"The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away..."

Everything in our lives, including our very lives, is gift from God. He gives us gifts according to His pleasure and to serve a purpose. Since they are His, He can take them back as freely as He gave them. And He can and will do that when He has a purpose of doing so.

God has a plan for all of us. Part of that plan is teaching us how to deal with adversity. Will we do what is right even when it's tough? Or will we sit and complain that life happens and we can't always have what we want?

I truly believe that if that were true, Christopher Columbus and crew would have met a big sister of Katrina and Sandy in the Caribbean.

The only conclusion that includes the God of the ancient stories is that God only cares about Europeans. I prefer no god that God :eusa_hand:

Why? God was the one who inspired Columbus to sail west. Why the heck would He then send a giant hurricane to destroy them?

And considering 1) The Bible is about one branch of the House of ISRAEL and Europeans were mentioned only briefly in later Epistles, and 2) Columbus's sail to the west changed the Entire world for the better, why would you reach such a ridiculous conclusion?

Seriously? Just imagine if the 'New World' had been discovered after the Europeans had learned to live together, instead of right at the end of the inquisitions - giving the powerful of the day just the boost they needed to maintain power.

The greedy Europeans didn't see a land of people to bring to their Lord, they saw poorly defended resources for the taking and they started the blood and money flowing. We continue to pay for their greed today, just like our kids will continue to pay for the debt we assume so the folks behind corporate lobbying can have gold plated toilets.

Based on your statement above I'm POSITIVE that the God of The Bible cares not for any but the white skinned Monkeys.
I suppose that this is a very valid point. True believers should welcome death as 'graduation day'.

It must kind of suck though when one loses everything BUT his life...

Why? Everything that happens in life is to give us experience, teach us, and prepare us for the future. Everything that happens to us, the good and the bad molds us into the people we choose to become, either becoming good people, or bad people. Why would it suck?

Some trials may be bitter. And may take us to nearly our breaking point. But trials aren't bad any more than the pain we feel lifting weights is bad. When we lift weights, we put ourselves deliberately through pain to break down the old muscles and rebuild them stronger.

Christ, being Holy, descended below everything, suffering even death. Why should I, being unholy, expect special treatment when I am not worthy to latch His sandal?

What doesn't kill a Monkey makes him stronger, eh?
So God IS responsible?

for what

why are you only so worried about what happened to people ... the Flora and Fauna are destroying our Planet and a few Innocent humans got in the way, isn't that such a small price to pay in finishing them off.



the Almighty hated those Flora and Fauna so much for his love of man observing what was not yet by their making surly was the reason for the anger against them ....
I truly believe that if that were true, Christopher Columbus and crew would have met a big sister of Katrina and Sandy in the Caribbean.

The only conclusion that includes the God of the ancient stories is that God only cares about Europeans. I prefer no god that God :eusa_hand:

Why? God was the one who inspired Columbus to sail west. Why the heck would He then send a giant hurricane to destroy them?

And considering 1) The Bible is about one branch of the House of ISRAEL and Europeans were mentioned only briefly in later Epistles, and 2) Columbus's sail to the west changed the Entire world for the better, why would you reach such a ridiculous conclusion?

Seriously? Just imagine if the 'New World' had been discovered after the Europeans had learned to live together, instead of right at the end of the inquisitions - giving the powerful of the day just the boost they needed to maintain power.

The greedy Europeans didn't see a land of people to bring to their Lord, they saw poorly defended resources for the taking and they started the blood and money flowing. We continue to pay for their greed today, just like our kids will continue to pay for the debt we assume so the folks behind corporate lobbying can have gold plated toilets.

Based on your statement above I'm POSITIVE that the God of The Bible cares not for any but the white skinned Monkeys.

The Europeans learned to live together? Since when?

If you draw such a foolish conclusion from what I said, that's your right. Doesn't exactly make your position educated though.
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

I don't think it's so much a question of imagining that God directly intervenes - either to save or harm people. But more a process of turning to their faith to help them cope with random suffering, to express appreciation for good fortune and confide in the idea that even in the bad fortune, God has a plan.
Everything in our lives, including our very lives, is gift from God. He gives us gifts according to His pleasure and to serve a purpose. Since they are His, He can take them back as freely as He gave them. And He can and will do that when He has a purpose of doing so.

