The Low Voter Turnout,.

Obama has always been cool, confident, and self-assured, certainly not a bad traits for a president. His opponents choose to interpret this as being arrogance, opinionated, and conceited, or what southerners use to call an "uppity N*****."

Turnout was abysmal across the nation at 34%, low for even midterm elections. There wasn't much reason for Democrats to vote. Republicans would continue to control the House and block Democrat legislation and wouldn't be able to override a veto. If I hadn't been voting by mail, I probably wouldn't have voted.

And that's a good point. we complain about low turnout, but the reality is, your vote doesn't really count.

I live in the 8th Congressional District, one that was purposely drawn to make it easier for a Democrat to win. We used to be represented by a Teabagging Mutant named Joe Walsh, who got in during the 2010 wave because no one knew who he was. Then they redrew the district in such a way where all the Republican Suburbs went to Peter Roskam (who had beaten Tammy Duckworth 6 years before) and more democratic leaning districts went into the new 8th. Walsh went down screaming in flames in 2012. He's been on the second string Hate Radio station ever since.

So this year, they nominated a guy named Kaifesh, a Marine Reserve Colonel who had no money, and could be counted on not to pick on the woman who lost both legs in Iraq.

Moving up to the Senate Race, we had Dick Durbin going up against a guy we like to call the Milk Dud. Jim Oberweis has run for and lost three Senate races, a governors race and two congressional races. But he has a shitload of money his family made selling ice cream, so he just won't go away no matter how many times the voters say no.

So really, when I see someone like Staph say "This race was a referendum on Obama", I'm saying, "Really, and who was asked?" Only 9 of the 34 Senate Races were really contested. (ANd shame on the Democrats for effectively conceding Montana, West Virgina and South Dakota without a fight.) these were sparsely populated States in the backwater.
obama's voter base didn't show up if they did they were voting Republican

Actually, nobody showed up. The Republican Senate candidates where they actually HAD contests got less votes than Romney got. So Romney's supporters didn't show up either.

StateCandiateTotal2012 Romney
right, because they can't pass more garbage bills that will strangle us more (like what SIZE soda cups you need to drink from) that must of been why Democrats stayed home. Because we all know they can't live their lives without Guberment telling them how to do it, right flopper?
man oh man you make Democrats look like they are "dependents" of the Federal Government

How is your freedom being restricted by not being able to drink a forty ounce soda?

here you go, you Democrats dependent on Government. WILL this be enough of them IN YOUR LIVES? for crying out loud we are going to be SLAVES to this Federal Government and Flopper said, you all stayed home because they didn't PASS ENOUGH bills on us? Remember when they CAME FOR THE SMOKERS you all said NOTHING?


Federal Committee: We Need Fat Interventions At Worksites
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee calls for increased ‘monitoring’ of kids’ weight, mandatory check-ups

Or you can just do what a lot of employers do and not hire fat people to start with.

I don't really care that they came for the smokers. I was actually GRATEFUL that they came for the smokers, to be honest with you.
The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
Where do you get your "facts"? Most people I know would rather not pay into SS and have their own plan. Same with insurance. Most people want welfare? You are confusing your opinions for facts.
When Republicans tried to prioritize Social Security, American came out strongly in favor of maintaining the current system. When asked if people should be allowed to invest only a portion of their Social Security taxes in Stocks, respondents said no, by a slight majority .

In a Gallop poll, respondents were asked if payment of benefits cause a major financial problem for the government, should benefits be reduced. 56% said no.

CBS News Poll
. Jan. 17-21, 2014. N=1,018 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Overall, do you think the benefits from Social Security are worth the cost of the program for taxpayers?"
73% - Yes.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 23-25, 2011. N=1,010 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Would you say that the Social Security system has been good for the country, has been bad for the country, or has had no effect on the country?"
79% - Good.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 9-11, 2011.
N=1,038 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"The Social Security system has been described as a 'monstrous lie' and as a failure. Do you think those phrases are an accurate description of the Social Security system, or don't you think so?"
Not Accurate - 72%

Social Security
Social Security Gallup Historical Trends
obama's voter base didn't show up if they did they were voting Republican

Actually, nobody showed up. The Republican Senate candidates where they actually HAD contests got less votes than Romney got. So Romney's supporters didn't show up either.

StateCandiateTotal2012 Romney
Dumb ass North Carolina set a record for mid term voter turnout
The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
Where do you get your "facts"? Most people I know would rather not pay into SS and have their own plan. Same with insurance. Most people want welfare? You are confusing your opinions for facts.
When Republicans tried to prioritize Social Security, American came out strongly in favor of maintaining the current system. When asked if people should be allowed to invest only a portion of their Social Security taxes in Stocks, respondents said no, by a slight majority
That doesn't make your case. Maybe some, like me, would prefer to use all their SS tax money in the market. Most didn't want government to run their health care insurance, last I checked. Most people might want free stuff but that's why we are a republic. And the more conservatives in office the more sound the economy and spending will be. Not all Republicans are conservative, GW Bush certainly wasn't, so not all Republicans will help solve the problem. But precious few Democrats will. Where are all the fiscally conservative Democrats anyway?
My spin on the low voter turn out would be the past elections and higher turn outs is what led to a congress with a lower approval than head lice. So really, what's the point in voting any more? :)
The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
Where do you get your "facts"? Most people I know would rather not pay into SS and have their own plan. Same with insurance. Most people want welfare? You are confusing your opinions for facts.
When Republicans tried to prioritize Social Security, American came out strongly in favor of maintaining the current system. When asked if people should be allowed to invest only a portion of their Social Security taxes in Stocks, respondents said no, by a slight majority .

