The Lord is Non Partisan

No it doesn't Sue. Your robbing Peter to pay Paul is a very weak argument. God made man. God and Satan put ideas in our minds. Any idea that contradicts the teachings of christ is satans deception. God provides for us, therefore we are not to steal what God has provided another person. We are bound by Gods laws and that includes our systems and institutions. Government is mandated by god to help those who are in need. And the problem with what you express is that the people talking about peter robbing somebody is that they are the ones doing the robbing.

Last, since God loves a cheerful giver then there should be no one complaining about having to give to support those who don't have as much. Jesus tells us not to build our treasure here and that the rich and greedy are getting their reward now, but will not be rewarded in the end. So you can talk all that Peter robbing Paul nonsense you want, but that is fake news as it pertains to the instructions Jesus gave us.

Okay. Govt is mandated by God. So when the Nazis stole everything from the Jews--their wealth, their possessions, even to their family photos, that was cool right? Mandated by God. Yes? The Nazis won elections, so they must have been mandated.
Jesus didn't write the bible.
I know how the bible was written. You just keep on believing there is no God. You better hope you are right. Because my belief in God costs me nothing if he does not exist. But if he does, understand that eternity never ends. I choose to believe that the worrds transcribed in the bible are not lies and so as your existence here is the evidence of the existence of the lord. Because you could have been a blocker sperm and died softening up the egg for the sperm that would end up being born, yet you are here.
Okay. Govt is mandated by God. So when the Nazis stole everything from the Jews--their wealth, their possessions, even to their family photos, that was cool right? Mandated by God. Yes? The Nazis won elections, so they must have been mandated.
God and Satan put ideas in our minds. Any idea that contradicts the teachings of christ is satans deception.

You fail to recognize the role of satan in your argument Sue. It is apparent the Nazis were acting as agents for satan and were decieved into violating gods laws.
God and Satan put ideas in our minds. Any idea that contradicts the teachings of christ is satans deception.

You fail to recognize the role of satan in your argument Sue. It is apparent the Nazis were acting as agents for satan and were decieved into violating gods laws.

Oh. But govt agencies who take money from people who have worked their entire lives to give money to those who refuse to work, as just one example--that is NOT violating God's law?

You sure about that? I think this is exactly why God directed charity to be the act of the Christian, NOT the gov.
Government is mandated by god to help those who are in need. And the problem with what you express is that the people talking about peter robbing somebody is that they are the ones doing the robbing.
Let's take 'robbing' out of the picture. Government is not known for efficiency. For government to help someone, it has to set up a bureaucracy to withdraw money from the people, then set up another bureaucracy to funnel money to those in need, then yet another bureaucracy to supervise that those in need are in need and are using funds for necessities. When money goes directly from giver to the one in need, the entire gift goes to the poor. Both giver and receiver are blessed and feel this blessing. No such blessing occurs in paying taxes and bureaucrats simply doing a job. The receiver simply feels entitled.

Two stories often mentioned in this regard: Billions raised to supposedly help the homeless on both coasts in this country. No one knows exactly how those billions are being spent, but it is obvious very little of it gets to those in need. However...CEOs directing the use of these funds are usually being paid six figures.

Givers see no change despite their gifts, other than government calling for more bureaucrats to handle the problem which continues to increase rather than decrease.

Further, here in America we were set up to be a popular sovereignty meaning that the power should be in the hands of the people. Let the people be the givers. That is what God intended. Government can lend a hand, certainly--but in ways that don't entail collecting taxes, renaming them "entitlements" and losing 90% of the collection to bureaucrats before a small percentage reaches those in need.
It is true, as the OP stated, that Jesus is non-partisan, and for that statement I am grateful. It does Jesus no favors when people attempt to stuff Him into a neat little box and say, "See, He's a <liberal/conservative>". The way I like to say it is, "God is a lot bigger than politics".
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Oh. But govt agencies who take money from people who have worked their entire lives to give money to those who refuse to work, as just one example--that is NOT violating God's law?

You sure about that? I think this is exactly why God directed charity to be the act of the Christian, NOT the gov.
Government agencies aren't taking anything. The law says we are to pay taxes. We agree to that as part of our citizenship. More money is going to people who are rich than is going to the very few people in this country who refuse to work. Aside from the fact Jesus does not speak on work requirw=ements, never held a job, liveed by the charity of others, should allow you to understand the fallacy of your argument. God directed charity to all humans.

Jesus said render unto Ceasar, and he did not say that Ceasar was not supposed to care for the poor with the money that was rendered to him.
He is clear about being Uber wealthy and getting into heaven. Very clear. And it doesn't bode well for the rich and powerful. I'm
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Let's take 'robbing' out of the picture. Government is not known for efficiency. For government to help someone, it has to set up a bureaucracy to withdraw money from the people, then set up another bureaucracy to funnel money to those in need, then yet another bureaucracy to supervise that those in need are in need and are using funds for necessities. When money goes directly from giver to the one in need, the entire gift goes to the poor. Both giver and receiver are blessed and feel this blessing. No such blessing occurs in paying taxes and bureaucrats simply doing a job. The receiver simply feels entitled.