God has a plan for all of us. Part of that plan is teaching us how to deal with adversity. Will we do what is right even when it's tough? Or will we sit and complain that life happens and we can't always have what we want?

I truly believe that if that were true, Christopher Columbus and crew would have met a big sister of Katrina and Sandy in the Caribbean.

The only conclusion that includes the God of the ancient stories is that God only cares about Europeans. I prefer no god that God :eusa_hand:

Why? God was the one who inspired Columbus to sail west. Why the heck would He then send a giant hurricane to destroy them?

And considering 1) The Bible is about one branch of the House of ISRAEL and Europeans were mentioned only briefly in later Epistles, and 2) Columbus's sail to the west changed the Entire world for the better, why would you reach such a ridiculous conclusion?

Christopher Columbus was a Jew. :eusa_angel: G-d bless the Jews today & forever! What part did Muslims have in America other than giving us the terrorism on 9/11, Boston terror attack, US embassy attack in Benghazi, etc. Part of our American family? I THINK NOT!

- Jeri
To me whether one believes in God or not the "Lord giveth/taketh" belief has always made no sense to me or pertaining to the Bible.
Nowhere is it written that God controls the weather for, or makes a car wreck happen so someone "learns a lesson"...this is all such a strange belief that is based on nothing.
I too have raised my eyebrows when I hear someone claim God saved them during a war or disaster where many, many died all around them...that is an incredibly self-centered thing to say.
I imagine if something like this happened and my child died - I would not be to happy to hear someone say "God saved him for a reason"...insinuating that my child wasn't worth saving.
To think that God would pick and choose who to save and who not to save is ignoring history.
Just look at the scoundrels that survived numerous close calls and went on to do nothing but create havoc for those around them while perfectly good people were not spared.
I suppose that this is a very valid point. True believers should welcome death as 'graduation day'.

It must kind of suck though when one loses everything BUT his life...

If everything includes family and friends then yes it does. However if it is only possessions then they can be replaced.
I suppose that this is a very valid point. True believers should welcome death as 'graduation day'.

It must kind of suck though when one loses everything BUT his life...

If everything includes family and friends then yes it does. However if it is only possessions then they can be replaced.

i know it might seem capricious but just maybe in this case it was the "possessions" that were the subject matter and intent of the event ... but why consider the obvious where there is no reason to do so.

True believers should welcome death as 'graduation day'.

* again, True Believers know to attain Remission while they are Alive ....
I suppose that this is a very valid point. True believers should welcome death as 'graduation day'.

It must kind of suck though when one loses everything BUT his life...

If everything includes family and friends then yes it does. However if it is only possessions then they can be replaced.

i know it might seem capricious but just maybe in this case it was the "possessions" that were the subject matter and intent of the event ... but why consider the obvious where there is no reason to do so.

So are you saying that your God threw a hissyfit and those 10 innocent children were just "collateral damage"?
Everything in our lives, including our very lives, is gift from God. He gives us gifts according to His pleasure and to serve a purpose. Since they are His, He can take them back as freely as He gave them. And He can and will do that when He has a purpose of doing so.

God has a plan for all of us. Part of that plan is teaching us how to deal with adversity. Will we do what is right even when it's tough? Or will we sit and complain that life happens and we can't always have what we want?

I truly believe that if that were true, Christopher Columbus and crew would have met a big sister of Katrina and Sandy in the Caribbean.

The only conclusion that includes the God of the ancient stories is that God only cares about Europeans. I prefer no god that God :eusa_hand:

Why? God was the one who inspired Columbus to sail west. Why the heck would He then send a giant hurricane to destroy them?

And considering 1) The Bible is about one branch of the House of ISRAEL and Europeans were mentioned only briefly in later Epistles, and 2) Columbus's sail to the west changed the Entire world for the better, why would you reach such a ridiculous conclusion?

The Native Americans would have appreciated it. Or don't they count?
I truly believe that if that were true, Christopher Columbus and crew would have met a big sister of Katrina and Sandy in the Caribbean.

The only conclusion that includes the God of the ancient stories is that God only cares about Europeans. I prefer no god that God :eusa_hand:

Why? God was the one who inspired Columbus to sail west. Why the heck would He then send a giant hurricane to destroy them?

