The Low Voter Turnout,.

Dumb ass North Carolina set a record for mid term voter turnout

Which doesn't mean anything other than they had their first contested election in decades.
stop whining

I'm just pointing out the obvious. Tillis got a million less votes than Romney did two years ago.

Hence- no mandate.
You might have a point if obama had not made the statement that all his policies were on the ballot. If his supporters approved of his policies that should have gotten them out to vote. They don't support them.
Look at the wave throughout the country RED everywhere.
Dumb ass North Carolina set a record for mid term voter turnout

Which doesn't mean anything other than they had their first contested election in decades.
stop whining

I'm just pointing out the obvious. Tillis got a million less votes than Romney did two years ago.

Hence- no mandate.
You might have a point if obama had not made the statement that all his policies were on the ballot. If his supporters approved of his policies that should have gotten them out to vote. They don't support them.
Look at the wave throughout the country RED everywhere.
It's a dimlib trick.

All those Republican Senators, Representatives and governors were elected by Dems so Obama could make them look bad.
You might have a point if obama had not made the statement that all his policies were on the ballot. If his supporters approved of his policies that should have gotten them out to vote. They don't support them.
Look at the wave throughout the country RED everywhere.

You mean all the flyover country where people fuck their cousins?
I thought you have said that you didn't support obama? I thought you claimed to be a republican? If that is true why are you attacking fellow republicans?
There were more Blacks, Latinos, Asians and young people who usually vote Dem, voted Repub this time.
Your argument does not wash.
There is always a low voter turn out for mid terms.
Actually that's a misleading claim. Actually, about the same number of Blacks, Asians, young people, and women voted for Republicans as vote for Republicans in every election. That's kinda what the Republicans have going for them. Their base is steady. They can always count on them, in every election.

However, since fewer Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, and especially young people voted in this election - as often happens during a mid-term election - the percentage of those demographics which "voted Republican" were, understandably higher.

My premise still stands.
Premise all you want, we kicked your asses out and have obama by the balls for the next two years.
Most of the people who didn't vote are voting against A and B. The Democrats in Congress have done practically nothing in the last 2 years primarily because Republicans have stopped them. Likewise Republicans have done nothing but block Democrat legislation.

So at a cost of $30 millions a day congress spent two years creating bills they know will never become law, meeting with staff, meeting with reporters, meeting with constituents, attending committee meetings, meeting with lobbyist, holding press conferences, and of course, campaigning for the next election. The one thing they have not done is their job, creating meaningful legislation and next two years don't look any better.
Most of the legislation congress does manage to create is not meaningful nor productive. I would kind of prefer that congress and the president remain at a stalemate rather than creating crappy law.
I would prefer, and apparently so would America, that bills passed by the House received due process in the Senate, which has not happened as Harry Reid has blocked legislation from being voted on, and possibly reaching President "Present".

No more of that shit now, Obama will have to veto bills in full view of the people.
Correct. He will have to veto mom, puppies and apple pie.
obama's voter base didn't show up if they did they were voting Republican
Young voters

Most strikingly, voters 18-29 nationwide were only 13 percent of the electorate in 2014 (compared to nearly a quarter for GOP-leaning seniors.) In the 2010 midterms, when Democrats lost a combined 69 House and Senate seats, young voters made up 12 percent of the voting public. In contrast, during Obama’s re-election victory in 2012, nearly one in five voters was under 30.

In some key Senate races, young voters participated at an even lower rate.

Those voters 18-29 showed up even below that national number in North Carolina (12 percent of the electorate

*** Single women

More than one-in-five voters this cycle – 21 percent of the electorate -- was an unmarried woman, and a majority -- 60 to 38 percent – voted for Democrats.

Single women made up 23 percent of the electorate during Obama’s 2012 coalition, and they broke significantly harder for Obama in 2012 than for Senate and House Democrats in 2010. Then, 67 percent supported Obama, versus 31 percent for Romney.