Two stories often mentioned in this regard: Billions raised to supposedly help the homeless on both coasts in this country. No one knows exactly how those billions are being spent, but it is obvious very little of it gets to those in need. However...CEOs directing the use of these funds are usually being paid six figures.

Givers see no change despite their gifts, other than government calling for more bureaucrats to handle the problem which continues to increase rather than decrease.

Further, here in America we were set up to be a popular sovereignty meaning that the power should be in the hands of the people. Let the people be the givers. That is what God intended. Government can lend a hand, certainly--but in ways that don't entail collecting taxes, renaming them "entitlements" and losing 90% of the collection to bureaucrats before a small percentage reaches those in need.
I think you are mistaken. Because most certainly God is not for our money to be spent on weapons, and armies. You can get information on how money is being spent, it is public record. The prob;em with most of us is we want to question help for the poor but we don't question the bigger numbers like oil and farm handouts or the handouts to defense contractors. If we spent 700 billion each year on helping the poor instead of the militaryr, we probably would not have any poor.
Government agencies aren't taking anything. The law says we are to pay taxes. We agree to that as part of our citizenship. More money is going to people who are rich than is going to the very few people in this country who refuse to work. Aside from the fact Jesus does not speak on work requirw=ements, never held a job, liveed by the charity of others, should allow you to understand the fallacy of your argument. God directed charity to all humans.

Jesus said render unto Ceasar, and he did not say that Ceasar was not supposed to care for the poor with the money that was rendered to him.

Jesus had a job. He was a carpenter with his earthly father, Joseph. He did this for his adult life--a pretty long time then--until He went into ministry at approx age 30
I think you are mistaken. Because most certainly God is not for our money to be spent on weapons, and armies. You can get information on how money is being spent, it is public record. The prob;em with most of us is we want to question help for the poor but we don't question the bigger numbers like oil and farm handouts or the handouts to defense contractors. If we spent 700 billion each year on helping the poor instead of the militaryr, we probably would not have any poor.

Two things with this. First, look up Luke 22:36 where Jesus advises His disciples to buy swords. Second, if you take the Bible as a whole, it clearly outlines that we are to feed the hungry, tend the poor, visit the sick, etc. However, it gives very detailed descriptions on how the church is to caretake widows. These were women at the time who were left with no means to support themselves. THAT is the poor and needy. It clearly states, both implicitly and explicitly, that if a man will not work, "neither shall he eat". (2 Thes 3:10). Paul lived this out by reminding his brothers that when he was with them, he worked.

This is what direct charitable work can do. You KNOW what people need, if they are really in need or if they need admonishment and/or counseling so they can build a life apart from dependency.
You have not died to find out if what you say is true or not. Therefore you are a fool.

best to find out before death ... little hope for the likes of sour sue et all - shining examples of corruption to whom you refer.

the 4th century c bible is filled w/ forgeries and fallacies:

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

a forgery on nearly every page - the religion of antiquity is the means to have the vision to see through the clutter, puriy is the only way. before death. to acquire judgement.
Jesus had a job. He was a carpenter with his earthly father, Joseph. He did this for his adult life--a pretty long time then--until He went into ministry at approx age 30

some will swing a hammer however long they live - just not as their primary means of support and some will find whatever there is to no longer be a hired carpenter ... that is not to say they are not all universally itinerant by the profession itself. get a clue sue.
You have not died to find out if what you say is true or not. Therefore you are a fool.

I know how the bible was written. You just keep on believing there is no God. You better hope you are right. Because my belief in God costs me nothing if he does not exist. But if he does, understand that eternity never ends. I choose to believe that the worrds transcribed in the bible are not lies and so as your existence here is the evidence of the existence of the lord. Because you could have been a blocker sperm and died softening up the egg for the sperm that would end up being born, yet you are here.
You have not died to find out if you know how the bible was written but you can be sure it wasn't written by god or Jesus. You just keep believing the superstition about Maria being a virgin but gave birth to Jesus who you say was the son of god in blasphemous contradiction to what the scriptures have written about the real Messiah ..... who hasn't arrived yet.

You are walking the path of fools, blasphemers, and Satan worshippers. :dev3:
Jesus had a job. He was a carpenter with his earthly father, Joseph. He did this for his adult life--a pretty long time then--until He went into ministry at approx age 30

Actually Jesus quit carpentry before 30. But there it is for you, Jesus quit work and lived off the charity of others. That is if you want to look at it in a "conservative" way.

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