In a Gallop poll, respondents were asked if payment of benefits cause a major financial problem for the government, should benefits be reduced. 56% said no.

CBS News Poll
. Jan. 17-21, 2014. N=1,018 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Overall, do you think the benefits from Social Security are worth the cost of the program for taxpayers?"
73% - Yes.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 23-25, 2011. N=1,010 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Would you say that the Social Security system has been good for the country, has been bad for the country, or has had no effect on the country?"
79% - Good.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 9-11, 2011.
N=1,038 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"The Social Security system has been described as a 'monstrous lie' and as a failure. Do you think those phrases are an accurate description of the Social Security system, or don't you think so?"
Not Accurate - 72%

Social Security
Social Security Gallup Historical Trends
As ideologues, of course, most republicans aren't interested in the facts or wishes of the American people.
The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
Where do you get your "facts"? Most people I know would rather not pay into SS and have their own plan. Same with insurance. Most people want welfare? You are confusing your opinions for facts.
When Republicans tried to prioritize Social Security, American came out strongly in favor of maintaining the current system. When asked if people should be allowed to invest only a portion of their Social Security taxes in Stocks, respondents said no, by a slight majority .

In a Gallop poll, respondents were asked if payment of benefits cause a major financial problem for the government, should benefits be reduced. 56% said no.

CBS News Poll
. Jan. 17-21, 2014. N=1,018 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Overall, do you think the benefits from Social Security are worth the cost of the program for taxpayers?"
73% - Yes.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 23-25, 2011. N=1,010 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Would you say that the Social Security system has been good for the country, has been bad for the country, or has had no effect on the country?"
79% - Good.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 9-11, 2011.
N=1,038 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"The Social Security system has been described as a 'monstrous lie' and as a failure. Do you think those phrases are an accurate description of the Social Security system, or don't you think so?"
Not Accurate - 72%

Social Security
Social Security Gallup Historical Trends
As ideologues, of course, most republicans aren't interested in the facts or wishes of the American people.

LOL. I think I need a link for that.
The fact is that most Americans be them Republicans, Democrats, or whatever depend on government. Republicans promise a small less expensive government but they have no intention of delivering on that promise. Notice how McConnell is backing off from his promise to repeal Obamacare now that Republicans control the Senate.

To make substantial cuts in government means cutting spending in areas such as defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Homeland Security, federal welfare programs, food stamps, health insurance subsidies, education, and thousands of programs that directly benefit both voters, and businesses. People will support government cuts as long as those cuts don't effect them. Americans may hate big government but they love those healthcare subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, food stamps, free and reduced school lunches, large defense contracts, new roads and bridges, government disaster aid, and protection from terrorist attacks. What Americans really want is all the goodies that big government provides without having to pay the piper.
Where do you get your "facts"? Most people I know would rather not pay into SS and have their own plan. Same with insurance. Most people want welfare? You are confusing your opinions for facts.
When Republicans tried to prioritize Social Security, American came out strongly in favor of maintaining the current system. When asked if people should be allowed to invest only a portion of their Social Security taxes in Stocks, respondents said no, by a slight majority .

In a Gallop poll, respondents were asked if payment of benefits cause a major financial problem for the government, should benefits be reduced. 56% said no.

CBS News Poll
. Jan. 17-21, 2014. N=1,018 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Overall, do you think the benefits from Social Security are worth the cost of the program for taxpayers?"
73% - Yes.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 23-25, 2011. N=1,010 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Would you say that the Social Security system has been good for the country, has been bad for the country, or has had no effect on the country?"
79% - Good.

CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 9-11, 2011.
N=1,038 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"The Social Security system has been described as a 'monstrous lie' and as a failure. Do you think those phrases are an accurate description of the Social Security system, or don't you think so?"
Not Accurate - 72%

Social Security
Social Security Gallup Historical Trends
As ideologues, of course, most republicans aren't interested in the facts or wishes of the American people.

wow, the Majority of the people was against OscamCare did you all LISTEN TO THEM? hell know YOUR party passed it without ONE Republican voting for it. so knock off your BS. your mad so what, stop lying
wow, the Majority of the people was against OscamCare did you all LISTEN TO THEM? hell know YOUR party passed it without ONE Republican voting for it. so knock off your BS. your mad so what, stop lying

You guys had a chance to vote for the whole country on ObamaCare.

That was 2012. You didn't do it.

Winning the Cleetus Midterms doesn't change that.
wow, the Majority of the people was against OscamCare did you all LISTEN TO THEM? hell know YOUR party passed it without ONE Republican voting for it. so knock off your BS. your mad so what, stop lying

You guys had a chance to vote for the whole country on ObamaCare.

That was 2012. You didn't do it.

Winning the Cleetus Midterms doesn't change that.

the whole country STILL DOESN'T WANT OscamCare... but what do you care if NO REPUBLICANS wanted it... the Demcorats still FORCED it ON US
So please you've been ranting for days

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