*** African Americans

This cycle, black voters made up 12 percent of the national electorate. That’s compared to 11 percent in 2010 and 13 percent in 2012. Democrats particularly needed high black turnout in Southern states like Georgia and North Carolina.

Because exit poll data isn’t available for many of those states – which weren’t contested in the 2008 and 2012 presidential election – it’s not possible to make an apples-to-apples comparison to past presidential contests.

But here’s one data point we do have: In North Carolina, where Democrat Kay Hagan lost her seat to Republican Thom Tillis, black voters made up 21 percent of the electorate. In 2012, that figure was 23 percent.
Where Were All the Dems Here s Who Turned Up to Vote - NBC News
You made the ops point for him you stupid fuck.
If his point was that obama's base is fed up with democrats, Yes I did. Thanks for sharing your ignorance .

Fed up? The gop won because nobody showed up...that's not a can't even say you have the voice of the American public on your side. .
Elections have consequences. We won.
...that was kinda my point...
Sure, because they are fed up with obama and democrats in general, which is not the point you wanted to make is it?
IMHO, many Democrat voters are fed up with the party's inability to get legislation through congress. That's doesn't mean they are supporting a Republican agenda.
Most of the people who didn't vote are voting against A and B. The Democrats in Congress have done practically nothing in the last 2 years primarily because Republicans have stopped them. Likewise Republicans have done nothing but block Democrat legislation.

So at a cost of $30 millions a day congress spent two years creating bills they know will never become law, meeting with staff, meeting with reporters, meeting with constituents, attending committee meetings, meeting with lobbyist, holding press conferences, and of course, campaigning for the next election. The one thing they have not done is their job, creating meaningful legislation and next two years don't look any better.

What you describe has been going on in Congress for decades. In the past bills sent to the Senate from the House went to the appropriate committee where it was voted on whether or not to send it to the full Senate for debate and a vote. Reid sent a few of the bills to committee, but sat on most of them. When and if a committee decides to send the bill to the full Senate, it will need 60 votes to over ride a filibuster. And, that was the end of a lot of the legislation for the last 6 years.

It really doesn't have anything to do with being meaningful, since that is a matter of opinion. The purpose of the two bodies is to debate bills, vote on amendments and vote up or down on the bill. If the bill originated in the house and is amended, it is sent to a bipartisan committee to come to an agreement and then sent back to the House for a vote on the final product. That doesn't seem to be happening either.
When I said, "The one thing they have not done is their job, creating meaningful legislation", I was speaking from the perspective of a voter. Maybe you think creating legislation strictly for political purposes that has no chance of passing is their job. I don't and millions of other voters agree.

right, because they can't pass more garbage bills that will strangle us more (like what SIZE soda cups you need to drink from) that must of been why Democrats stayed home. Because we all know they can't live their lives without Guberment telling them how to do it, right flopper?
man oh man you make Democrats look like they are "dependents" of the Federal Government

The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
What I find hard to believe that it was a prepared statement the arrogance of obama killed the democrats. I mean if obama faithful were behind him they would have made the effort because of that statement to go out and vote. But seems not many support obama's policies and the dems running for re-election paid the price for obama's arrogance
Except that those policies won every time. Minimum wage increase? Won. Marijuana? Won. Every progressive policy initiative that was on the ballot, won. But, democrats? Not so much. This wasn't a "vote against" progressivism. This was a resounding "Fuck off!" to Democrats who just have not had the balls to stand up for Progressives.
There were more Blacks, Latinos, Asians and young people who usually vote Dem, voted Repub this time.
Your argument does not wash.
There is always a low voter turn out for mid terms.
Actually that's a misleading claim. Actually, about the same number of Blacks, Asians, young people, and women voted for Republicans as vote for Republicans in every election. That's kinda what the Republicans have going for them. Their base is steady. They can always count on them, in every election.

However, since fewer Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, and especially young people voted in this election - as often happens during a mid-term election - the percentage of those demographics which "voted Republican" were, understandably higher.

