

So, three monkeymen decided to take time out of their very important lives, where they accomplish so very much for the betterment of mankind, and discuss how Christians view the phrase...........the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.......

Talk about "certified kooks!"

I'll admit to knowing The Bible fairly well... apparently all those years in a pew weren't a complete waste of my time.

I care because of the politics. And not just Christian politics... Muslim politics scares me even more. The only Monkeys dedicated to an ancient story based on the life and times of Abraham who 'get it' are the Jews. Their religion survived long enough to have the two spinn-offs because they made a point of keeping their Religious Law for themselves instead of trying to foist on the Monkeys they lived among throughout history. Then the other Monkeys got jealous :eusa_doh:
How about it?

Can it be true? Is God responsible when children die and a devil-possessed Monkey with a gun can't be blamed?

I resigned myself, decades ago, that I will never (on this plane) understand HIS will.

I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason", though.

I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

What do you care? Since you and the other two monkeymen posting here don't believe in God.......what do you care? It's not like you are actually seeking knowledge of Christians or Christianity or God............why on earth would you.......you don't believe in God......so, why do you care? What happened, didya run outta bananas?

And, given that monkeyman pokeshimselfalot believes that your ilk are far more knowledgeable about the Bible than we Christians, why would you have to ask? Don't you already know the answer?

So, three monkeymen decided to take time out of their very important lives, where they accomplish so very much for the betterment of mankind, and discuss how Christians view the phrase...........the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.......

Talk about "certified kooks!"

Nowhere did Joe insult you so you can knock off the "monkeyman" bullshit.

If you really wanna sling names, have at it towards the Polkow troll, but Joe is and always has been fair and cordial toward believers.

How about it?

Can it be true? Is God responsible when children die and a devil-possessed Monkey with a gun can't be blamed?

I resigned myself, decades ago, that I will never (on this plane) understand HIS will.

I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason", though.


I also want to add that, regardless of how selfish we are and have been ingrained to feel such, death isn't necessarily the bad thing it's put up to be - in a Christian's eyes.

I suppose that this is a very valid point. True believers should welcome death as 'graduation day'.

It must kind of suck though when one loses everything BUT his life...
Everything in our lives, including our very lives, is gift from God. He gives us gifts according to His pleasure and to serve a purpose. Since they are His, He can take them back as freely as He gave them. And He can and will do that when He has a purpose of doing so.

God has a plan for all of us. Part of that plan is teaching us how to deal with adversity. Will we do what is right even when it's tough? Or will we sit and complain that life happens and we can't always have what we want?

I truly believe that if that were true, Christopher Columbus and crew would have met a big sister of Katrina and Sandy in the Caribbean.

The only conclusion that includes the God of the ancient stories is that God only cares about Europeans. I prefer no god that God :eusa_hand:

Why? God was the one who inspired Columbus to sail west. Why the heck would He then send a giant hurricane to destroy them?

And considering 1) The Bible is about one branch of the House of ISRAEL and Europeans were mentioned only briefly in later Epistles, and 2) Columbus's sail to the west changed the Entire world for the better, why would you reach such a ridiculous conclusion?
I suppose that this is a very valid point. True believers should welcome death as 'graduation day'.

It must kind of suck though when one loses everything BUT his life...

Why? Everything that happens in life is to give us experience, teach us, and prepare us for the future. Everything that happens to us, the good and the bad molds us into the people we choose to become, either becoming good people, or bad people. Why would it suck?

Some trials may be bitter. And may take us to nearly our breaking point. But trials aren't bad any more than the pain we feel lifting weights is bad. When we lift weights, we put ourselves deliberately through pain to break down the old muscles and rebuild them stronger.

Christ, being Holy, descended below everything, suffering even death. Why should I, being unholy, expect special treatment when I am not worthy to latch His sandal?
So God IS responsible?

for what

why are you only so worried about what happened to people ... the Flora and Fauna are destroying our Planet and a few Innocent humans got in the way, isn't that such a small price to pay in finishing them off.

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