And considering 1) The Bible is about one branch of the House of ISRAEL and Europeans were mentioned only briefly in later Epistles, and 2) Columbus's sail to the west changed the Entire world for the better, why would you reach such a ridiculous conclusion?

Christopher Columbus was a Jew. :eusa_angel: G-d bless the Jews today & forever! What part did Muslims have in America other than giving us the terrorism on 9/11, Boston terror attack, US embassy attack in Benghazi, etc. Part of our American family? I THINK NOT!

- Jeri

Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? :eusa_eh:
:eusa_think: Do believers carry insurance?

That seems like it would be an insult to God, based on this thread.
a policy if not affinity for the Garden is not available to the Atheist ... than stupidity.
Why? God was the one who inspired Columbus to sail west. Why the heck would He then send a giant hurricane to destroy them?

And considering 1) The Bible is about one branch of the House of ISRAEL and Europeans were mentioned only briefly in later Epistles, and 2) Columbus's sail to the west changed the Entire world for the better, why would you reach such a ridiculous conclusion?

Seriously? Just imagine if the 'New World' had been discovered after the Europeans had learned to live together, instead of right at the end of the inquisitions - giving the powerful of the day just the boost they needed to maintain power.

The greedy Europeans didn't see a land of people to bring to their Lord, they saw poorly defended resources for the taking and they started the blood and money flowing. We continue to pay for their greed today, just like our kids will continue to pay for the debt we assume so the folks behind corporate lobbying can have gold plated toilets.

Based on your statement above I'm POSITIVE that the God of The Bible cares not for any but the white skinned Monkeys.

The Europeans learned to live together? Since when?

If you draw such a foolish conclusion from what I said, that's your right. Doesn't exactly make your position educated though.

I guess he also conveniently forgot about the Native American tribes who slaughtered each other over land or whatnot, or Africans who sold their kin during the Slave Trades, or how about the South American Aztecs and Mayans who sacrificed their own people?
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

Every notice when these kooks are in a disaster and 99 people are killed and they were the only one to live they say they thank their god for saving them, as if the 99 others weren't in their sky fairies plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Don't even try to understand those kooks, their thinking process has been short circuited by years of idiotic brain washing since childhood.:eusa_whistle:

And yes, in some parts of the country people really believe their sky fairy is sitting at a control board making stuff happen, kind of like the wizard of OZ (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain):laugh2:

No, God doesn't always MAKE things happen. But He will ALLOW things to happen in our lives. And most of the time people become stronger because of the experience, no matter how bad it is.

It is hard to understand how God would allow the children to die in that school. But I believe there's a reason for everything...reasons we may not ever understand in this life.
I'm watching the news today and several of the survivors of the nasty storms in Moore OK yesterday were expressing variations of "The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away". For one guy walking out of a shelter into total devastation, this was a direct quote.


Do all Christians think that their God is responsible for this kind disaster? :eusa_eh:

I can see how the writers of the ancient stories might see that type of storm and believe that the finger of God was reaching out and touching the folks in Moore, but today?

Every notice when these kooks are in a disaster and 99 people are killed and they were the only one to live they say they thank their god for saving them, as if the 99 others weren't in their sky fairies plan.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Don't even try to understand those kooks, their thinking process has been short circuited by years of idiotic brain washing since childhood.:eusa_whistle:

And yes, in some parts of the country people really believe their sky fairy is sitting at a control board making stuff happen, kind of like the wizard of OZ (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain):laugh2:

No, God doesn't always MAKE things happen. But He will ALLOW things to happen in our lives. And most of the time people become stronger because of the experience, no matter how bad it is.

It is hard to understand how God would allow the children to die in that school. But I believe there's a reason for everything...reasons we may not ever understand in this life.

Don't even try to understand ...


was the destruction of the Garden for their residence any different than the destruction of their residence for the Garden ?

... why is mans voice more palatable for an Atheist than the reality of nature if not its means of self-defense which for the religious is similarly in their own best interest.
When the disciples asked Christ what sin caused several men to die in a construction accident, His response was that the men were standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This is earth. We die. Children die.
Christ could have also put John the Baptist's head back on, but He didn't.
Because where we are going is so much better than where we are now.
It's like taking a child out of a city dump and re housing the child in Buckingham palace.

We think death is loss. It is not. It is gain.

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