My premise still stands.
Premise all you want, we kicked your asses out and have obama by the balls for the next two years.
Actually, not really. But, okay. You go with that thought...
Sure, because they are fed up with obama and democrats in general, which is not the point you wanted to make is it?
IMHO, many Democrat voters are fed up with the party's inability to get legislation through congress. That's doesn't mean they are supporting a Republican agenda.
What you describe has been going on in Congress for decades. In the past bills sent to the Senate from the House went to the appropriate committee where it was voted on whether or not to send it to the full Senate for debate and a vote. Reid sent a few of the bills to committee, but sat on most of them. When and if a committee decides to send the bill to the full Senate, it will need 60 votes to over ride a filibuster. And, that was the end of a lot of the legislation for the last 6 years.

It really doesn't have anything to do with being meaningful, since that is a matter of opinion. The purpose of the two bodies is to debate bills, vote on amendments and vote up or down on the bill. If the bill originated in the house and is amended, it is sent to a bipartisan committee to come to an agreement and then sent back to the House for a vote on the final product. That doesn't seem to be happening either.
When I said, "The one thing they have not done is their job, creating meaningful legislation", I was speaking from the perspective of a voter. Maybe you think creating legislation strictly for political purposes that has no chance of passing is their job. I don't and millions of other voters agree.

right, because they can't pass more garbage bills that will strangle us more (like what SIZE soda cups you need to drink from) that must of been why Democrats stayed home. Because we all know they can't live their lives without Guberment telling them how to do it, right flopper?
man oh man you make Democrats look like they are "dependents" of the Federal Government

The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
What I find hard to believe that it was a prepared statement the arrogance of obama killed the democrats. I mean if obama faithful were behind him they would have made the effort because of that statement to go out and vote. But seems not many support obama's policies and the dems running for re-election paid the price for obama's arrogance
Except that those policies won every time. Minimum wage increase? Won. Marijuana? Won. Every progressive policy initiative that was on the ballot, won. But, democrats? Not so much. This wasn't a "vote against" progressivism. This was a resounding "Fuck off!" to Democrats who just have not had the balls to stand up for Progressives.
When did obama's policy on minimum wage get passed? When did obama have an agenda for legalizing pot?
Sure, because they are fed up with obama and democrats in general, which is not the point you wanted to make is it?
IMHO, many Democrat voters are fed up with the party's inability to get legislation through congress. That's doesn't mean they are supporting a Republican agenda.
What you describe has been going on in Congress for decades. In the past bills sent to the Senate from the House went to the appropriate committee where it was voted on whether or not to send it to the full Senate for debate and a vote. Reid sent a few of the bills to committee, but sat on most of them. When and if a committee decides to send the bill to the full Senate, it will need 60 votes to over ride a filibuster. And, that was the end of a lot of the legislation for the last 6 years.

It really doesn't have anything to do with being meaningful, since that is a matter of opinion. The purpose of the two bodies is to debate bills, vote on amendments and vote up or down on the bill. If the bill originated in the house and is amended, it is sent to a bipartisan committee to come to an agreement and then sent back to the House for a vote on the final product. That doesn't seem to be happening either.
When I said, "The one thing they have not done is their job, creating meaningful legislation", I was speaking from the perspective of a voter. Maybe you think creating legislation strictly for political purposes that has no chance of passing is their job. I don't and millions of other voters agree.

right, because they can't pass more garbage bills that will strangle us more (like what SIZE soda cups you need to drink from) that must of been why Democrats stayed home. Because we all know they can't live their lives without Guberment telling them how to do it, right flopper?
man oh man you make Democrats look like they are "dependents" of the Federal Government

The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
What I find hard to believe that it was a prepared statement the arrogance of obama killed the democrats. I mean if obama faithful were behind him they would have made the effort because of that statement to go out and vote. But seems not many support obama's policies and the dems running for re-election paid the price for obama's arrogance
Except that those policies won every time. Minimum wage increase? Won. Marijuana? Won. Every progressive policy initiative that was on the ballot, won. But, democrats? Not so much. This wasn't a "vote against" progressivism. This was a resounding "Fuck off!" to Democrats who just have not had the balls to stand up for Progressives.
Your right. Democrats weren't Progressive enough. They need to triple down on forcing Americans to live under progressive rules. Make them pay first class airfare for any South American peasant wanting to come here to be on our welfare rolls.
There were more Blacks, Latinos, Asians and young people who usually vote Dem, voted Repub this time.
Your argument does not wash.
There is always a low voter turn out for mid terms.
Actually that's a misleading claim. Actually, about the same number of Blacks, Asians, young people, and women voted for Republicans as vote for Republicans in every election. That's kinda what the Republicans have going for them. Their base is steady. They can always count on them, in every election.

However, since fewer Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, and especially young people voted in this election - as often happens during a mid-term election - the percentage of those demographics which "voted Republican" were, understandably higher.

My premise still stands.
Premise all you want, we kicked your asses out and have obama by the balls for the next two years.
Actually, not really. But, okay. You go with that thought...
The Demopcrats still control the Senate next January? You're claiming that? LOL
There were more Blacks, Latinos, Asians and young people who usually vote Dem, voted Repub this time.
Your argument does not wash.
There is always a low voter turn out for mid terms.
Actually that's a misleading claim. Actually, about the same number of Blacks, Asians, young people, and women voted for Republicans as vote for Republicans in every election. That's kinda what the Republicans have going for them. Their base is steady. They can always count on them, in every election.

However, since fewer Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, and especially young people voted in this election - as often happens during a mid-term election - the percentage of those demographics which "voted Republican" were, understandably higher.

My premise still stands.
Premise all you want, we kicked your asses out and have obama by the balls for the next two years.
Actually, not really. But, okay. You go with that thought...
The Demopcrats still control the Senate next January? You're claiming that? LOL
Ylou didn't say anything about control of Congress. You said, and I quote:

we...have obama by the balls for the next two years.
That is the claim I dispute. but, like I said. You go with that thought. Lemme know how that works out for ya...
obama's voter base didn't show up if they did they were voting Republican
Young voters

Most strikingly, voters 18-29 nationwide were only 13 percent of the electorate in 2014 (compared to nearly a quarter for GOP-leaning seniors.) In the 2010 midterms, when Democrats lost a combined 69 House and Senate seats, young voters made up 12 percent of the voting public. In contrast, during Obama’s re-election victory in 2012, nearly one in five voters was under 30.

In some key Senate races, young voters participated at an even lower rate.

Those voters 18-29 showed up even below that national number in North Carolina (12 percent of the electorate

*** Single women

More than one-in-five voters this cycle – 21 percent of the electorate -- was an unmarried woman, and a majority -- 60 to 38 percent – voted for Democrats.

Single women made up 23 percent of the electorate during Obama’s 2012 coalition, and they broke significantly harder for Obama in 2012 than for Senate and House Democrats in 2010. Then, 67 percent supported Obama, versus 31 percent for Romney.

*** African Americans

This cycle, black voters made up 12 percent of the national electorate. That’s compared to 11 percent in 2010 and 13 percent in 2012. Democrats particularly needed high black turnout in Southern states like Georgia and North Carolina.

Because exit poll data isn’t available for many of those states – which weren’t contested in the 2008 and 2012 presidential election – it’s not possible to make an apples-to-apples comparison to past presidential contests.

But here’s one data point we do have: In North Carolina, where Democrat Kay Hagan lost her seat to Republican Thom Tillis, black voters made up 21 percent of the electorate. In 2012, that figure was 23 percent.
Where Were All the Dems Here s Who Turned Up to Vote - NBC News
You made the ops point for him you stupid fuck.
If his point was that obama's base is fed up with democrats, Yes I did. Thanks for sharing your ignorance .

Fed up? The gop won because nobody showed up...that's not a can't even say you have the voice of the American public on your side. .

They did not show up because they are angry at their own side, but they did not want to vote for any Republican. The people who vote for the Dem's believe the lies and spins that the Dems say. Most of the people on this board who vote for the Dems believe their lies also. You are such derps
The majority of this nation says that we are going in the wrong direction. No more far left twilight zone between Reid and Obama.
All of the polls say the majority is headed in the wrong direction. 66% -
All of the polls taken say that the majority thinks this. It ranges from 58% to 68%.

Now we will have a budget from the Senate and get the bills passed that Reid sat on for 3 years.
What will be interesting is if Obama continues and vetoes all or most of them.
The people who also voted in the Republicans on are trial themselves and the Republicans know it. If they don't follow through and listen to the people that gave them one more chance then their party will go bye bye.
There were more Blacks, Latinos, Asians and young people who usually vote Dem, voted Repub this time.
Your argument does not wash.
There is always a low voter turn out for mid terms.
Actually that's a misleading claim. Actually, about the same number of Blacks, Asians, young people, and women voted for Republicans as vote for Republicans in every election. That's kinda what the Republicans have going for them. Their base is steady. They can always count on them, in every election.

However, since fewer Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, and especially young people voted in this election - as often happens during a mid-term election - the percentage of those demographics which "voted Republican" were, understandably higher.

My premise still stands.
Premise all you want, we kicked your asses out and have obama by the balls for the next two years.
Actually, not really. But, okay. You go with that thought...
The Demopcrats still control the Senate next January? You're claiming that? LOL
Ylou didn't say anything about control of Congress. You said, and I quote:

we...have obama by the balls for the next two years.
That is the claim I dispute. but, like I said. You go with that thought. Lemme know how that works out for ya...

You actually think that Obama is suddenly going to work with them after being at war with them for 6 years?
Sure, because they are fed up with obama and democrats in general, which is not the point you wanted to make is it?
IMHO, many Democrat voters are fed up with the party's inability to get legislation through congress. That's doesn't mean they are supporting a Republican agenda.
What you describe has been going on in Congress for decades. In the past bills sent to the Senate from the House went to the appropriate committee where it was voted on whether or not to send it to the full Senate for debate and a vote. Reid sent a few of the bills to committee, but sat on most of them. When and if a committee decides to send the bill to the full Senate, it will need 60 votes to over ride a filibuster. And, that was the end of a lot of the legislation for the last 6 years.

It really doesn't have anything to do with being meaningful, since that is a matter of opinion. The purpose of the two bodies is to debate bills, vote on amendments and vote up or down on the bill. If the bill originated in the house and is amended, it is sent to a bipartisan committee to come to an agreement and then sent back to the House for a vote on the final product. That doesn't seem to be happening either.
When I said, "The one thing they have not done is their job, creating meaningful legislation", I was speaking from the perspective of a voter. Maybe you think creating legislation strictly for political purposes that has no chance of passing is their job. I don't and millions of other voters agree.

right, because they can't pass more garbage bills that will strangle us more (like what SIZE soda cups you need to drink from) that must of been why Democrats stayed home. Because we all know they can't live their lives without Guberment telling them how to do it, right flopper?
man oh man you make Democrats look like they are "dependents" of the Federal Government

The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
What I find hard to believe that it was a prepared statement the arrogance of obama killed the democrats. I mean if obama faithful were behind him they would have made the effort because of that statement to go out and vote. But seems not many support obama's policies and the dems running for re-election paid the price for obama's arrogance
Except that those policies won every time. Minimum wage increase? Won. Marijuana? Won. Every progressive policy initiative that was on the ballot, won. But, democrats? Not so much. This wasn't a "vote against" progressivism. This was a resounding "Fuck off!" to Democrats who just have not had the balls to stand up for Progressives.

Minimum wage was and should be the province of state government. The cost of living in each state should determine the wages that the state sets the minimum wage at. Using New York City or Los Angeles cost of living to determine the wage scale in Tuscaloosa, Alabama is ludicrous to the extreme.

The jury is still out on marijuana. It is now legal in a number of states, but like alcohol, the effects may be turn out to be disastrous. I don't use it, but I do know several people who use it for medicinal relief and would do the same thing if I had their illness.

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